More Nations for France?
Some of you might have seen some ‘leaks’ about a possible inclusion of The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in the French tech tree for the June update. There are some that do make some sense to add to France, but The Netherlands are certainly the weird one out. With their historical animosities with french influence in their regions and the recent integration with the shared German brigade (13th light) it seems like a random choice. Although the point could be made that, in the chance of Belgium being added to France, it would be more logical to keep BE and NL together in one TT instead of split up from a political and historical POV. There have been many cooperations between the beNeLux nations on Marine, Aerospace and Ground forces.
43 Mechanised Brigade (NL) merged with 1st Armoured Division (GER)
13 Light Armoured Brigade (NL) merged with 10th Armoured Division (GER)
Dutch and Belgian F-16’s Patrolling BeNeLux Airspace together

Belgian and Dutch army signed a cooperation agreement in the field of artillery
memorandum of understanding (MOU) of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence cooperation between Belgium and The Netherlands
Admirality BeNeLux (ABNL): Belgium-Netherlands Naval Cooperation Accord since the 1950s

CaMo, the Franco-Belgian strategic partnership

NATO: Baltic Air Policing
Potential content for a BeNeLux inclusion:
On the old and new forum there have been hundreds of vehicles suggested for these three nations, the most unique and iconic vehicles have been compiled into these three tech tree proposals:
Belgian sub-tree proposals:
In regards to C&P these countries could bring both hundreds of unique models to the game, but also almost as many ‘slight’ modifications of vehicles we currently have in game (which easily attract C&P protest shouts from the general playerbase). An example is the Finnish TT, which had a lot of technically new models added to the game, but to any superficial observer seemed ~60% to ~80% C&P at launch. An even more recent example, that’s even more saddening (at least for the air TT), is the Hungarian TT, which could have had several very unique props and tanks added, but only started with slight modifications of late WWII props and went immediately for already present models to flesh out the TT, thus giving it a lot of C&P, although some specific Hungarian models were updated.
The approach Gaijin takes are often weird for western WT players, but I think this might have to do with their Russian POV on European history and political thought. (the Western, Northern, Central and Eastern European blocks, with France & UK as the two major Western powers, Italy(Hungary/Romania) and Germany(some Polish, Lithuanian, etc.) as the Central powers and Russia/USSR as the Eastern Power. And Sweden as the Nordic/Scandinavian one.)
I feel like they are trying to make this division, but that’s just a theory and there could be many other thoughts in GJN’s brain.
Please do give your thoughts on the subject, as it has many facets and I won’t be able to cover all of them.
previous, closed, discussion:
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