Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

That’s kind of the problem isn’t it? Gaijin always need something to keep the lowest skill players playing. Some one told me that about CAS in GRB… “its there so people that cant get kills any other way can get at least 1 kill to keep them playing the game” obviously its a bit more complex then that, but its an interesting thought to keep in mind when trying to understand the snails decisions.


Yes, but they still lack a full understand of their game, and they failed in balance this time. Like the Puma, which is 8.3, and creted a chaos

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The meta was never once the flanker. Strong multipathing made it one of the worst of the top tiers since its only weapon that had any sort of advantage over NATO gear was trivial to counter, and its objectively inferior radar and RWR didn’t help it much either. The meta was the Grippen/F16C and 9M spam. There’s a reason nobody touched the flanker during gaijin’s twitch tournament.

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While I agree its not as good as people claim it is, there is a non-stop barrage of complaints about how OP the SU-27 and the R-27ER are, here are the results of a quick search:

I think its safe to say that many players considered the SU-27 and R27ER to be meta before the fox 3 update and in some cases still meta as they only consider what plane has the most missiles to spam.

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flankers never got a planar radar, so you’re stuck with trash until PESA radars come to the game

All of the examples you provided are usamains seething about not receiving enough handholding, see point 2.

Gripen was dominating top tier before the fox 3 update. Due to multipath ERs were useless early game, and depending on the situation even late game. The gripen could just turn on autoflare and it would be immune. This was way more evident in SQRB, where if you used a su27 you would run out of energy in a slight turn, and generally not be able to use ERs


It’s not even worth debating the dude, when you bring any facts to the debate he’ll stick his head in the sand. First and foremost being, the ARRW he’s referencing, works lol.

I literally only mentioned the SU27 as an off the cuff example of a “missile bus” that attracts lower skill players with it’s massive missile load out, I don’t get why people are getting so upset over the idea that some AVERAGE players consider it, rightly or wrongly, to be meta.
And yes the Gripen is also a meta plane. What dose that have to do with my point of how the low skill “over preforming” planes/ missiles that everyone spams shift backward and forwards between nations to bait people into grinding out multiple nations to chase the “meta”? If anything it PROVES my point as it was added to nations that had very bad top tier so nobody was grinding them.
All your points about how bad the R27ER is also apply to every other SARH missile in the game, which given I’m talking about the performances of competing equivalent missiles is kind of an important point and why I was not including the Gripen to begin with as all its hard points can carry IR missiles. The F-15 and SU-27 cannot carry IR missiles on all hard points, so the extra 1.8M of the R-27ER becomes a major advantage for planes that are forced to carry SARH or nothing on some hard points.

Yes… that’s my point, how many of them raged and invested time and maybe even money into grinding out the Russian air tree thinking that once the got the SU-27 they would do well? because “Obviously I’m a good player and its just the Russian bias is making me suffer, one I grind the SU27 I wont have to fight the bias and I can show my TRUE skillz!”…

Come on man. So many noob with PREM t7 come and cry about this and that. So many people cry without knowing what they are talking about. It is just skill issue most of the time.
On Reddit someone was crying over Phoenix being OP. Someone just said that no if you die by a phoenix, it is pretty much your fault, as it is easy to notch. And he said, that phoenix being lower than aim120, actually is good for people to learn how to dodge a Fox 3 against a easy fox3 to notch. And I quite like this comment. That F14 in 11.7 allow player in 11.3 (mostly prem) to learn the gameplay of higher BR, before getting there. If the one that dies from a Phoenix is the same crying about AIM120, sorry but we are angry at him for useless cry comment.
Btw the admin ban people that are annoyed by the crybaby, but not the crybaby itself… Not fair

Edit: the crybaby topic is maybe on another topic, I don’t remember

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whats going on with the aim 120? i havent bothered unlocking it or any of the planes that use it

i dont think 120s should engage anything under 11.7

none of the planes in this game at top tier have their real radars lol

No they haven’t.

Is that why they had to steal a sidewinder missile in order to copy the technology?

A 40 year old missile system shoots down Russia’s over hyped hyper-sonic missile.


That happens m8? Remember when a 30 yo missile system shot down the USs new and shiny stealth aircraft?

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Yup, because one their electronic jaming escorts were grounded and second they had over confidence in the tech and flew the same path over and over again. Then having some luck turning turned on the radar right as the bomb doors opened gave enough of a lock to down the plane. Mistakes were made, luck on the other side equals downed airplane.

Oh and the plane wasnt new and shiny it was toward the end of the active rolls as the new stealth was coming online. Thats why the crash site wasnt a huge crater and the wreckage was allowed to be given to china and russia as it was 40 year old tech at that point. Shit happens and corrections are made life goes on.


I’m not trying to be a smartass, I’m just saying nothing is invincible and just because it gets shot down doesn’t mean it’s bad


Yes you are but thats ok. They made claims that the hyper-sonic missile was unstoppable by US systems, then we shot it down. We said we had stealth and you wont see it coming, and then it got shot down. Everyone eats crow at some point.

I believe the R-77 never came to replace the R-27ER.
the only one that replaces it is the r-77 ramjet version (RVV-AE-PD)

Best update ever.

The biggest imbalance was the R-27 vs the AIM-7.

Now you have the R-27 and we have the 120. 🤷


R-77 still works as addition