Only one set of the nozzles seems to output hot air as the rest are fed with the bypass air.
What a nice Harrier
P.1154 is real
this proves my point and evidence
Only the rear has the plume
How so? its the old engine flame effect that is only there in the CDK, it isn’t present in game, and the rear nozzles are the “hot” ones.
I suspect the main reason the Harrier has a harder time decoying IR missiles is because the nozzles are almost in the middle of the airframe. So the IR seekers are more cantered on the aircraft from the start so the flares need to pull the seeker further than normal.
We will never know unless we get a simulation of how missile see the Harrier in game, or a comment from the devs. All we do is speculate
Total of 4 exhausts, does that mean anything for the game, i dont know
Which is right but I wonder if there is a way to tell if the forward nozzles are considered “hot” in game. I might ask a dev about this.
Please do. I failed to find anything in the datamine and CDK
I’ve asked a Dev.
I mean there is no way to tell, so until a dev can confirm it you’re talking out your arse mate haha.
From what testing I could do and that was my result but maybe it has been changed since then. If there was a change then it was pretty had to notice
I’m with Gunjob on this one. In the files there is nothing stating any temperature or bands, that could be used to determine what nozzles are hot. Either im looking in the wrong place, or that data is not shown.
The good news is that all 4 of the exhausts aren’t used. Just the rear two. We just need Gaijin to half the heat then we’re golden
Confirmed with a dev, the only thing that matters for decoying an IR missile is the thrust to flare signature ratio.
Do we know that ratio for the harrier?