Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

Any poll on forum shows that there is problem with CAS


Lol, meanwhile the biggest poll asking for a No CAS game mode cannot even get a majority. Think about that. If regular CAS included ground RB would still exist on top of a No-CAS ground RB, the community still does not think that should be allowed.

The Anti-CAS peeps failed to get a majority in the biggest poll on a no-CAS ground mode, which is fairly simple request. Imagine that.

Why does it need to have majority? 50% is enough

And it is not the biggest poll ;)

Because if something as simple as having a non-CAS ground mode cannot get a majority, then CAS isn’t a problem. They’re not asking for the current ground mode to be changed. Just that Gaijin adds a new mode without CAS. And something so simple as that cannot garner 51%. What message does that send to Gaijin?

And it’s the biggest poll in this forum regarding the topic is it not?

For You, the poll with majority wanting it and having bigger number of votes

Thank you for that link. What it does show is that only 26% of players would be dedicated to a tank-only game mode. That in itself shows that it’d be a waste of resources/time/efforts just to cater to 26% of the player-base. Everyone else will continue to play the current mode.

You were talking about people wanting to have a mode and here majority wants it.

People can play different gamemodes.

I made that poll, and the fact that I allowed people who were uninterested in a TO mode an option in that part of the poll (“I would never play TO mode”) was a mistake. If people weren’t interested in a TO mode in the first place then asking them how often they’d play it just damages the results.

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That is not true. Don’t get the poll twisted. What it asked was, if a tank only mode was offered, would you play it? And majority of players said yes, and even then majority of those yes votes would still play the other ground mode.

Just because a tank only mode is offered and someone would play it once in a while, doesn’t mean its wanted.

It wasn’t a mistake because it was necessary to give a full clear picture. Those who wouldn’t play it at all should still be included in the 2nd results.

Not really. The people who voted „No” could also vote and then people can play couple of modes

What do you mean not really?

I would mostly play Tank Battles if it were offered 19%
I would rarely, if ever, play Tank Battles mode 14%
I would play an equal amount of Tank Battles mode and Ground Battles (CAS enabled mode) if offered 10%
I would occasionally play Tank Battles, but mostly Ground Battles 7%

Add up the percentages, that is 50% compared to 26% of those who would only play Tank mode. We’re not counting the ones who wouldn’t play tank mode at all.

So only 14% of people wouldn’t play it, but ~40% of people voted No for a new mode.
Quite interesting.

The conclusion from that poll is:

1/4 of players would not play Tank only mode.
1/4 of players would rarely play Tank only mode.

25% of players would only play Tank-only mode.

Rest of the playerbase, don’t care either way.

The poll is clear, no matter how you want to read it.

Sorry but we would need to see how only people who want TO voted to really make statments about it.

It doesn’t change the fact that majority would like the mode


Nothing about the poll said they WANT it. Just that majority would play it sometimes, that’s all.

You’re misreading what I wrote. 14% would rarely if ever, while 22% would never. That’s 38%, a sizeable portion.

If people wouldn’t want it they wouldn’t play it

Not if they weren’t interested in a tank-only mode is what I’m saying.