F15A is much weaker than Su27

F15A’s missles is just like F4, however Su27 has 6 r27 ER and 4 r73, which is much better than f15 as r27er is much btter than aim7m. Su27 should go at least 12.7.
What’s more, Su27’s mobility is better than F15.


The F-15 is leagues ahead of the F-4 in any USA variant you’re thinking of. It has access to AIM-9Ms and AIM-7Ms (F copies), which when paired with the superior radar and flight performance make it an obvious upgrade, not to mention 3x as many countermeasures. As for the Su-27, it’s obviously overperforming. I believe this could be fixed by removing the R-27E(R/T)s from it. This would give the MiG-29SMT a reason to exist outside of GRB, and allow the Su-27 to have quantity over quality. Even still, the base model R-27s aren’t bad missiles by any stretch.

That would make it half-assed. I say fix the AIM-7Ms instead. Still, anyone who bothered looking into this knew that it was impending. Aviation-wise the Russians outdid the Americans in this time period.


Saying “Fix the AIM-7Ms” means nothing. They have very little difference IRL, too. In terms of gameplay, absolutely nothing. There isn’t any reason to punish anyone who isn’t playing USA/JAP/ISR by making the Su-27 dominant over every single plane in the game that isn’t the F-15. That’s boring and annoying.


I’ve been gone for a while. How come people are saying AIM-7Ms are bad? I’ve always found them to be decent. Not better than R-27Es that’s for sure, but if you kill the Su-27 with either an AIM-7 or AIM-9, it cancels out that ten missile loadout.

Btw, remember that Russia was always behind in weapon quantity and often quality as well since the MiG-21SMT was their top tier jet. Phantoms have always had more weapons and for the longest time their AIM-9s were difficult to flare, then going into gen 4, very little had changed considering the F-14 and F-15. Now, a Russian jet manages to edge the typical US quality 8 missile loadout, and some people have lost their minds.

In hindsight, perfect balance does not exist and is not necessarily needed, but whenever the balance ceiling is tested again, it shows that some parts of the community never learn.


F-15 is fine.
BTW it’s DEV. Anything can change on release.

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F-15 is faster, has more countermeasures, a stronger radar; and if you’re good you’re not hit by R-27ERs in up to 3 attackers at once, which itself is rare.

Learn how to defeat radar missiles. You shouldn’t be dying so easily to AIM-7s and R-27s as you do 9Ms or R-73s.
I can count how many times a week I die to radar missiles on one hand for a reason.


Thanks. In practice it’s always different. Sometimes only the theoretical is ever talked about and it almost always leads to arguments on the premise of perfect balance that disregards realistic expectations.

Yeah, practice you’ll get the odd radar missile cause you were a bit too focused on a furball or engagement.
That’s how I get my radar deaths these days.
Mismanagement of engagements.
Other than that, RWR is paid attention too and I do low flying.

The current meta for top tier is sitting on the deck, or “lawnmowing” as I call it. The Su-27 simply has access to more and superior missiles when compared to the F-15, while also being better in a dogfight. The F-15 has AIM-9Ms, which are crazy stupid good, but can’t utilize HMD like the F-16C for those unexpected furball shots. AIM-7Ms are an 11.3 missile on a 12.3 plane, while the R-27ER is a 12.3 missile on a 12.0 plane (speaking of the MiG-29A.) I understand that the MiG-29s alternatives are R-60Ms, which are worthless garbage and I hate them, so I’m honestly fine with the MiG-29 having such powerful SARHs. In the case of the Su-27, it lacks nothing. It has speed, maneuverability, weapon count, and weapon quality. The F-15 has speed and weapon quality(?) The 9Ms are good but the 7Ms are subpar in comparison. Perfectly fine when compared to other NATO nations though. The reason I want the Su-27 to have its Es removed is because of the quantity of R-27s. If it only had 4, I wouldn’t really care as much. It’s the fact that the Su-27 not only outperforms the F-15 in its intended role, it does it with more, too. I play USSR/Russian jets frequently, owning all of them. Same with USA. I can firmly say that I cannot in good faith condone the Su-27 to be added in its current state against the F-15 in its current state. I do genuinely believe the R-27 to be a very capable missile, still scoring several kills against players on the dev. It only has slightly less range than the AIM-7M, while maneuvering harder, which is more suitable for the short range “quickdraw” meta of current top tier. This isn’t the sobbing and weeping of a USA main, this is someone who wants any other plane added to the game in this update or previous updates to actually be able to compete in any capacity. You are simply suggesting powercreep that can’t even exist due to the nature of the weaponry. When the MiG-29 was added last year, I knew that whenever they added the Su-27 it would be the best, and I dreaded it anyway. I’m so happy it’s here, but so disappointed it’s so powerful. I guess this is just a setup for the SPAMRAAM meta.


The F15 in the game is not effective against the SU27 either out of sight range or in sight range. I don’t know how a 1983 plane is going to stand up to a 1990 plane.


Besides, R27ER is in the 1990s, while AIM7M served from 1980s. Both aircraft itself and the missle have 10 years gap. The amount is still less. I mean WTF???

r27er has been in the game for awhile now, there’s nothing OP about it at all

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Really??? You can compare other radar guide missles like AIM7M and AIM7F. It’s not so OP because one aircraft can bring only 4 for most(Yak141, meanwhile it has no other missles)

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And the F14 launching a wall of aim54s at the start is fair and balanced too right? I feel no pity, about time USSR gets a competitive missile truck


You do understand that the f15 doesmt have its radar and aim7ms are trash right? Aim7ms are more like aim7Es and not the dogfight varients either the aim7Ms are severly lacking in performance and reliability. I dont even take aim7ms into air rb on my f16 anymore cause whats the point im just going to get out ranged and out performed by 27ers

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If you die to an aim 54 its a complete skill issue, you can literally just pull to dodge them. You have no idea what you’re talking about if you don’t think the 27er isn’t the best radar missile in the game by far. It has datalink so it can reacquire targets after launch, an insane motor which gives it the best range and insane speed, and great turn. The aim 54 is a complete meme in comparison, anyone who dies to one of those things would have died far easier to a 27er.


Radar missiles as a whole are irrelevant I agree, they are only good for the opening head-on and if lucky enough to survive, the rest of the kills will more than likely be done with IR or cannon

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I wasn’t claiming they are irrelevant in general. The Aim 54 specifically is. The 27er and even the 7m to some degree are still relevant. And even if that was the case its still pushed towards the Russian side with their r-73 and 27et with HMD, while the us has at best the 9m with HMD only on the f-16c. Regardless its not balanced in any way.

Yes, I do know the radar. It’s actually supposed to be even better. Also, you’re pulling your 7Es thing out of your anus, they are factually and statistically identical to AIM-7Fs. Bringing no AIM-7s is pure personal preference, just like how I see many people bringing only R-73s on the MiG-29SMT. I personally bring them every match.

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