Who are We?
We are a squadron that has a big interest in East Asian and Southeast Asian military vehicles. We have our own very active Discord (pm for invite) with notable community members and suggestion moderators where we frequently discuss the latest military developments from Asia, but also other parts of the world. Many of us speak/read several languages, allowing us to have a more intimate knowledge of nations like Japan. For example, we recently discussed the latest Japanese MoD budget (and found that the CTWV ICV is now the Type 24!). We also have insiders/natives from Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, and other nations!
Now that the CTWV RCV(P) is in the game, it would be a good time to join our squadron and get grinding!
I will definitely consider joining your squadron. I have an interest in the Shimakaze ship, but that requires joining a squadron, and that is something I haven’t explored yet. Mind you, of course, that I’m still a bit of a n00b at War Thunder; I’ve been at this game for almost a month now, so I don’t know what it’s like to join a squadron. In fact, most squadrons I see listed require being of a high rank, and the highest rank I’ve got is with Japanese planes, owning three III Rank planes (BR of 4.7). I’m working my way up to III Rank on Japanese ships, but I don’t know if that will be sufficient.
Overall, do know that I will consider joining your squadron.
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Don’t worry about your skill level or experience, our squadron is for anyone who likes East Asian/Southeast Asian military vehicles! Welcome to the WBWMS! If you’d like to join the discord, shoot me a pm.
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Thanks for having me. I’ll do my best. (:
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I cannot be a member of the squadron because I am already a member of another squadron, but I am interested in discussing Japanese and Southeast Asian weapons, so would it be possible for me to just join the discord?
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I’ve popped an application in!
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Welcome! let me know if you’d like to be added to the Discord
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