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That’s something they’ve legitimately said about the R-77 lmaoooo

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You can’t have them last if you already have one and i still have none to research :p

Wait till EFT/Rafales are brutally butchered by Gaijin xD


Yeah… I do fear them. If nothing else, with their high TWR. They could be really really hard to flare in


Flare resistance is based upon Thrust to flare ratios. It why the Harriers suck so much at the moment:

Aircraft like the Typhoon have a positive TWR, so high thrust and are also dependent on BOL, weakest flares in the game

Though flame has a plan/suggestion for fixing that

Oh so the most a plane have a powerfull TWR, the less it can flare missiles?

Damn that’s sad. Mirage 4000 is already a positive TWR and i guess this don’t help it.

Hope they rework that, specially in thoses era of planes where EW become something really strong. Keeping a thing like that is gonna be obsolete and sad.

Maybe? The system makes no sense at all and needs a overhaul


Weird otter decal

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Canadian Otter armored car confirmed !!

Or M26 Otter.


Both the engine heat and countermeasure systems need a massive overhaul tbh


Harriers that are hotter than the sun with stone cold flares and then on the other side F-5’s with engines that are at room temperature at full AB. Gaijin needs to rework flares and the whole heat system instead of just explaining how they modelled it over and over again. Literally half of the answers Gaijin give to us asking about something that needs to be done is just them explaining how the broken way it is implemented works.


Yeah, its exactly that thrust issue which causes that

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Yeah, would change the dyanmic of the game massively

IR Combat would be both harder and more effective

Yugoslavia deserves to be independent regardless.

It is honestly a joke.

I played a game earlier in the F-111A and I watching my 9B just tunnel vision through flares and track perfectly to a Sea Harrier that was trying his hardest to flare but he had just come out of a fight and was slow. I genuinely felt bad for the guy.

There is always thrust issue with Gaijin )))

Except Gaijin is doing the thrusting and it ain’t consensual


This was the mascot of the streamer today lol

Yeah, ive had an F-5E defeat a rear aspect Aim-9M whilst on full reheat with 2 flares and no turn, but god forbid I try to defeat an Aim-9E with 20 flares and hard turning

(especially as the harrier should be able to block most IR missiles with clever use of thrust vector)

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