Latin American Air Forces Tree

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  • I don’t want coalition trees
  • Too many copy-pastes
  • I don’t like Latin American planes
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What is your opinion on the presence of “copy-paste” planes (unmodified planes that are already in the game) in the Latin American Tree?
  • I don’t mind them/I don’t care about them
  • I’m fine with them, as long as they are only used to fill gaps or form line-ups
  • No, I don’t want copy-pastes
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Latin American Air Forces Tree

Fan-made promotional image of the tree

Hello everyone. I’d like to present a propostal for a new tech tree for War Thunder: The Latin American Air Forces Tree (or just LATAM tree for short).

This project initially started with a Ground Tree (make sure to check that out too!), but during its development it soon grew to include the other vehicle trees as well. This time we’d like to present the Air Tree, essential for a future implementation of LATAM into War Thunder.

The bulk of the tree consists of domestic modifications and modernizations of foreign planes (like the Finger IIIa, F-5EM or the Mirage 50CN Pantera), as well as foreign planes built to a Latin American country’s specifications (such as the Ca.135 Tipo Peru, Martin 139WAA or the Ba.65 Tipo Chile). However, domestic designs are also featured here with Argentina playing a key role at that (with the Calquín, Ñancú and Pulqui II), plus a smaller contribution by Brazil (with the Super Tucano and AMX A-1).

There is a fair amount planes in the tree that people could consider as “copy-pastes”, but upon closer inspection you’ll realise that they aren’t exactly that. We made sure to pick variants that are not yet in the game (like the A-20K Havoc, a variant featuring a glass nose), following what Gaijin has done in the French or Italian trees. Most of the actual copy-pastes are just premiums.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the complete tree:

Thanks to zanju13 for the WT Tech-Tree Maker tool

Please be aware that the position of the vehicles within the tree, as well as the ranks and battle ratings are merely a suggestion made by us, to get a good sense about the tree. We also took the liberty to work on this tree to make it ready for War Thunder’s future, going beyond the current max BR and rank.

The Air Tree is made out of 14 Latin American Countries. Argentina and Brazil make up more than half of it, with Chile and other countries complementing it.


Check the spoilers below for a brief detail on each plane present in the tree. More specific information on each plane will be shared in this thread as the project progresses.

Rank 1

------ Fighter Line

├ Boeing Model 256

Boeing Model 256

Export version of the F4B-4 for Brazil. Used by the Brazilian Navy Aviation and the Army Aviation.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x .30 MG-40 machine gun (nose mounted)
Secondary: 200 kg of bombs
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Wasp R-1340-17, 450 hp
Max. Speed: 305 km/h
Service Ceiling: 8000 m

├ Boeing Model 267

Boeing Model 267

Export version for Brazil which is a hybrid of the F4B-3 with P-12E wings. Used by the Brazilian Army Aviation.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 7,62mm M1919 machine gun (nose mounted)
Secondary: 2x 116 lb bombs
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Wasp R-1340-16, 550 hp
Max. Speed: 305 km/h
Service Ceiling: 8000 m

├ Hawk IV

Curtiss Hawk IV (Model 79)

Export version of the BF2C Goshawk featuring a more powerful engine and enclosed cockpit. Only one demonstrator made and sold to Argentina.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x 7,62 mm M1919 machineguns (nose-mounted) and 1x 12,7mm m2 browning (nose-mounted)
Secondary: 1x 500 lb bombs, 4x 100 lb bombs
Engine: Wright R-1820-F56, 790 hp
Max. Speed: 410 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9052m

├ Hawk H-75O

Hawk H-75O

Simplified version of the P-36 with fixed landing gear made for Argentina, with some models also being license-built there.

Crew: 1
Primary: 3x Madsen 7.65mm and 1x 11.35mm machine guns
Secondary: 10x 14kg Bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone GR-1820 G5, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 488 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9700 m

├ Hawk H-75O (Oerlikon)

Hawk H-75O (Oerlikon)

Argentinian modification of their H-75Os armed with 20mm Oerlikon guns.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x Oerlikon 20mm machine guns
Secondary: 10x 14kg Bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone GR-1820 G5, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 488 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9700 m

------ Attacker Line

├ I.Ae. 22 DL

I.Ae. 22 DL

Argentinian advanced trainer based on the NA-16.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 7.65mm Madsen Machineguns, (Optional) 1x 7.65mm Madsen MG (dorsal)
Secondary: 3x 50kg Bombs, 9x 15kg Bombs, 11kg rocket
Engine: I.Ae. 16 El Gaucho 450 hp or Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah 475 hp or Alvis Leonides 550 hp
Max. Speed: 290 km/h, 305 km/h, 375 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6000 m, 6350 m, 6800 m

├ Ba.65 Tipo Chile

Ba.65 Tipo Chile

Version of the Ba.65 built to Chile’s specifications.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x Danish Madsen 12.7mm machine guns, 2x Danish Madsen 7,62mm machine guns
Secondary: 20x 10kg anti-personnel bombs, 4x 50kg general-purpose bombs
Engine: Piaggio P.XI R.C.40 14-cylinder, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 430 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6300 m

├ Northrop 8A-3P

Northrop 8A-3P

Version of the A-17 made for Peru, featuring more powerful engines.

Crew: 2
Primary: 5x 7.7mm machine guns
Secondary: 550 kg of bombs
Engine: Wright R-1820-G103 Cyclone, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 383 km/h
Service Ceiling: 5915 m

├ Douglas 8A-2

Douglas 8A-2

Version of the A-17 made for Argentina, with fixed landing gear.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 7.35mm Madsen Machinegun, 2x 11.35mm Madsen Machinegun, 1x 7.35mm Madsen Machinegun (Defensive)
Secondary: 600 kg in bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone GR-1820-G3, 840 hp
Max. Speed: 360 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7700 m

├ A-24B Banshee

A-24B Banshee

Version of the SBD Dauntless meant for ground use. Among the LATAM countries, Mexico was it’s biggest operator.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x .50mm machine guns, 2x .30mm machine guns in the rear
Secondary: 1x 1600 lb fuselage bomb, 2x 325 lb wing bombs, 2x 100 lb bombs and 1x 500 lb bomb
Engine: Wright Cyclone R-1820-60, 1200 hp
Max. Speed: 410 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7780 m

------ Secondary Attacker Line

├ NA-74


Version of the T-6 Texan made for Chile.

Crew: 2
Primary: 3x 7mm Madsen machine guns
Secondary: 300 kg of bombs in four underwing stations (9.6, 22.7 kg, 112 lb Vickers bombs. 9 and 50 kg Bofors bombs)
Engine: Pratt and Whitney R-1340 AN-1, 550 hp
Max. Speed: 330 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6555 m

├ V-11GB2


Version of the V-11 made for Brazil. In November 8, 1939, it set a record for longest nonstop flight, flying 3240km in 11 hours and 45 minutes.

Crew: 3
Primary: 4x 7.62 mm machine guns in the wings; 1x dorsal and 1x ventral 7.62 mm machine gun
Secondary: 6x bombs of 14 kg in cells semi-recessed in the center section of the wing and 500 kg externally
Engine: Pratt & Whitney R-1830-17, 1200 hp
Max. Speed: 370 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6200 m

├ T-25 Universal

T-25 Universal

Brazilian trainer made by Neiva. Operated by Chile as a light attacker, with small rocket pods and bombs.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 7.62 MAG machineguns
Secondary: 2x 45kg bombs, 100 pound bombs, 100 pound incendiary bombs, SBAT 70 Rockets, 2.75" FFAR Rockets
Engine: Lycoming IO-540-K1D5, 300 hp
Max. Speed: 300 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6100 m

------ Bomber Line

├ AeMB.1 Bombi

AeMB.1 Bombi

Argentinian domestic light bomber from the mid 1930s.

Crew: 3
Primary: 2x Madsen model 1933 7.65 mm machine guns dorsal turret, 1x Madsen model 1933 7.65 mm machine gun in the hood, 1x Madsen 11.35 mm machine gun ventral
Secondary: 400 kg in bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone SGR-1820F.3, 715 hp
Max. Speed: 285 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6700 m

├ AeMB.2 Bombi

AeMB.2 Bombi

Argentinian domestic light bomber from the mid 1930s. This version had the turret remove to improve flight stability.

Crew: 3
Primary: 1x Madsen model 1933 7.65 mm machine gun in the hood, 1x Madsen 11.35 mm machine gun ventral
Secondary: 400 kg in bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone SGR-1820F.3, 715 hp
Max. Speed: 285 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6700 m

├ AT-11 Kansan

AT-11 Kansan

Bombing and gunnery trainer operated as a light bomber by Chile.

Crew: 2
Primary: 1x dorsal .30 caliber machine gun, 1x .30 caliber machine gun in the nose
Secondary: 10x 100 lb bombs
Engine: 2x Pratt & Whitney R-985, 450 hp each
Max. Speed: 346 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6096 m

├ Ju 86 K-6

Ju 86 K-6

Export version of the Ju 86 medium bomber for Chile.

Crew: 4
Primary: 3x mobile 7mm machine guns Madsen (dorsal, ventral and bow)
Secondary: 4x 250 kg Rheinmetall-Borsig demolition bombs
Engine: 2x B.M.W engines. 132 AD, 880 hp each
Max. Speed: 325 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7000 m

├ Martin 139WAA

Martin 139WAA

Export version of the B-10 made for the Argentinian Army’s specifications.

Crew: 5
Primary: 3x COLT MG-40 7.62 mm machine guns (dorsal, ventral and bow)
Secondary: 1025 kg of bombs
Engine: 2x Wright R-1820-33 Cyclone, 775 hp each
Max. Speed: 340 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7375 m

------ Naval Line

├ BT-32 Condor II

BT-32 Condor II

Bomber version of the T-32 Condor II seaplane operated by Colombia.

Crew: 4
Primary: 3x 12.7mm
Secondary: 762kg of bombs
Engine: 2x Wright SGR-1820-F2 Cyclone, 720 hp
Max. Speed: 274 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7150 m

├ Bellanca 77-320

Bellanca 77-320

Bomber seaplane developed by Bellanca for Colombia.

Crew: 4
Primary: 5x 7.62mm machineguns
Secondary: 100 lb and 300 lb bombs on wings, 600lb and 1100 lb bombs in fuselage
Engine: 2x Wright R-1820-F3 Cyclone, 715 hp each
Max. Speed: 290 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6100 m

├ Ar 95 W

Ar 95 W

Seaplane version of the Ar 95 patrol biplane operated by Chile.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, 1x 7.92 mm MG 15 machine gun
Secondary: 1x 800 kg torpedo, 500 kg in bombs
Engine: BMW 132De, 892 hp
Max. Speed: 310 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7300 m

├ Martin 139WAN

Martin 139WAN

Export version of the B-10 made for the Argentinian Navy’s specifications. Can also be used with floats.

Crew: 5
Primary: 3x COLT MG-40 7.62 mm machine guns (dorsal, ventral and bow)
Secondary: 1025 kg of bombs
Engine: 2x Wright R-1820-33 Cyclone, 775 hp each
Max. Speed: 340 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7375 m

------ Premiums/Event

├ Ba.65bis Tipo Chile

Ba.65bis Tipo Chile

Version of the Ba.65bis built to Chile’s specifications.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x Danish Madsen 12.7mm machine guns, 2x Danish Madsen 7,62mm machine guns, 1x Danish 7.62 mm Madsen machine gun in an M-type turret
Secondary: 20x 10kg anti-personnel bombs, 4x 50kg general-purpose bombs
Engine: Piaggio P.XI R.C.40 14-cylinder, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 430 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6300 m

├ Bellanca 28-90B

Bellanca 28-90B

Racer turned into a military plane sold to Mexico for a secret shipment to Republican Spain. With the end of the Spanish Civil War, it was kept by Mexico.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 7.62mm machineguns, 1x 7.62mm machinegun
Secondary: Wings (8x 120lb bombs)
Engine: P&W Twin-Wasp R-1830, 900 hp
Max. Speed: 452 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9300 m

├ Hawk H-75O (Madsen)

Hawk H-75O (Madsen)

Argentinian modification of their H-75Os armed with 23mm Madsen guns.

Crew: 1
Primary: 3x Madsen 7.65mm and 1x 11.35mm machine guns
Secondary: 10x 14kg Bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone GR-1820 G5, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 488 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9700 m

├ Fairey IIIF Mk III

Fairey IIIF Mk III

Recon biplane operated by the Chilean Navy. Was also launched from the Almirante Latorre battleship.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x front-firing 7.7 mm Vickers Mk I, 1x 7.7 mm Lewis on dorsal support
Secondary: Bombs Up to 227 kg
Engine: Napier Lion XIA, 573 hp
Max. Speed: 192 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6098 m

├ PBY-5 "Arará"

PBY-5 “Arará”

Brazilian “hero plane” Catalina. Fundraised by the people for the air force, sunk the German U-199 submarine off the coast of Rio de janeiro.

Crew: 6
Primary:1 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine gun, 2 x beam turrets, 2 x 7.62 mm Browning machine guns, nose turret, 1 x 7.62 mm Browning machine gun, ventral turret
Secondary: 4000 lb in bombs
Engine: 2 х Pratt & Whitney R1830-92, 1200 hp each
Max. Speed: 288 km/h
Service Ceiling: 4480 m

└ CW-19R


Utility aircraft used as a light bomber by Bolivia in the Chaco War.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x forward-firing 7.62 mm machine-guns, 1× rearward-firing 7.62 mm machine-gun
Secondary: 255 kg in bombs
Engine: Wright R-760E2 Whirlwind, 350 hp
Max. Speed: 298 km/h
Service Ceiling: 4724 m

Rank 2

------ Fighter Line

├ NA-50 Torito

NA-50 Torito

Fighter plane made for export, with Peru being its only user.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 7.65 M1919 Browning machineguns
Secondary: 250 kg in bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone GR-1820-G203, 870 hp
Max. Speed: 475 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9755 m

├ P-40K


Brazil operated 31 P-40Ks obtained through lend-lease during WW2.

Crew: 1
Primary: 6x M2 Browning 12.7mm
Secondary: 907 kg in bombs
Engine: Allison V-1710-73, 1325 hp
Max. Speed: 589 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11000 m

├ P-40M


Brazil operated 9 P-40Ms obtained through lend-lease during WW2.

Crew: 1
Primary: 6x M2 Browning 12.7mm
Secondary: 907 kg in bombs
Engine: Allison V-1710-81, 1360 hp
Max. Speed: 609 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11630 m

├ P-40N


Brazil operated 41 P-40Ns obtained through lend-lease during WW2.

Crew: 1
Primary: 6x M2 Browning 12.7mm
Secondary: 907 kg in bombs
Engine: Allison V-1710-99
Max. Speed: 609 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11630 m

------ Attacker Line

├ I.Ae. 35 Tipo 1B Huanquero

I.Ae. 35 Tipo 1B Huanquero

The Huanquero was a general purpose twin engined aircraft developed by Argentina, with the Tipo 1B being an attacker/bomber variant.

Crew: 4
Primary: 2x 12.7mm Browning Machineguns, 2x 12.7mm Browning MG (dorsal turret)
Secondary: 2x 100 kg bomb, 4x 50 kg bomb, 2x 127mm rocket, 8x 56 mm rocket
Engine: 2x I.Ae. R-19-C El Indio, 750 hp each
Max. Speed: 380 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7000 m

├ I.Ae. 24 Calquín (early)

I.Ae. 24 Calquín (early)

The Calquín was a twin engined attacker/bomber developed by Argentina. The early versions were armed with .50 cal machine guns.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x 12.7mm MG
Secondary: 750 kg in bombs
Engine: 2 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830-SC-G, 1050 hp each
Max. Speed: 440 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

├ I.Ae. 24 Calquín

I.Ae. 24 Calquín

The Calquín was a twin engined attacker/bomber developed by Argentina. Later versions were armed with 20mm guns and could also equip rockets.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano Suiza 804 autocannon
Secondary: 750 kg in bombs, 12x 11kg rocket, 10x A-3-F / A-3-H 101.6mm rocket, 2x 21cm rocket + 10x 8cm rockets
Engine: 2 × Pratt & Whitney R-1830 65, 1200hp each
Max. Speed: 440 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

------ Secondary Attacker Line

├ YT-25B Universal II

YT-25B Universal II

A prototype by Neiva that attempted to improve on the attacker potential of its T-25 Universal. Only one was adopted by the Brazilian Air Force, as the development of the Tucano by Embraer completely outclassed it.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 7.62 MAG machineguns
Secondary: 4x 45kg bombs, 4x 37 or 70MM SBAT rockets
Engine: Avco Lycoming IO-720-D1B, 400 hp
Max. Speed: 320 km/h
Service Ceiling: 5000 m

------ Bomber Line

├ Ca.135 Tipo Peru

Ca.135 Tipo Peru

Version of the Ca.135 built to Peru’s specifications, featuring more powerful engines and better armament.

Crew: 5
Primary: 5x 12.7mm Breda-SAFAT
Secondary: 2x 1760 lb bombs, 2x 1100 lb, 4x 550 lb, 12x 220 or 110 lb bombs or 12x 44 lb incendiary devices
Engine: 2x Isotta Fraschini Asso XI R.C.40 Spinto, 900 hp each
Max. Speed: 365 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6500 m

├ V-72 Vengeance

V-72 Vengeance

28 V-72s initially meant for the Royal Air Force were reassigned to Brazil, as part of the latter’s anti-submarine effort in the South Atlantic.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x Browning M1919 7.62 mm fixed front-firing machine gun, 2x 7.7 mm flexible in the rear cabin
Secondary: 2x 230 kg bombs in internal hold, 2x 110 kg bombs on wing mounts
Engine: Wright R-2600-A5B-5 Twin Cyclone, 1645 hp
Max. Speed: 443 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6860 m

├ PV-1 Ventura

PV-1 Ventura

14 PV-1s were sent to Brazil through lend-lease, greatly bolstering its anti-submarine capabilities.

Crew: 6
Primary: 4× 12.7 mm machine guns, 2× 7.62 mm machine guns
Secondary: 1400 kg in bombs, 6x 147 kg depth charges, 1x torpedo
Engine: 2× Pratt & Whitney R-2800, 2000 hp each
Max. Speed: 518 km/h
Service Ceiling: 8020 m

------ Naval Line

├ TBM-3 Avenger

TBM-3 Avenger

Uruguay operated 16 TBM-3 Avengers in its Navy.

Crew: 3
Primary: 1x nose-mounted 7.62mm machine gun, 2x wing-mounted 12.7 mm machine guns, 1x 12.7 mm machine gun in the turret, 1x 7.62mm machine gun below
Secondary: 900 kg in bombs, 1x 900 kg Mark 13 torpedo
Engine: Wright R-2600-20, 1874 hp
Max. Speed: 444 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9170 m

------ Premiums/Event

├ A-28A "Britânia nº1"

A-28A “Britânia nº1”

This Hudson was fundraised by British immigrants in Brazil as part of the Fellowship of the Bellows, as a way to contribute to its home country’s war effort. As this one happened at a rather late point in the war, when Britain wasn’t desperate for new planes anymore, it was instead donated to the Brazilian Air Force.

Crew: 6
Primary: 2x .50 machine guns fixed in the nose, 1x machine gun .50 dorsal, 1x .30 ventral machine gun
Secondary: 750 lb in bombs or depth charges, internally loaded
Engine: 2x Pratt & Whitney R-1830-67, 1200 hp
Max. Speed: 397 km/h
Service Ceiling: 8230 m

├ Quiñones' NA-50

José Quiñones Gonzales’ NA-50 Torito

NA-50 Torito piloted by Peruvian war hero José Quiñones Gonzales, killed in action during the Peruvian-Ecuadorian War.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 7.65 M1919 Browning machineguns
Secondary: 250 kg in bombs
Engine: Wright Cyclone GR-1820-G203, 870 hp
Max. Speed: 475 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9755 m

├ B-25B "Lero-Lero"

B-25B “Lero-Lero”

Brazilian “hero plane” that marked Brazil’s baptism by fire against the Axis by bombing a submarine off the coast of northeastern Brazil.

Crew: 6
Primary: 12× 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine guns
Secondary: 2700 kg in bombs
Engine: 2x Wright R-2600 Cyclone, 2344 hp
Max. Speed: 442 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7600 m

├ T-35 Pillán

T-35 Pillán

Chilean domestic design of a basic trainer that can also be used as a light attack plane.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x .30 Browning machine guns in gun pods
Secondary: 2x Mk.81 general purpose bombs, 2x Launcher LM-70/7 with seven SBAT-70 rockets each
Engine: Lycoming IO-540, 300 hp
Max. Speed: 334 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6248 m

└ Hawk H-75A-8

Hawk H-75A-8

28 P-36Gs that were initially meant for Norway that were resold to the US with the former’s capitulation. They were then sent to Peru as part of lend-lease.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine gun, 4x 7.62 mm Browning machine gun
Engine: Wright R-1820-G205A, 1200 hp
Max. Speed: 501 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9754 m

Rank 3

------ Fighter Line

├ P-63E


Honduras operated 5 models of this rare variant of the King Cobra.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x 37mm M4 cannon, 4x 12.7mm Browning M2 machine guns
Secondary: 3x 500 lb bombs
Engine: Allison V-1710-93, 1362 hp
Max. Speed: 656 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14300 m

├ G.59-2A


Argentina operated one model of the G.59-2A as a complement to its G.55s.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4× 20 mm guns, 2× 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns
Engine: Rolls-Royce Merlin 500-20, 1632 hp
Max. Speed: 600 km/h
Service Ceiling: 13000 m

├ P-47D-40


The last version of the P-47D series, here represented by its service in Chile.

Crew: 1
Primary: 8x .50 machine guns
Secondary: 2500 lbs in bombs, 10x HVAR rockets
Engine: Pratt & Whitney R-2800, 2100 hp
Max. Speed: 700 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12801 m

------ Attacker Line

├ I.Ae. 28 Super Calquín

I.Ae. 28 Super Calquín

Only a partial wooden mockup was made, but this was to be a Calquín with new and more powerful Merlin engines.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano Suiza 804 autocannon
Secondary: 750 kg in bombs, 750 kg in bombs, 12x 11kg rocket, 10x A-3-F / A-3-H 101.6mm rocket, 2x 21cm rocket + 10x 8cm rockets
Engine: 2× Rolls-Royce Merlin 25, 1620 hp each
Max. Speed: 590 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

------ Secondary Attacker Line

├ AT-27 Tucano

AT-27 Tucano

Brazilian advanced trainer turboprop aircraft design that was also used for COIN roles.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 0.30 in C2 machine-gun pods, 2x .50 machine guns
Secondary: 1000 kg in bombs (Mk 81, Mk 82), 4x LM-37/7A or LM-70/7 launchers each with seven rockets (Avibras SBAT-37 and SBAT-70 respectively)
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-25C, 750 hp
Max. Speed: 463 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9145 m

------ Bomber Line

├ A-20K Havoc

A-20K Havoc

This version of the Havoc features a glass nose for a bomber sight, and Brazil obtained a total of 30 A-20Ks from the US through lend-lease.

Crew: 3
Primary: 2x .50 machine gun dorsal, 1x .50 machine gun ventral, 2x forward-firing .50 machine guns
Secondary: 4000 lbs in bombs
Engine: 2x Wright R-2600-29 Double Cyclone, 1600 hp each
Max. Speed: 536 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7650 m

------ Naval Line

├ T-28P


The T-28P was a modification of the T-28S Fennec made for Argentina for use as a carrier-borne attack aircraft, featuring shortened propeller blades and a tail hook.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x pods with two 12.7mm Browning M2 machine guns
Secondary: 4x 125kg bombs, 4x Matra Type 122 or 361 rocket launchers
Engine: Wright R-1820-56S Cyclone, 1300 hp
Max. Speed: 566 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10820 m

├ S-2T Turbo Tracker

S-2T Turbo Tracker

6 S-2 Trackers were refurbished into Turbo Trackers by Israel Airspace Industries for Argentina.

Crew: 4
Secondary: Whitehead A.244S torpedoes, Mk.54, Mk.101 and BASA depth charges, LAU-10A and LAU-68/131 rocket launchers
Engine: 2x Garret TPE 331-15AW, 1645 hp each
Max. Speed: 500 km/h
Service Ceiling:6700 m

------ Premiums/Event

├ YT-27 Tucano

YT-27 Tucano

A prototype of Brazil’s Tucano advanced trainer and COIN aircraft.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x 250 lb Mk 81 bombs, 4x LM-37/7A or LM-70/7 launchers each with 7x rockets SBAT T-37 and SBAT-70 respectively
Engine: Pratt & Withney Canada PT6A-25C, 750 hp
Max. Speed: 463 km/h
Service Ceiling: 9145 m

├ F-51D IRAN


Swedish P-51Ds that were purchased by the Dominican Republic and reconditioned by Trans-Florida Aviation (which later became Cavalier Aviation) through an Inspection and Repair as Necessary (IRAN).

Crew: 1
Primary: 6x 12.7mm machine guns
Secondary: 10x 5-inch HVAR rockets or 2x 1000 lb bombs
Engine: 1× Rolls-Royce Merlin V-1650, 1649 hp
Max. Speed: 703 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12771 m

├ P-47D-30 Águilas Aztecas

P-47D-30 Escuadrón Aéreo de Pelea 201 “Águilas Aztecas”

Mexican “hero plane” that represents the Escuadrón 201, which fought against the Japanese in the Phillipines during WW2.

Crew: 1
Primary: 8x .50 machine guns
Secondary: 2500 lbs in bombs, 10x HVAR rockets
Engine: Pratt & Whitney R-2800-63, 2100 hp
Max. Speed: 700 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12500 m

└ G.55A


Argentina bought and operated 30 models of the G.55A after WW2.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1× 20 mm Mauser MG 151/20 cannon, 2× 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns
Engine: Fiat RA.1050 R.C.58 Tifone, 1475 hp
Max. Speed: 671 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12750 m

Rank 4

------ Fighter Line

├ Cavalier F-51D

Cavalier F-51D

Post-war production of Mustangs by Cavalier that was shifted from racers to military spec fighter-bombers. 8 were sent to Bolivia under Peace Condor.

Crew: 1
Primary: 6x 0.50 machine guns
Secondary: 2x 1000 lb bombs, 10x HVAR rockets
Engine: Rolls-Royce Merlin 724 Hamilton Standard, 1720 hp
Max. Speed: 708 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11465 m

├ Cavalier Mustang II

Cavalier Mustang II

A further upgrade of the Cavalier F-51D with a further emphasis on COIN role, featuring improved avionics, structural strenghtening for more payload, and wingtip fuel tanks. El Salvador was its first client, with 5 models bought.

Crew: 1
Primary: 6x 0.50 machine guns
Secondary: 2x 1000 lb bombs, 10x HVAR rockets
Engine: Improved Rolls-Royce Merlin V-1650-724A, 1720 hp
Max. Speed: 708 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12496 m

├ I.Ae. 30 Ñancú

I.Ae. 30 Ñancú

An Argentinian twin engine heavy fighter with high performance and powerful armament.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano Suiza 804 autocannons, 2x 20mm Oerlikon autocannons (ventral)
Secondary: 1x 250 kg bomb, 10x 83 mm rocket
Engine: 2x Rolls Royce Merlin 134/135, 2035 hp
Max. Speed: 740 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000m

------ Attacker Line

├ I.A. 58A Pucará

I.A. 58A Pucará

An Argentinian twin engine attacker and COIN aircraft.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 20 mm Hispano DCA-804 cannon, 4x 7.62mm FN-Browning M2-30 machineguns
Secondary: 1500 kg in bombs, 4x 70mm FFAR LAU rocket pods, 4x 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods
Engine: 2x Turbomeca Astazou XVI-G, 978 hp each
Max. Speed: 576 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

├ I.A. 66

I.A. 66

A prototype of the I.A. 58A featuring more powerful engines.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 20 mm Hispano DCA-804 cannon, 4x 7.62mm FN-Browning M2-30 machineguns
Secondary: 1500 kg in bombs, 4x 70mm FFAR LAU rocket pods, 4x 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods
Engine: 2x Garrett TPE331-1 1-601 W, 1000 hp
Max. Speed: 576 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

├ I.A. 58B Pucará

I.A. 58B Pucará

The Pucará Bravo was a prototype with changes in the fuselage to allow the replacement of its 20mm guns for 30mm ones.

Primary: 2x 30 mm DEFA 553 cannon, 4x 7.62mm FN-Browning M2-30 machineguns
Secondary: 1500 kg in bombs, 4x 70mm FFAR LAU rocket pods, 4x 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods
Engine: 2x Turbomeca Astazou XVI-G, 978 hp each
Max. Speed: 576 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

------ Bomber Line

├ B-26C

B-26C Invader

A “frankenstein” model of the A-26 that was originally a B version, being converted into a C version by converting its solid, MG armed nose into a glass one and having the armament readded to the plane through gun pods.

Crew: 4
Primary: 8x underwing .50 machine guns (4 in each wing), 2x .50 machine guns in upper turret, 2x .50 machine guns in rear aircraft turret.
Secondary: 6000 lbs of bombs carried internally
Engine: 2x Pratt & Whitney R-2800, 2000 hp each
Max. Speed: 600 km/h
Service Ceiling: 6827 m

├ Lancaster B Mk III

Lancaster B Mk III

The Lancaster in Argentinian service, modified to use the domestically designed PT-1/PAT-1 radio guided bomb.

Crew: 5
Primary: 2x 12.7 mm machine guns tail turret, 2x 7.7 mm machine guns nose turret, 2x 7.7 mm machine guns dorsal turret
Secondary: 14000 lbs in bombs, PT-1/PAT-1 radio guided bomb
Engine: 4х Rolls-Royce Merlin-28, 1300 hp each
Max. Speed: 462 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7620 m

------ Naval Line

├ P-15 Netuno

P-15 Netuno

14 ex-RAF Neptune MR.1s (P2V-5) reconditioned in the US and transferred to Brazil, being known locally as P-15 Netunos.

Crew: 9
Primary: 3629 kg in bombs, 16x 70 mm FFAR rockets
Engine: 2x Wright R-3350-30W, 3750 hp each
Max. Speed: 568 km/h
Service Ceiling: 7925 m

├ F4U-5NL


Winterized and radar-equipped version of the F4U-5 in operation within the Argentinian Naval Aviation, from the ARA Independencia aircraft carrier.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm Browning M2 cannons
Secondary: 910 kg in bombs, 127mm rockets
Engine: Pratt & Whitney R-2800-32W, 2300 hp
Max. Speed: 680 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11200 m

------ Premiums/Event

├ C-130 TC-68

C-130 TC-68

Argentinian modification of the C-130 that converted it into a bomber by adding bomb pylons under the wings.

Crew: 5
Primary: 12x 250kg Expal bombs
Engine: 4× Allison T56-A-15 turboprops, 4664 hp each
Max. Speed: 574 km/h
Service Ceiling: 1058 m

├ I.A. 58 AX-04

I.A. 58 AX-04

A prototype of Argentina’s Pucará that could carry a torpedo.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 20 mm Hispano DCA-804 cannon, 4x 7.62mm FN-Browning M2-30 machineguns
Secondary: 1500 kg in bombs, 8x Matra T-10 rockets, 4x 70mm FFAR LAU rocket pods, 4x 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods, 1x Mk 13 torpedo
Engine: 2x Turbomeca Astazou XVI-G, 978 hp each
Max. Speed: 576 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

├ Henriquez's F4U-5

Fernando Soto Henriquez’s F4U-5

F4U-5 piloted by Honduran war hero Fernando Soto Henriquez, credited with 4 air kills during the Football War.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm Browning M2 cannons
Secondary: 910 kg in bombs, 127mm rockets
Engine: Pratt & Whitney R-2800-32W, 2300 hp
Max. Speed: 680 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11200 m

└ B-17G


Civilian demilitarized B-17G that was purchased by the Dominican Republic and rearmed using US specs, and deployed as dictator Trujillo’s own “WMD” in the Caribbean.

Crew: 10
Primary: 13x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine gun
Secondary: 8000 lb of bombs
Engine: 4х Wright R-1820-97, 1200 hp each
Max. Speed: 510 km/h
Service Ceiling: 11156 m

Rank 5

------ Fighter Line

├ I.Ae. 27 Pulqui

I.Ae. 27 Pulqui

Argentina’s pioneering development of jet aircraft in Latin America. The prototype was unarmed, but was planned to be equipped with 4x 20mm guns.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm autocannon
Engine: Rolls Royce Derwent 5
Max. Speed: 720 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15000

├ Meteor F Mk 4 Híbrido

Meteor F Mk 4 Híbrido

An Argentinian hybrid Meteor Mk 4, with its original wings replaced with those of a Meteor Mk 3.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x Hispano-Suiza 20 mm cannons
Engine: 2x Rolls-Royce Derwent V turbojets
Max. Speed: 940 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14150 m

├ Meteor F Mk 4 Modificado

Meteor F Mk 4 Modificado

Argentinian Meteor Mk 4s modified to use rockets and bombs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x Hispano-Suiza 20 mm cannons
Secondary: 10x T-10 rockets, 10x SCAR rockets, 2x 250kg bombs, 8x small bombs
Engine: 2x Rolls-Royce Derwent V turbojets
Max. Speed: 940 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14150 m

├ I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II (No.2)

I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II (Prototipo Número 2)

An Argentinian jet fighter design based on the German Ta 183. The second prototype was the first to be functional.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 autocannon
Engine: Rolls-Royce Nene II
Max. Speed: 1040 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15100 m

├ I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II (No.4)

**I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II (Prototipo Número 4)

A further development of the Pulqui II jet fighter, with improvements to stability, range and speed.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 autocannon
Engine: Rolls-Royce Nene II
Max. Speed: 1080 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15100 m

------ Attacker Line

├ AT-26 Xavante

AT-26 Xavante

Brazilian license-built MB-326GC advanced jet trainer and attacker.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 12.7 mm Browning machinegun pod
Secondary: 6x 250 lb bombs, 4x 500 lb bombs, 6x 400 lb napalm bombs, 6x LM-70/7 rocket pods (each with seven SBAT 70 mm), 2x MAA-1 Piranha Air to air missile
Engine: Rolls-Royce Bristol Viper 20F20 Mk 540
Max. Speed: 870 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14300 m

├ CT-133


Bolivian modernized CT-133, featuring new avionics.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x .50 machine guns
Secondary: rockets, rocket pods, bombs
Engine: 1 × Rolls-Royce Nene 10 turbojet
Max. Speed: 920 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14000 m

├ I.A. 63 Pampa

I.A. 63 Pampa

Argentinian advanced jet trainer and attacker, featuring domestic rocket pods among its armament options.

Crew: 2
Primary: 30mm DEFA-GIAT 552 autocannon
Secondary: 1550 kg in bombs, 6x 70mm FFAR rocket pods, 6x 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods, 4x 7.62mm Colibrí MG Pods
Engine: Garrett TFE 731-2-2N
Max. Speed: 819 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12900 m

------ Secondary Attacker Line

├ YAT-29 Super Tucano

YAT-29 Super Tucano

The prototype of Brazil’s legendary Super Tucano. For balance reasons, this should only be equipped with AIM-9Bs, dumb bombs and rocket pods.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 12.7 mm machine gun
Secondary: 2x Giat NC621 20 mm cannon pods, Mk 81/82 bombs, 2x AIM-9B, BLG-252 cluster bombs, SBAT-70/19 or LAU-68A/G rocket pods
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68A, 1300 hp
Max. Speed: 557 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10670 m

------ Bomber Line

├ Canberra B Mk 62

Canberra B Mk 62

The Canberra jet bomber in Argentinian service, with armament options consisting of bombs, rocket pods and air-to-surface missiles.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x 20 mm cannon
Secondary: 3600 kg in bombs, 2x 51mm 37 rocket pods, 2x pods with 18 68mm SNEB rockets, AS.30 air-to-surface missile
Engine: 2× Rolls-Royce Avon R.A.7 Mk109 turbojet
Max. Speed: 933 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15000 m

------ Naval Line

├ Sea Vampire T.22

Sea Vampire T.22

The Sea Vampire in Chilean service. Despite being a trainer variant, it is still armed like a regular fighter. Some of the armament options are adapted to Chile.

Crew: 2
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano MK.V cannons
Secondary: 12x 250 lbs, 6x 500 lbs, 2x 1000 lb bomb, Napalm bombs of Italian-made 500 lbs, 4x 140 lbs 5-inch HVAR rockets, 8x 50 lbs SURA rocket
Engine: De Havilland Goblin MK 3
Max. Speed: 865 km/h
Service Ceiling: 13106 m

├ F9F-8T


The Cougar in Argentinian service. Despite being a trainer variant, it still has two cannons as offensive armament. Despite the lack of photographic evidence, it should also be armed with AIM-9Bs for the sake of balance.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x MK16 20mm cannons
Secondary: 907 kg in bombs, 127mm HVAR rockets, 2x AIM-9B
Engine: Pratt & Whitney J48-P8C
Max. Speed: 1013 km/h
Service Ceiling: 13100 m

------ Premiums/Event

├ AT-26A Impala II

AT-26A Impala II

22 South African Impala IIs that were initially purchased by Brazil together with spare engines to serve as source of spare parts for the Xavantes in service. However, as they had a relatively low service record, the Brazilian Air Force decided to also put 12 of them in service as AT-26As.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x DEFA 553 30mm cannons
Secondary: 2x .50 Cal mg pods, 6x 250 lb bomb, 2x 500 lb bomb, 6x Mk81 bomb, 4x 37mm SNEB Rockets, 4x 68mm SNEB Rockets, FFAR Rockets
Engine: Rolls Royce Viper Mk.540
Max. Speed: 867 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14000 m

├ M.D.450B Ouragan

M.D. 450B Ouragan

Ouragans in service in El Salvador, featuring rocket pods.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20 mm M50 cannons
Secondary: 2000 lb in bombs, 16x T10 140 rockets, 16x T10 151 rockets
Engine: Rolls-Royce Nene-Mk.104
Max. Speed: 942 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12000 m

├ I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II (No.5)

I.Ae. 33 Pulqui II (Prototipo Número 5)

The final prototype of the Pulqui II. The fifth model was an attempt by Argentina to revive the project after Kurt Tank’s leave, however by that time it was very much obsolete. It is basically like the fourth prototype, except that it featured the simpler canopy of the earlier models.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 autocannon
Engine: Rolls-Royce Nene II
Max. Speed: 1080 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15100 m

└ EMB-312H Tucano

EMB-312H Tucano

An evolution of the Tucano and progenitor of the Super Tucano, this variant features better armament and engine.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 12.7 mm machine gun
Secondary: 2x Giat NC621 20 mm cannon pods, Mk 81/82 bombs, AIM-9B, BLG-252 cluster bombs, SBAT-70/19 or LAU-68A/G rocket pods
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68A-3, 1600 hp
Max. Speed: 557 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10670 m

Rank 6

------ Fighter Line

├ F-86F-40


F-86F-40s in Argentinian service, featuring rocket pods and even Shafrir II AAMs at the end of its life cycle.

Crew: 1
Primary: 5x 12.7mm machine guns
Secondary: 2400 kg in bombs, M-260 seven-rocket 2.75-inch FFAR rocket launcher, 2× Matra containers with 18× 68 mm SNEB rockets, 2x AIM-9B Sidewinder, 2x Shafrir II AAM
Engine: General Electric J47-GE-27
Max. Speed: 1106 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15100 m

├ Hunter FGA Mk 71 Águila

Hunter FGA Mk 71 “Águila”

Chilean “Águila” upgrade of the Hunter FGA Mk 71, featuring Shafrir II AAMs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 30mm ADEN cannons
Secondary: Mk.81/82/83 bombs up to 3000 lb, 4x Cardoen CB-250-K cluster bomb, 2x Cardoen CB-500-K cluster bomb, 32x 81mm SURA P3 rockets, 72x 68mm Matra SNEB rockets, 2x Shafrir II
Engine: Rolls-Royce Avon 207
Max. Speed: 1128 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15850 m

------ Attacker Line

├ I.A. 63 Pampa III Block II

I.A. 63 Pampa III Block II

An Argentinian modernization of its Pampa jet aircraft, featuring modern avionics, better turbines and a wider array of armament options.

Crew: 2
Primary: 1x 30mm DEFA-GIAT 554 autocannon, 2x 7.65mm MG
Secondary: 2420 kg in bombs, 127mm ZUNI rocket pods, 70mm FFAR rocket pods, 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods, 7.62mm Colibrí MG pods, 12.7mm MG pods, CITEFA AS-25K ASM Missiles, 2x AIM-9L/M Sidewinder AAM (in future)
Engine: Garrett TFE 731-40-2N
Max. Speed: 890 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12900 m

├ I.A. 58C Pucará

I.A. 58C Pucará

A further modernization of the Pucará, featuring more powerful engines, AAMs and domestic ASMs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 3x 30mm DEFA autocannons, 2x 7.62mm FN-Browning M2-30 machineguns
Secondary: 1000 kg in bombs, 4x 70mm FFAR rocket pods, 4x 57mm Aspide rockets in ARM-657 Mamboreta pods, 2x Matra R.550 Magic I AAM, 2x CITEFA MP1000 Martin Pescador ASM, 2x CITEFA AS-25K ASM
Engine: 2x Turbomeca Astazou XVI-G
Max. Speed: 576 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10000 m

├ OA-37B


The Dragonfly in Chilean service, featuring Shafrir II AAMs and a wide array of payload options.

Crew: 2
Primary: 1x GAU-2B/A 7.62mm Minigun
Secondary: 100 lb, 250 lb, 500 lb, 750 lb, 375 kg, 1000 lb, 2000 lb bombs, CB-250K cluster bombs (250 lbs), Snakeye bombs, LAU-10 with 4 Zuni rockets, LAU-32/A with 7 FFAR mighty mouse rockets, LAU-3/A with 19 FFAAR mighty mouse rockets, Shafrir II AAM
Engine: 2x General Electric J85-17A
Max. Speed: 778 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10972 m

------ Secondary Fighter Line

├ MiG-21PFM


Cuban MiG-21PFMs that feature the use of K-5 missiles.

Crew: 1
Primary: 23 mm GSh-23 cannon
Secondary: 4x K-13, R-3S, K-5 AAM, X-66 rockets, GP-9 container with a cannon 23 mm GSh-23
Engine: R-11F2S-300 3900
Max. Speed: 2230 KM/H
Service Ceiling: 19000 m

------ Secondary Attacker Line

├ A-29B Super Tucano

A-29B Super Tucano

Brazil’s legendary Super Tucano in all its glory, featuring powerful AAM options and guided bombs. For balance’s sake, its AAM options are limited to AIM-9Ls and MAA-1s.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2× FN Herstal M3P 12.7 mm
Secondary: 1× 20 GIAT M20A1 cannon pod, 4x 70mm LM-70/19 or 70mm LAU-68 rocket launcher pods, Mk81, Mk82, BAFG-120, or M117 bomb, BLG-252, Lizard, Griffin, JDAM, Paveway II, 2× AIM-9L, 2x MAA-1
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68C, 1600 hp
Max. Speed: 590 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10665 m

------ Bomber Line

├ Jaguar ES

Jaguar ES

The SEPECAT Jaguar made to Ecuador’s specifications.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2x 30mm Aden or DEFA 553 cannons
Secondary: 2x Matra R-550 Magic, 2x AIM-9 Sidewinder, 500 kg SAMP bomb, 8× Matra rocket capsules with 18 SNEB rockets of 68 mm each, dumb bombs
Engine: 2x Rolls Royce Turbomeca MK104
Max. Speed: 1700 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14017 m

------ Naval Line

├ A-36 Toquí

A-36 Toquí

The A-36 Toquí is a Chilean further development and upgrade of Spain’s C-101 Aviojet, with armament options featuring very powerful ordnance.

Crew: 2
Primary: 1x DEFA 553 30 mm cannon
Secondary: 500 kg bomb, 375 kg bomb, 250 kg bomb, CB-500-K cluster bomb, napalm bomb BLU-27, LAU-10 with 4 Zuni rockets, LAU-3/A with 19 FFAAR mighty mouse rockets, Matra 155 18x68-mm, AIM-9 Sidewinder, ASM-65A Maverick, Shafrir II, Anti-ship missile Sea Eagle
Engine: TJE Garrett TFE731-5-1J
Max. Speed: 834 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12800 m

├ AF-1M Falcão

AF-1M Falcão

The AF-1M is a Brazilian modernization of their A-4KUs purchased from Kuwait.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 30mm Mk.164 cannons
Secondary: 2x Aim 9H sidewinder, Mk 81/83 bombs
Engine: Rolls-Royce Spey 807
Max. Speed: 1160 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12878 m

------ Premiums/Event

├ MiG-17AS


This plane is already in the game. Since it’s Cuban, it would be transferred to the LATAM tree.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x 37 mm N-37D cannon, 2x 23 mm NR-23 cannons
Secondary: 2x 250 kg OFAB-250sv bombs, 2x S-21 unguided rockets, 2x R-3S air-to-air missiles
Engine: Klimov VK-1
Max. Speed: 1114 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15500 m

├ A-37B Dragón

A-37B Escuadrón de Combate 311 “Dragón”

Dragonflies in Colombian service that were modified to be able to use Paveway IIs.

Crew: 2
Primary: 1x GAU-2B/A 7.62mm Minigun
Secondary: LAU-68 launchers with seven 70mm rockets, 250lb Mk81, 500lb Mk 82, and 850lb M117 dumb bombs, Raytheon GBU-49 GPS/INS guided bomb
Engine: 2x General Electric J85-17A
Max. Speed: 778 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10972 m

├ Hunter FGA Mk 71

Hunter FGA Mk 71

The Hunter in Chilean service, featuring featuring lots of options for ground attack, including domestic cluster bombs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 4x 30mm ADEN cannons
Secondary: Mk81/82/83 bombs in weights of up to 3000 lbs, 4x Cardoen CB-250-K cluster bombs, 2x Cardoen CB-500-K cluster bombs, 32x 81mm SURA P3 rockets, 72x 68mm Matra SNEB rockets
Engine: Rolls-Royce Avon 207
Max. Speed: 1128 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15850 m

└ AMX YA-1


The Brazilian prototype of the AMX, a ground attack aircraft codeveloped with Italy.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x DEFA 554 30 mm cannons
Secondary: 3800 kg of bombs, 2x AIM 9B sidewinder
Engine: Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 807
Max. Speed: 1030 km/h
Service Ceiling: 13000 m

Rank 7

------ Fighter Line

├ Mirage IIIEBR-2

Mirage IIIEBR-2

A Brazilian modernization of the Mirage IIIE, featuring canards and Python 3 AAMs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 30mm DEFA 552 autocannons
Secondary: R530 Matra, Python 3
Engine: SNECMA Atar 09C-3
Max. Speed: 2350 km/h
Service Ceiling: 17000 m

├ F-5E Plus

F-5E Plus

An Israeli modernization of the F-5E for Chile, featuring Python 3 AAMs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x Pontiac M39 A2 20 mm cannons
Secondary: Mk 81/82/83/84 bombs, LGB Griffin, CBU-24/49/52/58 Cluster bombs, napalm containers, LAU-61/LAU-68 with 19 or 7 Hydra 70mm rockets, LAU-5003 with 19 CRV7 70mm rockets, LAU-10 with 4 Zuni 127mm rockets, Matra with 18 SNEB 68mm rockets, AIM-9J Sidewinder, Rafael Shafrir 2, Python III, AGM-65 Maverick
Engine: 2× General Electric J85-GE-21B
Max. Speed: 1875 km/h
Service Ceiling: 16800 m

------ Secondary Fighter Line

├ Su-22M3


The Su-22 in Peruvian service, with a focus on air-to-air combat. Features better AAMs, but less rocket options and no AGMs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 30 mm NR-30 cannons
Secondary: 100/250/500 kg FAB bombs, S-5/S-24 rockets, R-13M1 AAM, R-60MK AAM
Engine: Saturn R-29BS-300
Max. Speed: 2232 km/h
Service Ceiling: 19500 m

------ Attacker Line

├ AMX A-1A


The Brazilian version of the AMX ground attack aircraft codeveloped with Italy.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x DEFA 554 30 mm
Secondary: AIM-9 Sidewinder/MAA-1 Piranha missiles, MAR-1 Anti-radar missiles, conventional bombs, laser-guided or GPS-guided bombs, rockets
Engine: Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 807
Max. Speed: 1160 km/h
Service Ceiling: 13000 m

├ AMX A-1M


A Brazilian modernization of the AMX, featuring a wider array of armament options.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 30mm Bernardini Mk-164 autocannon
Secondary: 2x AIM-9L/2x MAA-1A/2x MAA-1B/2x A-Darter missiles, 2x MAR-1 Air-to-Ground Missile, AVIBRAS SBAT-70/127/AVIBRAS Skyfire 70 rockets, Mk81/82/83 bombs, BFG 230/460/920 bombs, Mk82 Snakeye, BFA-230/1 and BFA-230/2 dumb bombs, Elbit Lizard II and III, SMKB-82/83 guided by GPS, 8x BINC-300 napalm bombs
Engine: Rolls-Royce Spey 807
Max. Speed: 1130 km/h
Service Ceiling: 13000 m

------ Fighter-bomber Line

├ Finger IIIa

Finger IIIa

An Argentinian modernization of the Nesher, bringing it up to to a standard similar to that of the Kfir C.2.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x DEFA 552 30mm cannons
Secondary: Mk17 1000 lb bomb, 250kg bombs (Expal BK/BR, with or W/o parachute), 130kg bombs (IMI), 125Kg bombs (general Purpose/EXOCOR), LAU-60 Rocket pods (FFAR), LAU-10 Rocket pods (ZUNI), Shafrir 2 missiles, AIM-9L/M
Engine: SNECMA Atar 9C-5
Max. Speed: 2450 km/h
Service Ceiling: 18000 m

├ Mirage M-5MA Elkan

Mirage M-5MA Elkan

Chile’s further upgrade of the MIRSIP Mirage 5s, featuring laser guided bombs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x DEFA 552A 30 mm cannons
Secondary: AIM-9P Sidewinder missiles, Mk82/83/84 bombs, Griffin LGB, Snakeeye bombs
Engine: SNECMA Atar 09C
Max. Speed: 2350 km/h
Service Ceiling: 18000 m

├ Mirage 50CN Pantera

Mirage 50CN Pantera

A modernization of Chilean Mirage 50s that was carried out with help from Israel, featuring a wide array of bomb options.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 30mm DEFA 552A cannons
Secondary: Shafrir 2/Python III missiles, 68mm SNEB rocket pods, Cardoen APF 82/83/84 bombs, Cardoen GP Mk81/82/83/84 bombs, Cardoen CB-130/CB-500/CB-250-K/CB-500-K/CB-500-K2/CB-770 cluster bombs, FAMAE GP Mk81/82/83/84 bombs, ALAMANT Napalm Bombs 30/60/100 gallons, Ferrimar WB-250-F/WB-500-F cluster bombs, LGB Griffin.
Engine: SNECMA Atar 9K-50
Max. Speed: 2350 km/h
Service Ceiling: 18000 m

------ Naval Line

├ A-4AR

A-4AR Fightinghawk

A major upgrade of the A-4M for Argentina, featuring the avionics of the F-16 and AIM-9M AAMs.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 20mm Colt Mk12 autocannon
Secondary: BK-BR PG 125 kg, BK-BR PG 250 kg, Mark 81, Mark 82, Mark 83, Mark 84 + parachute bombs, 2x AIM-9L/M sidewinder missiles
Engine: Pratt & Whitney J52-P408A
Max. Speed: 1080 km/h
Service Ceiling: 12880 m

------ Premiums/Event/Squadron

├ Mirage 5P4

Mirage 5P4

Mirage 5 made to Peru’s specifications, with further upgrades.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x 30mm DEFA 552 autocannons
Secondary: R.550 Magic missiles, Matra JL-100 68mm SNEB rocket launcher, Whizzard guided-bomb
Engine: SNECMA Atar 09C-5
Max. Speed: 2350 km/h
Service Ceiling: 17000 m

└ A-29N Super Tucano

A-29N Super Tucano

The ultimate version of the Super Tucano. It’s made to a NATO standard and features the best equipment and ordnance that can be installed on it.

Crew: 2
Primary: 2× FN Herstal M3P 12.7 mm
Secondary: 1× 20 GIAT M20A1 cannon pod, 4x 70mm LM-70/19 or 70mm LAU-68 rocket launcher pods, Mk81, Mk82, BAFG-120, or M117 bomb, BLG-252, Lizard, Griffin, JDAM, Paveway II, 2× AIM-9L, MAA-1, Python 3, Python 4 AAM, 2× AGM-65, 4× AGM-114 ASM, Spike ATGM
Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68C, 1600 hp
Max. Speed: 590 km/h
Service Ceiling: 10665 m

Rank 8

------ Fighter Line

├ F-16A Block 15 (early)

The F-16A Block 15s operated by Venezuela starting from 1983 were from an early batch that used the slightly worse F-100-PW-200 engine. It’d only see an upgrade to the newer F-100-PW-220 standard in 1997. Besides that, its armament options were limited to AIM-9Ls only.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x 20 mm M61A1 cannon
Secondary: AIM-9L Sidewinder missile, Mk82/84 bombs, LAU-61 B/A rockets, precision Lizard guided bombs
Engine: Pratt & Whitney F-100-PW-200
Max. Speed: 2156 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15240 m

├ F-5E Tiger III Plus

F-5E Tiger III Plus

Chile’s further upgrade of the F-5E Plus modernization made by Israel, bringing it to a very high standard.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2x Pontiac M39 A2 20 mm cannons
Secondary: Mk 81/82/83/84 bombs, LGB Griffin, CBU-24/49/52/58 Cluster bombs, napalm containers, LAU-61/LAU-68 with 19 or 7 Hydra 70mm rockets, LAU-5003 with 19 CRV7 70mm rockets, LAU-10 with 4 Zuni 127mm rockets, Matra with 18 SNEB 68mm rockets, AIM-9J/P Sidewinder, Rafael Shafrir 2, Python 3/4, AGM-65 Maverick, Rafael Derby
Engine: 2× General Electric J85-GE-21B
Max. Speed: 1875 km/h
Service Ceiling: 16800 m

├ F-5EM


The ultimate version of the F-5, developed by Brazil.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x Pontiac M39 A2 20 mm cannon
Secondary: BAFG 230 (Mk 82), BAFG 460 (Mk 83), BAFG 920 (Mk 84), BINC 200 (Napalm A/B), BINC 300 (Napalm A/B), BAPI (Anti-runway bomb), LM70/19 + 19 SBAT 70mm Rocket Launchers, Python 3, Derby BVR AAM, AIM-9P Sidewinder AAM, Python 4 AAM Missiles
Engine: 2x General Electric J85-GE-21
Max. Speed: 1960 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15800 m

├ F-16AM MLU M4


Chilean F-16As that were greatly modernized, up to the MLU M4 standard.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x M-61A1 20mm multibarrel cannon
Secondary: Griffin LGB, Opher LGB, GBU-10, GBU-12 Paveway II and III, GBU-31 JDAM, Raytheon LGB GBU-16, AIM-120C-5/7 AMRAAM, Rafael Derby, Python IV, AIM-9P4 Sidewinder, AIM-9L/M Sidewinder, AGM-84L Harpoon II, AGM-65F/G Maverick
Engine: Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220
Max. Speed: 2164 km/h
Service Ceiling: 16764 m

├ F-16C Block 50M

F-16C Block 50M

Chile’s more powerful F-16Cs, further improved. One of the best armed F-16s in the world.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x M-61A1 20mm multibarrel cannon
Secondary: Griffin LGB, Opher LGB, GBU-10, GBU-12 Paveway II and III, GBU-31 JDAM, Raytheon LGB GBU-16, AIM-120C-5/7 AMRAAM, Rafael Derby, Python IV, AIM-9P4 Sidewinder, AIM-9L/M Sidewinder, AGM-84L Harpoon II, AGM-65F/G Maverick
Engine: General Electric F110-GE-129
Max. Speed: 2414 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15240 m

------ Secondary Fighter Line

├ MiG-29SMP


A custom upgrade of the MiG-29 9.13 for Peru, comparable to the MiG-29SMT.

Crew: 1
Primary: GSH-30L 30mm cannon
Secondary: AA missiles R-77/R-73-1E/R-27R1, anti-ship Kh-31, anti radiation Kh-31P, surface air Kh-29, S24B and S-8 rockets, 250/500 kg bombs, KAB-500-KR guided bomb
Engine: 2х Klimov RD-33 series 3
Max. Speed: 2347 km/h
Service Ceiling: 16000 m

├ Su-30MKV


The SU-30MKV (also known as Su-30MK2 AMV) is an export version of the Su-30MK2 for Venezuela.

Crew: 1
Primary: GSh-301 30mm
Secondary: AA missiles R-73/R-27/R-77, Kh-31A anti-ship missiles, anti radar Kh-31P, air-to-ground Kh-29T, air-to-ground type cruiser Kh-59M, guided bombs KAB-500Kr/KAB-500L, guided bombs KAB-1500Kr-PR/KAB-1500L, FAB-500T; BETAB-500ShP; ODAB-500PM; OFAB-250-270; OFAB-100-120 P-50T; RBK-500 SPBE-D bombs
Engine: 2x NPO Saturn Al-31F turbofan
Max. Speed: 2498 km/h
Service Ceiling: 16000 m

------ Fighter-bomber Line

├ Kfir C.10 Block 60

Kfir C.10 Block 60

A heavily modernized Kfir C.10 in use by Colombia, featuring very powerful armament.

Crew: 1
Primary: 2× 30 mm defa 553 cannon
Secondary: rafael derby, python 5 missiles, griffin lgb, mk-82, gbu-12 paveway II, spice 1000 bombs,
Engine: General Electric j-79
Max. Speed: 2716 km/h
Service Ceiling: 17700 m

------ Premiums/Event

└ F-16D Block 50M

F-16D Block 50M

Two-seater version of Chile’s modernized Block 50s.

Crew: 2
Primary: 1x M-61A1 20mm multibarrel cannon
Secondary: Griffin LGB, Opher LGB, GBU-10, GBU-12 Paveway II and III, GBU-31 JDAM, Raytheon LGB GBU-16, AIM-120C-5/7 AMRAAM, Rafael Derby, Python IV, AIM-9P4 Sidewinder, AIM-9L/M Sidewinder, AGM-84L Harpoon II, AGM-65F/G Maverick
Engine: General Electric F110-GE-129
Max. Speed: 2414 km/h
Service Ceiling: 15240 m

Rank 9

------ Fighter Line

└ F-39E Gripen

F-39E Gripen

The JAS 39E is the most modern version of the Gripen currently, and it has recently been adopted by the Brazilian Air Force as the F-39E Gripen.

Crew: 1
Primary: 1x Mauser BK27 mm gun
Secondary: Meteor BVRAAM, sidewinder, IRIS-T missiles, Mk82/Mk83/Mk84 bombs, GBU-12/GBU-16/GBU-10/GBU-49/GBU-39, RBS15F ER, TAURUS KEPD 350, AGM-65 Maverick
Engine: GE F414G
Max. Speed: 2470 km/h
Service Ceiling: 14500 m









El Salvador:







I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this project, namely (and in no specific order) Frezzco, Blasekiller, COLDOWN_Iván, Chilean_Thunder, Azazel_Hades, Nicho, Roland, Poldón, Lady_Waka, TownerHijet, MrPotto, Adversary, ARTsigismondo, Fr05ty, TheMightyCenteno, Enzo Magno, Whezee and Eruk.

I hope you’re interested in this suggestion! Leave your thoughts about it below!

Join our discord!


An amazing air tree tree based on the concept of the already successful existing LATAM ground tree, with the same amount of unique planes, totally different and cool modifications, and also the tree itself being very mixed, with immense potential and also with several countries of its own LATAM getting its own space, +1


Premium F16 hell yeah


Togheter with the ground tree, pretty cool lineups.


Happy Mexican P-47 noises
ratatatatatta… rrrrraaatatatatatata

Fun fact: Mexico has F-5E and F-5F (idk the difference) we only have like 4 currently lmao.
Also Vampires and some version of trainee version of the F-80.


Finally the Latin American airline! I want to see the football war in War Thunder


it would be nice if the bolivian K-8s were added into the tech tree, it could be the TT’s alpha jet as its kinda made for the ground attack role


Of course +1


I like to see the Pampas as our equivalent of the Alpha Jet, but sure :P

IIRC we just didnt add it because it isnt unique to Bolivia AFAIK, but otherwise a viable addition and at the same time something new to the game


I noticed that the Brazilian Gloster Meteor was not suggested, so here’s one more for the list, the Brazilian Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8, the first jet fighter that Brazil operated.
*I just saw that the suggestion is more about versions of planes that haven’t yet been introduced into the game, but it’s still an honorable mention.


A lot of diversity of airplanes of all types, especially the Argentine industry stands out with very cool national designs, but the other Latin American countries are not far behind with unique and powerful modifications, and I would love to see it in the game one day


Don’t forget the Mexican Air Force used the PC-7 as a trainer and a CAS aircraft


I was waiting for this, good job collecting all the information and creating the image of the tech tree, there are several interesting vehicles from all countries.


It would be a very good integration to the game.
I noticed that the strikemaster is missing for Ecuador, there is already a skin of the Ecuadorian air force on a British strikemaster but it would be incredible to have your own in the Latin research tree



Normally i’ll be against alliance TT’s and still prefer Argentina and Brazil being their own TT’s but i am fine with this as well

There is some aircraft missing though

IAI Sa’ar: Operated by Honduras


C.101BB: Also operated by Honduras

OV-1 Mohawk: Operated by Argentina


@BHmaster a small correction, in Tier 1 HP-750 Madsen (premium), the armament specifications are with the standard model 3x 7.65 and 1x 11.35


Thanks for pointing that out, it should be 23mm Madsens

1 Like

This is incredible, so many unique vehicles and interesting modifications of vehicle I already know and love, I can’t wait to try them out.

Can I pre-order that A-29N Super Tucano?


It’s a squadron plane, so you have to grind))) or pay lots of GE)))

1 Like

shut up and take my GaijinCoin!!!


It would be great if this tree was implemented in the game, it would be interesting to see how the Argentinian and Brazilian aircraft designs would perform and how good the modernized versions of the F-5 would be in the game.

These are also some aircraft that could be considered for the line:

Fiat F-86K Sabre Dog (Venezuela)


Valmet L-90 Redigo (Mexican Navy)

DH Vampire Mk.III (Mexico)

Canadair CF-5 (Venezuela) : VF-5A tech tree and NF-5A in premium line

Atlas Cheetah C (Ecuador)

Cuban MiG-15/19/23/29 and Aero Vochody L-39C / L-39ZO

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