I only recently picked up Navy after getting the itch for ship warfare as someone who used to play World of Warships. While I think WT has a way to go in its Naval Combat, I found arcade to be enjoyable enough to grind out some ships. Unfortunately my time playing has been cut short with the latest update practically removing any level of skill by virtue of allowing you to aim horizontally.
Moving it into this ‘point and shoot’ style gameplay of aiming at the part you want and the game doing the rest feels absolutely horrific. I can no longer pre-empt people turning or weaving, instead hoping that my gaijin sanctioned aimbot has enough RNG to spread the shots to hopfully land something. Not to mention that when you play on 200 ping the aimbot struggles to land shells even at what you have targeted.
Whoever greenlit this needs to have their mobile phone taken from their hands and sat down on any sort of vehicle shooter and asked “If I take away the aiming aspect, is this game fun anymore?”, then promptly fired.
PS. Yes I am aware arcade isn’t a paragon of skill, but taking what little was there away just feels very backwards.
Im realistic player mostly but I wanna try this in a match. Already tried arcade in test drive and it worked fine. But I can understand how it can be counter productive in real battle.
Anyway, if youre unhappy, go play realistic, its much better than naval arcade anyway.
I don’t like how gaijin did not address the changes like they did when the ground mains complained about the turret basket, no one asked for this change afaik and I really don’t see how this is going to improve naval at all. I’m pretty sure the people that are okay with this new aiming system don’t even play arcade or naval in general.
I’ve played a bit of Realistic and it’s likely where I’ll move to with these changes. Was mostly playing Arcade for a bit of general fun and to grind things out a bit quicker.
That doesn’t serve to minimize the issue though - there was at least some level of agency in your aiming, enough at least that you could counteract a person turning or trying to evade with good shell placement. But no longer. Seems very shortsighted.
The reason I never played arcade was cause the aiming system was worse than realistic without the fun of realistic.
So these changes will actually incentivize me to play for quick fun.
I can understand disliking a less involved version of aiming, and you can dislike Arcade. But for those playing it, this is a big change that I personally feel takes away any level of enjoyment.
Dangit…I will test in a live match here to confirm, and edit my posts with the update. Thanks for the info.
EDIT #1: Confirmed, the “Realistic Aiming” does not work in Arcade Matches anymore. I consider this a bug, and will create a bug report and post link here in a moment.
yeah, the introduction of the new AB aiming system actually broke this setting. So you’re stuck with this new system in AB whether you want to or not for some reason.
Played Naval AB for a couple of years and enjoyed it after learning what to do …. until today … completely soulless and unplayable … so off to RB and learn all over again