A reference archive of previously suggested threads related to France Aircraft. This thread is a document for everyone to see and check before they create a double post on an already discussed idea.
IMPORTANT: If you find something previously suggested/discussed that is not on this list and should be, please PM the Suggestion Moderators and let them know!
To make is easier to find a suggested item, use the Ctrl+F function to quickly locate something!

- Amiot 143【Suggestion】
- Amiot 351【Suggestion】
- Amiot 354【Suggestion】
- ANF Les Mureaux 115【Suggestion】
- Arsenal VG.30【Suggestion】
- Arsenal VG.32【Suggestion】
- Arsenal VG.34【Suggestion】
- Arsenal VG.36【Suggestion】
- Bréguet 274【Suggestion】
- Bréguet 460 【Suggestion】
- Bréguet 462【Suggestion】
- Breguet 697 C2【Suggestion】
- Caudron C.760【Suggestion】
- Caudron C.R.710【Suggestion】
- Caudron C.R.770【Suggestion】
- Dassault Étendard IVB【Suggestion】
- Dassault Flamant【Suggestion】
- Dassault Mirage IV【Suggestion】
- Dassault Mirage 50M【Suggestion】
- Dassault Mirage 2000-B501 (RBE2)【Suggestion】
- Dassault Mirage F.1
- Mirage F.1 M53【Suggestion】
- Mirage F.1A【Suggestion】
- Dassault Rafale
- Rafale C F.4.1【Suggestion】
- Rafale M
- Rafale M F.3R【Suggestion】
- Rafale M F.4.1【Suggestion】
- Koolhoven F.K.58A【Suggestion】
- Loire 210【Suggestion】
- Martin 187 Mk.V【Suggestion】
- Morane-Saulnier M.S.475 Vanneau【Suggestion】
- Nord 1500 Noréclair【Suggestion】
- Potez 540【Suggestion】
- Potez-CAMS 141【Suggestion】
- SNCAC N.C.270 Stage 2【Suggestion】
- SNCAC N.C.410【Suggestion】
- SNCASE S.E.520z【Suggestion】
- SNCASE S.E.535 Mistral【Suggestion】
- SPAD S.XII【Suggestion】
- SPAD S.XIII【Suggestion】
- Supermarine Seafire Mk XV【Suggestion】

- Bomb-Hurel-Turck 1938 Gliding Bomb【Suggestion】
- Breguet 910 Flying Bomb【Suggestion】
- Matra AS.37AR Martel【Suggestion】
- Schwartzland L50 Macreuse Gliding Torpedo【Suggestion】
- SNCASE SE.1500 Air-to-Ground Missile【Suggestion】