Revised poll on CAS in Ground Battles, would you play a tank only mode?

I took a lot of feedback, both positive and negative, from the original thread on this subject and used it to create a new poll on aircraft in ground battles. For this reason, there are now MULTIPLE individual polls instead of attempting to cluster all the questions into one poll.

Original thread here: Would you play a tank only mode? How do you feel about CAS in ground battles? [(POLL)] - #186 by ehj78

Please keep in mind that this is an informal poll that I will use to inform my own suggestions to the dev team. Also, keep in mind that any such alternate mode would not mean the removal of GRB or any CAS enabled mode. In other words, a non-CAS mode and a CAS-enabled mode would co-exist, ideally.

Would you play an alternate tank-only mode, if it was offered?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If you would play a Tank-Only mode (hereafter referred to as “Tank Battles”) how often would you play it?
  • I would exclusively play Tank Battles if it were offered
  • I would mostly play Tank Battles if it were offered
  • I would play an equal amount of Tank Battles mode and Ground Battles (CAS enabled mode) if offered
  • I would occasionally play Tank Battles, but mostly Ground Battles
  • I would rarely, if ever, play Tank Battles mode
  • I would not ever play Tank Battles mode.
0 voters
Do you think CAS is too weak, too strong or just about right in Ground Battles?
  • CAS is currently far too strong at most BRs
  • CAS is currently too strong and could use some adjustments
  • CAS is a bit too strong, and could use a small amount of adjustment
  • CAS seems about right in Ground Battles as of now
  • CAS is slightly underperforming and should be buffed and made easier to access
  • CAS is rather underpowered and needs a moderate amount of buffing
  • CAS is extremely underpowered and should be massively buffed or made much easier to access
  • Other
0 voters
What best describes your personal feelings about CAS?
  • I think CAS improves Ground Battles substantially
  • I think CAS is somewhat beneficial to Ground Battles
  • I do not have any strong feelings on CAS in Ground Battles
  • I think CAS is somewhat detrimental to Ground Battles
  • I think CAS is very detrimental to Ground Battles
0 voters
Do you currently use CAS in Ground Battles?
  • Yes, every game if I can
  • Yes, most of the time when points are available
  • Yes, sometimes
  • Yes, but only rarely
  • No, I do not use CAS in Ground Battles
0 voters
Is SPAA too weak or too strong?
  • Extremely weak
  • Much too weak
  • Slightly too weak
  • No strong feelings one way or the other
  • Slightly too strong
  • Much too strong
  • Way too strong
0 voters
Does CAS cost too little or too much SP?
  • CAS currently costs way too little SP
  • CAS currently costs too little SP
  • CAS currently costs slightly less SP than it should
  • No strong feelings one way or the other
  • CAS costs a bit too much SP
  • CAS costs too much SP
  • CAS costs far too much SP
0 voters

I’d add a Poll for SPAA (too strong, too weak, etc) as well and maybe a poll for both heli SP changes and Plane SP changes (Increase, decrease, etc)


Calling out the folks from last thread:





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Maybe also specifiy a BR range? Prehaps even C&P this poll and do one for 2 or 3 BR “brackets”.

“CAS” changes widly from a Fairey Swordfish dropping 500lb bombs all the way up to a Harrier Gr7 firing off AGM-65Ds from 15km away.


Fixed, thanks


Thx for the call, would have missed it otherwise.

Can’t vote for the first one though, says there’s an issue.

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Fixed it, I fucked up lmao. I was trying to set all the polls to single choice after I originally set them all to multiple choice by accident. Make sure you guys hit “vote” when you select an option.


Voted. Thanks for the heads up.

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Last call for posters in the last thread, I may have missed some:

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Reminder to vote on the first option again if it didn’t work for you, I had to edit it to change it to a single-choice option. Apologies for the inconveniences.

A2A only should be made cheaper, A2G (Bombs, ground targets belt, etc) should be more expensive.

500SP A2A fighter because my nation has no/garbage SPAA is rough when anyone else can spawn in SPAA for like 80sp


Awesome topic! Hoping this will help in the future and make WarThunder better!


I appreciate it killroy


I do like this consideration you have for us ‘contributing’ ;)

I mean, if I want to claim to be objective, I can’t exactly ignore community feedback.

Sorry, not really sure why I was included as I play AB tank battles and do not play RB, like ever. I did vote in some, not all of you polls, only where my opinion as a WT player count, bypassing those that are strictly RB concerned. But I would like to say this about the whole thing. The entire CAS/Anti-CAS argument seems to be misguided, off the mark and focusing on the wrong thing. The whole problem centers around the respawn point system and nothing else. I used to play RB tanks and enjoyed it very much . . . way back, but then they implemented the spawn point system and I soon quit. Why? . . well, in my opinion, it simply does not work properly. And in the time since it was put into the game it has evolved into even a worse mess than before. And this is why your “CAS” problem is a problem. Too easy to get into a plane early in the game - spawn points, unlimited time/sorties is another problem. No automatic air support response . . . those two things are in AB tanks, but with randomly selected “stock” planes and not the players . . like every other mode that has planes. Point being, “CAS” has far too many advantages as it is set up now, so yeah I can see why some tankers might be . . . “offended” or what have you. Remove the respawn point system, give ALL players a standard number of spawns, tanks & planes and I believe 90% of you “CAS” issue will go away. RB tanks is no longer a play the objectives, out play your opponents proposition anymore. It is clearly a “work the respawn point system to gain advantage”. And face it, because of the intense grind of the game, every single player is looking for shortcuts, advantages and anything else that will benefit them in the grind quest . . hence, this is why you have a “CAS” problem . . . it is merely a “meta” way to earn points. I mean just the way it is . . learning how to “work” the game is a big part of playing the game . . . . C’est la Vie. I just wanted to be honest with you guys, and all this is just my personal opinion and nothing more.


You were included because this poll addresses all ground battles types, including AB, RB, and SB.

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I find that for the most part, CAS is balanced and beneficial. The problem is that aircraft with guided weapons, early radar SPAA, and especially helicopters are too strong. Conversely, most top tier SPAA is too weak after the missile changes.