IRCCM (InfraRed Counter-Counter-Measure) are technics to make the missile able to reject IRCM (InfraRed Counter-Measure) sutch as flares. Do to that multiple technics are used sutch as :
Multiple element seeker which reduce the FOV of the missile so the missile has less chance to see the flare. Work best at close range.
Dual band such as UV and IR so single spectral IR flare don’t work against those missile.
Suspendend tracking as when the missile see a flare separating from the aircraft, it stop tracking and use INS until the flare is not in it’s seeker view.
Imaging Infrared Seeker (IIR) which does an image of the target so flaring become mutch more difficult. Currently IIR seeker are available on ATGM and those are modeled as having a 0.1 IFOV.
Length: 2.85m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.64m
Weight: 86kg
** Maximum Speed:** Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 18km
Propulsion: MTI/ Hercules MK.36 Mod 9-11
Seeker capabilities: Improved seeker over the AIM-9L with IRCCM. The WGU-4A/B (AIM-9M-1/2/3 GCS) has flare rejection capabilities that don’t involve suspending tracking.
The WGU-4D/B (AIM-9M-6/7 GCS) then added improved guidance during flare detection, and the WGU-4E/B (AIM-9M-8/9/10 GCS) expanded the IRCM detection circuitry to improve capabilities against tactical IRCM. The WGU-4C/B (AIM-9M-4/5 GCS), but I can’t see anything on the specific changes with that version of the GCS.
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation
Guidance Type: LOBL, INS
Maneuvering Capability: 30G-35G single plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Precision on the different version
AIM-9M-1 - the version used by the navy and air force, the guidance section WGU-4A/B.
AIM-9M-2 - ?
AIM-9M-3 - version of the navy with guidance sections WGU-4A/B.
AIM-9M-4 - version of the navy with guidance sections WGU-4C/B.
AIM-9M-5 - the designation of the u.s. air force for AIM-9M-4.
AIM-9M-6 - a variant of the navy with specific modifications to take account of use in the Persian gulf, the guidance section WGU-4D/B.
AIM-9M-7 - the designation of the u.s. air force for AIM-9M-6.
AIM-9M-8 - version of the navy with increased resistance to infrared interference, the engine of the Mk.36 Mod.11 and the guidance section WGU-4E/B. Development testing lasted a year and were conducted from the third quarter of fiscal year 1991 at the Naval Air Warfare Center in China Lake. Troop tests were conducted in may 1993. In may 1995 initiated the introduction into the armament of the navy. The standard M-8 were adjusted to the older M-1 and M-3.
AIM-9M-9 - designation of the u.s. air force for AIM-9M-8.
AIM-9M-10 - AIM-9M-8 adapted for use on airplanes [F/A-18E/F Super Hornet], the wings of the rocket made of a material with increased resistance to delamination, the front bracket of the rockets has increased resistance to wear.
Thank to @reinshil for the explanation of the subvariant
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not been produced.
Length: 2.85m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.64m
Weight: 86kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 18km
Propulsion: MTI/ Hercules MK.36 Mod 9
Seeker capabilities: WGU-19/B IIR with 256*256 pixel (daylight only)
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 30G-35G single plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Initial version of the missile. Entered service in 2003.
Length: 3.02m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.445; 0.353m (canard span)
Weight: 86kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 25-30km
Propulsion: MTI/ Hercules MK.139
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker with 128*128 pixels with 90° gimbal.
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation
Guidance Type: LOBL, (INS?)
Maneuvering Capability: 50G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 2.5s.
Improved version of the 9X with better 360° coverage thanks to LOAL, INS and DATALINK. Better range since the missile is now able to loft.
Length: 3.02m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.445; 0.353m (canard span)
Weight: 86kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 35-40km (Up to 15km when ground launched)
Propulsion: MTI/ Hercules MK.139
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker with 128*128 pixels with 90° gimbal.
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation
Maneuvering Capability: 50G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 2.5s.
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not yet been produced.
Length: 3.02m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.445; 0.353m (canard span)
Weight: 86kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 65km (60% range upgrade over the AIM-9X Block 2)
Propulsion: MTI/ Hercules MK.139. Dual pulsed solid fuel rocket motor.
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker with 128*128 pixels with 90° gimbal.
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation
Maneuvering Capability: 50G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 2.5s.
For more information: The AIM-9 Sidewinder - History, Design, Performance & Discussion
R-27T (Early):
Length: 3.79m
Width: 0.23m
Fin span: 0.77m
Weight: 245kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4/4.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 50km
Propulsion: Single stage solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: TGS " Geofizika 36T" seeker with dual band IRCCM . 45° Gimbal limit before launch, 60° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 39kg HE
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 30-35G. Cannot do a 180° turn.
R-27T (Late):
The missile was upgraded in the 90’s/2000’s to be able to mount better seekers.
The missile was notably exported to China with an upgraded seeker.
The new seeker had either a better tracking and HOBS capabilities (MK-80M) or better range (AS-10)
Length: 3.79m
Width: 0.23m
Fin span: 0.77m
Weight: 245kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4/4.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 50km
Propulsion: Single stage solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: AS-10 (also called OS-27T) seeker with multi-element dual band IRCCM. 50° Gimbal limit before launch, 60° Gimbal limit after launch. MK-80M seeker with 2-element. 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 75° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 39kg HE
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 30-35G. Cannot do a 180° turn.
R-27ET (Early):
However since the seeker remained the same as for the R-27T, it’s actual operational range was mutch less against figther size target.
Length: 4.49m
Width: 0.23m
Fin span: 0.80m
Weight: 343kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 85km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: TGS " Geofizika 36T" seeker with dual band IRCCM . 45° Gimbal limit before launch, 60° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 39kg HE
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 30-35G. Cannot do a 180° turn.
R-27ET (Late):
The missile was upgraded in the 90’s/2000’s to be able to mount better seekers.
The missile was notably exported to China with an upgraded seeker.
The new seeker had either a better tracking and HOBS capabilities (MK-80M) or better range (AS-10)
Length: 4.49m
Width: 0.23m
Fin span: 0.80m
Weight: 343kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 85km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: AS-10 (also called OS-27T) seeker with multi-element dual band IRCCM. 50° Gimbal limit before launch, 60° Gimbal limit after launch. MK-80M seeker with 2-element. 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 75° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 39kg HE
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 30-35G. Cannot do a 180° turn.
For more information: Vympel R-27 'ALAMO' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion
Credit to @Fantom2451 for the picture
R-73 (Izdelie 720, R-73E, RMD-1):
Initial R-73 variant.
The R-73E is the exact same missile but for export.
Produced by DUX.
Length: 2.9m
Width: 0.17m
Fin span: 0.51m
Weight: 105kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5/3
Minimum Range: 400m
Maximum Range: 30km
Propulsion: RTTD-295 Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: MK-80 seeker with 2-element. 45° Gimbal limit before launch, 75° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 7.4kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 4s.
DISCLAIMER: The R-73L has not been produced. Peru bought some R-73EL .
Initial R-73 variant with a laser proxy fuze instead of a radar one.
The R-73EL is the exact same missile but for export.
Same Characteristics than the R-73.
R-74(Izdelie 740):
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not been produced.
Same as the R-73.
Produced by Kurganpribor
Same Characteristics than the R-73.
R-73 “Reverse launched”
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not been produced.
Length: 3.2m
Width: 0.17m
Fin span: 0.404m
Weight: 115kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5/3
Minimum Range: 1000m
Maximum Range: 10-12km
Propulsion: RTTD-295 Solid fuel rocket booster
**Seeker capabilities:**MK-80M with 2-element or MK-2000/ Impuls-90 seeker with multi element and dual band… 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 75° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 7.4kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 3s.
Credit to @Fantom2451 for the picture
The R-73M is a general improvement over the R-73 with better kinematics, better maneuvrability and a better seeker.
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not been produced.
Length: 2.93m
Width: 0.17m
Fin span: 0.51m
Weight: 106kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5/3
Minimum Range: 400m
Maximum Range: 40km
Propulsion: RTTD-295 Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: MK-80M with 2-element. 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 75° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 7.4kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 3s.
R-74M(Izdelie 750, RVV-MD):
R-73M with an improved IRCCM for the seeker.
Produced by Dux and Kurganpribor since 2015.
Length: 2.93m
Width: 0.17m
Fin span: 0.51m
Weight: 106kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5/3
Minimum Range: 400m
Maximum Range: 40km
Propulsion: RTTD-295 Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: MK-2000/ Impuls-90 seeker with multi element and dual band. 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 75° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 7.4kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 3s.
K-74ME (export R-73M(?)):
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not been produced.
The missile was only showed as a mockup on MARK-97
Same characteristics as the R-73M.
Credit to @Fantom2451 for the picture
Length: 3.1m
Width: 0.17m
Fin span: 0.434m
Weight: 117kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3
Minimum Range: 300m
Maximum Range: 50km
Propulsion: 516-1M Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Karfagen-760 Seeker with multi element and dual band. 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 90° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 7.4kg blast frag
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in 2.5s. (Match the performance of the AIM-9X)
For more information: Vympel R-73 'ARCHER' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion
Length: 2.893m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.617m
Weight: 83kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 18km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Pl-5E II: Dual band multi element seeker. 25° Gimbal limit before launch, 40° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 6kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL
Maneuvering Capability: 35g single plane and 50g dual plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Same Characteristics as the PL-5E II.
Initial upgrade of the PL-8.
Length: 2.95m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.80m
Weight: 120kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 15km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: 2-element infrared seeker. 30° Gimbal limit before launch, 40° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 11kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL
Maneuvering Capability: 40g single plane and 55g dual plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Further upgrade of the PL-8 with even better IRCCM.
Length: 2.95m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.80m
Weight: 120kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 15km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: 4-element infrared seeker. 30° Gimbal limit before launch, 40° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 11kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL
Maneuvering Capability: 40g single plane and 55g dual plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Length: 2.992m
Width: 0.157m
Fin span: 0.856m
Weight: 119kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 22km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: 4-element infrared seeker. 40° Gimbal limit before launch, 40° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 11.8kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL
Maneuvering Capability: 40g single plane and 55g dual plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Length: 3.0m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.296m
Weight: 105kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 20km (PL-10E) (Probably closer to 28km)
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Multi-element Imaging seeker with 128*128 pixels. 90° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: ? kg blast frag
Maneuvering Capability: 55-60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. (Probably around 2/3s)
For more information: Chinese Air-To-Air missiles, History, Performance & Discussion
Length: 2.87m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.675m
Weight: 90kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 18km
Propulsion: Low smoke solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Dual spectral seeker.
Warhead: 10.34kg HE pre-fragmented
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 35g single plane and 50g dual plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Initial version of the missile with the AD3633 seeker.
Length: 2.75m
Width: 0.157m
Fin span: 0.66m
Weight: 89kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 20km (Practical :15km)
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: 4-element infrared seeker. 45° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 12.5kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 35g single plane and 50g dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Developped between 1990 and 1996, it was introduced in 1997.
Improved version of the Magic 2 missile.
Length: 2.75m
Width: 0.157m
Fin span: 0.66m
Weight: 89kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 20km (better than the MK1 thanks to better navigation law)
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Improved seeker compared to the Magic 2 MK 1. ?° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 12.5kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 35g single plane and 50g dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Length: 3.1m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.56m
Weight: 112kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4.5
Minimum Range: 350m
Maximum Range: 60-80km. (Up to 18-20km max range and 9-11km altitude when ground launched)
Propulsion: Protac solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker dual waveband, 60° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 11kg blast frag
Maneuvering Capability: 50G+ with TVC. (50g up to 7km, 30g up to 12km for VL-MICA). Can do a 180° turn in 3s. Managed to shoot down a target behind the fighter at a range more than the maximum range of the MAGIC 2.
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not yet been produced.
Length: 3.1m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.56m
Weight: 112kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4.5
Minimum Range: 350m
Maximum Range: 100km (Up to 35-40km max range and ?km altitude when ground launched)
Propulsion: Dual-thrust solid fuel rocket booster.
Seeker capabilities: Very sensitive MATRIX sensor high resolution Imaging seeker. ? Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 11kg blast frag
Maneuvering Capability: 50g+ TVC. Can do 50g up to around 70-80km thanks to dual pulse motor. Can do a 180° turn in 3s.
For more information: The "Silent Killer" Missile - MBDA MICA - Performance and Discussion Thread (WIP)
Length: 2.9m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.45m
Weight: 87.4kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3+
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 25km (Up to 10-12km max range and 6km altitude when ground launched)
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket motor (High boost, Low thrust for initial turn, High thrust for max speed, Low thrust sustainer).
Seeker capabilities: Dual band imaging seeker based around a 128 x 2 array which uses a scanning mirror to build a larger picture (effectively a 128*128 pixels 80 times per second) .90° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 11.4kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS.
Maneuvering Capability: 60 to 80G with TVC. 1/2 the turning radius of the R-73. Can do a 180° turn in 2s.
For more information: IRIS-T - The pinnacle of IR guided Short Range Air to Air Missiles
AIM-9L/I-1 (AIM-9Li-1)
Length: 2.85m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: 0.64m
Weight: 86kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 18km
Propulsion: MTI/ Hercules MK.36 Mod 9 (Late version of the 9L received the reduced smoke motor of the 9M)
Seeker capabilities: Improved seeker over the AIM-9L with IRCCM. Has similar capabilities than the AIM-9M. Involve suspended tracking.
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation
Guidance Type: LOBL, INS
Maneuvering Capability: 30G-35G single plane. The missile likely uses single plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
ASRAAM Block 1:
Initial version of the ASRAAM
Length: 2.9m
Width: 0.166m
Fin span: 0.45m
Weight: 88kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3+
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 50km (Up to 16km when ground launched)
Propulsion: Solid rocket motor with low smoke
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker with 128*128 pixels with 90° gimbal.
Warhead: 10 kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS, (LOFTING?).
Maneuvering Capability: Around 50g dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. Managed to shoot down a target behind the fighter at a range in excess of 5km at low altitude.
ASRAAM Block 6:
Length: 2.9m
Width: 0.166m
Fin span: 0.45m
Weight: 88kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3+
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: 50km (Up to 16km when ground launched)
Propulsion: Solid rocket motor with low smoke
Seeker capabilities: Updated seeker with higher resolution than the Block1
Warhead: 10 kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS, (LOFTING?).
Maneuvering Capability: Around 50g dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. Managed to shoot down a target behind the fighter at a range in excess of 5km at low altitude.
Length: 3m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.64m
Weight: 105kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4
Minimum Range: 400m
Maximum Range: 30km
Propulsion: ND-10 Motor 80kN Boost Sustain motor
Seeker capabilities: Multi-element seeker (4?) (also called Pseudo imaging), Dual band (also called multicolor). 60° Gimbal limit before launch, 90° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 11kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, INS?
Maneuvering Capability: 50g single plane and 70g dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Can do a 180° turn in 3s.
Length: 3.1m
Width: 0.16m
Fin span: 0.64m
Weight: 105kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4
Minimum Range: 400m
Maximum Range: 40km: A test launch at mach .6 at 7600m hitting a target approaching mach .8 and 3050m 28km away .(Up to 15km when ground launched)
Propulsion: ND-10 Motor 80kN Boost Sustain motor.
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker dual waveband with 320*240 pixel, 100° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 11kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS, LOFTING.
Maneuvering Capability: 50g single plane and 70g dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Can do a 180° turn in 3s.
For more information: ✡︎History, Design, and Performance of Israeli Air-to-Air Missiles - Israel - War Thunder - Official Forum
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not yet been produced.
Length: 3.84m
Width: 0.178m
Fin span: ?m
Weight: 154kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 80km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster.
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker, ?° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: 15kg blast frag
Maneuvering Capability: 40G+(Improved over the ASTRA MK1). Cannot do a 180° turn.
Left side is AAM-3, rigth side is AIM-9L
Length: 3.1m
Width: 0.127m
Fin span: ?
Weight: 91kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5-3.5
Minimum Range: 200m
Maximum Range: Longer range than the AIM-9L (> 18km)
Propulsion: Reduced smoke and higher efficiency than the MK36 on the 9L
Seeker capabilities: Improved HOBS, seeker sensitivity and IRCCM than the AIM-9L (Dual band)
Warhead: 9.4 kg WDU-17/B annular blast-fragmentation (same as AIM-9L) or 15kg warhead (unknown, could be both)
Guidance Type: LOBL
Maneuvering Capability: Bank to turn ,40-50G dual plane. The missile likely uses dual plane. Cannot do a 180° turn.
Initial version of the missile
Length: 3.105m
Width: 0.13m
Fin span: 0.44m
Weight: 95kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3
Minimum Range: ?
Maximum Range: 50km maximum, 35km practical.
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket motor
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker
Warhead: Blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. (Equivalent to a AIM-9X)
Upgraded version of the missile
Length: 3.105m
Width: 0.13m
Fin span: 0.44m
Weight: 95kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 3
Minimum Range: ?
Maximum Range: 50km maximum, 35km practical.
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket motor
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker with dual band . Improved Gimbal over the AAM-5
Warhead: Blast frag
Maneuvering Capability: 60G with TVC. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. (Equivalent to a AIM-9X)
For more information: Japanese Weapons Master Thread
DISCLAIMER: The missile has not yet been produced.
Length: 2.98m
Width: 0.166m
Fin span: 0.488m
Weight: 89kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 400m
Maximum Range: 22km
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket booster
Seeker capabilities: Imaging seeker dual waveband, 90° Gimbal limit.
Warhead: ?kg high explosive
Guidance Type: LOBL, LOAL, INS.
Maneuvering Capability: 100G with TVC, 50G without. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. (Probably around 2/3s)
MAA-1B Piranha
Credit to @MiG_23M for the picture
Length: 2.738m
Width: 0.152m
Fin span: 0.64m
Weight: 88kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5
Minimum Range: 500m
Maximum Range: 18km (12km operational range)
Propulsion: Solid fuel rocket motor with 6sec boost.
Seeker capabilities: Dual waveband, 70° Gimbal limit before launch, 90° Gimbal limit after launch.
Warhead: 12kg blast frag
Guidance Type: LOBL.
Maneuvering Capability: 60G without TVC. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. (Probably around 3/4s). Programed to follow the target (Lag pursuit).
Length: 3.3
Width: 0.16
Fin span: ?
Weight: 140 kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 4
Minimum Range: ?
Maximum Range: 25km
Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket.
Seeker Range: Imaging infrared seeker with high resolution and HOBS , ? Gimbal limit
Warhead: Unknown
Maneuvering Capability: 60G TVC. Can do a 180° turn in ?s. (Probably around 3s)
For more information on ARH (FOX 3) Missile, click this link.
Edit 1: Clarrified the number of element of the MK-80M seeker. Changed the MK-80M to the MK-2000 on the R-74M (RVV-MD).
Edit 2: Added the MAGIC 2 MK2
Edit 3: Added information about the MAGIC 2 MK2
Edit 4: Added the AIM-9L(I)-1
Edit 5: Changed the motor on the AIM-9L(I)-1
Edit 6: Changed element in the Disclaimer. Added elements to the Python 4 seeker.
Edit 7:Changed element for the AAM-3 characteristics. Changed minimum range for the R-74M2.
Edit 8: Added the R-73 “Reverse launched”
Edit 9: Added the R-27(E)T. Changed the ASRAAM from single plane to dual plane.
Edit 10: Changed the IRIS-T max speed to from Mach 3 to Mach 3+
Edit 11: Added the MAA-1B picture
Edit 12: Correction of gramatical errors
Edit 13: Changed the size and place of title, name of missile and characteristics for better readability
Edit 14: Added Turkey and the Bozdoğan missile
Edit 15: Changed MICA NG IR to MICA IR NG
Edit 16: Edited the AIM-9X max range
Edit 17: Edited the AIM-9X motor
Edit 18: Edited the AIM-9M motor
Edit 19: Added subvariant explaination for the AIM-9M
Edit 20: Added IFOV in game of IIR seeker
Edit 21: Changed the AIM-9X from 60G to 50G
Edit 22: Updated the AAM-5 part
Edit 23: Removed the Datalink of the ASRAAM/ IRIS-T and updated the Lofting on the ASRAAM
Edit 24: Removed the Datalink of the Python 5
Edit 25: Added the LOAL capability for the AAM-5