~7.7 heavy tanks desperately need a reload buff

I know the E5 is good but there are weakspots in its turret. That’s why it’s at 6.7 and the T32E1 is 7.7. The cupola is the only place the T32 turret has less than 280mm of armor.

War Thunder 31.03.2024 06_45_24

War Thunder 31.03.2024 06_46_45

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The KV-2 is more than fine.

A bunch of nonsense.

That is NOT the issue.


Nonsense again.

Both of them are excellent vehicles.
They do not need any changes, since both of them are good.

This thread is about tanks that basically lack EVERYTHING. They have no effective armor, bad mobility, and a gun that lacks pen, reliability and even damage sometimes.

And that’s why they need even these small reload buffs suggested here. They would not have their reloads halved. Far from it. They would be changed by a little bit, but even that would make HUGE improvements in them.


everyone should get over it and stop crying.
The vehicles are what they were designed to be.
Asking for them to be changed to cater for your skill shortfall is just lame.

Adjust your playstyle depending upon the vehicle you are using, it is a simple as that.

We can go on for days about how vehicle x does not have what vehicle y has.

This whole thread is ridiculous in my opinion.

People just need to broaden their horizons in terms of what vehgicles they use and how they use them.

Big gun with big damage? - big reload. It is not a hard concept to understand.

Dont like long reload? - dont use a vehicle with long reload.

I swear if it was up to the majority here - every single vehicle would be identical, just looking different.

Can’t wait to see You complaining about anything in the game, I will just link this reply to You

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Don’t know, sometime i enjoy 7.7 line up with T-54 and IS-4M, play it like the IS-2 and you still be fine.
Most T32/E1 and IS-4M players i saw just press W thinking that they are playing T-34 and IS-3 without any worry about the threat they might face, some of them even starts acting like German facing Jumbo, blindly shoot and keep shooting the same spot when they has better time to just shoot the track and flank.

Oh he did:


People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs
Skill issue
Team mates making game impossible to enjoy
BLATANT cheating in the tournament as usual
Pro noob tip!
Fighters not fighting
And the best, him literally crying in this thread:
So when is the Ta 152 getting it’s Airspawn removed?
Needing back up in Air RB

I just put this here, because it is this laughable:

I know it is a troll post, but it is just awful for even that.

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If you looked a little closer you would’ve seen that I literally said this in a post earlier.

I even said that in the exact post you replied to.

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If you looked a little closer and if you would not have been this blatantly dishonest, you would have included the other picture.

If you looked a little closer, you would have noticed that NONE of the screenshots i included were cupola shots, since that shell can’t pen the cupola.

Mega oops on your side.

In all of my almost 200 deaths in the T32E1 I never died to a roof shot to the right side. It does not happen in a live game. Also a true cupola shot on the T32 isn’t possible. The right side can only be penned thanks to the cupola catching the round and detonating it.

I get that you’re an arcade player and pixel hunting is normal for you however this thread is mainly based on RB and why these reload buffs are needed within realistic battles.

Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 21-36-55 ~7.7 heavy tanks desperately need a reload buff - Game Discussion _ Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

It’s a 2 pixel weakspot.

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I am happy that you was never killed by that roof shot.
It does not changes the fact, that your statement was incorrect.
it also does not change the fact that you was dishonest. I just don’t understand what was you thinking with that, when it all was visible. Like dude, at least misrepresent something that other people can’t see…

Irrelevant. It is a valid weak spot.
The fact that you have to go with this “you are an arcade player” shows your utter defeat here.

Admit that you was wrong and move on. it isn’t that hard to do.

It is not. Even if it was, it is still a valid weak spot.

It does not changes the fact, that your statement was incorrect.
it also does not change the fact that you was dishonest. I just don’t understand what was you thinking with that, when it all was visible. Like dude, at least misrepresent something that other people can’t see…

I included all relevant information I don’t need to include your whole reply. I’m not hiding info everyone can go check the post I replied and look at the other stuff too.

Irrelevant. It is a valid weak spot.

Only in arcade. If you actually played realistic you would know it’s impossible to hit reliably.

It is not. Even if it was, it is still a valid weak spot.

Look at the video provided. A 2 pixel weakspot is not reliable.

The IS-4M can be front penned by a Panzer 4 too. That means the armor is bad too right?

Can this thread please die so the updated one that hopefully stays on topic gets somewhere?

Updated List Of Tanks Around 7.7 BR That Need A Reload Buff To Become Competitive again

Except, you only included the screenshot that showed the weak spot under the cupola, and you wanted to make it seem like it hit the cupola. You even did this:

Weak spots are still weak spots even if they are rare to hit. I mean why did the germans change the Panther’s mantlet?
It happened in real life, and in game too. It is a valid weak spot.

Still not 2 pixels. Pixel size does not mean anything in terms of describing a size of something without additional information.

)If in a real match it can be penned, then it is a weak spot.

No. And please quote the exact line where i said the T32/E1 has bad armor because of that.

Except, you only included the screenshot that showed the weak spot under the cupola, and you wanted to make it seem like it hit the cupola. You even did this:

Yes because the shot to the left of the turret is impossible to hit without a huge amount of luck and can therefor be ignored. The cupola is the only reason a shot the right is doable in a live game.

Weak spots are still weak spots even if they are rare to hit. I mean why did the germans change the Panther’s mantlet?
It happened in real life, and in game too. It is a valid weak spot.

Bad comparisson. A trapshot is not a reliable weakspot of the Panther.

Still not 2 pixels. Pixel size does not mean anything in terms of describing a size of something without additional information.

2 pixels on a 1920x1080 screen. That’s the margin of error you’re allowed to have when aiming for this weakspot.

If in a real match it can be penned, then it is a weak spot.

If in a real match it can be penned reliably, then it is a weak spot.*

No. And please quote the exact line where i said the T32/E1 has bad armor because of that.

Do you not know what an exaggeration is? Do I have to spoonfeed everything to you?

I’d be thankful if you could post any following answers about reload time in the new one as I will stop responding in this thread.

Soft admittion of defeat.

Nice saving!

It’s getting annoying. You don’t want to understand anything. Just go play arcade and leave RB players alone. These gamemodes play completely different and you can’t apply Arcade weakspots to RB.

You have no idea about how these heavies play in RB. The only 7.7 heavy you played that I mentioned is the Conqueror and only in Arcade.

They are the same size. The cupola has nothing to do with it.

You have no idea what you’re talking about if you think that.

So you can reliably hit it, but not this one? Seems legit.

Look which one is the 2 pixels!

Go ahead and hit a 5x smaller weak spot reliably.

I said the Panther trapshot is not reliable either.

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So a 5x smaller weak spot if perfectly hitable, but a 5x bigger isn’t. I am not sure how it goes.

More like you, but okay.

Okay, i misread it. Sorry.

So a 5x smaller weak spot if perfectly hitable, but a 5x bigger isn’t. I am not sure how it goes.

Where did I say that?

More like you, but okay.

Play 100 matches with these 7.7 heavies in RB before saying something like that.

I measured it.
You know, 10/2=5.


I measured it.
You know, 10/2=5.

Bruh. How do you fail to understand that.

So a 5x smaller weak spot if perfectly hitable, but a 5x bigger isn’t. I am not sure how it goes.

Where did I say one is hitable and the other one isn’t.

Yeah i had a brainfart there. Sorry for that.

Going back to the topic, both the Panther shot trap, and the T32 turret weak spot are exactly that. Weak spots.

Just like the rangefinder on many tanks, like Panther F/II, Fake Tiger II, M103, etc.