Latin American Ground Forces Tree

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  • No
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If you voted “No” on the first question, what was the reason?
  • I don’t want coalition trees
  • Too many copy-pastes
  • I don’t like Latin American vehicles
  • I voted “Yes” on the first question
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What is your opinion on the presence of “copy-paste” vehicles (unmodified vehicles that are already in the game) in the Latin American Tree?
  • I don’t mind them/I don’t care about them
  • I’m fine with them, as long as they are only used to fill gaps or form line-ups
  • No, I don’t want copy-pastes
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Latin American Ground Forces Tree

Fan-made promotional image of the tree

Hello everyone. I’d like to present a propostal for a new tech tree for War Thunder: The Latin American Ground Forces Tree (or just LATAM tree for short).

This project was made by a team of players from Latin American countries (myself included), as well as Latin American tank enthusiasts from around the world, and it provides a wide variety of interesting vehicles. It focuses on domestic designs (such as the Osório, Tamoyo and TAM), unique modernizations of foreign vehicles (such as the Tifón-2A, Firefly Repotenciado and AMX-30VE) and foreign vehicles made to a Latin American country’s specifications (such as the LTP and the PT-91P), with only a few “copy-paste” (already in the game) vehicles to fill in small gaps or to form strong lineups.

Latin America is often forgotten when it comes to the topic of ground vehicles, and the current state of War Thunder is also a reflex of that, featuring only the TAM series. This proposal also seeks to raise awareness of the community to the diverse nature of the vehicles of this tree, which would undoubtedly benefit the game a lot.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the complete tree:

Thanks to zanju13 for the WT Tech-Tree Maker tool

Please be aware that the position of the vehicles within the tree, as well as the ranks and battle ratings are merely a suggestion made by us, to get a good sense about the tree.

The Ground Tree is made out of 14 Latin American Countries. Argentina, Brazil and Chile make up more than half of it, with the other countries complementing it.


A Brazilian Ground Tree would be incomplete, and so would an Argentinian or Chilean Ground Tree. All countries in this coalition tree complement each other almost seamlessly, something that is also noticeable on the other LATAM trees such as the Air Forces Tree (other trees coming soon!)

Check the spoilers below for a brief detail on each vehicle present in the tree. More specific information on the vehicles will be shared in this thread as the project progresses.

Rank 1

------ Armored Car Line

├ VBR-2

Viatura Blindada de Reconhecimento 2

The VBR-2 a Brazilian 6x6 armored car with a heavy basis on the M8 Greyhound. Only a metal mockup was built, and it featured the same turret from the VBB-1. It was the progenitor of the EE-9 Cascavel.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: Mercedes-Benz 6-cylinder OM-321 120 hp diesel engine
Max. Speed: 90 km/h


Carro de Reconhecimento sobre Rodas

The CRR is a further development of the VBR-2, with a more refined hull design and featuring a modified turret of the M8 Greyhound.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: Mercedes-Benz 6-cylinder OM-321 120 hp diesel engine
Max. Speed: 90 km/h


Carro de Reconhecimento Médio

Up until the CRR, development of this armored car was carried out by the PqRMM/2, with some assistance by Engesa. The CRM marked the transition of this project entirely to Engesa, and a new Army designation for it followed. Engesa also gave it their own designation of EE-9, meaning that this is tecnically the very first Cascavel. This vehicle featured a handful of different turret studies and tests, but the version featured here is with a 37mm gun turret made by Bernardini.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: Mercedes-Benz 6-cylinder OM-321 120 hp diesel engine
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

------ Light Tank Line

├ Vickers E Type B

Vickers Mark E Type B

The Vickers E Type B was a variant of the Vickers 6-ton that featured a single two-man turret with a short-barelled 3-pdr cannon. It was used by Bolivia against Paraguay during the Chaco War.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: low velocity 47 mm gun

Engine: 4-cyl gas flat air cooled Armstrong-Siddeley, 90 bhp
Max. Speed: 31/16 km/h (road/off-road)

├ X1P


Paraguayan M3A1 Stuart that was modernized by Bernardini. Its main feature the replacement of the engine for a Scania DS11 engine with an output of 256hp.

4 (Driver, Gunner, Loader, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 37 mm M6 cannon

Engine: Scania DS11
Max. Speed: 59 km/h

------ Medium Tank Line


Lehky Tank Peruánský (Peruvian Light Tank)

The LTP (also known as Tanque 38 or Tanque 39) was an export version of Czechoslovakia’s LT vz. 38 made for Peru. It was used during the Ecuadorian-Peruvian War in 1941, playing a key role in spearheading the attacks.

3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)
Primary: 37 mm UV vz. 34 canon, heavy ZB vz. 53 (turret), light ZB vz. 30 (hull)

Engine: Scania Vabis 1664
Max. Speed: 33/41 km/h (Cross-country/roads)

------ SPG/TD Line

├ M3 Convertido

M3 Convertido

The “Converted M3” was originally an M3 Half-track that got converted into a scout car by Colombia. An M20 75mm recoilless rifle was also installed on it.

3 (Commander, Driver, Gunner)
Primary: M20 75mm recoilless rifle

Engine: White 160AX 147 hp (110 kW) at 3.000 rpm
Max. Speed: 72 km/h

├ DN-V Búfalo

DN-V Búfalo

The DN-V was an armored car designed and developed in Mexico by the DGIM, being a further development of the DN-IV and DN-III. The Búfalo variant features a turret from the M8 Scott.

4 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Primary: M3 75mm howitzer

Engine: DINA Cummins V-504 V-eight diesel with 184 hp
Max. Speed: 80 km/h

├ Crusader 105 (S)

Crusader SPG with 105mm Schneider howitzer

Argentinian Crusader Gun Tractors were converted into SPGs. This version is equipped with a 105mm L/17.8 Schneider howitzer.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105mm L/17.8 Schneider howitzer

Engine: Nuffield Liberty 340 hp
Max. Speed: 48 km/h

------ SPAA Line

├ Ford GTB

G-622 Ford GTB “Burma Jeep”

The Ford GTB saw use in the Chilean armed forces, and it featured two Vickers F machine guns in a twin mount.

3 (driver, commander, gunner)
Primary: Two Vickers F machine guns

Engine: Ford Model G8T 4-cycle, 6-cylinder L-Head inline engine of 90 horsepower at 3,400 rpm
Max. Speed: 72 km/h

├ Chevrolet 1 ½-Ton

Chevrolet 1 ½-Ton

An Argentinian 1941-1942 model of the Chevrolet 1 ½-Ton truck that had no roof and carried a 20mm Oerlikon gun.

6 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Loader, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 20mm Oerlikon gun

Engine: 216 cu in (3.5 L) Chevrolet I6
Max. Speed: N/A

├ M3A1 (Schneider)

M3A1 SPAA with 37mm Schneider cannon

Venezuelan M3A1 Half-track converted into an SPAA vehicle, armed with a 37mm Schneider cannon that was previously used in static defenses by the Venezuelan Navy.

3 (Commander, Driver, Gunner)
Primary: 37mm Schneider cannon

Engine: Hercules JXD 6-cylinder in-line petrol
Max. Speed: 80 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles

├ M8 "Leão do Norte"

M8 Greyhound “Leão do Norte”

This is a “hero tank”. It was a Greyhound used the Brazilian Expeditionary Force in Italy during WW2.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: Hercules JXD 6 cylinder 4-cycle inline gasoline engine 110 hp at 3.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

├ LTP "Tacna"

LTP “Tacna”

This is a “hero tank”. It was a commander LTP.

3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)
Primary: 37 mm UV vz. 34 canon, heavy ZB vz. 53 (turret), light ZB vz. 30 (hull)

Engine: Scania Vabis 1664
Max. Speed: 33/41 km/h (Cross-country/roads)

├ M3 Perereca

M3 Stuart “Perereca”

“Perereca” (tree frog) was how Brazilian soldiers nicknamed the Stuarts. Featured here is an uncommon variant, the M3 Hybrid (M3 hull with M3A1 turret), and also a commander’s cupola to top it all off. Technically not a “copy-paste” as this variant is not in game yet.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 37mm M6 cannon

Engine: Continental, Radial 350 hp
Max. Speed: 58 km/h


Carro Blindado de Reconhecimento

The CBR is a T17 Deerhound, and Brazil was the only country to issue it to combat units. Brazil originally had not requested T17s, but these vehicles ended up being dumped into Brazil by the United States as an equivalent of the M8 Greyhounds that were ordered.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: 2 x Hercules JXD 6-cylinder petrol engines 90 hp each
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

└ L-60 "Pueblo"

L-60 "Pueblo

This is a “hero tank”. Despite completely outmatched, the L-60 was used by the Dominicans against American M48s and M50s during Operation Power Pack.

3 (Driver, Loader, Gunner)
Primary: 37mm Boforsm/38 gun

Engine: Scania-Vabis L60 water cool 6 cylinders petrol engine
Max. Speed: 48 km/h

Rank 2

------ Armored Car Line

├ VBB-1

Viatura Blindada Brasileira 1

The VBB-1 was the pioneer in Brazilian armored car development. The M8 Greyhound was seen as a good starting point thanks to its reputation in the Brazilian Army, but the VBB-1 was designed to be simpler. Since it’s a 4x4 vehicle, that means it is lighter and faster than the 6x6 vehicles that would come after it.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: Mercedes-Benz 6-cylinder OM-321 120 hp diesel engine
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

├ EE-9 M2 Cascavel

EE-9 M2 Cascavel Magro

The “slim” Cascavel was the first version of the Cascavel to be mass produced and put into service. It featured a turret that was a modified copy of a Stuart turret, which until then was deemed as the final turret after all the tests from the VBR-2, CRR and CRM vehicles. But it wouldn’t be long before it got changed yet again into a 90mm gun turret after lessons from trials in Portugal.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 37 mm gun M6

Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM 352A, 172 hp at 2.800 rpm
Max. Speed: 95 km/h

------ Light Tank Line

├ M5A1

M5A1 Stuart

An M5A1 Stuart in Mexican service. It’s a “copy-paste” vehicle for filling the gap in the light tank branch, and to help form a 2.7 lineup.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: M6 37mm cannon

Engine: Twin Cadillac V8, 296 hp (220 kW), air cooled gasoline
Max. Speed: 58 km/h

├ M24UR


The M24UR is a modernization of the Uruguayan Chaffees by Bernardini. Just like the X1P from Paraguay, the engine was replaced by a Scania DS11 engine, outputting 256hp. Other minor subsequent upgrades include the reboring of the WW2 era Browning M1919A4 machine guns to NATO standard, and the repositioning of the Browning M2 to be used by the commander. Some M24URs also feature a dozer blade.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 75 mm Gun M6

Engine: Scania DS11 engine outputting 256hp
Max. Speed: 57 km/h
Dozer blade

------ Medium Tank Line

├ M3A3 Lee

M3A3 Lee

Welded hull variant of the M3 Lee that is also equipped with the GM6046 powerpack (the same used by the M4A2 Sherman), outputting 410hp. Technically not really a “copy-paste” vehicle as this variant is not in game yet.

7 (Commander, Gunner, Gunner, Loader, Loader, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 75 mm Gun M2 in hull, 37mm Gun M5 in turret

Engine: GM6046 powerpack outputting 410hp
Max. Speed: 42 km/h

├ Nahuel DL.43

Nahuel Modelo Baisi 1943

The Nahuel is a remarkable achievement by the Argentinian industry during the early 1940s. Being the first tank both developed and serially produced by a Latin American country, it featured thick armor of 80mm at 55 degrees at the front, and great mobility thanks to its W12 engine outputting 493hp. Its only handicap was the 75mm L/30 Krupp cannon it uses, which is only able to penetrate approximately 57mm of armor.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 75mm L/30 Krupp cannon

Engine: FMA Lorraine-Dietrich 12-cylinder V with 500 HP, water-cooled
Max. Speed: 40 km/h

├ M4A1E9

M4A1E9 Sherman

Until the arrival of the M-50s and M-51s from Israel decades later, the M4A1E9 was exclusively the only variant of the Sherman to be used by Chile, aside from the armored recovery vehicle version. It’s distinct from a regular M4A1 thanks to its spaced suspension, which was made so that track grouser extenders could be fitted to both sides of the tracks (this could be implemented as a module just like Winterketten or Ostketten). It’s technically not a “copy-paste” as this specific variant is not in game yet.

5 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 75 mm gun M3 L/40

Engine: Continental R975 Cl 350 hp radial
Max. Speed: 38.5km/h

------ SPG/TD Line

├ Cureña VC M7

Cureña Motorizada M7 B1 para óbus de 105mm

The “105mm Self-Propelled Carriage M7 B1” is an Argentinian M7B1 Priest that has been modernized. The engine was changed to a Deutz F10L 413F air cooled diesel engine of 450hp, the M3 howitzer was replaced by the M101A1 howitzer, as well as a a few other minor upgrades.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Loader, Driver)
Primary: M101A1 howitzer

Engine: Deutz F10L 413F air cooled diesel engine of 450hp
Max. Speed: 39 km/h

├ Crusader 75 (K)

Crusader SPG with 75mm Krupp cannon

Argentinian Crusader Gun Tractors were converted into SPGs. This version is equipped with a 75mm L/30 Krupp cannon, capable of penetrating approximately 57mm of armor.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 75mm L/30 Krupp cannon

Engine: Nuffield Liberty 340 hp
Max. Speed: 48 km/h

├ Crusader 75 (B)

Crusader SPG with 75mm Bofors cannon

Argentinian Crusader Gun Tractors were converted into SPGs. This version is equipped with a 75mm L/40 Bofors cannon, offering better anti-tank capabilities with up to 73mm of penetration with swedish ammo, or 91mm of penetration when using domestic ammo.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 75mm L/40 Bofors cannon

Engine: Nuffield Liberty 340 hp
Max. Speed: 48 km/h

------ SPAA Line

├ M35 (Bofors)

M35 2½-ton truck with 40mm Bofors cannon

A Mexican M35 2½-ton truck that has been converted into an SPAA vehicle, armed with a 40mm L/60 Bofors cannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 40mm L/60 Bofors cannon

Engine: REO OA-331 127hp (95 kW)
Max. Speed: 93 km/h

├ ACKWX 353

GMC ACKWX 353 3-ton truck

This Argentinian ACKWX 353 truck has been converted into an SPAA vehicle, featuring eight water-cooled .50 cal Browning machine guns!

6 (Commander, Gunner, Gunner, Loader, Loader, Driver)
Primary: eight water-cooled .50 cal Browning machine guns

Engine: GMC 270 straight-6, 91.5 hp at 2.750 rpm
Max. Speed: 72 km/h

├ M8 (M55)

M8 (M55)

The M8 (M55) is a Colombian anti-air conversion of M8 Greyhound hulls by mounting an M55 Quadmount on top of the hull. The engine was also replaced for a Detroit Diesel 4-53N with an output of 136hp, offering a fair improvement in mobility.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: M55 Quad Mount Machine Guns

Engine: Detroit Diesel 4-53N with an output of 136hp
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

├ XM3D1


The XM3D1 is one of the SPAA variants of the XM3 family of armored vehicles developed by Bernardini, based on the M3 Stuart. It features a Quadmount turret that has been modernized by Lysam, offering traverse and elevation rates of over 90 degrees per second.

3 (Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: M55 Maxson quad .50 caliber machine gun turret

Engine: Scania-Vabis DS-11 A05 CC1 6-cylinder in-line 256 hp diesel engine, 256 hp at 2,200 rpm
Max. Speed: 55 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles

├ M8 (DPET)

M8 Greyhound (DPET)

This is a Brazilian M8 Greyhound that has been converted into an MLRS by the DPET. It’s armed with 114mm M8 rockets from Brazilian Air Force P-47D Thunderbolts.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 114mm M8 rockets

Engine: Mercedes-Benz 6-cylinder OM-321 120 hp diesel engine
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

├ Crusader LC

Crusader Lanza Cohetes

Unlike the majority of Argentinian Crusader Gun Tractors that have been converted to SPGs, this one was converted into an MLRS. It can fire either six 21cm rockets or fourty 8cm rockets, depending on the rocket rails/tubes installed.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: six 21cm rockets or fourty 8cm rockets

Engine: Nuffield Liberty 340 hp
Max. Speed: 48 km/h

├ Nahuel Mod. 1947

Nahuel Sosa Molina 1947

This was an upgrade over the original Nahuel. The engine was tuned for slightly better performance, hull machine guns were removed, the coaxial 11.35mm Madsen heavy machine gun was replaced by a 7.62mm Madsen light machine gun, as well as other minor upgrades to radios, hatches, headlights, periscopes and others. An armament upgrade to the 75mm L/40 Bofors cannon was also planned, but it’s unknown if it was ever carried out.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 75mm L/30 Krupp cannon

Engine: FMA Lorraine-Dietrich 12-cylinder V with 500 HP, water-cooled
Max. Speed: 40 km/h

└ CCKW 353 (M45)

CCKW 353 (M45)

A Brazilian CCKW 353 truck that has been converted into an SPAA vehicle, armed with an M45 Quadmount. This is a “copy-paste” and it’s only here as a backup (in case the SPAAs in the tree are not enough or can’t be added for lack of information).

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: M45 Quadmount

Engine: GMC 270 straight-6, 91.5 hp at 2.750 rpm
Max. Speed: 65 km/h

Rank 3

------ Armored Car Line

├ EE-11 Urutu AVPG

EE-11 M2 Urutu Armoured Vehicle General Purpose

The Urutu AVGP (Armoured Vehicle General Purpose) was one if Engesa’s first attempts to export the EE-11 Urutu. Canada opened up trials for a new general purpose wheeled vehicle in 1976, armed with the 76 mm Alvis turret. The Urutu would come in as a poor second to the Piranha, as too much had to be redesigned to meet Canadian standards. The vehicle would continue on to be marketed to no avail.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Alvis turret with 76mm L23A1 main gun

Engine: Diesel Mercedes-Benz OM352A-S
Max. Speed: 95 km/h

├ DN-V Toro

DN-V Toro

The DN-V was an armored car designed and developed in Mexico by the DGIM, being a further development of the DN-IV and DN-III. The Toro variant uses the Helio FVT-900 turret equipped with a GIAT M621 20mm autocannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: HELIO FVT900 turret with a GIAT M621 20mm autocannon

Engine: Dina Cummins V-504 184 hp diesel fuel
Max. Speed: 80 km/h

------ Light Tank Line

├ M24 Modernizado

M24 Modernizado

Chile’s first modernization of their fleet of M24 tanks, done in 1978. It featured the Detroit Diesel 6V53T engine delivering 275hp, as well as an improved gyroscopic stabilizer.

5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, bow-gunner)
Primary: 75 mm M6 gyro-stabilized gun

Engine: Detroit Diesel 6V53T, 6-cylinder turbo-diesel, 275 hp at 2,800 rpm
Max. speed: 60 km/h

├ M41B


Brazil’s first efforts in modernizing the M41 were represented in the M41B. It was a project carried out by Bernardini, and the goal was to nationalize parts for better maintenance and logistics. The original engines were changed for Scania DS14 engines that were being produced locally, however the earlier batches had a lower output of only 366hp.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 76mm M32

Engine: Scania DS-14 diesel engine with 366 hp
Max. Speed: 65 km/h


Henschel HWK-11/SEDENA DN-XL

The HWK-11 (known locally as the DN-XL) was a joint development between Henschel and the SEDENA in 1962 for the creation of a tracked APC. Mexico was the only country to put this vehicle into service, with this version equipping the Helio FVT-900 turret armed with a GIAT M693 20mm autocannon.

2 (Driver, Gunner)
Primary: HELIO FVT900 turret with a GIAT M693 20mm autocannon

Engine: 6V-53 Detroit Diesel developing 210 hp
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

├ M18A2


This is a prototype of a modernized Hellcat by TRZ Hadžići for Venezuela. It featured a new engine, electronics and optics, as well as skirts and a thermal sleeve.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 76 mm M1 cannon

Engine: Mercedes-Benz 10 cylinder diesel engine
Max. Speed: 80 km/h
Reinforced hull side plates, Closed turret, Advance passive observation and sighting devices and new fire control system, Gun barrel equpped with thermal jacket

------ Medium Tank Line

├ M4A4 Remot.

M4A4 Sherman Remotorizado

A modification of the Sherman made by Argentina in 1960. The engines were replaced by more powerful Ford GAA V8 engines. This was the last breath for the regular 75mm-armed Shermans in Argentina, as from this point onwards they started being slowly removed from service.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: M3 75mm L/40 cannon

Engine: Ford GAA V8 engines
Max. Speed: 40 km/h

├ Firefly Mod.

Firefly Modificado

A modification of the Sherman Fireflies made by Argentina in 1960. The engines were replaced by more powerful Ford GAA V8 engines, and the vehicles were supplied with locally produced APCBC, APDS and HE shells by DGFM.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: ROF OQF 17 Pdr cannon

Engine: Ford GAA V8 engines
Max. Speed: 40 km/h

------ SPG/TD Line

├ T16 Czekalski

T16 Universal Carrier with M-1968 Czekalski

The T16, itself already an American improvement of the Bren Carrier, was converted by Argentina into a self-propelled gun with the domestically designed 105mm M-1968 recoilless rifle, firing a HEAT shell capable of penetrating 200mm of armor.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 105mm M-1968 recoilless rifles

Engine: Ford V8 petrol, model GAU370, 239 cid, 100 hp at 3.800 rpm
Max. Speed: 53 km/h

├ T16E2 (Czekalski)

T16E2 Universal Carrier with M-1968 Czekalski (sextuple mount)

The T16E2 was a variant of the US improved Bren Carrier with a different suspension layout. It was converted into a self-propelled gun by Argentina by fitting six 105mm M-1968 recoilless rifles. This is pretty much a low tier M50 Ontos.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: x6 105mm M-1968 recoilless rifles

Engine: Ford V8 petrol, model GAU370, 239 cid, 100 hp at 3.800 rpm
Max. Speed: 53 km/h

├ AAP T-34-122

Artilleria Auto Propulsada T-34-122

A Cuban T-34 converted into a self-propelled artillery piece, with its turret replaced by an open-topped box-shaped design armed with a 122mm D-30 gun.

Primary: 122mm D-30 gun

Engine: V-2 12-cylinder diesel-fueled engine developing 493 hp
Max. Speed: 55 km/h

------ SPAA Line

├ M35 Fénix

M35 Fénix

With the retirement of M42 Dusters in Venezuelan service, their turrets were reused by installing them on hulls of other vehicles. This even went as far as mounting it on an M35 cargo truck.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Loader, Driver)
Primary: M2A1 40 mm twin anti-aircraft gun

Engine: REO OA-331 127 hp (95 kW)
Max. Speed: 93 km/h

├ Ural-4320 (TCM-20)

Ural-4320 (TCM-20)

An Uruguayan SPAA design, done by mating the Israeli TCM-20 anti-air turret to the Russian Ural-4320 truck.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Two 20 mm HS.404 automatic cannons

Engine: YaMZ-238M2 engine 240 hp
Max. Speed: 82 km/h

├ Piraña 6x6 (TCM-20)

FAMAE Piraña 6x6 (TCM-20)

A simple SPAA variant of the Piraña family (Piranha built under license by FAMAE), using the TCM-20 turret by Israel.

4 (driver, gunner, loader, commander)
Primary: Two 20 mm HS.404 automatic cannons

Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T 300 HP at 2800 RPM
Max. Speed: 100 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles

├ M4 CH-2 (CPDB)

Carro de Combate Médio M4 Sherman, Composite Hull - 2nd Batch (Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Blindados)

Together with the Stuarts, Brazil also attempted to modernize the Sherman. The project was carried out by the CPDB, and it started by improving the mobility, That was achieved by installing a V12 engine by MWM, delivering almost 500hp. An HVSS suspension was also installed on it, cannibalized from an M74 ARV, but ultimately the project was cancelled in favor of the Stuarts’ successful modernization program, as well as the studies for modernizing the more relevant M41s.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Machine Gunner)
Primary: 75 mm M3 cannon

Engine: V12 engine by MWM 500hp
Max. Speed: 48 km/h
Accesories: HVSS suspension

├ VTP-2 Escarabajo

VTP-2 Escarabajo

The Escarabajo was a Chilean design for a wheeled APC. This version of it is equipped with the Oerlikon GAD-AOA turret with an 20mm Oerlikon KAA autocannon.

3 (commander, gunner and driver)
Primary: GAD-AOA turret with an Oerlikon KAA 20-mm Autocannon

Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM-352 6-cylinder water-cooled diesel 120 hp at 2800 rpm
Max. Speed: 100 km/h

└ BMS-1 Alacrán

BMS-1 Alacrán

The Alacrán was the last of its kind - a half-track. But a modern one. A Chilean design made with experience from the old M3A1 Half-tracks. This version of it is equipped with an MLRS. It can fire FZ49 rockets with up to 350mm of penetration, but for balance reasons it should be limited to FZ100 rockets with only 105mm of penetration.

2 (Driver, Commander)
Primary: LAU-97 70mm rocket launcher

Engine: Cummins V-555 turbo-charged diesel developing 225 hp at 3000 rpm
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

Rank 4

------ Armored Car Line

├ EE-11 Urutu VREC

EE-11 M5 Urutu Veículo de Reconhecimento

The EE-11 VREC (coloquially known as “Uruvel”) was a variant of the Urutu APC, converted into an IFV by mounting the turret of a Cascavel on it. Despite the heavier weight, its amphibious capabilities were still retained.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Engesa EC-90 Cockerill Mk 3 90mm cannon

Engine: Diesel Mercedes-Benz OM352A-S
Max. Speed: 95 km/h

├ EE-9 M7 Cascavel

EE-9 M7 Cascavel

The final version of the Cascavel built by Engesa, and the main one used by the Brazilian Army.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Engesa EC-90 Cockerill Mk 3 90mm cannon

Engine: Diesel Mercedes-Benz OM352A-S
Max. Speed: 95 km/h

├ Guepardo

Tipo 6616 Guepardo

The Guepardo is a Fiat 6616 in Peruvian service. It was modified by adding a Malyutka ATGM on top of the turret, with manual guidance.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Rheinmetall Mk20 Rh 202 20mm autocannon, 1x Malyutka ATGM

Engine: Iveco 8062 24 160 HP Diesel engine
Max. Speed: 100 km/h

├ Guepardo 2

Tipo 6616 Guepardo 2

A further improvement of the Guepardo. The number of ATGMs was doubled and moved to the right side of the turret, and a laser guidance system was also installed, meaning that the Malyutkas in use are more modern (likely to be HJ-73s).

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Rheinmetall Mk20 Rh 202 20mm autocannon, 2x Malyutka ATGM (likely to be HJ-73s)

Engine: Iveco 8062 24 160 HP Diesel engine
Max. Speed: 100 km/h
laser guidance system

------ Light Tank Line

├ M41C Caxias

M41C Caxias

The M41 modernization by Bernardini that was adopted by the Brazilian Army. Features a locally built Scania DS14 engine outputting 405hp, a cannon that has been rebored to 90mm in order to fire the same ammunition as the Cascavel, and additional compartments on the turret sides.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Ca 76/90 M32 BR2

Engine: Scania DS-14 diesel engine with 405 hp
Max. Speed: 65 km/h

├ X1 Pioneiro

Carro de Combate Leve X1 Pioneiro

The “Brazilian Stuart” was the pioneer in tank development in Brazil. It’s a heavily modified Stuart that features a 90mm F1 cannon and a Scania DS11 engine that outputs 256hp.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: DEFA D-921 90 mm low-pressure gun

Engine: Scania-Vabis DS-11 A05 CC1 6-cylinder in-line 256 hp diesel engine, 256 hp at 2.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 55 km/h

├ X1A2 Carcará

Carro de Combate Leve X1A2 Carcará

The Carcará was the first tank made in Brazil. Its design being a further development of the X1 and X1A1, it features a bigger hull with angled front armor. The Scania DS11 engine has been improved with 280hp output and has been coupled with an Allison CD-500 transmission. The main armament has been swapped for the higher velocity 90mm Cockerill Mk.3.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Engesa EC-90 Cockerill Mk 3 90mm cannon

Engine: Scania-Vabis DS-11 6-cylinder in-line 280 hp diesel engine. 256 hp at 2.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

├ M41A1UR


Uruguay’s modernized M41. It’s powered by a Scania DS14 just like its Brazilian counterpart, but it stands apart from the Caxias thanks to its 90mm Cockerill Mk.4 cannon, capable of firing more powerful HEATFS shells with up to 400mm of penetration.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 90mm Cockerill Mk.4 cannon

Engine: Scania DS-14 diesel engine with 8 cylinders in “V”, turbocharged, 405 hp at 2,200 rpm
Max. Speed: 73 km/h

------ Medium Tank Line

├ M-51 Proyecto-T

M-51 Proyecto-T

The battle-hardened M-51s from Israel had found a new home in Chile, but their engines were very old and worn. With the “Project-T”, these engines were replaced with Detroit Diesel 8V-71T, and a new exhaust system also followed. The result was an even more underpowered tank (350hp), though the new engine guaranteed that the vehicle could be maintained for more years.
Other upgrades included improved optics and a provision for mounting a minesweeper. Commander vehicles also featured a laser rangefinder.

5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, bow-gunner)
Primary: 105 mm gun L.51 D.1508

Engine: Detroit 8V-71T 350 HP diesel
Max. speed: 46 km/h
Accessories: Laser rangefinder for commander, RKM mineroller, Additional front armor plate

├ Firefly IC Repot.

Firefly IC Repotenciado

Argentina’s “Super Sherman”. It’s a Firefly with the 17pdr replaced by French 105mm guns taken from AMX-13-105s, and the old engines replaced by Poyaud V8s. This specific version is also a Hybrid hull.

4 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Primary: FTR 105 mm L44 cannon

Engine: Poyaud 520/V8-S2 8-cylinder diesel engine, 500 hp at 2,500 RPM
Max. Speed: 40 km/h

├ Firefly VC Repot.

Firefly VC Repotenciado

Argentina’s “Super Sherman”. It’s a Firefly with the 17pdr replaced by French 105mm guns taken from AMX-13-105s, and the old engines replaced by Poyaud V8s. This specific version is also equipped with a dozer blade.

4 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Primary: FTR 105 mm L44 cannon

Engine: Poyaud 520/V8-S2 8-cylinder diesel engine, 500 hp at 2,500 RPM
Max. Speed: 40 km/h
Acessories: Dozer blade

├ X-30


The X-30 was Bernardini’s initial design for a domestic medium tank based on the M41 Walker Bulldog. Only a steel mockup was made before its armament was changed and the vehicle constructed as the MB-3 Tamoyo I.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 76 mm M32 cannon

Engine: Scania DSI-14 turbocharged V8 500 hp diesel engine, 500 hp at 2100 rpm
Max. Speed: 67 km/h

------ SPG/TD Line

├ AAPMP T-34-100

Artilleria Auto Propulsada Multi Propósito T-34-100

A dual-purpose self-propelled artillery piece made by Cuba, based on a T-34 hull. It’s equipped with the KS-19 100mm anti-aircraft gun, which can double as an anti-tank gun by using the same ammunition as the 100mm D-10 cannon.

Primary: KS-19 100mm anti-aircraft gun

Engine: V-2 12-cylinder diesel-fueled engine developing 493 hp
Max. Speed: 55 km/h

├ AAP T-34-130

Artilleria Auto Propulsada T-34-130

Cuba’s ultimate T-34-based SPG. It’s armed with the very powerful M-46 130mm cannon, but the crew members and ammo racks are completely exposed.

Primary: M-46 130mm cannon

Engine: V-2 12-cylinder diesel-fueled engine developing 493 hp
Max. Speed: 55 km/h


Tanque Argentino Mediano Vehículo de Combate de Artillería

Argentina’s modern self-propelled artillery. It’s a Palmaria turret fitted on a TAP hull (enlarged TAM hull).

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Oto Melara “Palmaria” L41 155 mm howitzer

Engine: MTU-MB 833 Ka-500 6-cylinder 22.4 L diesel 720 hp
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

├ Maisanta YZR

Maisanta YZR

The Venezuelan M50 Ontos. It’s an AMX-13 MLRS that had its LAR-160 turret converted to use M40 recoilless rifles.

4 (Driver, Gunner, Commander, Loader)
Primary: x6 106mm M40 Recoilless Rifles

Engine: SOFAM Model 8Gxb 8-cylinder water-cooled petrol engine 250 hp (190 kW)
Max. Speed: 60~km/h

------ SPAA Line

├ AMX-13 Ráfaga

AMX-13 Ráfaga

A Venezuelan AMX-13 that has been converted into an SPAA by fitting the M42 Duster’s on its hull, just like what happened to the M35 Fénix. Stowage racks have also been fitted to the sides, and a searchlight was coupled to the mantlet.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 2x M2A1 40mm Bofors

Engine: SOFAM Model 8Gxb 8-cylinder water-cooled petrol engine 250 hp (190 kW)
Max. Speed: 60~km/h

├ BTR-37-2


The BTR-37-2 is a Cuban SPAA based on a modified BTR-60 hull. It features large turret in the center with two 37mm 61-K cannons in a twin mount.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Two 37mm 61-K cannons in a twin mount

Engine: 2×GAZ-40P 6 cylinders
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

├ BTR-23-2


The BTR-37-2 is a Cuban SPAA that combines a modified BTR-60 hull with the ZU-23-2 turret.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: ZU-23-2 turret

Engine: 2×GAZ-40P 6 cylinders
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

├ AML S530

Panhard AML S530

This French SPAA combines the Panhard AML with the S530 turret, armed with two 20mm M621 autocannons. It was made exclusively for export, and Venezuela was its only user.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 2x GIAT industries M621 20mm autocannon

Engine: Panhard Model 4HD, providing 90 hp at 4700rpm
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles

├ Firefly VC Repot. (Paraguay)

Firefly VC Repotenciado (Paraguay)

Fireflies Repotenciados that Paraguay received from Argentina in 1988, in exchange for M4A4s that the latter would use as museum pieces. It was one of the oldest Shermans still in service (if not the oldest), being retired in 2018.

4 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Loader)
Primary: FTR 105 mm L44 cannon

Engine: Poyaud 520/V8-S2 8-cylinder diesel engine, 500 hp at 2,500 RPM
Max. Speed: 40 km/h

├ EE-9 M4 Cascavel

EE-9 M4 Cascavel

Cascavéis in Colombian service. They are better equipped than Brazilian ones, as they were ordered with night vision, laser rangefinder, and the more powerful Detroit engines.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Engesa EC-90 Cockerill Mk 3 90mm cannon

Engine: Detroit Diesel 6V53 212 hp
Max. Speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: passive day/night vision, laser rangefinder

├ DN-V C-90

DN-V C-90

A Mexican prototype of the DN-V with a turret from the AML-90 and its powerful 90mm F1.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Panhard ERC-90 F1 Lynx turret with CN90 F1 90mm cannon

Engine: Dina Cummins V-504 184 hp diesel fuel
Max. Speed: 80 km/h

├ T-46 Stalin

T-46 Stalin

T-46 Stalin is how Cuba referred to their IS-2Ms. Since this is the modernized version, it features slightly improved mobility and other minor upgrades such as night vision.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 122 mm D-25T cannon

Engine: 12-cyl. diesel model V-2 600 hp (450 kW)
Max. Speed: 37 km/h
Accesories: night vision

└ AMX-13 "Pueblo"

AMX-13 “Pueblo”

This is a “hero tank”. The AMX-13M51 was the best tank the Dominicans had at their disposal against the American M48s and M50s during Operation Power Pack.

3 (commander, driver, gunner)
Primary: 75mm Model 50 cannon

Engine: Sofam Model 8Gxb 8-cylinder water-cooled petrol, 250 hp at 3.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

Rank 5

------ Armored Car Line

├ Grenadier Repot.

MOWAG Grenadier Repotenciado

A conversion of the Argentinian MOWAG Grenadier carried out by TENSA in the 1980s, with the goal of recycling the tiny 4x4 APCs into new scout vehicles. The turret of an AML-90 was installed on it, and the engine and transmission were changed to new ones.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: DEFA 921 F1 90 mm cannon

Engine: DDA Fuel Pincher Allison Detroit 8.2 Lt, 154 hp at 3000 RPM
Max. Speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: Laser Rangefinder

├ EE-17 Sucuri

EE-17 Sucuri

The Sucuri was a tank destroyer designed by Engesa with the export market in mind. It was made to be cheap, fast and heavily armed. The Boomerang suspension improved off-road mobility and positioning, and the FL-12 turret provided high rate of fire with a powerful 105mm cannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radio Operator)
Primary: CN-105 model 57

Engine: Detroit Diesel 6V53T, V-6, 300 hp to 2800 RPM
Max. Speed: 110 km/h

├ BTR-60-73


Cuba’s BTR-60-73 is basically just a wheeled BMP-1, by combining its turret with the hull of a BTR-60. Comparable performance to a BMP-1, but with a cheaper and easier to maintain hull of the BTR-60.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 73 mm 2A28 Grom smoothbore gun

Engine: 2×GAZ-40P 6 cylinders
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

├ VAPE-1

Vehículo Anfibio Pesado de Exploración 1

The VAPE series were a development of armored cars ordered by Argentina. They had to be fast, light, amphibious and capable of fulfilling the roles of infantry support and anti-tank warfare. Two French companies were commissioned for this development, with the VAPE-1 being made by Renault.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: GIAT F4 90 mm cannon mounted on a samm A.R 90 turret

Engine: diesel engine with a power of 254 hp at 2.600 rpm
Max. Speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: amphibious capability

├ VAPE-2

Vehículo Anfibio Pesado de Exploración 2

The VAPE series were a development of armored cars ordered by Argentina. They had to be fast, light, amphibious and capable of fulfilling the roles of infantry support and anti-tank warfare. Two French companies were commissioned for this development, with the VAPE-2 being made by Panhard.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: GIAT F4 90 mm cannon mounted on a samm A.R 90 turret

Engine: diesel engine with a power of 254 hp at 2.600 rpm
Max. Speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: amphibious capability

------ Light Tank Line

├ M24 (HVMS)

M24 (HVMS)

The ultimate version of the Chaffee. In order to modernize the anti-tank capabilities of its tanks, Chile upgraded its fleet of M24s with 60mm HVMS cannons imported form Israel.

5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, bow-gunner)
Primary: 60 mm IMI HVMS Gun

Engine: Detroit 53T6V 275 hp diesel
Max. speed: 56 km/h

├ AMX-13V


The AMX-13V was a Venezuelan modernization of the AMX-13-90 (known as AMX-13 C-90 in Venezuela). The upgrade was carried out by CEMABLIN and it involved the installation of thermal sights.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: CN90F-3 90mm cannon

Engine: Sofam Model 8Gxb 8-cylinder water-cooled petrol, 250 hp at 3.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 60 km/h
Accesories: Pegasus Technologies thermal camera, TCV-1 laser rangefinder

├ VC Patagón

Vehículo de Combate Patagón

The Patagón is a Kürassier “made in Argentina”. Only the chassis of SK-105s were bought, and the turrets were refurbished from AMX-13-105s. However, this process was deemed uneconomical and was later cancelled.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm rifled gun

Engine: Steyr 7FA 6-cylinder diesel engine 295 hp
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

├ M41 (HVMS)

M41 (HVMS)

Just like with the M24s, Chile also experimented installing the HVMS cannon on their M41s. The original 76mm cannon was deemed decent though, and this upgrade was cancelled in favor of prioritizing the Chaffees and M-50 Shermans.

4 (Commander, Driver, Loader, Gunner)
Primary: 60 mm IMI HVMS Gun

Engine: Continental AOS 895-3, 6 opposed cylinders of 500 hp, air cooled
Max. speed: 72 km/h

├ M41C Super 90

M41C Caxias Super 90

The ultimate version of the M41C Caxias. It featured the “Super 90” (commercial name for the 90mm F4 cannon) coupled with a laser rangefinder, and the only prototype also had the armor upgrade package on the hull front and sides.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: GIAT CS Super 90 F4 gun

Engine: Scania DS-14 diesel engine with 405 hp
Max. Speed: 65 km/h
Accesories: Laser Rangefinder, Night Vision, Ferranti Computer, Armor upgrade package

------ Medium Tank Line

├ M-50 (HVMS)

M-50 (HVMS)

Chile’s take on the “Super Sherman” idea. While the M-51s bought from Israel still had a competitive armament, the M-50’s 75mm SA50 certainly wasn’t adequate anymore. It was then upgraded with the 60mm HVMS cannon.

5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, bow-gunner)
Primary: 60 mm IMI HVMS Gun

Engine: 535 hp V-8 Detroit Diesel 8V-71T
Max. speed: 40-45 km/h
Accessories: Simple vertical breech block system that allowed for a rate of fire of 12 shots per minute, Passive IR (Infra-Red) periscope, Thermal Sight, Ballistic computer

├ Tamoyo I

MB-3 Tamoyo I

The Tamoyo I was Bernardini’s first proper medium tank, built to Brazil’s specifications. An upgrade over the X-30 design, the MB-3 was constructed with a license-built 90mm F4 cannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: GIAT CS Super 90 F4 gun

Engine: Scania DSI-14 turbocharged V8 500 hp diesel engine, 500 hp at 2100 rpm
Max. Speed: 67 km/h

├ Tamoyo II-105

MB-3 Tamoyo II-105

As part of its experimental nature, the Tamoyo II was also tested with the turret of the Tamoyo III, while the hull of the latter wasn’t finished yet.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm LRF gun

Engine: DSI-14 engine 500 hp
Max. Speed: 67 km/h
Accessories: Laser Rangefinder, Night Vision, Ferranti Computer, Stabilisation

├ AMX-30V


A Venezuelan modernization of the AMX-30 that featured a Continental AVDS-1790-5A V12 diesel engine and a two-plane stabilizer for the cannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: CN105F-1 105/56mm stabilized gun

Engine: Teledyne Continental AVDS-1790-2C-12-V diesel 750-980 hp
Max. Speed: 65 km/h
Accesories: computerized digital fire control system guided by laser beams

------ SPG/TD Line

├ CATAP BMP-1-100

Cañón Anti Tanque Auto Propulsado BMP-1-100

A Cuban BMP-1 that has been converted into a conventional casemate tank destroyer. It’s armed with the 100mm T-12 smoothbore cannon, capable of firing APFSDS darts or launching 9M117 Bastion ATGMs.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 100mm T-12 smoothbore cannon

Engine: UTD-20 6 cylinder V diesel
Max. Speed: 65 km/h

├ EE-3 (MILAN)

EE-3 Jararaca (MILAN)

The Jararaca was a Brazilian 4x4 scout vehicle developed by Engesa. It could also double as a tank destroyer, with this specialized variant that carries the MILAN ATGM.

3 (Commander, Driver, Radio Operator)
Primary: MILAN missile

Engine: Mercedes Benz OM-314 A turbo, 4-stroke, 4 in-line cylinders, 3784 cc
Max. Speed: 100 km/h

├ Escorpión

AMX-13PA5 Escorpión

A Peruvian modernization of the AMX-13-105. The 105mm cannon was retained, and four laser guided Malyutkas were installed on the sides of the turret bustle. The engine was also swapped for a Deutz developing 240hp.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm cannon (CN-105-57), four laser guided Malyutkas

Engine: Deutz F8L-413F 8-cylinder air-cooled diesel engine, 259 hp
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

├ M8 (TOW)

M8 (TOW)

Colombia’s M8 Greyhound that has been converted into an ATGM carrier, armed with BGM-71A TOW missiles, and powered by a Detroit Diesel 4-53N.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: BGM-71A TOW

Engine: Detroit Diesel 4-53N 4-cylinder / 136 hp
Max. Speed: 92km/h

------ SPAA Line

├ T-Duplex-57


The T-Duplex-57 is a Cuban copy of the ZSU-57-2, using the same 57mm S-68 dual mount on a similarly designed turret, and a T-54/55 hull.

6 (Commander, Driver, Gunner, Sight adjuster, and two Loaders)
Primary: 2 × 57 mm L/76.6 S-68 anti-aircraft autocannons

Engine: V-54, 4-stroke, airless (mechanical)-injection, water-cooled 38.88 liter V12 diesel
Max. Speed: 50 km/h

├ AMX-13 Aguijón

AMX-13 Aguijón

The Aguijón is a prototype SPAA that combined the AMX-13s hull with the S530 anti-air turret of the AML S530 that had been in reserve since 1983.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: S530 anti-air turret with 2x GIAT industries M621 20mm autocannon

Engine: Sofam Model 8Gxb 8-cylinder water-cooled petrol, 250 hp at 3.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

├ EE-11 Urutu AA

EE-11 M2 Urutu Anti-aéreo (TA-20)

This is an SPAA variant of the Urutu, equipped with the H20R/TA-20 turret armed with two 20mm Oerlikon KAD autocannons, as well as tracking and search radars.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 2x 20 mm H820 L cannons

Engine: Diesel Mercedes-Benz OM352A-S
Max. Speed: 95 km/h

├ EE-9 (ET-25)

EE-9 M4 Cascavel (ET-25)

An anti-air variant of the Cascavel developed by Engesa, meant to work as a “helicopter killer” for Iraq. Features the unique ET-25 turret also made by Engesa, armed with the 25mm Oerlikon KBA autocannon.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 25 mm KBA Autocannon

Engine: Detroit Diesel 6V53 Engine,
Max. Speed: 100 km/h

├ Piraña 6x6 AA/AT

FAMAE Piraña 6x6 Antiaereo/Antitanque

A very unique variant of the Piraña armed with both missiles for anti-tank and anti-air roles. These missiles were four Blowpipes SAMs and two Mamba ATGMs. These missiles are slow however, so this vehicle is a jack of all trades and master of none.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 4 blowpipe missiles for anti-aircraft defense, 2 Mamba anti-tank missiles

Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T 300 hp at 2800 RPM
Max. speed: 100 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles


Tanque Argentino Mediano Vehículo de Combate Lanza Cohetes

This is an MLRS variant of the TAM. It’s fitted with the LAR-160 turret, armed with 36 160mm rockets.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: x36 160mm LAR-160 rockets

Engine: MTU MB-833 ​​Ka-500 Diesel Engine, 6 cylinders, 720 hp at 2.400 rpm.
Max. Speed: 78 km/h

├ Piraña 8x8 (CSE 90LP)

FAMAE Piraña 8x8 (CSE 90LP)

An 8x8 prototype of the Piraña family that was tested with Cockerill’s CSE 90LP turret. The cannon is able to fire APFSDS darts with average penetrating power.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Cockerill 90 mm Mk III gun

Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T turbocharged 275 hp at 2800 RPM
Max. speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: Wide range of sight and fire control system options, Day/night (I2 or TI), Laser range finder, Ballistic computer

├ M8 (IME)

M8 (IME)

Another design for the concept of converting the Brazilian M8 Greyhounds into an MLRS. This version was developed by the IME and featured a heavily modified Greyhound turret that essentially became a Brazilian copy of the Oerlikon MRS-80 turret.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Driver, Co-Driver)
Primary: 2x Oerlikon Typ 3Z 8Dla launcher

Engine: Hercules JXD 6 cylinder 4-cycle inline gasoline engine 110 hp at 3.200 rpm
Max. Speed: 90 km/h

├ Tamoyo II

MB-3 Tamoyo II

The Tamoyo II was an experimental variant of the MB-3. It’s nearly identical as the Tamoyo I, save for a different transmission - the HMPT-500. On its field trials, it was tested without a turret. Visually, the only difference compared to the Tamoyo I hull is that this did not have skirts.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: GIAT CS Super 90 F4 gun

Engine: Scania DSI-14 turbocharged V8 500 hp diesel engine, 500 hp at 2100 rpm
Max. Speed: 67 km/h

├ Piraña 6x6 (HVMS)

FAMAE Piraña 6x6 (HVMS)

A prototype of the Piraña featuring an Israeli turret initially designed for the M113 Zelda. The great mobility of the Piraña coupled with a stabilized 60mm HVMS makes this a powerful tank destroyer.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 60 mm IMI HVMS Gun
Maneuverability :
Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T 300 hp at 2800 RPM
Max. speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: Stabilizer

├ Grenadier (MRS-80)

MOWAG Grenadier (MRS-80)

An unique variant of the MOWAG Grenadier that featured the Oerlikon MRS-80 turret. Chile was the only country to operate it, during the Beagle Crisis of 1978, but it didn’t take long for them to also scrap the turret.

2 (Commander, Driver)
Primary: 2x Oerlikon Typ 3Z 8Dla launcher

Engine: 8-cylinder diesel, 202 hp at 3900 rpm
Max. speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: Optional night vision equipment

└ Leopard 1A1BR

Leopard 1A1BR

The Leopard 1A1BR is the Brazilian designation for the Belgian upgraded Leopard 1BE that Brazil acquired in 1996. It features a two-plane stabilizer.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: L7A3 L/52 105mm rifled cannon

Engine: MTU MB 838 CaM 500 engine 830 hp
Max. speed: 65 km/h
Accesories: Two-plane stabilizer, Laser rangefinder

Rank 6

------ Armored Car Line

├ Piraña 6x6 (KUKA)

FAMAE Piraña 6x6 (KUKA)

This is an IFV variant of the Piraña family that features the KUKA turret, armed with a 25mm Oerlikon KBA-B02 autocannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Oerlikon KBA-B02 25mm autocannon
Maneuverability :
Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T 300 hp at 2800 RPM
Max. speeds: 100 km/h

├ EE-11 (FVT 925-T)

EE-11 Urutu (FVT 925-T)

This is a more modern IFV variant of the Urutu, featuring the Helio FVT 925-T turret, armed with both a 25mm Oerlikon autocannon and a TOW launcher.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Helio FVT 925-T turret with Oerlikon KBA 25 mm cannon and TOW launcher

Engine: Diesel Mercedes-Benz OM352A-S
Max. speed: 95 km/h

├ EE-18 Sucuri

EE-18 Sucuri

The ultimate Sucuri. Coloquially known as the “Sucuri II”, the EE-18 was a further development of the EE-17, due to difficulties by Engesa to sell the latter (especially the fact that the Brazilian Army wasn’t keen on osclillating turrets). It features a new hull and a new conventional turret armed with the 105mm OTO Melara 105/52 cannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: OTO Melara 105 mm rifled gun

Engine: Scania DSI-11, 6-cylinder in-line diesel with direct injection 380 hp at 2100 rpm
Max. speed: 105 km/h

├ VBCI Guarani

Viatura Blindada de Combate de Infantaria Guarani

The Guarani is Brazil’s spiritual successor to the EE-11 Urutu. It’s a modern APC developed by Iveco in Brazil together with the Brazilian Army, and a whole family of vehicles based on it is being developed. One such variant is the VBCI, an IFV version of the Guarani fitted with the UT-30BR turret and armed with a 30mm Bushmaster II autocannon. A further development of that turret, the UT-30BR2, has been showcased recently, featuring a LWS and new optronics, as well as anti-drone capabilities.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: ATK Bushmaster MK44 of 30mm

Engine: Iveco FPT Cursor 9 turbocharged 6-cylinder engine 383 hp
Max. speed: 100 km/h
Accesories: Laser Rangefinder, Thermals, LWS

------ Light Tank Line

├ JaPz.K A2

JaPz.K A2

The “JaPz.K A2” is the SK-105A2 in Argentinian service. It’s already in the game, so there’s not much to be said about it.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm gun PzK M57

Engine: Steyr 7FA engine, 6-cylinder diesel 324 hp
Max. speed: 70 km/h
Accesories: Night vision, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder


Tanque Argentino Mediano

The first model of the TAM to reach serial production. It’s already in the game, so there’s not much to be said about it.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm FM K.4 Modelo 1L gun

Engine: MTU-MB 833 Ka-500 6-cylinder 22.4 L diesel
Max. speed: 75 km/h


Tanque Argentino Mediano Siglo XXI

A modernization kit for the TAM, featuring thermal imaging. It is similar to the TAM 2C, except the tech is older.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm FM K.4 Modelo 1L gun

Engine: MTU-MB 833 Ka-500 6-cylinder 22.4 L diesel
Max. speed: 75 km/h
Accesories: Night vision, Thermal

├ SK-105A2S

Carro de Combate Leve Sobre Lagartas SK105A2S

The SK-105A2S is the Brazilian Marines’ variant of the Kürassier. High mobility and firepower allied with a stabilizer makes this a true beast of a light tank.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 105mm 105G1 cannon

Engine: Steyr 7FA turbodiesel engine 320 hp
Max. speed: 70 km/h

------ Medium Tank Line

├ T-55M1 León

T-55M1 León

A Peruvian upgrade of the T-55A to improve its anti-tank capabilities. Features four Malyutkas on the sides of the turret.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: D-10T-TS2 100mm cannon, four Malyutkas on the sides of the turret

Engine: V-55 12-cyl diesel, 581 hp (433 kW)
Max. Speed: 50 km/h
Accesories: laser rangefinder, ballistic computer

├ T-55M2A1 León 2

T-55M2A1 León 2

A further upgrade of the León, this version got rid of the Malyutkas in favor of 9M117 Bastion cannon-launched ATGMs, thanks to a new laser guidance system installed on it.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: D-10T-TS2 100mm gun, 9M117 Bastion cannon-launched ATGMs

Engine: V-55 12-cyl diesel, 581 hp (433 kW)
Max. Speed: 50 km/h
Accesories: laser rangefinder, ballistic computer, night vision

├ Tamoyo III

MB-3 Tamoyo III

The Tamoyo in its final form, now as an “MBT”. Features thicker armor, a more powerful Detroit Diesel 8V92TA engine outputting 736hp, laser rangefinder, blowout panels and a stabilized 105mm LRF cannon.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Royal Ordnance 105 mm L7 LRF gun

Engine: Detroit Diesel 8V92TA diesel engine 736 hp at 2,300 rpm
Max. speed: 65 km/h
Accessories: Laser Rangefinder, Night Vision, Ferranti Computer, Stabilisation, blow-out panel

├ AMX-30VE


A further upgrade of Venezuela’s AMX-30V, carried out with help from Spain. The tank is now equipped with thermal sights and, for balance’s sake, APFSDS rounds.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: CN105F-1 105/56mm stabilized gun

Engine: Teledyne Continental AVDS-1790-2C-12-V diesel 750-980 hp
Max. Speed: 65 km/h
Accesories: computerized digital fire control system guided by laser beams, a stabilization computer and two ballistic computers, digital weather mast, daytime and thermal cameras for the driver, digital stabilization unit

├ EE-T1 Osório P1

EE-T1 Osório P1

The famous Osório in its first produced version. Here it represents what Engesa had intented with the 105mm variant. It features composite armor capable of defeating 120mm HEATFS and 105mm APDS on a 30 frontal arc.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: L7/M68 105mm Cannon

Engine: 12-cylinder MWM TBD 234 turbo diesel
Max. speed: 70 km/h
Accessories: Laser Rangefinder, Night Vision, Marconi FCS, Stabilization

├ EE-T1 Osório P2

EE-T1 Osório P2

The famous Osório in its second produced version. Here it represents what Engesa had intented with the 120mm variant. It features composite armor capable of defeating 120mm HEATFS and 105mm APDS on a 30 frontal arc.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: GIAT Vecteur smoothbore Gl EFAB 120mm cannon

Engine: 12-cylinder MWM TBD 234 turbo diesel
Max. speed: 70 km/h
Accessories: Laser Rangefinder, Night Vision, Marconi FCS, Stabilization, Thermals, blow-out panel

├ Tifón-2A


The Tifón-2A (known as T-55M8A1 in Ukraine) was a was a joint project between KMDB and Diseños Casanave to heavily modernize the Peruvian T-55A into a modern MBT. It features DEFLEKT composite armor, NOZH explosive reactive armor, a 125mm cannon with bustle autoloader, 1050hp engine and 3rd generation thermals for gunner and commander.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 125mm L/48 KBM-1M smoothbore gun, fully stabilized

Engine: KMDB 5TDFMA 5-cylinder turbocharged multifuel, 1,050HP
Max. Speed: 78 km/h
Accesories: 1G46M gunner sight, laser rangefinder, PNK-5 observation system for the commander, Buran Catherine E thermal camera with optronic sight for the gunner, auxiliary power unit APU, LIO-V ballistic computer, cctv rear camera, A-9620 Narada combat management system, Additional DEFLEKT composite armor and Nozh ERA

------ SPG/TD Line

├ Piraña 6x6 (HJ-8)

FAMAE Piraña 6x6 (HJ-8)

This is a prototype of the Piraña that is fitted with a turret made by NORINCO, armed with four HJ-8 Red Arrow 8 ATGMs.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Four Red Arrow 8 anti-tank missiles
Maneuverability :
Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T 300 hp at 2800 RPM
Max. speed on roads: 100 km/h

├ Piraña 6x6 (LAHAT)

FAMAE Piraña 6x6 (LAHAT)

A prototype of the Piraña that turns it into an ATGM carrier, equipped with LAHAT missiles from Israel.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 8 LAHAT missiles

Engine: Detroit diesel 6V-53T 300 hp at 2800 RPM
Max. speed: 100 km/h

├ AMX-13 Alacrán

AMX-13 Alacrán

A significant overhaul of the Peruvian AMX-13-105s. The cannon was removed and the tank was turned into an ATGM carrier. Four 9M133 Kornet ATGM tubes are installed on top of the turret, ready to fire, with four spare missiles stored inside.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Four 9M133 Kornet ATGM

Engine: Deutz F8L-413F 8-cylinder air-cooled diesel engine, 259 hp
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

├ AMX-13 Alacrán II

AMX-13 Alacrán II

Another development of the Alacrán series. This variant had the turret shortened while keeping the missiles high and on a flexible mount, protected by a case.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Three 9M133 Kornet ATGM

Engine: Deutz F8L-413F 8-cylinder air-cooled diesel engine, 259 hp
Max. Speed: 60 km/h

------ SPAA Line

├ EE-9 (TORC30)

EE-9 NG Cascavel (TORC30)

This is a proposed modernization of the Cascavel by ARES and Equitron. It features a bigger, more powerful engine, and a new unmanned TORC30 dual-purpose turret equipped with the Rheinmetall MK 30-2/ABM cannon for destroying both ground and air targets.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Rheinmetall MK30-2/ABM of 30mm

Engine: 6 Cylinders Electrical Engine Mercedes-Benz OM906 LA 260 hp at 2,200 rpm
Max. speed: 100 km/h
Acessories: Thermal sights, target tracking

├ Charrua II (Trinity)

Charrua II (Bofors Trinity)

The Charrua II was an APC developed by Moto Peças S/A in cooperation with CBV Indústria Mecânica S/A, as an improvement of the first model of the Charrua. An anti-air variant was also tested, featuring a Bofors Trinity turret equipped with the 40mm L/70 gun, coupled with tracking and search radars.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Bofors Trinity turret with 40mm L/70 gun

Engine: Scania DSI 11, 394hp Diesel
Max. speed: 70 km/h
Accesories: Search Radar, Laser Rangefinder, Night Vision, Thermal Imager

├ Peugeot P4 Aspic

Peugeot P4 Aspic

The Peugeot P4 Aspic is a French mobile SAM system in operation in Chile. It’s armed with Mistral SATCP missiles.

2 (Driver, Gunner)
Primary: 4 surface-to-air mistral missiles

Engine: Peugeot XN8 petrol 78 hp
Max. speed: 108 - 118 km/h

├ MIM-72 Chaparral

MIM-72 Chaparral

The Chaparral is a lesser known vehicle operated by Ecuador. It was acquired by them as means to better protect Ecuadorian airspace from the increasing aeronautical potential of its neighbours.

2 (Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Four MIM-72 missiles

Engine: General Motors GM 6V53 6-Cylinder diesel engine 212hp at 2.800 rpm
Max. Speed: 56 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles

├ BTR-100


A Cuban BTR-60 turned into a tank destroyer by heavily modifying its hull and fitting a T-55-like welded turret, with bustle and a stabilized D-10 cannon.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: stabilized D-10 cannon

Engine: 2×GAZ-40P 6 cylinders
Max. Speed: 70 km/h

├ AMX-13-105


An Ecuadorian AMX-13-105 upgraded with a new muzzle brake, letting it use APFSDS rounds. It also got the engine swapped for a Deutz.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 105mm CN105-57 (L44) cannon

Engine: Deutz F8L-413F 8-cylinder air-cooled diesel engine, 259 hp
Max. Speed: 60 km/h
Accesories: fire control system of the Soptac-18 type, M-213 day sights, TCV-107 laser rangefinder


Tanque Argentino Mediano 2IP

A variant with improved protection developed by Israel for Argentina. It’s already in the game, so there’s not much to be said about it.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105mm FMK.4 Model 1L cannon

Engine: MTU-MB 833 Ka-500 diesel engine, 6-cylinder V
Max. speed: 78 km/h
Accesories: Night Vision, Laser Rangefinder


EE-11 Urutu Sistema Móvel de Defesa Aérea de Baixa Altitude

An SPAA variant of the Urutu that utilizes a domestic SAM system armed with MAA-1 Piranhas. Only a mockup turret was installed on it.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 2x MAA-1 Piranhas missiles

Engine: Diesel Mercedes-Benz OM352A-S
Max. speed: 95 km/h

├ EE-T1 Osório P0

EE-T1 Osório P0

The very first Osório to be made. It’s considered the Prototype 0 as the turret mounted on it was only a steel mockup. In this tree it represents the actual Osório that Engesa managed to make prior to its bankruptcy, which is simply a lightweight tech demo with thin armor, as the composite inserts are hollow.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: L7/M68 105mm Cannon

Engine: 12-cylinder MWM TBD 234 turbo diesel
Max. speed: 70 km/h

├ PT-91P


A variant of the Polish PT-91 Twardy made for Peru. It featured ERAWA-1 and ERAWA-2 explosive reactive armor, the Obra-3 laser warning system, the Drawa-TGA fire control system and TILDE 2nd generation thermal imaging, but retained the default 850hp engine.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 125mm smoothbore 2A46 cannon

Engine: PZL-Wola S-12U, 12-cylinder diesel 850 HP
Max. Speed: 60 km/h
Accesories: ERAWA-1 and ERAWA-2 explosive reactive armor, Obra-3 laser warning system, Drawa-TGA fire control system, TILDE 2nd generation thermal imaging

├ Tiran 5Sh

Tiran 5Sh

After its retirement in Israel, some Tiran 5Sh tanks found a new home in Uruguay, serving as their main battle tank.

4 (Commander, Gunnder, Loader, Driver)
Primary: M68 105mm cannon

Engine: Model V-55 V-12 water-cooled, 500 hp
Max. Speed: 51 km/h

├ Gepard 1A2

Gepard 1A2

A Brazilian Gepard with a different radar system compared to the one currently in game. This is a “copy-paste” and it’s only here as a backup (in case the SPAAs in the tree are not enough or can’t be added for lack of information).

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 2x 35 mm Oerlikon KDA autocannons

Engine: MTU MB 838 10-cyl 37.4 L, 830 PS
Max. speed: 65 km/h

├ Leopard 1V

Leopard 1V

Chilean Leopard 1Vs acquired from the Netherlands. In Chile, it’s in use with a new selection of munitions imported from Israel, including the M413 Hetz-7 APFSDS, M156 HEP and LAHAT missiles.

4 (commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver).
Primary: Royal Ordnance 105mm L7A3 rifled gun

Engine: MTU MB 838 CaM 500 10-cylinder polyfuel 830 hp at 2,200 rpm
Max. speed: 65 km/h
Accesories: Panzer-Ziel und Beobachtungsgerät PZB 200 light intensifier, Barrel stabilization, Laser rangefinder

└ T-72B1V


This T-72 is in use by Venezuela, but in this case the “V” in its designation should not be mistaken for a Venezuelan modification. The T-72B1V is simply a Soviet variant of the T-72B already in game. It’s pretty much the same as the latter, except that it retains the older FCS of the T-72A, meaning that it does not have ATGM capability.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 2A46M 125mm smoothbore gun

Engine: V-84MS, 840 hp. V-12 polyfuel
Max. Speed: 90 KM/H
Accesories: 1A40 with TPD-K1 laser rangefinder, Luna-2R infrared illuminator for the shooter on one side of the barrel and another on the OU-3IR model commander’s cupola

Rank 7

------ Light Tank Line

├ TAM 2C

Tanque Argentino Mediano 2C

Argentina’s most modern version of the TAM in service today. It’s already in the game, so there’s not much to be said about it.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm FM K.4 Modelo 1L

Engine: MTU-MB 833 Ka-500 6-cyl diesel, 720 hp
Max. speed: 75 km/h
Accesories: Night Vision, LWS, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder

├ TAM 2C-A2

Tanque Argentino Mediano 2C-A2

The latest upgrade to the TAM that is still in progress. The electronics and optronics were updated to newer models, and target tracking is a new feature. It is also able to launch LAHAT missiles.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 105 mm FM K.4 Modelo 1L

Engine: MTU-MB 833 Ka-500 6-cyl diesel, 720 hp
Max. speed: 75 km/h
Accesories: Night Vision, LWS, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder

------ Medium Tank Line

├ T-72B1MS

T-72B1MS “Águila Blanca”

The “White Eagle” is a modernized variant of the T-72B1 made for export, with Nicaragua being the first client. Unlike the regular B1, the B1MS is able to use ATGMs. It also features third generation thermal imaging for the gunner and commander, panoramic sights for the commander, and faster turret rotation.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary:125 mm 2A46M L/48 smoothbore gun

Engine: 840hp V-84MS Diesel Engine
Max. Speed: 60km/h
Accesories: Laser Rangefinder, Kontact-1 ERA, PN-72U Sosna-U Electro-optical Sight (3rd-generation Thermal Imager) for gunner, PKP-72 Falcon`s Eye Panoramic Sight (3rd-generation Thermal Imager) for commander

├ Leopard 2A4CHL

Leopard 2A4CHL

This version of the Leopard 2A4 is adapted for the Chilean environment. The changes are minor and irrelevant for gameplay, but the Leo 2A4CHL has a card up its sleeve: it uses the more powerful DM33A2 APFSDS. IM HE-T shells by Nammo are also available.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Rheinmetall 120mm L/44 smoothbore gun

Engine: MTU MB 873 Ka 501 4 12-cylinder polyfuel, 1.500 hp at 2,600 rpm
Max. speed: 72km/h
Accessories: Night Vision, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder

├ Leopard 2A4CHL (MCS)

Leopard 2A4CHL (Mobile Camouflage System)

The end of the line for MBTs in this tree currently. It’s the Leopard 2A4CHL with Mobile Camouflage System developed by Fibrotex. This camouflage greatly conceals the tank’s thermal profile, making it hard to detect by thermal imaging. It is also supplied with the best sabot in Chile’s arsenal: the M322.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: Rheinmetall 120mm L/44 smoothbore gun

Engine: MTU MB 873 Ka 501 4 12-cylinder polyfuel, 1.500 hp at 2,600 rpm
Max. speed: 72km/h
Accessories: Night Vision, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder, Multispectral cloak (electro-optic mimicry and protection against electromagnetic detection)

------ SPG/TD Line

├ Marder 1A3 (Spike)

Marder 1A3 (Spike)

The Marders in Chilean service do not have an ATGM attached to the turret. However, they utilize a Spike ATGM which is fired from the crew compartment. The nature of this ATGM makes it ideal for shoot-and-scoot tactics.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 20mm gun, Spike LR missile

Engine: MTU MB 833 Ea-500 6-cylinder diesel 600 hp at 2.200 rpm
Max. speed: 65km/hr
Accessories: Carl Zeiss WBG-X thermal camera, Barrel stabilization system

------ SPAA Line

├ Marder 1A2 Roland

Marder 1A2 Roland

The Marder 1A2 Roland was in service in the Brazilian Army for a brief moment. It uses the Roland 2 fire unit.

3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)
Primary: x2 Roland missile launchers

Engine: Mercedes Benz diesel MTU M833 Ea-500, 591 hp
Max. speed: 75 km/h

├ Crotale P4R

Crotale P4R

The Crotale P4R is a powerful SAM system that was briefly operated by Chile during the time tensions with Argentina were high. Despite usually being teamed up with a dedicated radar vehicle, the launcher vehicle can also operate on its own. Chile used the Series 3000 missiles.

2 (Gunner, Driver)
Primary: 4x R440 Crotale missiles

Engine: Specific creation of the Hotchkiss brand, Electric motor, Lift on hydraulic cylinders in position
Max. speed: 70 km/h

├ 9K33M

9K33M Osa-AKM

the 9K33M Osa-AKM, or SA-8B Gecko Mod 1, is a very powerful SAM system currently in use by Ecuador, and is the top tier SPAA for this tree.

5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Loader Driver)
Primary: Six 9M33 missiles

Engine: D20K300 diesel
Max. Speed: 80 km/h

------ Premium/Event/Squadron Vehicles

└ Centauro I 120

Centauro I 120

The Centauro I 120 has been offered to Colombia, and it even went through field trials in La Guajira in 2011, but no purchase was made.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 120 mm OTO Melara 120/45 cannon

Engine: IVECO, V6 turbo-Diesel 520 hp
Max. Speed: 110 km/h
Accesories: LWS, Night Vision, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder

Rank 8

------ Armored Car Line

└ Centauro II

Viatura Blindada de Cavalaria Média Sobre Rodas Centauro II

In early 2023, after many trials and tribulations, Brazil has signed a deal with Italy for the purchase of 98 Centauro IIs. It is speculated that the Brazilian Centauro II will not have an autoloader, as the Brazilian Army prefers manual loading. The first few vehicles are to be delivered and put in service in 2024.

4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Primary: 120mm/45 LRF gun

Engine: IVECO VECTOR 8V - EURO III, 720 hp
Max. speed: 105 km/h
Accesories: Anti tank mines protection, LWS, Night Vision, Thermal, Laser Rangefinder

├ Argentina

M4 Sherman – Serie Terrestre #2 by Juan Carlos Cicalesi & Hugo Bianucci.

El Sherman en el Ejército Argentino - Ricardo Jorge Sigal Fogliani

Blindados Argentinos. De Uruguay y Paraguay - Ricardo Jorge Sigal Fogliani

Tanque Argentino Mediano (TAM) - Tank Encyclopedia

Tanque Argentino Mediano (TAM 2C) - Tank Encyclopedia

Tanque Mediano Nahuel - Tank Encyclopedia

El Tanque Nahuel DL-43 - George von Rauch.

Sabor Criollo. El Nahuel D.L.43 - George von Rauch.

Nahuel DL-43 - Ricardo Jorge Sigal Fogliani

TAM & VCA/VCTM/VCTP - Juan Carlos Cicalesi

Zona Militar. Forum - Lista de foros | Zona Militar

Asociacion Argentina de Coleccionistas de Vehiculos Militares. Forum -

├ Bolivia

Vickers Mark E in Bolivian Service - Tank Encyclopedia

├ Brazil

Brazilian Stuart – M3, M3A1, X1, X1A2 and their Derivatives – Hélio Higuchi, Paulo Roberto Bastos Jr., Reginaldo Bacchi

Blindados no Brasil – Expedito Carlos Stephani Bastos

Jane’s Light Tanks and Armoured Cars of 1984

Tecnologia Militar Brasileira

Bernardini MB-3 Tamoyo – Expedito Carlos Stephani Bastos

M-41 Walker Bulldog no Exército Brasileiro – Expedito Carlos Stephani Bastos

M-113 no Brasil – Expedito Carlos Stephani Bastos

Jane’s armour and artillery 1985-86

Moto-Peças brochure

Memoir of Flavio Bernardini

Various Tecnologia & Defesa magazines

L64 ammunition brochure

Tamoyo 3 technical description of Bernardini

Technology of Tanks - Richard Ogorkiewicz

Guarani 500 - Paulo Bastos and Helio Higuchi

O Pelotão C Mec

Ford M-8 Greyhound no Exército Brasileiro – Expedito Carlos Stephani Bastos

Armor Magazine 1973 Jan-Jun

Fiat-Ansaldo CV-3 35 II no Exército Brasileiro – Expedito Carlos Stephani Bastos

Extermine o Inimigo – Dennison De Oliviera

Deerhound – Paulo Roberto Bastos and Hélio Higuchi

Engesa EE-9 Cascavel 40 anos de combates 1977-2017

Jane’s Land-Based Air Defence 97-98

Dual Harness skin stops armor-piercing projectiles Article of Richard M. Ogorkiewicz

Operational Manual EE-9 M4S2

Operational Manual EE-9 M6S3/4/5

Operational Manual EE-11 M6
Operational Manual ET-90

Operational Manual ET-90 II

Operational Manual ET-7,62

Maintenance Manual EE-9 M2

Maintenance Manual EE-9 M7S9

Maintenance Manual EE-11

Engexco technical brochure EE-3 NBC

Engexco technical brochure EE-3

Engexco technical brochure EE-9

Engexco technical brochure EE-11 Anti-Air

Engexco technical brochure Urutu Quilha

Engexco technical brochure 60 mm mortar

Engexco technical brochure Uruvel

Engexco technical brochure EE-18

Engesa Marketing brochure EE-3

Engesa Marketing brochure EE-9 M2-M3

Engesa Marketing brochure CRR and CRTA

Engesa Marketing brochure EE-17

Engesa Marketing brochure Osorio

Engesa Marketing sheet EE-T4 Ogum

Engesa Marketing sheet EE-9

Engesa Marketing sheet EE-11

Engesa Marketing sheet EE-3

Armor measurements done by Darren Hazes (Blasekiller)

Contact with Engesa Employees

Contact with Flavio Bernardini

VBTP–MR Guarani - Tank Encyclopedia

├ Cuba

Cuba Tanques & AFV 1942-2019 by Paulo Bastos and Helio Higuchi

├ Colombia

Tanques y Blindados: Imdicol Zipa
Tanques y Blindados: M-8/M-20 Greyhound
Tanques y Blindados: Engesa EE-9 Cascavel
Jane’s armour and artillery 1985-86

├ Chile

Ford GTB - Detalle - Fotografía Patrimonial , Detalle - Fotografía Patrimonial , Detalle - Fotografía Patrimonial , Ford GTB (G-622) (Burma Jeep) Cargo Hauler / Bomb Service Vehicle

M4A1E9 - The Sherman in the Chilean Army Written by Tom Gannon,

M24 Modernizado -
M24 Chaffee with 60 HVMS - Tank Encyclopedia
Chile, de compras desde la década de los 80

Piraña 6x6 (TCM-20) -
Janes Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93 by Tony Cullen, Christopher F. Foss
Famae-Cardoen Piraña (1981)

VTP-2 Escarabajo - Jane’s armoured personnel carriers, Jane’s armour and artillery 1985-86, Janes Armour and Artillery Upgrades 2003-2004, Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993 94 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

BMS-1 Alacrán - Jane’s armoured personnel carriers, Army Guide , BMS-1 Alacran Prototype Armored Personnel Carrier |

M-51 Proyecto-T - The Sherman in the Chilean Army Written by Tom Gannon, M4 Sherman – Serie Terrestre #2 by Juan Carlos Cicalesi & Hugo Bianucci, , M-51 in Chilean Service - Tank Encyclopedia

Piraña 6x6 (KUKA) - El Regimiento Buin del Ejército de Chile exhibe las capacidades antiblindaje del Piraña 6x6 , El Ejército forma personal para operar los Mowag Famae Piraña , Famae-Cardoen Piraña (1981) ,

M24 (HVMS) - , M24 Chaffee with 60 HVMS - Tank Encyclopedia

M41 (HVMS) - M24 Chaffee with 60 HVMS - Tank Encyclopedia ,

M50 (HVMS) - M-60 Sherman (M-50 with 60mm HVMS Gun) - Tank Encyclopedia , The Sherman in the Chilean Army Written by Tom Gannon, M4 Sherman – Serie Terrestre #2 by Juan Carlos Cicalesi & Hugo Bianucci, Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993 94 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ,

Piraña 6x6 (HJ-8) - Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993 94 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive , Famae-Cardoen Piraña (1981) , Janes A&A 1991-92

Piraña 8x8 (CSE 90LP) - Janes Armour and Artillery Upgrades 2006-2007, Jane’s Military Vehicles and Logistics. 1994-95. Ed. T. Gander & C. F. Foss, , , Janes A&A 1993-94_p.229

Piraña 6x6 (HVMS) - Flipbook Maker - Create Flipbooks Online | Publuu , Famae-Cardoen Piraña (1981) , Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993 94 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive , Janes Armour and Artillery Upgrades 2003-2004

Grenadier (MRS-80) - Algunas armas utilizadas durante el Conflicto del Beagle: la guerra que no fue 1978. | Aquellas armas de guerra , Jane’s pocket book modern military trucks, “la armada de chile, una historia de dos siglos en conmemoración del bicentenario de la armada de chile (1817-2017). tomo II”

Piraña 6x6 (LAHAT) - , , ,

Piraña 6x6 (AA/AT) - , , Janes Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93 by Tony Cullen, Christopher F. Foss, ,

Peugeot P4 Aspic - , , Janes Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93 by Tony Cullen, Christopher F. Foss,

Leopard 1V - , , , Serie contract verbeterde vuurleiding leopard 1, Justieranleitung Kpz Leopard 1, Ausbildung MES 2 AFSL-2 Leopard 1-NL, Verslag schietproeven Leopard 1V, Verslag inschietbeproeving m 10 tks leopard 1V, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

Leopard 2A4 CHL - , , , , ,

Leopard 2A4 CHL (MCS) - , , , , , , ,

Marder 1A3 (Spike) - , , , ,

Crotale P4R - (page 251-252), Janes Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93 by Tony Cullen, Christopher F. Foss,

├ Mexico

├ Peru

├ Venezuela

└ Uruguay

I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this project, namely (and in no specific order) Frezzco, Blasekiller, COLDOWN_Iván, Chilean_Thunder, Azazel_Hades, Nicho, Roland, Poldón, Lady_Waka, TownerHijet, MrPotto, Adversary, ARTsigismondo, Fr05ty, TheMightyCenteno, Enzo Magno, Whezee and Eruk.

I hope you’re interested in this suggestion! Leave your thoughts about it below!

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I anticipate this tree.
Find a trial’d tank for 11.7+ and it looks better than Benelux.


nice job!


Peru did trial the T-90S and the MBT-2000, but those would be 10.7 at best. Norinco presented the VT-4 to the Brazilian Army last year, so that could be a candidate for 11.7. Chile is also modernizing their Leopard 2A4CHLs with help from Aselsan, and it’s been rumoured to feature new sights, APS and maybe more armor.


Let’s hope that one day it can be implemented and thus make people from Latin America also feel represented within the game, it is also a great opportunity to make Latin American developments known to other people in the world and let them know that on this side too there are unique and interesting things and above all new and fun things for the game, great job +1


Pretty concise and well-throughout tech tree layout, and only have copy-paste when it was needed or optional. And the vehicles are really interesting. +1


Almost as if the tree used 14 nations instead of 2 and a half… crazy right?
+1 anyway, as top tier isn’t everything


If I only had the Osório 120mm I would be happy, but this tree looks very interesting.


Amazing suggestion! I had a latin american tree idea but yours is better in every aspect :)

I believe the Leon 2 also gets an upgraded engine and a new FCS capable of firing APFSDS rounds: Blindados del Perú 1932-2016 by sgdelat - Issuu
Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 08.51.02

I believe also that if the penetration is listed as 750mm, then it’s the 9M117M1 specifically, which has a tandem warhead and is already in game on the BMD-4 and BMP-3.



Good catch. I forgot about this info. The better ATGM was something that I had considered in the past but ended up forgetting about completely. Coupled with a better engine, it should make an interesting T-55!

PS: No idea what M-43A1 and M-43A3 APFSDS rounds are, tried looking for them and couldn’t find anything lol


Honestly, same lmao. I’ve found absolutely nothing and I’ve tried looking pretty hard. My only idea is that it’s a local Peruvian designation for something else, maybe MECAR’s 100mm rounds? But without any info on penetration or even velocity I think we’re stuck, unfortunately.


Though I’m more a fan of the ABC concept (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), as I don’t like these huge unions of nations, I would still voice myself positively here. Rather have some form of Latin American representation than none.



This is superb! I’ve got a few things I wanna add and a few sources to give when I’m on my PC, but this looks great so far! +1


A lot of copy paste for low-mid tier vehicles.

It would be hilarious if they add LATAM tech tree without ever putting servers in LATAM.

Just imagine LATAM, playing LATAM tech tree with 180-200 ping lmao.


I would like a Latin American Tech Tree, just as I would have liked a Tech Tree from the Visegrád Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) unfortunately Gaijin has no interest in adding TTs made up of groups of nations.


Or a tree, or at least some brazilian tanks.
But please Gaijin, show a little goodwill towards the brazilians.


A massive +1 for a beautifully researched and designed tree. I looked for all my favorite LatAm creations and found them here, so no complaints. The only exception, unless I’m missing something, is the CTMS-1TB1, which besides being used by a bunch of Latin American countries would also be a rather unique light tank for Rank I with its five-round 37mm clips.

Also, when it comes to a Latin American tree, I personally believe it should be implemented with a BR ceiling like 10.3 for the moment. That way, you would end with a great Osorio/TAM/Leo2A4CHL lineup and not have to face the big boys like the Leo 2A7s or T-90Ms which this tree doesn’t really have a peer to. But looking at how Gaijin treats the Ariete, I think they’d prefer to drag the Leo 2A4CHL to 11.7 and call it a day.


How you did this? I like it.


A lot of photoshop


I miss leopard 1a5BR in this tech tree, but in general is great. And the air tech tree ?