F16 to germany?

Yeah I’d personally say 12.7 though others have argued for 12.3.
Though something like the Harrier or Su-25 with Fox-3 would almost certainly be below 12.7.

Possibly. I won’t make any affirmative statements on those after all, I know better than to speak outside my knowledge pool.

Minor problem Germany can’t take a sub-tree. Not with how sub-trees are being done right now.

Thats a good point, it has 5 lines in both air and ground. I guess they could still be sprinkled

They can have a sub-tree, they can’t have an entire line dedicated to the sub-tree though.
That and they don’t need one in this context.
F-4F ICE will get them until Typhoon, sick of the irrational hate in posts on F-4F ICE.

It’d be 2/3 is this tree without Argentina and Chile

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It’s amazing how full that suggestion is.
It’s the single-highest unique vehicle count for a suggestion. Astonishing.

Personally, I’d rather they switch Sub-trees to a new tab if they are going to do it any other way then a 5th line.

As then the sub-tree could be made up of as many lines as needed(well up to 5 of course).

There’s no reason for a new tab.
There’s always room in the standard tech tree with 5 lines.

Yeah, would then free up room for things like a Light tank/IFV line for Britain

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It will not be added in this form. There must be a main country, for example Brazil, and an addition to it in the form of some other country. Only this way and no other way

Correct, the stated only reason to not have more lines is the vehicle thumbnails would be too small lol

Would be nice to get the proper loadouts for the F-4F PR, too.

And I bet once the ICE is added, it will also have nerfed loadouts and it will arrive mercilessly overtiered.

After all, the F-4F arrived in a very nerfed state about one year after its equivalents in other nations and only after its tech was already obsolete for top tier.

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Indeed that is one of the reasons. I was going to say something about that but decided not to.

And some of the “sub-tree” nations have enough to fill 2 to 3 lines on their own with just domestic stuff. and cases like UK Air where ZA has a very unique jet age but can’t show it off due to there being no room.

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F-4F ICE will have AIM-9Li/Ms [essentially identical], and AIM-120Bs or higher.
That’s not a nerfed loadout.
F-4F is currently the best 10.7 in the game right now, just took a bit convincing to get it there.
No nerfed loadouts.

The F-4F Late should get its historical AIM9Ls and move up to 11.0


It should definetly be higher than the tornado ids marineflieger

No reason for it be at the same BR as the Kurnass 2000, which has more and better IR missiles and way more countermeasures. Its more the Marineflieger Tornado that should go down

Not necessarily. Tornado Gr1 is the same BR as the Tornado F3 currently.

You mean 11.3, with the other supersonic 9L carriers that can dogfight.
Tornado F3 remains an anomaly.