USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

That’s a premium you have to buy?
The only other one I can think of is Chinese.

Again, why are we on this topic?

They slowed down the speed in which you can kill and locked it behind a late research. I would think that falls under the definition of a nerf.

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Poor baby, the M247 got nerfed because it’s still one of the best aa in the game.

It’s radar is far better than most other nations.

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Oh so we agree it was a nerf.

on a second note just cause something gets nerfed doesn’t mean is still isn’t good.

Then why do you care so much? Clearly you must play the US if you are so overly hurt that the A-10C should be 12.0
The New AV-8B should possibly go to 11.7, now that I’m looking at it, it’ll be pretty good at 11.7, pretty well balanced.

Yes, I know, it’s very surprising I expect an aircraft not to be a total free kill to the enemy, crazy.

Because I care about things being balanced and fairly placed.

Harrier Gr7 is an example of an aircraft that is totally unplayable at the moment due to its 12.7 BR. It sucks. No aircraft should be subjected to a BR that renders it unplayable.

Spent most of 2023 in that same situation trying to play the Tornado F3 vs Mig-29s and F-16s because it had an 11.7 BR (so was always uptiered) for “reasons”. Virutally unplayable at that rating, especially back then with the MP how it was and how nerfed the F3 was.

A-10C at 11.7 would be fine imo. It wont be all that strong unless you give it free kills. If it is, then it can move up to 12.0. But incremental increases should always be prefered.

Sim is the last home of the strike aircraft. Strike aircraft being nerfed because “they shouldnt be good” is just not fun or fair for anyone

So why do you want hte A-10C to be at a BR where it is a free kill to literally everyone in the match?

Nah, 11.3 is right for it. Its weaker than the Harrier Gr7 was with 4x Aim-9Ls and that was sat at 11.0 and was fine for the 9 months it was there. With a decompress Id place it at 11.3 instaed. Sea Harrier FRS1 needs to go down to 11.0 though. As it went up 2 stops instead of just 1 in the decompress. Which would then be about right for balance vs the AV-8B(NA).

One thing you have to remember about the harriers. They are incredibly hard to flare an incoming IR missile because of how Gaijin model Heat sigs. To defeat something like an R-60M, you have to drop a lot of flares

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All those VTOL aircraft can put turn pretty much every fighter… so I really cannot see what your getting at.

If the A-10C is only 11.7, then the Su-39 should get its lovely R-77 only fair and balanced after all.

No, an 11.3 aircraft, (A-10C, Av-8b, etc) are at the same br as things such as the Mig-23M, and Su-17m4 etc.
the nato aircraft will annihilate these other 11.3 aircraft. God rest the Su-17M4… I’m sure nobody will touch that ever again.

But the mig 23M is the most screwed. 12 large Cms won’t defeat an Aim-9m and it can’t over g them.

If you are trying to low and slow turn fight a harrier, Then you will loose. its like trying to turn fight a Spitfire in a Bf-109, of course you are going find yourself with an ass full of 20mm Hispanos.

The Harrier is slow compared to most aircraft at that BR and it is difficult to engage targets. Its hard to defeat an incoming IR missile due to aforementioned modeling issues and Aim-9Ls are very easy to defeat in most aircraft. There are certainly buffs the AV-8B and other harriers could get to justfy a higher BR, but for now those arent in game. Also if you want to take most of your A2G payload in the AV-8B(NA) you will ditch 2x Aim-9L ( I know the only reason id buy it is to drop 10x JDAMs on the battlefields)

What? How does the A-10C with 4x Aim-9M at 11.7 + Su-39 with 2x R-77s at 11.7?

4x R-73s for the Su-39. I maybe get that argument. (or more reaslistically 2x R-27ETs) But what does R-77s have to do with the price of bread? Why are you interested in making soviets totally OP.

Though if you want Su-39 with R-77s at 11.7 then Sea harrier FA2 can drop from 13.0 to 11.7 then :P

and The Tornado Gr1 and F-111C/F is the same BR as the Mig-23MLD and the HArrier Gr7 is the same BR as the Mig-29 . Im not really sure what you are getting at here.

Then dont fly near the A-10C which will be around the battlefields. These arent Aim-9Xs that can shoot over the shoulder. You have to give the A-10C a shot oppotunity first (also 12x Large CMs is about 4 more than I think you realistically need to defeat 4x Aim-9Ms)

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You really should try high tier America. But your profile really doesn’t show Britain as being super bad.

I have also added my vehicle list to compare. Ignore the A6e I only bomb with it.
Also, my mig-29 stats are from when it was first out, and I spaded it, haven’t played it since.
My Yak-141 is good cuz I spaded it after everyone got the new F-14 Persian cat.
My best kd aircraft is the Su-27, because it actually is a good plane, and you can keep up with F-16s, but prevent them from firing aim-9ms (sometimes) every death in my Su-27 is also to an Aim-9m.

Ask literally anyone, they will tell you Britain gets kinda screwed. Also. Like the Harrier Gr7. It was really good for about a year with 4x Aim-9Ls. Then got 4x Aim-9Ms last september and Ive barely played it since.

FGR2 was sheer number of matches. Was our only top tier fighter for 3 years.

Tornado F3 took 12 months to be rendered playable, but is awesome now it fights Mig-23MLDs and not Mig-29SMTs.

They weren’t screwed when the GR.7 was 11.7 in sim for awhile. That was literally hell for the rest of us.

eh… Not really imo. 11.7 meant that until the new brackets in Feb this year. you were forced uptier vs Mig-29SMTs and Su-27s.

After those brackets and before the decompress, it was better and reasonably playable, but hasnt been since. 12.7 sucks. 12.0 would be so much better for it. (Either that or buff the Harrier Gr7 like give it its missing 2x Aim-9Ms, its much better historically accurate MAWS system, etc etc)

Even basic things like this would be a major buff:

Forced? Not in the slightest. You can pick what you want to play in sim, and with that having 4 aim-9ms when it was at 11.7, that was utter stupidity by gaijin.

Also, I don’t know how you still believe the Su-25SM3 should be higher in br. It only gets 2 r-73 at 12.3, so the A-10C is better with thermals, ammo count, caliber size, ordinance amount, turn rate, and 4 aim-9ms at a whole be under the 12.3 su-25sm3.

Also, top tier Russia indeed suffers unless you run a su-27.

Look at my Mig-29smt stats for reference.

Back then, the only brackets for 11.7 were vs 12.3. All 11.7 aircraft could only play in the brackets that were uptiers. Its why the Tornado F3 sucked for all of 2023 until the Feb BR changed brackets because at 11.7 it never once had a downtier bracket like it does now. Even at the moment, there is no 12.3 bracket, which is why I consider the Harrier Gr7 a 12.7 aircraft. It has to always play in a small uptier.

That one. No actually. and I have spoken on this before. its GRB rating is fully deserved. But it should have the same air BR as the Su-39/Su-25T. Basically it trades IRCM for a better RWR and MAWS.

I have spoken to someone about that who I trust their opinion off. There are 3 issues for the Su-27 at the moment

  1. Bad radar. Not a lot that can be done about that. Su-27 had a bad radar. its not until something like the Su-30 (I fully expect sometime this year) that that changes.

  2. Bug affecting radars double scanning or something, cant recall the phrase of the top of my head. Affects a lot of radars (feel it in the Sea Harrier FA2 and gripen) but affects the Su-27 notably hard

  3. R-77 is lacking in terms of range, but is good CQB. R-77-1 likely coming sooner rather than later would fix that easily. Also Su-27SM does have 4x R-73s and 8x R-77s. Its a rather insane loadout and from a few soviet mains Ive spoken to. 4x R-73s, 2x R-27ET, 2x R-27ER and 4x R–77 is an insanely good loadout and one of most adaptable loadouts in the game at the moment.

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I have yet to even score a kill with a r-77 ngl.
At least an R-27er is more likely to hit something.

They did break Russian top tier radars in the last update, not sure if they were ever fixed.

I hopped into a sim 12.0 game and 7 people out of 10 on my team are running the A-10C

Its a new aircraft. What do you expect. I was in my Tornado F3 yesterday and there was 3 or 4 Su-24Ms. Made good hunting.

its a ground attack aircraft. Sim is the best place to spade it. either that or try to evade Pantsirs when stock. Fairly certain the Su-25SM3 was quite common for a weak or 2 after it was added probably for the same reason. (Its also the aircraft US mains have been asking for for quite a while)

Its better to give it at least a week.

I dont have the greatest success rate with AMRAAM at the moment, Though I’ve only been playing the Sea harrier FA2 and in Sim that thing is rather badly unfinished. You have to guess where the target is at and then fire. No HUD sucks.

I get the soviet struggle at top tier. I had to deal with the same in the F3 vs Mig-29SMTs. So I do actually understand. Though there is little to be done about it at the moment and little that can be done till soviets get a new top tier aicraft. (which hopefully will be just before Typhoon)

The Mig-29 smt & Su-27Sm should have fairly decent radars.

But, so you say the Su-39 is very easy to use, and the Su-25T right? Well, I just killed a Su-39 6 times with a F-4S, he couldn’t do anything to retaliate because I kept hitting him 7 miles out.

However the F-4J(UK) i do actually feel bad for though. That should probably be 11.7

Thermals either make or break a vehicle. Thermals are like the No.1 most important thing for any CAS

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Should be lower than that. Its worse than the FGR2 and FG1 at 11.3.

Right… So you were playing your 12.0 aircraft in a correct manner. Now do the same in the Mig-23MLD against the A-10Cs

And Russia doesn’t have any… yay…