McDonnell Douglas F-4S/L Phantom II - Late Serving Naval Phantom

Would you like to see this plane added to the tech tree?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Where should it go?
  • Foldered with the F-4J
  • After the F-4J (Rank VII)
  • Before the F-14 (Rank VIII)
  • Premium/Squadron/Gift
  • I don’t want it added
0 voters
If it is added, should the name of the current premium F-4S be changed?
  • No, leave it as F-4S and add this one as F-4S (1984)
  • Yes, change it to F-4S/E or F-4S (Early), and add this one as F-4S
  • Yes, change it to F-4S (VF-301) and add this one as F-4S
  • Yes, change it to represent an F-4J of VF-301 (or another Squadron) and add this one as F-4S
  • Something else
  • I don’t want it added
0 voters

This is a suggestion for a late-service version of the F-4S, in the latter days of it’s career and approaching the time when it would be retired. Compared to the F-4J and the current premium F-4S, this boasts AIM-9Ls and AIM-7Ms, allowing it to be a threat against the more advanced jets it would fight.

/L here stands for Late, as is found in Typhoon Mk Ib/L.
Represented in a mid-80s configuration.

F-4S of VF-161 during the final Phantom launch from a Carrier, 1986

The F-4S was the result of a life-extension program for the F-4J, intended to keep the aircraft in service with the USN and the USMC until the new F-14 and F/A-18 were available in numbers to replace them. While no F-4S took part in Vietnam, they would nevertheless continue to be an integral part of the Navy and Marine Corps Air Component until they were finally retired; 1986 from USN Carrier Operations, 1987 by the USN Reserve, and in 1992 by the Marine Corps, ending the Phantom’s career as a carrier aircraft.

In Navy service, the F-4S was used by 12 squadrons:
VF-74 “Be-Devilers,” and VF-171 “Aces” of the Atlantic Fleet,
VF-21 “Freelancers,” VF-121 “Pacemaker,” VF-151 “Vigilantes,” VF-154 “Black Knights,” and VF-161 “Chargers” of the Pacific Fleet,
VF-201 “Hunters,” VF-202 “Superheats,” VF-301 “Devil’s Disciples/Blazing Inferno,” and VF-302 “Stallions” of the Reserve,
and VX-4 “Evaluators” of Air Development.

In Marine Corps service, the F-4S was used by 12 squadrons:
VMFA-112 “Cowboys,” VMFA-115 “Silver Eagles,” VMFA-134 “Smoke,” VMFA-212 “Lancers,” VMFA-232 “Red Devils,” VMFA-235 “Death Angels,” VMFA-251 “Thunderbolts,” VMFA-312 “Checkerboards,” VMFA-321 “Hell’s Angels,” VMFA-333 “Fighting Shamrocks,” VMFA-451 “Warlords,” and VFMAT-101 “Sharpshooters.”

The last active duty Navy Phantoms were from VF-151 and VF-161, being retired in 1986. The F-4S was retired from Naval Reserve shortly thereafter, when VF-202 retired their last Phantom in 1987. The Marines held onto theirs for a bit longer, with VMFA-112 finally retiring the Phantom in 1992, closing out the Phantom’s career as a carrier aircraft.

Unlike other versions of the F-4, the F-4S has no “Block” number, because it was an upgrade program instead of a production change.

General Information
Length 58ft 3in (17.76m)
Wingspan 38ft 5in (11.7m) 27ft 7in (8.4m) wing folded
Height 16ft 6in (5m)
Engines 2 x J79-GE-10B smokeless engines ~11,810lbf non-afterburning (~5357kgf)
~17,820 lbf afterburning (~8083kgf)
Empty Weight 31,745lb (14399kg)
Fuel Capacity 1368 US gal (5178 L) internal fuselage + 630 US gal (2385 L) internal wing
600 US gal (2271 L) external centerline + 2 x 370 US gal (1400 L) external wing
Total Fuel Load 1998 US gal (7563 L) internal 1340 US gal (5071 L) external (3 tanks)
Hardpoints - 9 total 5 external hardpoints 4 semi-recessed Sparrow hardpoints
AIM-9P-4 All-Aspect AIM-9P; not used by Navy, present for progression (optional)
AIM-9L All-Aspect
AIM-7E-2/E-3 AIM-7E-3 is AIM-7E-2 with fusing changes
Mk 81 250lb (LDGP/Snakeye)
Mk 82 500lb (LDGP/Snakeye/LGB)
Mk 83 1000lb (LDGP/Retard/LGB)
M117 750lb (GP/Retard)
Mk 77 Mod 4 500lb Napalm
Mk 78 750lb Napalm
Mk 79 1000lb Napalm
CBU-59/B Cluster
CBU-99/100 Rockeye II (Cluster)
Mighty Mouse FFAR
Hydra 70 FFAR
Mk 4 Mod 0 Gun Pod (Mk 11 Mod 5)
AN/ALE-37 Countermeasure Dispenser
Radar AN/APG-59( ) with AN/AWG-10B FCR
HUD LCOSS Similar HUD to other Phantoms
CM AN/ALE-29A Integrated Countermeasure Dispenser
Cockpit Images

In game this aircraft would be an upgrade of the F-4J, serving as the US’ answer to the late MiG-23s and the F-4EJ Kai. It would likely play the same (or very similar) to the EJ Kai, with the main difference being lacking an internal gun and having a harder to use radar. The HUD, while it’s existence is up in the air, would be a substantial improvement over the F-4E and F-4J for sim players, and the improved weaponry would be a welcome addition to air battles. Sadly, I don’t think it could mount a laser designator such as Pave Knife, so the laser guided bombs would have to wait until buddy lasing is a thing, or just have the LGBs unimplemented.
For a stock loadout, 4x AIM-9G and 4x AIM-7E are ideal, assuming SARHs come stock. The AIM-9H and AIM-7E-2 should be Rank 1 modifications, the AIM-9P-4 (if present) and AIM-7F at Rank 3, and AIM-9L and AIM-7M at Rank 4. If AIM-7s are not included stock, then the AIM-7E can just be ignored entirely, and the plane can start with AIM-7E-2/E-3.

Additionally, given that the F-4S technically already exists in the form of a premium, either this Phantom would need to have a unique name, such as F-4S/L or F-4S (1984), or the premium would need to be renamed. The premium could also be downgraded to be an F-4J of VF-301 (or another Squadron), since its at the same BR as the F-4J. Said downgrade would only involve minor changes and the removal of the AIM-9H, as otherwise the aircraft are the same.
Personally, I would want the current F-4S to be changed to an F-4J due to the similarities in armament and the fact they are the same battle rating, but only if it does not get AIM-9Ls or AIM-7Fs; otherwise it should just be renamed. I also think the F-4S, as in the one suggested here, would fit well as a dual-addition with the F-4E/L, which I made a post for here


Joe Baugher’s Website, F-4S Page
NATOPS F-4J Manual
Standard Aircraft Configuration F-4S (1984)
Instruments of the F-4J/S


F-4S of VF-74 “Be-Devilers” escorting a Tu-95 off the East Coast of the US, 1982

F-4S of VMFA-134 “Smoke,” 1987

F-4S of VMFA-333 “Fighting Shamrocks,” 1979

Two F-4S of VF-301 “Devil’s Disciples/Blazing Inferno,” 1982


F-4S of VMFA-321 “Hell’s Angels,” 1991(?)

F-4S of VMFA-321 “Hell’s Angels,” at NAS Miramar, aka TOPGUN, 1987


F-4S of VMFA-232, at the National Air and Space Museum

F-4S of the US Navy Reserve landing on USS America (CV-66), 1986. Squadron Unknown, probably VF-201 “Hunters.” Visible in the background are F/A-18 Hornets.

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if I missed anything.

Edit: general touch ups and a link to the new F-4E/L post. I would change the polls to be nicer but I can’t without closing them (and I don’t want to do that)


I would recommend to keep the current F-4S as it is and folder this new F-4S with F-4J.


I wish we had gotten an F-4N with 9Ls as the premium and this as TT…
Such a waste to take the best American F-4 variant, give it nerfed armaments, and lock it behind a paywall.


Either a late F-4N or F-4D, since F-4Ds were also upgraded eventually with CM dispensers, 9Ls, and 7Fs.
Plus, lots of cool camos for either aircraft

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Potentials of F-4S (1984) would be 11.7 or 12.0 BR at early rank 8 and fill gap between F-4J Phantom II & F-14A (Early) Tomcat

F-4D armed SARH MRAAM like F-4E except no AIM-9J, GBU-15(V)1/B & AGM-65B Maverick, and equipped laser designator pods AN/AVQ-10 Pave Knife

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4D, not E or J? Seems like a very outdated model to be the one receiving those weapons.
Also as an air force model the D would be in a different line than this.

Id like to see the premium F4S get it’s guided bombs & aim9l

F-4Ds and Cs were used by the reserves and national guard into the early 1990s

Also, I completely missed the second part of what you said: I was meaning an F-4D as the premium whereas the F-4S could be TT

Navy Phantoms never had guided bombs, only the AF ones did

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I recently knew that F-4S (the premium version) only has one skin: the VF 301 (1984)
F-4S were used in more squadrons, such as VMA 321, VMFA 333, VF 151…
every F-4S in these squadrons had different color schemes. (Especially VMA 321)
So, my request was: what if in a future update, F-4S Will have more skins?
Thanks so much, (and sorry for bad english)

As an update, the WT F-4S now has marketplace skins, one from VFMA-321 and one from VMFA-212

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And sadly neither are low-vis :(

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+1 you can never have too many phantoms…


+1, I support to have more modern F-4 Phantoms in this game. It is an excellent idea to folder this F-4S (1984) with F-4J for the USN/USMC the same way as F-4E-53 (1983) in a folder with the original F-4E for the USAF. Both can equip AIM-9L and AIM-7F to make them more capable in the Air RB meta despite their subpar maneuverability.

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So just an update, I changed the suggestion title to match my new F-4E/L suggestion. I would change the polls but I don’t want to reset them


Stock camoflage should be this because low-vis was very common in 1980s.

Also, since F-14A moved up to 12.7, US Navy TT needs 12.3 materials rn.


So, based on this aircrafts maximum capability (AIM-7M + AIM-9L) it would most likely sit at 12.7 maybe even 13.0 just based on the quantity of AAM’s.

Therefore, it would be wise to drop the AIM-7E and just start with the AIM-7E-2, and then progress in order:
rank I — rank II
AIM-7E-2 (2 stock AAM’s) — AIM-7E-3 (SIDE GRADE)
AIM-7F rank III
AIM-7M rank IV

and then for the Sidewinder category of AAM

AIM-9G (2 stock AAM’s) rank I
AIM-9H rank II — AIM-9P-4 rank III
AIM-9L rank IV.

The AIM-9P-4 is an export AIM-9J which has been upgraded with the abilities to slave to a radar lock, and function in all aspect, im about 80% sure it was not an improvement made by the U.S
(possibly thailand) if anyone knows for sure plz let me know.

But i could be incorrect, considering many countries have had customized contracts for U.S vehicles/weapons.
So since it its an export, it probably wont be included in the loadout menu or modification tab.

AND it would most likely retain the colt MK11 gunpod (stock obviously).

There is no point in putting this many missiles in the grind. Especially with getting SARHs and IRs stock.

The F-4S cannot use these, nor does it have a need for them.

It’s a missile used for export and on ANG and USAF F-4Es. Navy and marines did not use the P series at all.