JGSDF Discussion Page

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Ok, I see what you guys mean, but I don’t think it’s nearly as tragic as you make it out to be… unless it’s Maginot Line, istg that map has a broken sky or I have no idea lol.

Yea…its a pain…The only time it works is in clear skies, no clouds or less clouds or if they fly in areas where there is no clouds, or if they are close enough or jets flying away from ya, they dodge it easily from the front due to being able to see it coming.

Lot of heli spawns are around trees, mountain ranges, low to the ground, etc. It’s very rare to get someone who flies high enough to lock onto and those people usually get taken out by your friendly SPAAs anyway.

The 91 is workable since it at least can move around easily but it still struggles against competent CAS.

issue dosent lie completely on the missile itself but the situation its located at since missile can be tricked by anything from clouds to bad weather and even terrains wich makes it extremely situational

If any fans of Japanese vehicles here gathered are looking for a squadron, you should join ours! Many prominent contributors to Asian/Southeast Asian military vehicles are in it as well.

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The only equipment needed to operate the camera behind CTWV RCV’s body is the one framed in blue, which is not as huge as the one currently implemented. Even if it is large, only the one framed in red would be needed.


I really hope they will one day let us extend the optic mast fully on the CTWV RCV.


Are there any IRL pictures of the CTWV with the mast extended?


This is the best we got. It’s still in trials, so we may see it extended



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We will have to wait until JGSDF releases more footage, yeah. I hope we won’t have to wait for too long, so we can get leverage and make Gaijin make the change sooner. As it is now, the extendable mast is rarely ever useful. And I’m not even gonna mention how little rewards you get for spotting.


But hey the ctwv aparetly got a turret and elevation buff

  • CTWV (RCV):
    • Small grille on the hull sides: 15 → 10 mm
    • Added spall liners
    • Rotation speed: 30 → 53 °/s
    • Elevation speed: 8 → 28 °/s
    • Jammed reload time: 10 → 8 sec

I don’t know where to report modeling errors. The missile nozzles on the Type 81C are for display purposes and are covered. I found a video showing the nozzles and filed a bug report, but there’s been no response.


They don’t pop off when the missiles are fired?

I hadn’t considered that possibility. I thought the same for IRH since there is no lid on the ARH at around 3:10 of this video.

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The Type 10 is so bad in turns, it is absolutely terrible. Thing was specifically designed to be very mobile yet it loses much more momentum than tanks that are 20 tons heavier… and turning on spot - again, terrible; and don’t get me started on the acceleration, where the Type 10 should be unmatched (thanks to its continuously variable transmission), yet again it loses to much heavier tanks too.

If gaijin won’t acknowledge that the armour they’ve given it is 99% wrong, then at least make it actually mobile to compensate for it.


A suggestion was made before to artificially increase the horsepower of the engine to simulate the performance gains of the CVT, since they haven’t shown any interest in modeling an authentic CVT for the game. Obviously that never happened.

Regenerative steering would help pretty much every modern tank but I don’t want to keep beating that dead horse.

This December will mark the 3rd year anniversary since the introduction of Type 10 in War Thunder, can’t say many improvements have been made.

Mobility is botched, still missing the turret basket on the rear.


In my opinion, the center of gravity of the Type 10 in this game is obviously too high, which seems to increase the energy loss when turning.

Does anyone know what the reticle looks like on the Shi-H Mk.1? It’s used by the Na-To, Chi-To(s) and Chi-Nu II.