F-4S Phantom II should get AIM-9L


I say nuh uh. It’s an early type F4S, ridiculously strong radar and missiles too becuz of the MP change. ( Though it may struggle but isn’t unusable and far from useless in an uptier)
Abuse the radar or bomb with it like most F4S bots do lol.

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Now compare the F-4S to something like the FG.1/FGR.2, which face it on a regular basis.


Actually, there is an acknowledged bug report Community Bug Reporting System about the AIM-9L for the Phantom. There is also a document named “Aviation Ordnanceman” Google Books from 1985, which states:


there was no US phantom with AMRAAMs

we are aware

however, why do you so desperately want the phantom’s BR to increase?

having put a number of battles through the F4F-ICE now I don’t see why anyone would want even a 0.3 increase to the 11.3 Phantoms

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In my opinion, could add F-4S (1984) to regular tech tree and armed AIM-9L

But F-4S from premium tree not get AIM-9L


If you want to see 11.7BR F-4S, yes

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How F-4S face against Su-27 which is 12.7BR atm???

Give us a TT F-4S (late) instead, with those and the Aim-7Ms instead. The F-4J is already a worse F-4S, and giving players the option to have a TT one is quite nice, along with the fact most players wouldn’t love to have a 11.7 F-4 that sees spamraams even more.


EJ Kai have better radar and internal gun(which is better)
So, hms is on same level

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But why increase the BR? Why it can’t stay at 11.3 with all aspect missiles like MiG-23ML for example?

because the aim 9l are just better than the r60m and you also have a pd radar unlike the ml and an hmd… and the f4ej kai is also higher br without the hmd


Well, i guess, that 9L been a little to much for if not the strongest, to the most versatile 11.3 premium in game.

If you so want all-aspect IR, maybe its be better to take AIM-9P2, (20G, but seeker from 9L), because 9L - its for sure ticket to 11.7-12.0 for F-4S.

It would be more correct to compare it to Mirage F1 or MiG-21 Bison not to full uptier vehicles

the f16 mig29 that the f4s can face dont have irccm missiles, and it cannot face su27 at all

I’ll raise you thi:
The lowest BRed HMD with all aspects is 11.7: the MIG-21 BISON with R-73s.
The F-4s would be an HMD with AIM-9Ls, and better avionics, and more missiles.
It would be unbearably overpowered at 11.7 due to being the armament of a non spaded F-16C a full 1.0 lower

R-73 way better than 9L

MiG-21Bis still turns better than any F-4 in 1 circle, near to same in 2

F-4 doesnt have better avionics, than Bison
Obly one thing is better than 21Bis will be if added 9L - amount of missiles.

The radar is better
I would take 4X9L and 4X7F over 2XR73 and 2XR27R any day
The would be unbelievably overpowered at 11.7 with HMD AIM-9Ls


lolwat? No it isn’t. F-4J and F-4S have identical weaponry and airframes.

AIM-7Ms are identical to AIM-7Fs in War Thunder.

Ben dawg was right tho, the F4S is in fact a more forgiving dogfighter.
So no, not exactly identical in flight performance which is actually a big deal here