“They’re not positive KDRs!”
It’s 2 .50s and 2 7.7s on the other, and closer to 1:1 than they should be if fire rate and point & click was all that was needed.
“Clearly the enemy had a skill issue!”
Alright, two hypothetical arguments destroyed just in-case your reply would’ve made them.
No offense but you and Alvis are at times so illogical, that it’s difficult to argue with the things you’re saying because they make no logical sense. Like the VTBs… I don’t even know what he’s saying. They’re paper thin boats.
I don’t know, mate. You’re sounding like a broken record yourself. You’re saying the same things over and over.
People complaining about issue on the forums is how we get stuff done. What has been released is broken. It doesn’t work. It makes the game boring and skilless.
Revert it. Fix it, talk to the community about changes, maybe make a roadmap with some feedback, and comeback to us. Right now… they’re destroying naval.
I have no idea what you’re trying to prove here. …with two french recruit tier boats. …that you’ve hardly ever played. I’ve got a bit of time in naval and, I’ll tell ya… those boats are literally firing frozen peas. That weaponry hardly penetrates wet napkins. Are you trying to say that the VTB is a good boat with decent weaponry? That it should have a better KD? Or that you playing them and having a terrible KD is proof that the game is not point and click?
Why don’t you let the people who actually care about naval talk about naval, why its good, and what’s best for it.
“Hardly played.”
One’s entirely spaded and the other is half spaded.
And your post is telling naval players to shut up… you have to be ragebaiting.
Yeah, I’m not taking people seriously that have posts telling naval players to shut up.
A lack of apology in your next post is an admission of hating naval and naval players.
[smirks] my guy… what does it take to spade a VTB? 2 matches? 3? I have almost 22,000 naval battles under my belt. Comeon, buddy. Seriously. Let the Naval players talk.
Alright, yeah you’re just ragebaiting naval players at this point.
I’ll never take posts seriously that only exist to bait us naval players.
I only listen to naval players like myself, squadron, and others, not haters.
I personally think the new aiming mechanic is just an insult to our intelligence. Gaijin really thinks I’m too stupid to play their game so they turned on Aimbot for everyone.
This was my feeling too. Like, “Wow. … I guess you’re going to hold my hand all the way to the enemy hull and then stomp on the boat FOR me. Then tell me what a good job I did”. I can’t even be trusted to shoot my own boats. Gaijin has to do it for me.
BTW @FuegoTigre if you couldn’t tell from my post, I was extremely upset that someone’s posts were being hateful, dismissive, and disrespectful toward a naval player that loves naval.
I do apologize if my posts upset you, as their only intention was to portray my frustration at your posts’ disrespect toward others, not upset you.
My guy. I’m just here to talk about keeping a game mode I’ve spent literal in game months playing from being dumbed down to a mobile game level of engagement. I’m sorry you’re upset. Not my intention. We all got feels. I’m not here to hurt yours. I feel like there’s a lot of Gaslighting going on. That’s all. It’s not cool.
So, don’t sweat it.
It comes down to: A lot of people are being vocal about the issues with the new aim system. That needs to be heard and respected.
For future reference: Gaslighting is not being told your posts are wrong.
Gaslighting is intentionally getting you to question your mental state.
Unless someone is accusing you of mental illness, or using doublespeak to get you to question your mental status, you are not being gaslit.
Gaslighting is sadly a buzzword on the forums.
And if someone is telling you that your opinions matter and your perspective is valid, then they are doing the entire opposite of gaslighting.
BTW, your perspectives are valid, as everyones’ perspectives are.
Outside that, I thank you for your civil response.
Eh, while I don’t disagree with your argument entirely, I did post my poll in all the Naval Arcade Aiming/Update threads I could find. Actually, I don’t think I have posted it in this one yet 😄 (AH, Kweedko did, but I’m gonna post again anyway 😝)
(I still plan on making another one with updated/multiple POLLS instead of just multiple choices. Going to post them in my current poll thread first to get feedback before making a new poll thread.)
For @AlvisWisla 's and @Kweedko 's side/arguments: Please make sure to vote on the polls especially if you LIKE the changes, specifically to aiming.
I am trying to be both side’s devil’s advocate at this point. I just really really love WT Naval (Arcade) and want it to continue (even though I now detest the new NAB aiming lul.)
Also for the heck of it, here is the list I have collected so far with all the various Naval threads: (Let me know if I missed any good ones, will add.)