~7.7 heavy tanks desperately need a reload buff

The T32 is a good boi.

Just waiting for a sale to purchase the E1 :)

Dont like the characteroistics of a particular vehicle?
Dont play it.

Incredibly bad take. By your logic we should never have BR changes because you can just not play bad tanks.

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M4A2 (76) IS 5.7 BR.
Tiger H1 is 5.7 BR.

M4A2 (76) is 5.3

M4A2 has 7.6 second reload - it has less armour - it has less effective gun.
Tiger H1 has 9.6 second reload - has much more armour - much more effective gun.

M4A2 (76) has a stabilizer, better turret traverse, lower reload, better mobility, arty, .50 cal and a lower BR

So we gonna say it’s not fair for the sherman? how about we give it a 5 second reload?
Or we gonna say Tiger needs a reload buff?

Neither have a 20s+ reload so this isn’t relevant to this thread.


Never lmao. Have fun getting hundrets of kills and still not having aced crews.

Would y’all mind continuing the argument in the new thread?

This is just not correct at all lol

The IS-4M is almost invincible and the T32E1 is just horrible. Literally no penetration on a 90mm with a reload as long as a 122mm while fighting LRF and Composites. The IS-4M actually has the ability to take a hit since the armor is nearly on par with a Maus. The T32E1 is just bad. Simple as that. It has no redeeming qualities.

Where do I even start here.

The IS-4M is almost invincible and the T32E1 is just horrible

IS-4M has slightly better front and quite a bit better side armor against conventional rounds.

Literally no penetration on a 90mm

224mm pen on the 90mm compared to 230 on the 122mm (336mm pen on the APCR).

with a reload as long as a 122mm

The reload is much shorter. 90mm has 14.5s and the 122mm has 20.8s aced.

fighting LRF and Composites

The IS-4M fights the same tanks.

The IS-4M actually has the ability to take a hit since the armor is nearly on par with a Maus

The armor like on the T32E1 can be better than the Maus is some points but the survivability of the Maus is unmatched.

The T32E1 is just bad. Simple as that. It has no redeeming qualities.

IS-4M: 12.5 HP/T, 10°/s turret traverse, 20.8s reload, -3 depression, 4 crew (24s max repair time)
T32E1: 14.3 HP/T, 24°/s turret traverse, 14.5 reload, -10 depression, 5 crew (20s max repair time)

How about you try to unlock the APHE first before making assumptions?

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The IS-4M has 160mm on the sides sloped and 280mm on the front sloped.
The Maus has 180mm flat on the sides and 320mm on the front sloped.

Considering how much more mobile the IS-4M is, it’s basically just a faster Maus without a second cannon.

Despite being significantly smaller, it lacks a much better reload rate.

Not everyone aces their vehicles. 15 seconds for a 90mm that can’t front penetrate a T-54 is kind of depressing.

IS-4M handles hits better because it’s much more armored. You also have good angle performance and will kill anything you pen in one hit.

The IS-4M has better survivability than the Maus on most occasions. It’s faster with similar armor and has high caliber machine guns. The T32E1 just doesn’t cut it for a Heavy Tank.

I do have APHE actually. Don’t make assumptions lol.

And I’ve spaded the normal T32, so I’m well aware of what this vehicle can’t do compared to the other 7.7 heavy tanks. I’ve played almost all of them afterall.

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160 on the sides, sloped. Maus has 180 flat.

Maus wasn’t mentioned. I compared the IS-4M and the T32E1.

Despite being significantly smaller, it lacks a much better reload rate.

It does similar damage and reloads in 2/3 the times the IS-4M needs.

Not everyone aces their vehicles.

The IS-4M reload when aced is slower than the T32E1 stock reload. If you want an expert comparision it’s 15.4 vs 22.0.

15 seconds for a 90mm that can’t front penetrate a T-54 is kind of depressing.

It can very well front pen a T-54.

IS-4M handles hits better because it’s much more armored.

Wrong the T32E1 has more dead space whereas the IS-4M has ammo all around the tank is less survivable.

You also have good angle performance and will kill anything you pen in one hit.

That’s the only thing the 122mm does better.

The IS-4M has better survivability than the Maus on most occasions.

That’s just a lie and you know it.

It’s faster with similar armor and has high caliber machine guns.

It also has a longer reload and much less pen than the Maus. The 75mm is a lot better than the 12,7mm too.

I do have APHE actually. Don’t make assumptions lol.

Didn’t know you had premium. It usually takes more than 8 kills to get these mods.

And I’ve spaded the normal T32, so I’m well aware of what this vehicle can’t do compared to the other 7.7 heavy tanks

The normal T32 is trash compared to the T32E1 it’s only playable because it’s a lower BR.

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Maus is mentioned by you here.

It does not. 137 grams versus 246 isn’t close. Not to mention that a 122mm hits significantly harder in general. You get no advantage for the 90mm. There’s no point to using the APCR if you lose all your damage on the long reload. Hence why the T26E5 is better than the T26E1-1.

Not a significant difference for the damage each cannon does. 15 seconds is already much higher than the Tiger 2, which has way better shell performance, reload rate, and hull armor despite being an entire BR lower.

No, it can’t. Not reliably.

A T-54 will eat you alive.

Dead Space doesn’t matter when your side armor is 76mm thick on a heavy tank. It’s the main flaw of the conqueror. No good armor and a long reload rate with an unreliable gun.

Raw Damage and better angle performance for a hardly inferior reload. 71mm at 60 degrees for the IS-4M and only 62mm for the T32E1.

I have over a 2KD or higher in both the IS-4M and Maus. You can “Stat Check” me again if you don’t believe it. If you’ve played this game at all, you should know Russian rounded armor eats shells significantly better than any other plate.

There’s more to matches than just kills. Captures, Assists, Repairs, they all matter.

The Normal T32 is more bearable because it doesn’t fight 8.7 tanks.

T32E1 can hull down, which indirectly means it makes the area available to hit smaller, the 90mm APHE isn’t that far away from the Soviet 122mm, cut the small probability of overpressure from the APHE then they are pretty close in terms of performance, then takes the gun handling into account you have an overall more well-rounded tank that is more viable in most situation. Also, the driver hatch area of IS-4M although it is a credit card size, can be penned by T29 or even the long 88mm quite reliably.

Where are you going to hull down on most maps? And even then, the Maus and the IS-4M are better at this than the T32E1.

The 122 literally has double the power behind it. You will never need a second shot if you penetrate someone unlike the 90mm.

Reverse it like an IS-2. Problem Solved. Even if you don’t do that, I have literally been killed in the Driver’s port a total of two or three times. It almost never happens.

Maus is mentioned by you here.

The Maus was mentioned later. Here I compared the T32E1 and the IS-4M.

It does not. 137 grams versus 246 isn’t close. Not to mention that a 122mm hits significantly harder in general. There’s no point to using the APCR if you lose all your damage on the long reload.

The 122mm has 0 chance of front penning a Maus or Ferdinand. The 90mm can with APCR.

You get no advantage for the 90mm.

Reload, gun depression, muzzle velocity, smaller diameter to not get stuck on volumetric as often.

Not a significant difference for the damage each cannon does. 15 seconds is already much higher than the Tiger 2

Tiger 2 can shoot twice for every shot the T32E1 takes and 3 times for the IS-4M. That’s a huge difference.

which has way better shell performance, reload rate, and hull armor despite being an entire BR lower

And has a lot less turret front and side armor, barely has 10 HP/T, has no .50cal, can’t hide because it’s huge and has a hull mg weakspot.

No, it can’t. Not reliably.

It’s not easy at range but up close it’s very reliable.

A T-54 will eat you alive.

An Ikv91. Leopard 1, Cent Mk 10 or any other light tank will eat the IS-4M alive too.

Dead Space doesn’t matter when your side armor is 76mm thick on a heavy tank. It’s the main flaw of the conqueror.

Don’t expose your side. Dead space is very helpful against HEAT. The Conq basically can’t get oneshot with HEAT or APDS.

hardly inferior reload

6 seconds is a huge difference.

I have over a 2KD or higher in both the IS-4M and Maus

I can guarantee I’ve played them more than you. Without CAS I’d probably have a 7 KD in both the T32E1 and the IS-4M so they perform about the same for me. The IS-4M suffers from american CAS a lot more than the T32E1 and for that reason alone it’s worse.

The Normal T32 is more bearable because it doesn’t fight 8.7 tanks.

That’s exactly what I said.

Based on my experience 70% of the post-pen from the long 88mm is a killing blow, that thing has barely any explosive in there lol now look at how much the 90mm has, if it fails to OHKO once penned then it is something else, wasn’t the lack of explosive for sure. Do you mean to reverse the IS-3 like the IS-2? I’m pretty sure you can’t reverse IS-4M like the IS-2 bro. No bias, I think all 7.7 heavies are equally bad, IS-4M with that reload should be near the top of the list in terms of how bad.

The IS-4M does well in reverse.

You can’t anymore. The seperator plate between the engine is missing only on the IS-4M and they refuse to fix it. Now anything that gets into your engine kills you.

As someone who has the experience with every 7.7 tech tree heavy (I think anyway), I can comfortably say the T32E1 is inferior to the rest, aside from maybe the Conqueror. You can argue stats all you want, but it simply does not do anything.

Also, I didn’t mention it till now, but isn’t it odd that you keep looking at my stats to check my credibility, yet you hide your own?

I literally do it all the time. It still works.

I copied the wrong text I was referring to the BR of the T32.

Also, I didn’t mention it till now, but isn’t it odd that you keep looking at my stats to check my credibility, yet you hide your own?

I posted mine but I can do so again.