AV-8 still 9.7 despite having flares and AIM-9Gs

Ahh okay. Well that’s why I was replying to you. To tell the other person too

but still harriers are undertiered , they are fighting early supersonics and late subsonics with aim-9a and no flairs , since the grb and arb battle ratings are different now harrier should go up in arb

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The problem is that the Mirage 3E and 3C are identical outside of the E having CM. Additionally its got pretty superb weapons and at 10.0 (mirage 3C) they would be ridiculous in the hands of the right pilot. The balancingcheck being the all aspect slingers that make players avoid the Mirage 3C. At 10.3 you have the A5C which has 2 magic 1’s with a lot of CM but its a mig 19 body so not great but not bad. Also at 10.7 you have the AJ37, which only has 2 Aim 9P3 and a gunpod with 150 rounds and usually 1 CM pod with 24 flares and 330 chaff. Pretty bad armament compared to the mirage but much better flight performance until its gets slow in which it also doesn’t accelerate fast but its top speed on deck is faster than everything else iirc.

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So, basically they need to continue the decompression down a bit further as they are a bit stuck. Needs to go down, but cant go down

I think people forget how pisspoor the early harriers performance actually are


If they got fixed/buff sure. But SHars with Aim-9Ls and radars are very hard to play at their respective BRs. With only Aim-9Gs and no potential future buffs, they’d basically be unplayable.

For example this is what the Harrier’s were like IRL when it comes to defeating missiles:

Sea Harrier Over the Falklands by Sharkey Ward


but in game IR signature is based upon thrust:

So basically Defending a missile in a Harrier is a pain in the butt due to game limiations. If that was fixed. Then sure, they could move up quite a lot.

Lot of cm = 18?

Compared to other 10.0 and 10.3 thats more than them which have none

the hunter and GR1 harrier are at 9.7 with only SRAAM and no flares. ww2 jets face late Korean war jets. complaining about imbalance in this game is like saying water is wet. we know

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They dont have flares.

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Swiss hunter harrier GR3 and both av8 have flares, i think he meant to say the GR3

I did not create this thread for your benefit. I created it to share feedback with the developers.

@FlyingDoctor this user is trying to mimmick you are you two brothers?

Bro, I’m just trying to help you in keeping your thread unlocked…

Are you @FlyingDoctor ???


Pretty sure Mirage IIIE doesn’t have a gunpod…

A-4 Ayit: Countermeasures, missiles, AGM’s, GBU’s, significant bomb load, …

9.3 in RB, 9.7 in SB.

i mistyped, it was very late at night. I’ve corrected the comment

Yes 9.3 with AIM-9Bs and an infinitely worse flight profile. Not 8.7