This thread will serve as a place to discuss new information, discuss performance and in game discussion once released. New information will be added to OP and updated.
The FS-X later called XF-2A origins can be traced back to the early 1980’s and the highly secretive Laboratory Three division of Japan’s Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI). There, studies were being carried out to investigate the options for an indigenous design, combining long range with maneuverability, to meet the particular requirements of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF). In 1987, the JASDF selected a variant of the F-16C as the Japanese FS-X aircraft to replace the Mitsubishi F-1 aircraft, and in 1988 Mitsubishi was selected as prime contractor for the aircraft, which became known as the F-2. The program involved technology transfer from the USA to Japan, and responsibility for cost sharing was split 60% by Japan and 40% by the USA. Four flying prototypes were developed, along with two static prototypes for static testing and fatigue tests. Flight trials of the prototypes were successfully completed by 1997, the prototypes continue to exist to this day serving as test aircraft for new technology’s and weapons.

F-2A Early
Initial production versions in the early 2000s, they would differ from the prototypes in having an expanded air to ground loadout, J/AAQ-2 FLIR pod and JDAMs.

F-2A Late
Late versions of the F-2 that were upgraded, new upgrades include new radar J/APG-2, and J/ARG-1 transmitter which allowed it to use both the regular AAM-4 and the upgraded version in the form of AAM-4B, AAM-5/B was also added around that point. Sniper pod combability, increase JDAM loadout from 4 to 8 with the addition of BRU-57 pylon, updated electronics.
Also received the ability to use ASM-3 and with Sniper pod laser guided JDAMS.

Trainer version of the F-2, it is combat capable with armament similar to early F-2s but also having slight differences.
New Information, Additional pics, etc
JM2040: 空自、J/APG-2の改善案に関する検討を契約

Suggestions list:
Mitsubishi F-2A Viper Zero (Early) - JASDFs Modern Zero enters Service
Mitsubishi F-2B Viper Zero - A Lethal Combat Trainer
Mitsubishi F-2B ADTW «63-8102» - Better than Reagan´s and JASDFs R2-D2!
Mitsubishi F-2A Viper Zero (Late) - The Modern Zero Ameliorated
Mitsubishi XF-2A Prototype "Viper Zero"
XF-2A 63-8502 Testing New Technology
Mitsubishi XF-2A (Late) F-X Radar - 5th Gen Studies
If we indeed have to re-do all the suggestions, I am going to move them over here, perhaps rework some with the information we have these days.
Btw @Fireraid233, the F-2A Late also includes ASM-3 and L-JDAM (Laser-guided).
If anyone wants to join the Japan / ASEAN / South Korea Research Group WT Discord server, just ask me.
The server exists for discussions, sourcing and bug reporting.
The AAM-4 was Semi-Active Radar Guided Missile
The AAM-4B is Active Radar Guided Missile
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AAM-4A and B were both ARH fox 3s
In addition to the normal stroke display, the F-2 HUD has a function called raster display, which can also display images, and it seems to be possible to project images on the HUD. (Color display is not available, but black and white.) It may be possible to project a forward FLIR image of J/AAQ-2 on the HUD.
So similar to something like the F-15E?
3D radio direction finder System
In order to calculate the position of an enemy aircraft, it is necessary for the aircraft to receive radio waves emitted by the enemy’s radar and other equipment.
Until now, only the antennas on the main wings (see photo, antenna circled in red) were used, so only horizontal (two-dimensional) bearings could be calculated. The 3D radio direction finder system now calculates not only horizontal heading but also vertical heading (3D) by adding antennas on the vertical tail wing (yellow-circled antennas in the photo) in addition to the main wings.
From June to October 2012, ground tests and flight tests were conducted at Gifu Air Base and the surrounding airspace to confirm performance such as direction-finding accuracy and reception

I hope can get AIM-120Bs / C-5s for the F-16AJ, once the confirmed FOX-3s arrive (e.g. PL-12; J-8F devblog). The missing two AIM-7s and the AIM-7F itself are a pain to use against the R-27ER and AIM-54 spam rn and it won´t get better once said missiles arrive. Japan either has to get F-15J (modified F-15C) or F-2A by then.
F-16AJ is somewhat cool but it won’t stay relevant in A2A for much longer and is already obsolete in A2G role.
I’ve been working on another big thread that’s why I haven’t updated this one will get back to it soon.
They would have to change the radar right? To use AMRAAMS?
Afaik yes, but since the in-game F-16AJ is made up by them, they can do what ever they want with it and I don´t see a reason to not give it AIM-120s when the time comes.
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i thought parts of it were made up as the japanese version was a prototype that never happened?
Overall, it goes like this;
- F-2A/B ‘Early’: AIM-9L, AAM-3, AIM-7M, GSC-1, ASM-1, ASM-2
- F-2A/B: adds AAM-4A and AAM-5A as well as GBU-38 JDAM
- F-2A ‘Late’: adds J/APG-2 Radar, AN/AAQ-33, AAM-4B, AAM-5B, ASM-3A and GBU-54 L-JDAM
F-2B were afaik not upgraded to the ‘Late’ service standards except the F-2B ADTW #63-8102 (suggestion is already done for that one)
There is afaik also an air-launched cruise missile coming to the F-2 but it hasn´t been tested or anything yet.
Updated again made a “new info” section.
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Good blog post that shows all the different systems and weapons and upgrade plans