Perhaps the most vaunted establishment of the Japanese Armed Forces is its Navy. The modern-day JMSDF has a rich and illustrious history and is ranked amongst the best in the world. However, it would be difficult to separate its history and collective expertise from its predecessor, the Imperial Japanese Navy. Like its modern-day counterpart, the IJN was also a force to be reckoned with, easily competing with other great powers of the time. Thus, I would like to create this topic to consolidate all research, suggestions, and discussion in a single thread.
In this thread you may:
-Ask the community for anything regarding Japanese naval forces.
-Ask the community to help with your document report on Japanese naval forces.
-Post unique/rare/unseen/cool photographs related to Japanese warships
-Post documents/books/magazines and/or blueprints related to Japanese warships.
-Share documentation on the machinery, armaments, and systems of Japanese warships
-Feel free to share your knowledge concerning the warships of Japan.
-If you think you find a bug that is not historically correct, consult those in this thread!

Thread inspired by @_N4MELESS post on Japanese Ground Forces
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