Japanese Weapons Master Thread

Is there evidence the F-15J and the XF-2A/F-2 used American missiles?

I feel like Gaijin will keep giving Japan US missiles because copy+paste is easier than modelling something new :(

Hopefully the next gens won’t give them that option

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XF-2A/F-2A did use American stuff like AIM-9Ls and sparrows but they mainly focus on additions like AAM-3 for early versions and AAM-4 and AAM-5 varients for late versions.

F-15Js however are fully compatible with AIM-120s and also the typical AIM-9L and sparrows BUT they also use the others i mentioned.

So it really depends when gaijin wants to add these missiles. AAM-3 is the closest right now.

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Damn, this is hot.
Too bad we won’t get it until like… never!

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Type 81 (C) firing I believe the IR version of it’s missile. Note the radar version to the right.


Video showing launches of the AAM-5 not sure which version. Nothing crazy for the most part except near the end with the last launch which seems to be tracking a target behind the F-15J or to the side of it.

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AAM-3 has bank to turn flight control algorithm and self search capabilities


Well, they tested AIM-120B on F-15J



Type 01 LMAT


According to ATLA they tested a new ship borne version of the Rail gun! If im not mistaken this prototype is a world’s first on a ship. The ship was not named but it’s likely the JS Asuka which is used for experiments. Hopefully more news will be announced.



Uh oh giga boom stick

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best new pics and additional info on the XAAM-2 that have been found so far. credit to @tanuki10 for finding the post



Does AAM-3 has a reduced visibility motor like the 9M?

Im not sure i don’t believe so however. At least i haven’t found anything regarding that.

Its pros will be high manuverability and good IRCCM if gaijin models that of course tho taking a mix of 9Ms and AAM-3s might be pretty nice.

So bit late but AAM-3s are here. Currently they are more like better AIM-9Ms
Here is a nice post about some of its capabilities

Also i think Currently the AAM-3 has its seeker on the 3d model covered when it should be like this:



Vs how it currently is



(Also yes used his thumbnail sorry)


bug report made for the seeker cover


A small post about the supposedly “3 times wider off-boresigth” capabilities of the AAM-3 over the AIM-9L.
First and foremost the AIM-9L has a 45° gimbal. But that does not mean the AAM-3 has 3*45° gimbal = 135° gimbal
Indeed its litteraly imposible to have +90° gimbal when you look at picture of the seeker position.

What i think it means is a “3 times bigger circle of what the missile see”.

At 2km:

The gimbal of the AIM-9L is 45° meaning it’ll see a circle with a radius of 1657m at 2km. The area of this circle will be PI*(1657)^2= 8.6 * 10^6 meter square
The gimbal of the AAM-3 currently modelled is 60° meaning it’ll see a circle with a radius of 2309m at 2km . The area of this circle will be 1.67 * 10^7 meter quare.

If we do 1.67 * 10^7/8.6 * 10^6 we get a 1.94, meaning the circle the missile see at 2km is 2 times bigger.

If we do the same at 3km:

Aim-9L: radius =2485 m, Area = 1.9410^7
AAM-3: radius = 3464 m, Area = 3.77

If we do the same at 5km:

Aim-9L: radius =4142 m, Area = 5.3910^7
AAM-3: radius = 5773 m, Area = 1.04
1.04 * 10^8/5.39 * 10^7= 1.92

So from calculus with the 60° HOBS of the AAM-3 actually implemented in game we only get a “2 times bigger circle”.

If we want a “3 times bigger circle” then:
For 2km, area of the AAM-3 circle = 3*area of the AIM-9L circle → area of the AAM-3 circle = 2.58 * 10^7 m^2.
→ radius of the circle = 2866m → gimbal of the seeker = 71.25°.

It’s a lot better than the 45° you can find on the 9L but still a lot more reasonnable than the 135° gimbal.

*I just used random distance values (ie 2km for the gimbal calculacion) because the relation between the size of the circle of both missile didn’t changed mutch with the distance so i simplified it and assumed it was proportional.


Im more of a IJA and IJN fan myself but you moderners do your thing


Why not just make it a thread for anything Japanese? Restricting it to the Japanese Self-Defense Force doesn’t make much sense.

Because it would be just to much. Also im more knowledgeable on post war Japan. If you look at my lists there is a bunch of info and weapons listed and thats not even all of it, i have also yet to update the OP due to being busy with IRL. By all means if you want to make a WW2 Japan thread then do so.

I dont mind if people talk about ww2 japanese weapons here too though.

Another thing is this thread is relly more of a catalog of weapons and some info and new developments found.