Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

The game is built on the WW2 designs. The flight models and vehicle models are taken from a library Gaijin have, and are tweaked to allow the aircraft to perform the way Gaijin think it should.
We have seen a host of issues with the new processes and mechanics the engine is being asked to do.
From Radar not being blocked by trees or even mountains, to something simple like engine exhaust being modelled on the actual engine temperature as per a WW2 Piston engine aircraft and not at the exhaust like a jet aircraft.

Then we have “spaghetti coding” Gaijin discovers a problem and code over it with a fix but in doing so they break something fundamental in the game. Due to the makeup of the coding they want to keep this new feature so they write code over to fix that. Soon this becomes a mess and we see frequently and will see it with the next update that some lesser played vehicle or mechanic is not working and that’s the result of the coding practises.

We at this point need a “Warthunder 2” starting from scratch with an engine capable of meeting what Gaijin need and future proofing it.

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cold fusion F-5 engines are fearing for their lives

Exactly this. Iirc someone (Flame? Fireball? Morv?) provided substantial evidence that you basically can’t get an IR seeker lock on a Harrier from a top down aspect.

Yet in actual practice the Harrier can prove to be rather… reluctant to not get locked by IR missiles.


Still infuriates me that they took the engine temp of the f5 from the jet and the plume which we have significant data on as nasa and another country (dont qoute me as a know the guy will pop up here and give you the names) measured it themselves for testing.

Especially after coming from a game where my r60m refused to lock an f5 from the side aspect untill 1.4km away…




It has been confirmed that engine temperature does not impact how easy it is to lock the target. Apparently how much thrust the engine produces is all that matters.



I’ve got one better for you. SRAAM. 0.5km. Fails to acquire, even when the F-5 flies pretty much in front of the seeker (can’t get a guns solution on him, hence the want to chuck an SRAAM at him)


Still waiting on them to add the red tops and sraams all aspect capability, as well as fix the fm for both. The sraam would become a pretty potent missile again while the red top would allow for jets like the sea vixen and lightning to finally move up as to not see 8.3 anymore.

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Red top all aspects I don’t think would be an issue at its respective BRs. Easy enough to defeat those with a lazy turn, but SRAAM all-aspect would need a BR increase and whilst something like a Hawk with CMs would be fine with them. The hunter F6 and harrier Gr1 would only suffer for it. But the double range and TVC fixes though would be an ample buff…


your forgetting about the jags, as one of them could get it. But at the moment they are all but usless unless your in sim. Most of the time your facing jets that far outclass you all while your required to get within 1.5km due to the limited range of the missile. Worst of all is the limited gs it can pull as gaijin still havent bothered to attempt to fix it even after the r73 addition causing it to not pull nearly as much as it could irl.

With the all apsect capability it could then fill a similar role to r60ms at top tier where you just use them as head on joust or for when your cannons simply cant get on target.

All-aspect SRAAMs would be fun on other aircraft, even the Tornado. But unlikely to ever come unfortunately

SRAAMs and HMD for the tornado would actually be insanely fun and interesting, sadly this wont happen. But this could happen for the jag gr 4 if they stick with allowing ground hmd being able to slave missiles. Would make for an excellent dog fighter compared to the hunter and jag which both suffer from lackluster performance for the br.

yeah, if that goes unfixed for the A-10C. then the Tornado Gr4 could get a nice buff out of it;. Though we do still have PHC that could be modeled for all other Tornados

Thatll just never happen tho…

Wait, can the F3 get a HMD ? Historically speaking I mean.

Would be absolutely huge for the aircraft if it can.

I just got the Supertemp yesterday. I honestly struggled grinding the plane. The skyflash are horrible to use when the plane is in constant uptier. I barely managed a 1:1 KDR and that was mostly because most of my Skyflash kills were a suicide joust at low altitude where I got a kill nut got hit by a 27R1 or 7M in return.

Supertemp are much better for the time-to-target, so I will probably manage better stats with time, but honestly I think I’m gonna shelve the plane for now. It’s simply unsuited for constant uptier into F16s and F15s. It’s a beast in downtier matches, like in 11.3-12.3 matches, but I’d rat8her play the EJ Kai most of the time I think. I’ll give it more shots later now that I got the ST.

This plane honestly highlight the need for further decompression. It offers a very fair fights against the late Phantom family, Mig23, Mirage F1, even the first Mig29 and F16A with 9L only, but it struggle against anything more advanced.

Tho if it can get a HMD… man, that would be amazing for a more defensive playstyle. Having to point the nose or rely on the TWS for acquiring a target is a big downside for a plane that refuse to turn.

The only Tonka F to get HMD was TIARA, so that was not a serial thing, and most likely will not be added to F3.

I assume TIARA was an upgrade package or a specific aircraft

Perhaps we could get it as a modification?

It was a specific aircraft operated out of Boscombe Down.
F.2A Tornado Integrated Avionics Research Aircraft (TIARA), ZD902

Have you tried the dogfight ACM mode ? It’s the tall box shape, not a HMD but can be very useful in some situations when u need to get a sidewinder off quickly.

It honestly works perfectly in dog fights and allows for quick release of SARH missiles in dog fights.