A Subtree for Israel

An Arab League and Iran sub-tech tree feels like the best bet here, these are all nations that don’t have enough vehicles to be implemented on their own. If they were, we’d have an israel 2.0 situation again (but worse).

I can’t think of any connection between countries like India, chile etc to Israel. Or generally any latin American country except for some few export veichles.

It would be EXTREMLEY controversial, but I see them as the best addition geographically, culturally etc. And let’s be real here, how else would we see their arrival in the game? They have many unique vehicles, but not enough for their own tech tree.

There’s tons of native Israeli vehicles that haven’t been added. If we combined native made Chilean and Israeli vehicles, then we could have a pretty decent tech tree.


Israel can have a lot more unique stuff, so it won’t be an Israel 2.0 situation because Israel can indeed give you as much as Italy (with no Hungary etc.).

Let me tell you, Latin America and India have amazing relationships with Israel, wether it be Chile, Colombia, Honduras etc. with all the planes and tanks we upgraded for them or India which built theur best vehicles with Israeli help 24/7. Cosmopolitically, those (in addition to Vietnam, Czechia, Singapore, Hungary and Phillipines) are Israel best friends.

I dunnow man.

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Maybe, but some BRs would still have massive gaps, especially in the air TT.

I do think that arabian and persian vehicles should go to the Israeli tree so there’s more than just like three tanks above its reserve tier excluding notable export vehicles from other trees.

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lol All these options are bad.
Calling India illogical to Britain is as a bad take as claiming all subtrees are illogical.
Chile goes to Germany or better: A dedicated South America tech tree.


Chile is the only real option, and perhaps some export marketed vehicles.

Israel is such a difficult tree to add stuff to because they don’t really have anything. I’m of the opinion that Israel should’ve been a U.S. sub tree, but that ship has already sailed.


Tell that to the Shiryon Archive guys. Shiryon Archive
Over 200 ground vehicles possible for addition.

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Are you ok? Chile relies on Israel for military equippment for decades now.

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I would say a mix of latin american (chile or colombia), asian, and some export version like turkish vehicles (sabrah)

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Chile has more domestic equipment than Israeli equipment. Not only that but they are the primary player for a Latin America tech tree.
Stop trying to steal from other tech trees.

Turkey has more Israeli equipment than all listed countries.




Nah, Argentina and Chile can go to Germany with their massive ethnic german populations.
Makes as much sense as going to Israel.
Said nations is where germans escaped to live after WW2

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ehm. v no vich 1z hehe

I think that the future sub tree of Israel (which it will have for obvious reasons) has to have some points to make it logical, for me these would be:

  1. Close or at least good relations with Israel
  2. Vehicles manufactured or modified by Israel so that there is some logic in the tree
  3. A sufficient number of vehicles to fill Israel’s missing spaces, especially in air
  4. Desirable unique vehicles so that they are not all just copy/paste

Analyzing those points that I consider the most important, the options are not too many, I am the creator of the Chilean sub-trees for Israel, you can go see them and realize that Chile complies with all those points, that is why it is such a popular option within the forum.

My second favorite option would be like what was done with France and Benelux where multiple nations formed an aerial sub-tree. For me, Chile, Brazil and Argentina would work well in that sense since they have unique planes and many of them modified by Israel.

Another popular option would be Türkiye, which, despite not currently having good relations with Israel, has historically had some cooperation and the Turkish industry is quite extensive.

Outside of those options, for me there is no other option that is logical or positive for Israel, since it does not comply with the points I gave above. I have seen people suggesting multiple random nations for Israel without any logic.



Fair, India should probably stick to the UK, in their commonwealth/SA line imo. Wouldn’t be too against adding a Latin-American line, after reading up a lil bit more on them it doesn’t seem like the most unrealistic choice.

Korea obviously.

Why India and Israel are bringing their relationship out from “under the carpet”

I don’t know what I should expect from you. Israel and India have a lovely relationship.

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Taiwan is in the Chinese tech tree, historical tensions have literally nothing to do with war thunder