They did events. Doesn’t take much research to find them
So please provide link for it
I am well aware of them, they do not fit what you were saying and appear to be parroting a feeling.
It is not.
Adding TO is like giving someone a ham sandwich without cheese because he asked for it as he prefers it that way.
Your portray of TO mode is only because You are still angry that gaijin have done something no one asked for.
US gest 15% SP off by default(just kidding)
If only players in 2024 had the IQ to use a correct thread, but instead keep spamming the wrong topics about it:
Irony is all those making new topics get theirs closed then NEVER go to the proper topic to get together to ask for this new mode. I wonder why Gaijin do not seem to listen to this minority! Hmmmm
I’d make it only have 2 slots at a time, like in Enlisted
If both sides get CAS first then both sides will be unable to use the best anti-CAS; Fighters.
you can’t think of any reason a2g costs high amounts in a ground battle?
Typo. I meant A2A aircraft
Fair A2A with actual a2a loadouts should definitely be cheaper than strike if they’re to be left in ground, things with ground strike capability def need to be raised in price
Some things yes, some things no. It depends on what and what BR. Personally I think unguided weapons above 10.0 should actually be made a little cheaper, or remain the same and guided weapons made a little more expensive.
For example. There is no incentive to use unguided bombs on the tornado Gr1 because they are the same SP cost as GBUs and a TPod.
just make em need to kill more then 1 player or scout 2 enemies , ppl are pretty much just spawning the little rat tank , scouting 2-3 targets and bringing a full loaded ass plane with 10 tons of bombs to trow into you at less then 2 minutes of a match …
You’re the one coping.
I would 100% fine with allowing people to take SPAA into ARB, aka treating everyone the same.
I guess, Gaijin just “balanced” CAS, lol
The worst possible approach, but this is what we get for not having a proper mode for tankers
where can I download this game mode?
This seems to affect everything that relies on explosive mass to kill, including howitzers.
I wish we could. Killing Pantsir S1s would be so fun on release day.
It’s simple, delete Pantsir S1