BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Genuine question here. (This may have been discussed previously, but i cannot find it)

How come the 2x Aim 9L/M pylons on the FA.2 SHAR cant take the BOL/LAU138 countermeasure pods?

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There is nothing specific in the manual that says it cannot be done, but there isn’t also anything that says it can be done either.


Fair. Just a weird surprise after playing the F.3 and other airframes.


that’s insanely counterintuitive… especially given how for the first months of the Tornadoes idling your throttle was a requirement to decoy anything

I got hit and killed by an AIM9E on release of the GR.1, and I was on 30% throttle iirc

And yes I’m still mad.

Excellent tactics good sir, I will fly in a perfectly straight line and give people a free kill because there is an IR missile threat…

Also I know you’ve mentioned the 9M, but that’s actually BS, because there’s a situation where conducting the optimal defensive manouevres in game is actually increasing the odds you get killed lmao


now when gaijin added realistic radar screens we could forward historical radar screen for sea harrier frs.1(e),late

GTM- ground target mode search

GTM track

normal radar seach

radar search ground clutter example

radar search track


As in on the HUD HUD or on one of the monitors?

monitors, i meant radar screen not HUD ,my bad


Got an insane idea but…


Can you suggest to the devs to replace the FA2’s Harrier Gr3 placeholder cockpit HUD with that of the F3’s? That way we can actually get some usable HUD symbology and it might actually be playable in Sim


The spaghetti won’t be able to handle that


why not? it should be a job of dragging and dropping the HUD code into the FA.2s files.

It’d make it a hell of a lot more usable (radar symbology for one)


Why the the FA.2?
Why not all Shars

The FRS1 should also have similar symbology but not too the same degree and would be a far larger ask. Meanwhile the FA2 likely has all of the same symbology, but would just look different

I was thinking of all SHars getting F.3 HUD until the real HUDs come in. (If they ever come)

Yeah… It would be nice, but I think it’s asking for too much. FA2 though… I don’t think to quite the same degree

well given their issue with the FRS1 was they didn’t have diagrams for HUD symbology but did have FA2 diagrams… you’d think they’d have the FA2 one ready to go, since they must’ve known it was under development…

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Though, that being said, Flame submitted those docs needed for the FRS1 last September. Its a shame they didnt ask the community with help getting those docs before hand as well .


to be honest its a shame about a lot of things.

Does make you wonder what Gaijin is doing if it isn’t implementing HUDs for aircraft? I do find mine very useful, in and out of Sim.

Probably working on something for the next soviet aircraft, like GMR for the SU-24 or something

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well we know they did work on MFDs, and not all the top/high tier planes have updated ones yet so that’s probably part of it.

I get my head around non-functional MFDs, but HUDs are pretty essential to Sim gameplay, and right now both the Sea Harriers have useless/non-existent HUD symbology. at the minute the FRS.1 takes its from the Harrier GR.3 (a slight problem, given the GR.3 doesn’t have a radar) and lordy knows where the FA.2’s one is from

MFDs shouldn’t be an issue for whether a HUD is implemented or not. The reverse might be true, as some aircraft have MFD modes that mirror the HUD display (F/A-18 comes to mind)