Here I created an Index of German WW2 Aircraft Armarment and their ammunition. Going from small (7,92mm) to the biggest automatic (88mm) Guns which where used.
(I leave most Üb (practice) out of the list. Generally speaking, with Sd. rounds are used against Air and ground, however when shooting at ground, not above 800m flight height, no Sd. rounds 90% only against ground. Incendary filler and some other info (if available) in the Tap of the round.)
Also make shure to check out my other 2 Posts about AA Guns as well as Tank, Anti Tank and other Guns.
These rounds would also be available to choose from when Custom Belts get added some day.
Visible destinction of ammo types:
Yellow: He and He-I
Blue: Incendary with nose fuze
Black: Ap
Black with a blue band at the shoulder: Ap-I
Black with a yellow band at the shoulder: Aphe
Black with a blue and a yellow band at the shoulder: Aphe-I
Black with a white tip: HVAP/APCR
Light red band above the driving band: Leuchtspur (tracer for day use)
Dark red band above the driving band: Glimmspur (tracer for night use)
Stencil letters on the body of the projectile:
M: Minengeschoss/M-Geschoss → Thin walled with high bursting charge
Ph: Incendary filler is phosphorus
E: Incendary filler is thermite/Elektron
Round nameing nomenclature:
Here i break appart how the names of the rounds come together:
First a short list of what the words are, their short forms and english translation.
M, Minen → High capacity (in this context)
H, Hochgeschwindigkeits → High velocity (but it also sayes that it has an Tungsten core)
Pz, Panzer → Armor/Armorpiercing (in this context)
Br, Brant → Incendary
Spr, Spreng → High explocive
L`Spur, Leucht Spur → Tracer (day)
Gl`Spur, Glimm Spur → Tracer (night)
o.Zerl, ohne Zerleger → non Selfdestruct
m.Zerl, mit Zerleger → Selfdestruct
gr., Granate → Grenade/round (in this context)
gesch., Geschoss → Round
Patr., Patrone → Caseing
These shortforms are put together to descripe the round, but there are some rules:
The pattern is the following: x-xxxxxxxxx. x`Spur x.Zerl
The first letter shows the general Type it ca be an M- or an H- or noting, in wich case it is normal.
Then the next descripe the effect, which have an hirachy:
- Pz 2. Br 3. Spr
Another rule is that Br is only in the name when a dedicated incendary material (for example Electron Thermite or Phosphorus), but not if only the He filler has an certain incenday effect like HA 41 or HTA.
Also if it is M- it wont get the Spr addition.
Then comes the gr. or in the case if it is only an M- round without dedicated Pz or Br an Gesch. comes instead of gr.
If the round has an Incenday effect the type is written in ( ) behind gr. if it has an own fuzeing (In Ap rounds), but not if the incenday effect is set free with detonation of the main charge (for example in the 3 cm Pzbrsprgr. L`Spur o.Zerl.)
Next If it has a tracer it is written and which type L or Gl if none then it is simply left out.
After that comes o.Zerl. or m.Zerl., but that is unique to every round, because allmost all rounds (except Ap rounds) have both self destruct and non self destruct fuzes available.
If you are talking about the whole round with caseing an additional Patr. comes after gr./gesch.
Here are some examples, of course the caliber comes infront of the name:
H-Pzgr. L`Spur o.Zerl
M-Pzgr. L`Spur o.Zerl
Pzgr. L`Spur o.Zerl
M-Gesch. o.Zerl
M-Brgr. o.Zerl
Sprgr. Gl`Spur o.Zerl
Pzbrsprgr. L`Spur o.Zerl
Common He filler and their aquivalent:
PENT: x1,7 HTA: x1,2 HA 41: x1,6
7,92mm Mg 15 / 17
Pictures:(Click to show)
Mg 15:(Click to show)
Mg 17:(Click to show)
I put them together, as they are very similar and ballistically identical. (600mm barrle)
Caliber: 7,92mm
Ammo: 7,92x57mm
Fire Rate: 1000-1050 / 1200 Rpm
Muzzle velocity: 865 - 905 m/s
Weight: 8,1 / 10,2 kg
Ammo Types: Ap, Ap-T, Ap-I and He-I (only noting the -v- ammo with increased velocity)
Cutaway of all:(Click to show)
S.m.K -v- (Ap) 11,55g 865m/s 13mm/10m
Normal charge: 765m/s
S.m.K. L'Spur 100/600 -v- (Ap-T) 10g 905m/s 10mm/10m (Also as Gl'Spur for night)
Normal charge: 790m/s
P.m.K a.A. -v- (Ap-I) 10,15g 905m/s 0,5g Phosphor 9mm/10m
Normal charge: 790m/s
P.m.K n.A. -v- (Ap-I) 10,5g 905m/s 0,5g Phosphor 9mm/10m
Normal charge: 790m/s
Pz-Gesch. -v- (Panzergeschoss) (Ap) 10g 905m/s 13mm/10m
Normal charge: 810m/s
It was mainly designed of 2 tasks, 1. reduce needed amount of lead and copper as the reserves ran out and 2. to increase penetration after the bullet allready passed through aircraft skin (At 100m in comparission to the S.m.K. -v- through 70° 3mm Dualiminium 8,7mm penetration instead of mere 4mm)

B-Patr. -v- (He-I) 10,85g 885m/s 0,035g Pent & Blackpower mixture & 0,375g Phosphor
Normal charge: 775m/s
7,92mm Mg 81 / 81Z
I put them together, as they are just 2x on 1x Triggergroup and ballistically identical. (475mm barrle)
Caliber: 7,92mm
Ammo: 7,92x57mm
Fire Rate: 1800 / 3600 Rpm
Muzzle velocity: 840 - 885 m/s
Weight: 5 / 10 kg
Ammo Types: Ap, Ap-T, Ap-I and He-I (only noteing the -v- ammo with increased velocity)
Cutaway of all:(Click to show)
S.m.K -v- (Ap) 11,55g 850m/s 13mm/10m
Normal charge: 745m/s
S.m.K. L'Spur 100/600 -v- (Ap-T) 10g 885m/s 10mm/10m (Also as Gl'Spur for night)
Normal charge: 765m/s
P.m.K a.A. -v- (Ap-I) 10,15g 885m/s 0,5g Phosphor 9mm/10m
Normal charge: 765m/s
P.m.K n.A. -v- (Ap-I) 10,5g 885m/s 0,5g Phosphor 9mm/10m
Normal charge: 765m/s
B-Patr. -v- (He-I) 10,85g 840m/s 0,035g Pent & Blackpower mixture & 0,375g Phosphor
Normal charge: 755m/s
7,92mm Mg 141
Initially designed along the Mg 131 and Mg 151, using the Patrone 318 of the Pzb. 38/39/41 it was to offer superior ballistics and penetration compared to the normal Mgs while taking up less space and weight compared to its bigger brothers. Was discontinued duo to extreme barrle wear with the 900 Rpm as well as ammo cost of the S.m.K.H. while overall not beeing as effective as envisioned.
Instead the EW 141 (Einbauwaffe) was developed from it, to be mounted into tanks (Pz I Ausf. C and R.K.9.) but only in Semi-Automatic to reduce barrle wear.
Caliber: 7,92mm
Ammo: 7,92x94mm
Fire Rate: 900 rpm
Bletfed (from Right)
Muzzle velocity: 1250 - 1450 m/s
Weight: 22,5 kg
Ammo Types: Ap, Ap-T(c) and Ap(c)
S.m.K.H. Rs L'Spur (Ap-T(c)) 14,53g 1250m/s 35mm/10m
S.m.K.H (Ap(c)) 12,6g 1300m/s 35mm/10m
13mm Mg 131
Caliber: 13mm
Ammo: 13x64mm
Fire Rate: 900
Muzzle velocity: 710 - 750 m/s (-v- ammo to 770m/s latewar)
Weight: 16 kg
Ammo Types: Ap-T, Ap-I, Phe-T/Saphe-T, He-T, HeI-T, I-T (and possibly He-I (m) but did not enter service)
Pzgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (Ap-T) 38g 710m/s 19mm/10m (Also as Gl'Spur for night)
Pzbrgr. (Ph.) o.Zerl. (Ap-I) 38g 710m/s ~0,7-0,9g Phosphorus 19mm/10m
Official source gives 0,36g of Phosphorus in an Incendary alloy capsule, however the size of the carvity is too big for such a small amount.
Sprgr. L'Spur Üb. m.Zerl. (Phe-T/Saphe-T) 34g 750m/s 1g Pent (1,7g) Some penetraton
Sprgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (He-T) 34g 750m/s 1,17g Pent (1,99g) (Early on replaced by HeI-T)
Brsprgr. L'Spur. o.Zerl. (HeI-T) 34g 750m/s 0,9g Pent & 0,3g Thermite
Brgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (I-T) 34g 750m/s 0,2g Pent (0,34g) & Bariumnitrate-Alu-Magnesium Incendary mix
Late war also a experimental Minengeschoss to replace the HeI-T (i couldnt find the drawing again, but also mentioned at the Brgr. L’Spur in L.Dv.4000/10), but did not enter service.
15mm Mg 151/15
Pictures:(Click to show)
Designed as a smaller aquivalent to the 20mm Hispano 404, the 15mm Mg 151/15 Cannon was the result as a compremise of general size, to increase firepower and fire rate with good ballsitics, compared to the heavyer bigger 20mm Mg C/30 L, which also was very good in the ground attack role, however duo to low (325 rpm) fire rate not as effective in the air to air role, however duo to a L/90 barrle overall had a good velocity of 950m/s, which the Mg 151/15 (at that time also just called Mg 151, also had with 960m/s.
Caliber: 15mm
Ammo: 15x96mm
Fire Rate: 700-750-800 rpm (Syncronized)
Muzzle velocity: 850-1050 m/s
Weight: 37 kg - 42 kg
Ammo Types:
H-Pzgr. o.Zerl. (HVAP) 0,052kg 1050m/s 39g core 9,5mm 51mm/10m
Note: Only against armored ground and sea targets, incendary effect duo to melting of Magnesium-Aluminuim carrier.
Another version of 54,5g with 1040m/s also exists.
Sprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl Üb. (Saphe-T / Phe-T) 0,057 kg 960m/s 1,1g Pent (1,87g) Some penetration
(Didnt go into production as normal HEF-T, as not effective.)
Brgr. L`Spur/Gl'Spur. o.Zerl. 0,057kg 960m/s 0,2g Pent (0,34g) + 4,9g Ba-Al-Mg
(Could only find the m.Zerl version, o.Zerl is the same just without the little hole between charge and tracer)
20mm Mg 151/20
Pictures:(Click to show)
Caliber: 20mm
Ammo: 20x82mm
Fire Rate: 700-750-800 rpm (Syncronized)
Muzzle velocity: 720-790 m/s
Weight: 37kg
Ammo Types:
Generally 3 Categories:
1.Ap rounds, base designe Ap, other types are the same round only replacing the filler from Pressstoff (bakelite) → Phosphorus → Pent and chaning the bottom screw to a bottom fuze so the performance is the same of all types.
2.Nose Fuze rounds same rounds made to the same characteristics of the Ap round with different fillers:
3.High capacity thinn walled Minengeschosse. M-Geschoss are multiple on the same principal with Mv of 790m/s with Self destruct and without of He He-I and with I.
Ap: (Early rounds were 0,115kg, which were increased to 0,117kg)
Pzgr. o.Zerl. (Ap) 0,117kg 720m/s 27mm/10m
Pzbrgr. (E.) o.Zerl. (Ap-I) 0,117kg 720m/s 27mm/10m
6,2g Thermite (Elektron) and Incendary mix, after penetrating 4mm Shipsteel, it is shot out the back.
Used against Trading ships and other light War Vehicles.
Pzbrgr. (Ph.) o.Zerl (Ap-I) 0,117kg 720m/s 27mm/10m
3,6g Phosphor filling in Aluminium shell. Goes into action after shattering.
Used in Airfights against especially armored planes and against light tanks, Trucks, Trains and others.
Pzbrgr. L'Spur (or Gl'Spur) (Ph.) (ApI-T) 0,117kg 27mm/10m
2,5g Phosphor filling in Aluminium shell. Goes into action after shattering.
Same use as Tracerless version, but with tracer.
Pzsprgr. o.Zerl. (Aphe) 0,117kg 720m/s 5,1g Pent (8,67g) 27mm/10m
Note: Against Ships, Iron protected targets as well as light ground targets.
Bottum Fuze active after 3mm Steel.
Pzsprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,117kg 720m/s 3g Pent (5,1g) 27mm/10m
Pzsprgr. Gl´Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe-T night) 0,117kg 720m/s 3g Pent (5,1g) 27mm/10m
He: (Early rounds were 0,115kg, which were increased to 0,117kg)
Sprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (He-T) 0,117kg 720m/s 4,3g Pent (7,31g)
Note: Against Air and ground targets, replaced by Br.Sprgr. early on.
(Could only find the m.Zerl version, o.Zerl is the same just without the little hole between charge and tracer)
Brsprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (HeI-T) 0,117kg 720m/s 2,3g Pent (3,91g)
Also with Gl’Spur.
Incendary: (Early rounds were 0,115kg, which were increased to 0,117kg)
Brgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (I-T) 0,117kg 720m/s Some AP capability, duo solid nose designe
Also with Gl’Spur and without Sd.
Brgr. o.Zerl. (I) 0,117kg 720m/s
Highly compressed Incendary mix of Bariumnitrat-Aluminium-Magnesium-Alloy.
Brgr.44 o.Zerl (I) 0,106kg 745m/s
Dual Impact and Liquid Fuze. High capacity Incendary round.
M-Gesch. o.Zerl. 0,095kg 790m/s 18g HA 41 (29,76g)
20mm Mg FF/M
Picture:(Click to show)
Caliber: 20mm
Ammo: 20x80mm
Fire Rate: 520 rpm (Unsyncronized)
Drumfed 60-90 rpg
Muzzle velocity: 585-718 m/s
Weight: 28kg
Ammo Types:
Ap: (Early rounds were 0,115kg, which were increased to 0,117kg)
Pzgr. o.Zerl. (Ap) 0,117kg 585m/s 20mm/10m
Pzbrgr. (E.) o.Zerl. (Ap-I) 0,117kg 585m/s 20mm/10m
6,2g Thermite (Elektron) and Incendary mix, after penetrating 4mm Shipsteel, it is shot out the back.
Used against Trading ships and other light War Vehicles.
Pzbrgr. (Ph.) o.Zerl (Ap-I) 0,117kg 585m/s 20mm/10m
3,6g Phosphor filling in Aluminium shell. Goes into action after shattering.
Used in Airfights against especially armored planes and against light tanks, Trucks, Trains and others.
Pzsprgr. o.Zerl. (Aphe) 0,117kg 585m/s 5,1g Pent (8,67g) 20mm/10m
Note: Against Ships, Iron protected targets as well as light ground targets.
Bottum Fuze active after 3mm Steel.
He: (Early rounds were 0,115kg, which were increased to 0,117kg)
Sprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (He-T) 0,117kg 585m/s 4,3g Pent (7,31g)
Note: Against Air and ground targets, replaced by Br.Sprgr. early on.
(Could only find the m.Zerl version, o.Zerl is the same just without the little hole between charge and tracer)
Brsprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (HeI-T) 0,117kg 585m/s 2,3g Pent (3,91g)
Also with Gl’Spur.
Incendary: (Early rounds were 0,115kg, which were increased to 0,117kg)
Brgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (I-T) 0,117kg 585m/s Some AP capability, duo solid nose designe
Also with Gl’Spur and without Sd.
M-Gesch. o.Zerl. 0,095kg 718m/s 18g HA 41 (29,76g)
Pintel and fixed
20mm Mg C/30 L
Pictures:(Click to show)
Caliber: 20mm
Ammo: 20x138mmB Rheinmetall
Fire Rate: 325 rpm
Drumfed 100 rounds
Muzzle velocity: 830-1050 m/s (Going by L/65 barrle, aircraft mounted it was longer to reach the end of the Propeller hub (L/90), tho no more info on change of velocity.)
Weight: 64kg
Fixed Motorkanone
He 112 A-0
Bf 109 V-3 (Possibly)
Ammo Types: ApI-T, Aphe-T, APCR-T, He-, HeI-T and HeI-T (m) (And self destruct)
Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Ph.) (ApI-T) 0,148kg 830m/s 40mm/10m
Note: Used against ground targets. Soft and armored. 3g White Phosphor Core.
Were fully replaced by the empty ones and later .Zerl in the Desert and other hot places, as the Phostphor had a nasty tendicy to self ignite in hot weather.
The Ph. marked ones were standart with the filler, however they also existed with an O. which indicated they didnt have a filler and were only 143g (and 835-840m/s).
Pzgr. L'Spur zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,148 kg 830m/s 2,4g Pent 37mm/10m
NOTE: Against ground and air tragets. Soft and armored.
It does NOT have a fuze, the filler is for self destruction, in game it would also explode upon impact when shattering, like the japanese 30mm Aphe.
Pzgr. 40 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (HVAP-T) 0,100kg 1050m/s 62g core 12x45mm 50mm/10m
Note: Only used against heavy armored targets, where the standart Ap ammo does not penetrate.
(There were 3-4 generations, with ever increasing length and slightly weight, to improve stability.)
Pzsprgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,148 kg 830m/s 3,6g Pent 35mm/10m
Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and only against ground targets.

Pzsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,121 kg 900m/s 3,6g Pent 33mm/10m
Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and against ground and air targets.
(This last picture is an adaption for the Mg151/20 and uses a different shorter tracer, which results in it beeing also a bit lighter)

Sprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 6,2g Pent (10,54g) 5mm/10m
Sprgr. Erd. o.L'Spur. o.Zerl. (He) 0,120kg 900m/s 11g Pent (18,7g)
Note: Only against groundtargets. Other name is Spr.Gr.39.
(Couldnt find the correct drawing, the Br.Sprgr. o.L’Spur is basically the same, just different filler with Zink.
Brsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 6,6g H.5 and Aluminium
Brsprgr. vk. L'Spur m.Zerl (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 19g H.5 and Zink
Note: Against Air and Ground targets, reduced tracer length for increased filler. The full feight of the H.5 and Zink mixture is 19g, not the pure He filler.
Brsprgr. o.L'Spur. m.Zerl. (Hef-I Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 20g H.5 and Zink
Note: Against ground and air targets. No tracer at all to have a fully capacity He (H.5) and Incendary (Zink) mix. (Weight calculated by Killakiwi 7g H.5 13g Zink)
(first drawing is either a earlier model or a slighly too short drawn capacity.)
(This italian drawing is more representative.)
M-Gesch. X m.Zerl (He-I (m) Sd.) 0,104kg 950m/s 25g HA 41 (40g)
M-Gesch. X L'Spur m.Zerl (HeI-T (m) Sd.) 0,109kg 950m/s 24g HTA
20/30mm Mg 213C
Caliber: 20 and 30mm
Ammo: 20x135mm and 30x85mmR Mauser
Fire Rate: 1200-1400 rpm / 1000-1200 rpm
Beltfed: Unknown ammo amount
Muzzle velocity: 1050 m/s / 530 m/s
Weight: 96kg
Fixed, Motorkanone and Fuzelage
Fw 190/Ta 152 Prototype
Bf 110 (for testing in flight)
Ammo Types: ApI-T, Aphe-T (Sd.),Hef-I and Hefi-T, HeI (m) and HeI-T (m) / HeI-T (m), HeI (m) and P-T
The 20mm Ammo is the same as 2 cm Flak (and Mg C/30L), with a different casing and higher velocity of 980m/s and 1050 m/s for Pzgr. L’Spur (148g) and the Sprgr. L’spur (Hefi-T) as well as their other versions. For the 30mm barrle, its the same shells as the Mk 108 just with a slightly higher velocity.
For the 30mm ammo look at Mk 108, same shells but with 530m/s instead of 500m/s.
Cince their sadly badly documented natur, ill mostly reuse the 20x138mm pictures.
Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Ph.) (ApI-T) 0,148kg 980m/s 50mm/10m
Note: Used against ground targets. Soft and armored. 3g White Phosphor Core.
Were fully replaced by the empty ones and later .Zerl in the Desert and other hot places, as the Phostphor had a nasty tendicy to self ignite in hot weather.
The Ph. marked ones were standart with the filler, however they also existed with an O. which indicated they didnt have a filler and were only 143g (and 985-990m/s).
Pzgr. L'Spur zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,148 kg 980m/s 2,4g Pent 46mm/10m
NOTE: Against ground and air tragets. Soft and armored.
It does NOT have a fuze, the filler is for self destruction, in game it would also explode upon impact when shattering, like the japanese 30mm Aphe.
Pzsprgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,148 kg 980m/s 3,6g Pent 44mm/10m
Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and only against ground targets.

Pzsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,121 kg 1050m/s 3,6g Pent 41mm/10m
Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and against ground and air targets.
(This last picture is an adaption for the Mg151/20 and uses a different shorter tracer, which results in it beeing also a bit lighter)

Sprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 6,2g Pent (10,54g)
Sprgr. Erd. o.L'Spur. o.Zerl. (He) 0,120kg 1050m/s 11g Pent (18,7g)
Note: Only against groundtargets. Other name is Spr.Gr.39.
(Couldnt find the correct drawing, the Br.Sprgr. o.L’Spur is basically the same, just different filler with Zink.
Brsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 6,6g H.5 and Aluminium
Brsprgr. vk. L'Spur m.Zerl (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 19g H.5 and Zink
Note: Against Air and Ground targets, reduced tracer length for increased filler. The full feight of the H.5 and Zink mixture is 19g, not the pure He filler.
(first drawing is either a earlier model or a slighly too short drawn capacity.)
(This italian drawing is more representative.)
Brsprgr. o.L'Spur. m.Zerl. (Hef-I Sd.) 0,120kg 1050m/s 20g H.5 and Zink
Note: Against ground and air targets. No tracer at all to have a fully capacity He (H.5) and Incendary (Zink) mix. (Weight calculated by Killakiwi 7g H.5 13g Zink)
M-Gesch. X m.Zerl (He-I (m) Sd.) 0,104kg 1100m/s 25g HA 41 (40g)
M-Gesch. X L'Spur m.Zerl (HeI-T (m) Sd.) 0,109kg 1100m/s 24g HTA
30mm Mk 108
Caliber: 30mm
Ammo: 30x90mmB
Fire Rate: 600-650 rpm / Late war Mk 108A increased to 900 rpm
Beltfed: 65 and up rpg
Muzzle velocity: 500-525 m/s
Weight: 58kg
Ammo Types: HeI (M), HeI-T (M), P-T ( P-T as a AP ersatz, some sources and pictures from US Tests (see under pictures) show other AP rounds, but not German sources and its a API Blowback gun, the heavyer weight wouldnt work well. If appart from the M-Gesch. Üb. the H-Pzgr. and/or H-Pzgr. Üb. would be used.)
M-Gesch. Ausf.C L'Spur Üb. o.Zerl. (P-T) 0,33kg 500-525m/s 0g Filler Some penetration
M-Gesch. Ausf.C L`Spur. o.Zerl. (HeI-T (m)) 0,33kg 500-525m/s 70g HTA 5g Pent (92,5g)
M-Gesch. Ausf.A o.Zerl. (HeI) 0,33kg 500m/s 85g HTA (102g)
M-Brandgranate m.Zerl. (HeI) 0,37kg 500m/s 40g HTA (48g) & Incendary filler
Brandgranate o.Zerl. (I) 0,33kg 500m/s 140g Incendarymix & 0,6g Pent (1,02g)
(Doesnt have Mine in the name, as it does not possess great He filler.)
30mm Mk 101
Caliber: 30mm
Ammo: 30x184mmB Rheinmetall (Mechanically fired)
Fire Rate: 260 rpm
Magazin and Drum fed: 5 and 30 rpg
Muzzle velocity: (700) 800-960 m/s
Weight: 139kg
Fixed, and Semifixed, Gondular, Pod
Hs 129 B-1 (and early B-2)
He 177 (2x in a semi fixed Gondular)
Bf 110 C-6 and B-1
Do 24T
Ammo Types: Ap-I, Aphe-T, Apihecbc-T, HVAP-T, He-T, He
Similar principal to the Mg 151/20
Ammo Types: Ap-I, Aphe-T, Apihecbc-T, HVAP-T, He-T, He
Similar principal to the Mg 151/20
Pzbrgr. (E.) o.Zerl. (Ap-I) 0,5kg 725m/s 50mm/10m
Note: Used against Trading ships and other light War Vehicles/Vessels. Contains a 9g Thermite filling.
After penetrating 6mm of Ship construction steel, over a path of 2m it ejects the Thermite (Elektron) filling, multiple penetrations create a permament fire source.
Pzsprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,5kg 725m/s 14g Pent (23,8g) 50mm/10m
43mm/10m, by calculator with filler, however is the same shell as the AP-I with same penetration.
Note: Primary against Iron/Steel protected or armored Ground targets.
5mm Fuze Sensitivity and 0,75m (+/-0,25m) Fuze Delay.
2 Versions existed with different Bottum Fuzes (BdZ. 1583 and BdZ. 1584) with 500g or 530g weight (resulting also in a 25m/s velocity difference)
Was later replaced by the Pzbrsprgr. L’Spur as it was ligher (reducing wear), offered increased penetration and double effect of HE and Incendary instead of only He.)
(Like the ammo of the Mg 151/20 this is build like the Pzbrgr but with Pent filling and a Bottomfuze instead of Thermite filling.)
Pzbrsprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (ApI-T / ApheIcbc-T) 0,455kg 800m/s 5,2g Pent (8,84g) 58mm/10m
Note: Against Iron/Steel protected and Armored ground targets. Against Locomotives and heavily armored Planes. Was to replace the Pzsprgr. L’Spur.
Apcbc round. 5mm Fuze sensitivity and 0,75m +/- 0,25m Fuze Delay.
H-Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (HVAP-T) 0,356kg 960m/s 16mm 231g core 81mm/10m
Note: Only against Heavily armored Tanks. The Al-Mg-Cu Alloy Carrier has an incendary effect upon melting on impact.
Sprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (He-T) 0,44kg 800m/s 27g Pent (45,9g)
Note: Against Air and Ground Targets. Fully replaced by the M-Geschoss L’Spur o.Zerl.
M-Gesch. Ausf.C L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Hei-T (m)) 0,33kg 900m/s 70g HTA 5g Pent (92,5g)
Note: Against Air and Ground Targets. Fully replaced the Sprgr. L’Spur.
(I couldnt find the normal one, so instead the Üb. versions, along with the full drawing.)
M-Gesch. Ausf.A o.Zerl. (Hei (m)) 0,33kg 900m/s 85g HTA (102g)
Note: Against Air and Ground Targets. Fully replaced the Sprgr. L’Spur.
Brgr. o.L'Spur o.Zerl (I) 0,33kg 900m/s 140g Incendary mix & 0,6g Pent (1,02g)
Fixed, Pods
30mm Mk 103
Pictures:(Click to show)
Caliber: 30mm
Ammo: 30x184mmB Rheinmetall (Electrically fired)
Fire Rate: 450 rpm (Syncronized)
Beltfed depending on mounting 75-120 rpg
Muzzle velocity: (700) 800-960 m/s
Weight: 105kg
Ammo Types: Ap-I, Aphe-T, Apihecbc-T, HVAP-T, He-T, He
Similar principal to the Mg 151/20
Ammo Types: Ap-I, Aphe-T, Apihecbc-T, HVAP-T, He-T, He
Similar principal to the Mg 151/20
Pzbrgr. (E.) o.Zerl. (Ap-I) 0,5kg 725m/s 50mm/10m
Note: Used against Trading ships and other light War Vehicles/Vessels. Contains a 9g Thermite filling.
After penetrating 6mm of Ship construction steel, over a path of 2m it ejects the Thermite (Elektron) filling, multiple penetrations create a permament fire source.
Pzsprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,5kg 725m/s 14g Pent (23,8g) 50mm/10m
43mm/10m, by calculator with filler, however is the same shell as the AP-I with same penetration.
Note: Primary against Iron/Steel protected or armored Ground targets.
5mm Fuze Sensitivity and 0,75m (+/-0,25m) Fuze Delay.
2 Versions existed with different Bottum Fuzes (BdZ. 1583 and BdZ. 1584) with 500g or 530g weight (resulting also in a 25m/s velocity difference)
Was later replaced by the Pzbrsprgr. L’Spur as it was ligher (reducing wear), offered increased penetration and double effect of HE and Incendary instead of only He.)
(Like the ammo of the Mg 151/20 this is build like the Pzbrgr but with Pent filling and a Bottomfuze instead of Thermite filling.)
Pzbrsprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (ApI-T / ApheIcbc-T) 0,455kg 800m/s 5,2g Pent (8,84g) 58mm/10m
Note: Against Iron/Steel protected and Armored ground targets. Against Locomotives and heavily armored Planes. Was to replace the Pzsprgr. L’Spur.
Apcbc round. 5mm Fuze sensitivity and 0,75m +/- 0,25m Fuze Delay.
H-Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (HVAP-T) 0,356kg 960m/s 16mm 231g core 81mm/10m
Note: Only against Heavily armored Tanks. The Al-Mg-Cu Alloy Carrier has an incendary effect upon melting on impact.
Sprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (He-T) 0,44kg 800m/s 27g Pent (45,9g)
Note: Against Air and Ground Targets. Fully replaced by the M-Geschoss L’Spur o.Zerl.
(Later also with reduced charge of 750m/s to increase gun life.)
M-Gesch. Ausf.C L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Hei-T (m)) 0,33kg 900m/s 70g HTA 5g Pent (92,5g)
Note: Against Air and Ground Targets. Fully replaced the Sprgr. L’Spur.
(Also with reduced wear charge of 860m/s.)
(I couldnt find the normal one, so instead the Üb. versions, along with the full drawing.)
M-Gesch. Ausf.A o.Zerl. (Hei (m)) 0,33kg 900m/s 85g HTA (102g)
Note: Against Air and Ground Targets. Fully replaced the Sprgr. L’Spur.
(Also with reduced wear charge of 860m/s.)
Brgr. o.L'Spur o.Zerl (I) 0,33kg 900m/s 140g Incendary mix & 0,6g Pent (1,02g)
Fixed, Motorkanone, Pods
37mm Bk 37/43
Pictures:(Click to show)
Caliber: 37mm
Ammo: 37x265mmB
Fire Rate: 160 / 250 rpm
Loading Tray 6 / 8 rounds Rahmen (Frame)
Muzzle velocity: 770-1170m/s
Weight: 295 kg (Bk 43 lighter)
Fixed, Fuzelage and pods
Ju 87
Bf 110
Me 410 (and 210)
Ju 88
Ammo Types: Aphe, Hvap-T, He-T, HeI-T, He-I, HeI-T(m)
Pzgr. 18 L`Spur (Aphe-T) 0,685 kg 770/820m/s 13g Pent (22,1g) 49-54mm/10m
Note: Against Ground and Air Targets.
Bottum Fuze after 7mm active.
Pzgr. L’Spur (Naval) (Apcbc-T) 0,7 kg 815m/s solid 67mm/10m
M-Pzgr. 18 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Aphe (no tracer)) 0,710 kg 783M/s 90g HTA (108g) 42mm/10m
Note: Mainly against Air Targets, as well as ground targets and ships. (Propably didnt go into service.)
Bottum Fuze active after 5mm
H-Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Apcr-T) 0,405 kg 1150/1170m/s 231g core(16,1mm) 110-113mm/10m
Note: Only against Tanks, where other Ap rounds cant penetrate. The Carrier has an Incendary effect when melting upon impact.
Another version is 0,410kg heavy.
Sprgr. 18 L`Spur. Fes (Hef-T) 0,62 kg 820/845m/s 29g Pent (49,3g) 7mm/10m
Brsprgr. L'Spur (Hefi-T) 0,644kg 820m/s 30g H.5 and Aluminium
Note: Against Air and Ground targets.
Brsprgr. vk L'Spur. (HefI-T) 0,644kg 820m/s 40g H.5 and Aluminium
Note: Against Air and Ground targets, shortened Tracer for increased He and Incendary effect.
Brsprgr. o.L'Spur (HEFI) 0,62kg 820/845m/s 90g H.5 und Zink
Note: Against Air and ground targets.
(Filler of 35,5g H.5 and 54,5g Zink, calculated by Killakiwi)
M-Gr. 18 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Fi-T) 0,55kg 914m/s 90g HTA (108g) 7mm/10m
Fixed, Internal and Pods
50mm Bk 5 / Mk 214A
The Bk 5 is a modified KwK 39 L/60, as far as i can tell, Bk 5 not just refers to the autolader and gun, but the gun alone as well, as they were used without loader on the ground as well as in 1 Ju 88 P-4.
It is also the basis for the Mk 214A.
Caliber: 50mm
Ammo: 50x420mm
Fire Rate: 50 rpm / 160 rpm (Bk 5 / Mk 214A)
Continues Belt 22/32 rounds (Me 410 / Me 262)
Muzzle velocity: 835-920 m/s
Weight: 504kg / 481-490 kg (Bk 5 / Mk 214A)
Fixed, Fuzelage and Pod
Me 410 (and 210)
Ju 88
Me 262 A-1/U4
Ammo Types: Apc, Apcr, HeI, HeI (m) and HeI-T (m) (Sd.)
Pzgr. 40 (Apcr) 0,925 kg 21x75mm 335g core 1180-1200m/s 139-142mm/10m
(Yes the drawing sayes 0,9kg, however pretty much all captured stock and other german sources say 0,925kg with 1180m/s. And British, USA and Russian Source shows 1200m/s, German velocitys are for mid life barrles.)
Sprgr.38 (HEI) 1,82-1,86 kg 250g HTA & 12g Pent 870m/s (May be different from ground version)
M-Gesch. L'Spur m.Zerl. (HeI-T (m) Sd.) 1,52 kg 335-337g HTA & 12-15g Pent (420g TnTa) 920m/s
M-Gesch. o'Spur m/o.Zerl (HeI (m) With and without Sd.) 1,56 kg 350g HTA (420g TnTa) 920m/s
55mm Mk 241B
No direct Pictures Surviving, but similar to Gerät 58 (fired also the same 55x450mmR) but from Rheinmetall instead of Krupp should be similar to the Mk 214A (Click to show):
Mk 214A

Side/upgrade to the Mk 214a, the Mk 214b uses the bigger more powerfull 55x450mm ammo, resulting in a greater HE Load, higher velocity as well as with a higher fire rate, this gun offered a relative boost compared to the Mk 214a against bombers, however at the downside of having no AP rounds developed. It was test mounted on an Me 410 B-2/U4, however not used in combat.
Same ammo as the 5,5 cm Gerät 58 was used.
Caliber: 55mm
Ammo: 55x450mm
Fire Rate: 180 rpm
Beltfed: Unlimited Loop
Muzzle velocity: 1000/1006m/s
Weight: 649-650 kg
Ammo Types: HeI-T, HeI-T (m), P-T
Sprgr. L’Spur m.Zerl (HeI-T Sd.) 2,03kg ?g Filler 1000/1006m/s
M-Gesch. L'Spur m.Zerl. (HeI-T Sd.) 1,8kg 420-480g HTA 1000/1006/1080m/s
(Should look like this, however with only 1 driving band (maybe?).)
55mm Mk 112
Caliber: 55mm
Ammo: 55x175mm
Fire Rate: 300 / 350 rpm (Different source)
Beltfed: 25 and up rounds (Me 262)
Muzzle velocity: 594-610m/s (Different source)
Weight: 300 kg / 275 kg (Early / Simplefied)
Fixed, Fuzelage and Pods
Me 262 (2x in the front with 25 rounds each replacing the 4x Mk 108)
Ar 234 (2x in the front for nightfighter with 50 rpg)
Do 335 (1x under each wing)
Ammo Types: HeI-T (m), P-T
Sadly no surviving Pictures, but is a Upscaled Mk 108, also only fireing Minengeschosse. Build into Me 262, Ar 234 and in gondolas under Do 335
M-Gesch. L’Spur Üb. o.Zerl. (P-T) 1,466kg 0g filler 610m/s ~22mm/10m
55mm Mk 114
No Pictures Surviving, but similar to Gerät 58 (fired also the same 55x450mmR) but from Rheinmetall instead of Krupp (Click to show):
Intended as bigger more powerfull brother of the Mk 112. It Possibly was put into a single Me 262, but no pictures survive, merely added to give some insight and possibility.
Caliber: 55mm
Ammo: 55x450mm
Fire Rate: 180 rpm
Muzzle velocity: 1050m/s
Ammo Types: HeI-T, HeI-T (m), P-T
Sprgr. L’Spur m.Zerl (HEFI-T) 2,03kg unknown filler unknown velocity
M-Gesch. L'Spur m.Zerl. (HeI-T Sd.) 1,8kg 420 HTA 1000m/s
(Should look like this, however with only 1 driving band (maybe?).)
75mm Bk 75
Caliber: 75mm
Ammo: 75x718mmR
Fire Rate: 40 rpm
Hydraulic Autoloader: 13 rounds
Muzzle velocity: 700-990m/s
Weight: 460kg
Mounted: Hs 129 B-3 and Ju 88 P-1
Ammo Types: Apcbc, Apcr, He
Pzgr.39 (APCBC) 6,8kg 17g Pent (28,9g) 740-750m/s 137-140mm/10m
Pzgr.40 (APCR) 4,1kg 919m/s 28mm Core 162mm/10m
Sprgr.34 (He) 5,74 kg 700m/s 680g Fp.02 + 35g Np.10 Booster
8,8 cm DüKa
88mm Düka (Düsen Kanone) is a recoilless gun using standart 88mm Shells (not casings). It was mounted on one Ju 88 P-5. Inteded use against ground targets and bombers, however nothing beyond tests, it was seen as too heavy, too low velocity and not ideal for the rolle.
Caliber: 88mm
Ammo: 88x822mmR
Fire Rate: 15 rpm
Hydraulic Autoloader: 11 rounds (1 in the chamber, 10 on the rack)
Muzzle velocity: 500-600m/s
Weight: 1120kg
Ammo Types: Apcbc, Heat, He
Pzgr. (Apcbc) 9,5 kg 168g Fp.10 and Np.10 (215,04g) 500m/s 77mm/10m
Gr. 39 Hl (Heat) 7,64 kg 646g H.5 (1,1kg) 600m/s 110mm/all
Sprgr. L/4,5 (He) 9 kg 900g Fp.02 and Np.10 500m/s
Handbuch der Flugzeugbordwaffenmunition 1936-1945
L.Dv. 4000/1 - 10
Captured ammunition Bulletin
German light anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns The War Office Dec 1942
German Antiaircraft Artillery, military intelligence service special series 10 Feb. 1943
4402/2 Mun. d. 2 cm Flak 30,38 und Flakvierling 38
Munition der 2 cm Waffen
Captured Ammunition Bulletin No 5 and 6