Would you play a tank only mode? How do you feel about CAS in ground battles? [(POLL)]

The best SPAA i have currently in my lineup is a heli with 4x AAMs. Everytime i take a heli, i will engage air targets first. But i also have 8x AGMs. Im not going to sit on them either.

Though i will admit. Id probably play a decent heli gamemode more than i would play GRB, but id not completely abdandon the tank side of things either

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Not to mention that fact that a large portion of the community never set foot on the forums.

It’s kind of funny, because this is how conspiracy theories get started. Not sure if the Skinner meme would be appropriate though. “My poll said almost half of the player base want no CAS, could my poll have been flawed? No, its the Illuminati-Mormon-Catholic-Jew-Money-Clinton-McDonalds-Satan Conspiracy trying to stop my clearly great ideas!”

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You know that it works both ways right ? Maybe the 80% of the community that didn’t vote all support the TO mode, you can’t know.

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You’re not allowed to point that out. Clearly it only works one way and it’s that everybody that doesn’t want TO (everybody that never voted) just didn’t come to the forum to vote. Same applies to any polls on any other forums or sites

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Yeah I saw that every time there’s a poll, people just try to find out how biased it is when it doens’t support their idea

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Prove it? Since so far you grasping at straws.

False flagged.

It’s what happens when poll results don’t turn out how they would’ve liked, not like it is anywhere near unique to this instance. The 40k votes on youtube, or any of the other votes on the subject done in the past.

It’s just a coping mechanism, it happens every year elections roll around in real life too. People will gladly make up unfounded excuses for why their party didn’t win.

It’s just the way it is

Ah yes, I see your point and I agree. Sadly there’s nothing better to do since you can’t check who is voting.

Exactly, Its a flawed data method. A forum only poll is going to have errors. I would even argue to an extent that the whole idea is flawed because you also need to ask the people if you don’t get this, will you still play? Gaijin is going to do what they’re going to do, it is their game.

The only purpose of such a poll imo would be to ask Gaijin to take an official poll that players or going to see to get a proper sampling of the playerbase.

I tried to get some rationality at the start from the OP but he was too far gone.

Then you have people like CK strawmanning everything!

Stop false flagging.

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Yeah the only way is to ask Gaijin but we all know that it won’t happen if other polls aren’t done before that.
Yes they are flawed for a number of ways but at least they are getting attention.

What? Mate, learn to read… where do these fantasy conversations come from?

Never mind, waiting for actual proof…

Well to be honest, you sounded kinda agressive at the start …

Where does it show his ground kills in a ground mode?

Nowhere! It doesn’t show anything like that.


The proof is your profile and your war thunder server replays.
Unless you’re claiming that those are lying, which you are
So where is your proof that they are stitching you up?

The start I wasn’t if you check.

My attitude changed when I clashed with the OP on another topic and realised what I was getting.

Yes, I come across a lot more aggressive than I mean to, but I was originally attempting to make the poll clearer. Which would probably produce a better result for TO support… I tried.

Stop false flagging

No, I am saying you have 0 clue how to understand statistics, since I have almost 40,000 matches of various modes I am not accepting your analysis (Wyvern and Do-335 at the top ffs, why would I be using them in GFRB? Did you not see the air kills per spawn? Seriously, are you that inexperienced?)

Oh no, my last 3 games LAST NIGHT (awesome sample size) I had a plane with bombs (you might notice across all games I play they are dropped after spawning).

But hey, I am a CAS main… rofl.

I do not accept your novicd analysis and help prove you lack a shed load of knowledge.

Again, prove I am some sort of CAS main not just circumstantial fluff.

Good luck o7


Mate, I got 700+ in those matches so let us just remember how pro I am!

Check my Do 335 B2 stats too (since I play German ground A LOT apparently and do not avoid it like the plague, like US air). I’m not only amazing at shooting the ground players but kill every air I counter as Do 335 is so great low down.

Heck, it even has my French Corsair in it (cos you know, I didn’t stall out on France years ago at 7.3+ due to repair costs, 3 years ago?). Yes, I admit I ground pounded in the Corsair in AirRB (but I am improving slowly).


More false flagging.

The Attacker has bombs yes? 3 games… OK.

Erm, the ones where I get air kills/assists? My awesome complete miss as I throw them (in my seriously stomped German team) so to be better in a fight? Or the last yolo match of the night?

Do you even know what you are arguing about?

Anyway, I never ever go for planes… ever… apparently… darn CAS mains. You are so right! (Sarcasm as we know you easily miss things)…

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