Would you play a tank only mode? How do you feel about CAS in ground battles? [(POLL)]


I personally like option 2 & 3 better. I don’t want the slippery slope of ever increasing spawn costs for aircraft. Before that happens, airfield spawn and/or First person view would be a better alternative to attempt first.

I actually dont think planes are that far off the right points. Maybe GBUs and AGMs at top tier need a slight increase, but the aircraft themselves I think are fine, though lowering the cost for a CAP aircraft (no A2G power beyond a gun) would give an effective counter to most CAS.

Only areas that I think really needs SP adjustment is Helis, just to put them on parity to CAS jets. (not quite as high, but higher than they are now)

Nothing against runway starts for planes, just maybe need some AF AA tweaks to prevent any kind of spawn camping of AFs

Cockpit only is a maybe. (I’d have no issues but I mainly play SB, others though might have some difficulties) prehaps instead removal of player markers like in AB? or some other “nerf” for visibility?

Biggest issue though you havent stated. SPAA need to be buffed and be more rewarding (both literal reward and in gameplay) CAS wouldnt be effective if SPAA could effectively counter it. Only 2 nations have viable SPAA at the moment.

One thing i found really strange is gaijin added drones as a means for players who didn’t have cas available to use another means to destroying a specific player in game… Yet didn’t add the ability to nations without spaa in that BR bracket… They essentially gave players the ability to spawn in a universal nato or Russian drone… But didn’t extend that same courtesy to even minor nations that would ordinarily share combat alliance’s with other nations… As we see all it did was create a huge in balance in game and they’ve moved their Br’s up twice. I just think if they add a system to help with cas they should do the same to help counter it.

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I find that for the most part, CAS is balanced. The problem is that aircraft with guided weapons, early radar SPAA, and especially helicopters are too strong. Conversely, most top tier SPAA is too weak after the missile changes.


Thank you everyone for including your feedback in this thread. The revised poll is now up on the other thread:


Yeah the game is unplayable as a tanker. its just a spam bomb fest, its not fun at all. As its clear they are not going to add a tank only mode, anyone knows a decent alternative to war thunder? and no, not world of tanks, its even worse with their artilleries and the HP system is laughable.

It would better if AGMs could actually be killed. For example, the paveway bombs are indestructible - this missile appears to be immune to be damage - you can shoot with ground launched AA missiles and guns and it doesn’t die. As far as I know, it’s one of the only ones that is unkillable.

All allied jets need to do is go to space and one-click kill any ground target. Broken.

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CAS is fine just need to have a decent increase in spawn prices depending on aircraft BR and ordanance loadout. While helicopters should be taken out entirely. Planes climbing to space and dropping paveways and gbus do not create positive gameplay the same way helicopters sitting 9km out launching missiles isn’t or instant helicopter spawns and rocket rushes.

i see it as only ways to deal with Russians BS so work fine by me i give up already let those Russian dominate the ground and other fight them with CAS

So from what you say, planes are not needed, what is needed is larger and more balanced maps, right?

The rendering of the forests would also be good, because it is quite normal for a plane to kill you while in the middle of a forest that is completely covered with trees.

For high tier (9.0 above) larger map are need it for sure. City CQC map are not suitable for high tier and i can tell you as CAS players myself small map it easier for CAS because i know exactly where to look at the packed enemy in the small area all i had to do is drop the bomb on those packed that fighting like cluster F often i got like two or three kills by just one GBU in small CQC map compare to the map like sand of sinai or fulda i can only kill one at the time and it longer to look for the enemy that seem danger to my team.

The problem is that there are more and more people who, at the slightest chance, release CAS, and then the only thing gaijin does is release smaller maps and new smaller maps, each time and little by little the game becomes more boring to play, since any strategic possibility with tanks is nullified by small, poorly designed maps and that at the minimum you kill someone after 2 minutes he throws a bomb at you and kills you.
The game needs to balance the CAS correctly and make bigger and better made maps.

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That’s exactly why planes are currently needed,…

The corridor gameplay forces players to use CAS support in order to make those fixed battles to move again, in order to capture points

The role of the SPAAG is to prevent this if you’re team locked the point.

Everyone have a role in this game, but it then became clear that without one side of it into your team, you’re gonna loose, because there no other options.

So in order to advocate the best gameplay possible, enlarged maps and balanced maps are the way to ensure more possibilties for both teams → this will force players into teamplay instead of being solo-zombies.

THE ONLY POINT that prevent all of that to happen if Gaijin to change maps will be the progression system (Research and Silver lions)

For that part there is a lot of possibilities to add. ^^"

CAS however is currently balanced and should stay how it is right now.
The real change is on gameplay side, not into balance.
(You said it yourself, having one type of gameplay is boring)

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If You need air in order to progress with battle, that is just a skill issue.


You’re dumb by only saying that,… let alone the fact that you expect everyone to be as good as you’re,…

The gameplay remains the same → alone you can’t win.

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Ground battles are balanced when it comes to tank vs tank combat.

Planes are the only unbalanced factor as people playing tanks can’t defend against them (while driving in a tank) and are forced to either die or don’t play what they want in order to have a slightest chance.

Maps are made in a way that You don’t need planes in order to progress, You just need to think. But I don’t expect much from typical WT player, it is just easier to jump into something that enemy can’t do anything about.


Well let’s agree we disagree,… i have no time to teach you.

There is nothing You can teach me if You think that You need planes to win tank vs tank combat.