Can’t notch/chaff anything now

Stona acknowledged this post, I’m guessing it’s being relayed to Gaijin.

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They did? When? (Not doubting just curious)

yeah Stona edited the tag from Air Rb to Air Battles. Maybe it’s was a fluke I haven’t played yet today. Seems to be back to normal and working so far

There’s absolutely something wrong with chaff.

Noticed it when I tried to chaff a Pulse seeker SARHs. Dumped like 30 pops of chaff and it still tracked despite only one being more than enough. Made my jaw drop, thought I was losing my marbles.


This is one of the recently updated code that was applied to the live server about 2 days ago.

This appears to have made it impossible to evade radar-guided missiles.


Well… In that instance, you are firing a Magic II missile which has IRCCM. It should be very hard to flare, especially when fired at close range

I dont have any hands on experience with the Aim-9H but with the Aim-9G they can sometimes travel along a stream of flares, so if the target doesnt jink as well, then the missile will still hit.

R-60s I dont think were very flare resistant IRL, I dont have any sources either way, but it doesnt massively surprise me if they were less resistant (I think they have quite a large FoV if Im not mistaken)


Yes I agree, IR combat needs an overhaul. For example. We have docs from an RAF test which basically confirm that Aim-9L fired in rear aspect against a reheating target should be unflareable (even with large calibre flares). In-game its extremely easy to flare an Aim-9L under those conditions, even with smaller flares.

The issue is how Gaijin model flare effectiveness, its based upon “thrust to flare ratio”. I dont really understand it myself, so dont ask me more than that. But this is why the Harrier’s are so massively screwed at the moment. The more thrust your engine has, the less effective flares are and the harrier produces way more thrust at low speed. So trying to jink a missile, you have just made flares significantly less effective


IRL, a harrier could hides its IR signature just by angling the nozzles 30 degrees and pulling up slightly. Placing the wing between the seeker and the exhaust

We’re dying.

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Just realized this…
this is literally disaster

Chaff became trash and ARH became unable to dodge


It seems like it’s been like that for a few days, but it’s not just me. I can’t avoid ARH missiles, so I even want to quit War Thunder.


Yup, seems like ARH missiles became literally impossible to notch recently.


After this patch, ARH seeker rarely sees the chaff.
Never thought Gripen would fail with 150+ chaff dumped. Seeker never saw the chaff.


Experienced same thing, chaffs are useless at this moment.
kinda hilarious tho


You’re right. ARH Seeker resistance went up significantly in the latest patch.

I like the fact that War Thunder is trying to be realistic. But recent patches like this only make the game sicker and never have a positive impact


The seeker performance of ARH missiles is abnormally high right now. It’s impossible to evade them using beam maneuvers and chaff. It’s good to be realistic, but let’s not forget that this is still a game. Especially in Air Realistic mode, where respawning isn’t possible, this creates a lot of frustration.


At least I was right. Thought I was going crazy. They should announce changes like this… almost went completely under the radar…


I also did not understand and do not understand such an attitude and behavior of the developer - to make changes that fundamentally break the system and not announce it.


What about AIM-54s?

They can track targets even if you spammed chaffs and turned over 90s?

Yep, even Fakour-90 ignores chaff too.
Pulse (not doppler) seekers also ignore the chaff.
I have no idea what is happening now.

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Any idea on if this will be getting fixed… getting a bit frustrated some that Aim-9Cs and R-3Rs don’t see chaff at all now…

I guess it is time to bring my Mirage IIIC for wiping F8U spammers XD