Czechoslovak ground tree

I would like to propose a Czechoslovak ground tree.

Some basic history

Czechoslovakia has been, throughout most of its history, one of the largest arms producers and exporters in the entire world. During the interwar period, Czechoslovakia was the 2nd largest tank exporter in the world (largest after UK), while during the years 1934 and 1935 it reached the 1st place in arms export overall. Another interesting fact is that Czechoslovakia was the democratic nation with the highest military budget in the world during the year 1938, outmatching even France, Great Britain or USA. Tons of unique stuff came out during the years before the war, including the famous LT. 38 and LT. 35 light tanks, used by Germany during early stages of WW2 under designation Pz.38(t) and Pz.35(t), respectively. Other interesting designs of that era include small tankettes with 37 and 47mm cannons, medium tanks like Škoda T-21 (later produced in Hungary under license as Turán) and ST. 39, etc. During the WW2, Czech part has been occupied by German Reich, while Slovakia became an independent puppet of Germany. During those years, Czech factories build many different kinds of vehicles for Germans, including the famous Hetzer and Marder III tank destroyers. During the cold war, Czechoslovakia was again united and its military industry was going strong. Some of the vehicles produced in Czechoslovakia were quite revolutionary. DANA for example was the 1st high-calibre wheeled SPG in the world and OT-64 was probably the best wheeled APC at the time, even outclassing some of its more modern equivalents in some aspects. In 1993, Czechoslovakia dissolved and both Czechia and Slovakia went their own ways. To this day, both nations have quite a strong military industries (atleast for their size).

How would the tree look like

The tree would start from tier 1 and end with tier 7 just like majority of the trees we have in game.

First 2 ranks of the tree would consist almost solely of indigenous vehicles. You can find light and medium tanks, tanks destroyers, SPAAs and APCs of Czechoslovak production in here (including few tanks build during occupation). There is even some weird stuff, like the Škoda PA-II-Děl (armored car with a big cannon), Škoda 6mtp6 z1 (milk truck with 40mm AA gun) and various export variants of the LT. 38, differing in armament, armor, turrets and engines.

3rd rank would have a great mix of vehicles. There would be tanks produced during occupation, post-war APCs with low-velocity recoilless cannon or 85mm cannon, Western and German WW2 tanks and optionally even modern armored cars with small-calibre autocannon (these can ofcourse be removed/replaced if they wouldnt fit low ranking battles).

Rank 4 again has a variety of vehicles ranging from indigenous post-war IFVs, tank destroyers, scout cars and SPGs to tanks of German and Soviet origin, of which some have been upgraded (Tiger for example has a new gun with 1.5 second autoloader). You can even find some interesting vehicles like upgraded German halftrack with a recoilless cannon

Rank 5 sees the rise of heavily modified licenses of Soviet vehicles. You can find BMP-2 equipped with thermals which had missiles removed, BMP-1 with 3 extra missiles, laser rangefinder and ground radar, BMP equipped with Bushmaster cannon, enlarged BMP made into a 120mm self-propelled mortar which can also be equipped with 4 missiles annd T-54 equipped with new engine, fully-stabilised gun and new optics. There are also some indigenous vehicles in there, like the PlDVK 53/59 (already in game under designation M53/59), OA-82 Jarmila II (scout car with 2 recoilless cannons) and many more.

6th rank continues with the trend of upgrading Soviet trend (new armament, engines, thermals, laser rangefinder in most cases), but you can still find ton of interesting indigenous stuff in here. OT-64 Cobra is an upgrade of old APC from 60s which has been equipped with remotely controlled turret which has a 30mm autocannon, up to 4 missiles and thermals. You want something smaller and faster? Not a problem! Jump into an Aligator 4x4 equipped with konkurs missiles. You like something bigger? Choose from variety of SPGs equipped with 155mm cannons that can reload in under 8 seconds! Planes are bothering you? Take them down with big truck equipped with fast autocannon, good radar and IR missiles. You can also find Leopard 2A4 in here, which is a nice distraction from all the T-72s in the techtree.

7th and the last rank, quite possibly, has the best lineups of them all. You can find domestic IFVs with Spike missiles and 30mm busmaster in here along its variant upgraded with indigenous hard-kill APC, uparmored BMP-2 with completely new turret, thermals for both gunner and commander, new engine and same armament as the IFV named before, Czech and Slovak variants of CV-90, both of which are equipped with modern optics, strong powertrain, spikes and Iron Fist APS, but they differ in guns (Czech one has 30mm and Slovak one has a 35mm gun), T-72s upgraded with modern optics, 3rd gen ERA, new ammo and, in some cases, additional autocannons (Moderna) or a Challanger 2 engine and a new transmission allowing for way higher reverse speed (T-72M4).

Czechoslovak ground tree would also be somewhat futureproof. There is no toptier MBT as of now, i know, but both Czech Republic and Slovakia are actually planning on replacing their old, cold war MBTs with the newer Western ones. Czech Republic is currently in talks with Germany about purchase of over 77 Leopard 2A8s, while Slovakia will also choose their new MBTs in the near future (most probably either Leopard or Black Panther). The CV-90Mk.IV is also one of (if not) the best IFVs in the world right now, and both Czechia and Slovakia are getting them with different main guns.

The tree itself

(open it on this link if you want to take a better look at the vehicles/look at their armament, top speed and protection): Czechoslovak ground tree

(plese note that the BRs are approximate only)

Vehicles in the tree:

Light tanks 1

Rank I

LT. 34 (1.0)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A3
Max speed: 30km/h
Armor: max 15mm

Škoda Š-I-SPO (1.0)

Armament: 15mm ZB-60
Max speed: 41km/h
Armor: max 15mm

LT. 38 (1.3)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A7
Max speed: 42km/h
Armor: max 25mm

LT. 40 (1.7)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A7
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: max 25mm

Rank II

TNH N. A. (2.3)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A19
Max speed: 64km/h
Armor: max 30mm

OT-64A SKOT (2.7)

14.5mm KPVT
Max speed: 94km/h
Armor: max 10mm

Rank III

Patriot I (3.3)

Armament: 14.5mm machinegun
Max speed: 110km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 50. cal

Patriot II (3.7) *

Armament: 20mm cannon
Max speed: 110km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

TITUS (3.7)

Armament: 20mm cannon
Max speed: 110km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

Rank IV

OT-65A Vydra (5.7)

Armament: 82mm T-21
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

OT-93 (6.0)

Armament: 83mm T-21
Max speed: 95km/h
Armor: max 13mm

OA Š-971 Jarmila 6.3)

Armament: 82mm vz.59 cannon
Max speed: 78km/h
Armor: max 12mm

Rank V

OA-82 Jarmila II (7.0)

Armament: 2x 82mm vz.59
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: max 12mm

OT-64A with ATGMs (7.3)


(photo unrelated, as i couldnt find any picture of an OT-64 fitted with ATGMs on the turret sides, just some models)

14.5mm KPVT
2x Malyutka ATGMs (more in the hull)
Max speed: 94km/h
Armor: max 10mm

TITUS ARX 25 (8.3)

Armament: 25mm M811 Giat
Max speed: 110km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

Rank VI

Cobra-K (8.3)

30mm 2A42
3x 9M113M Konkurs-M
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: max 10mm

OT-64 Cobra (8.3)

Armament: 30mm 2A42
Max speed: 94km/h
Armor: max 10mm

SCIPIO (8.7)

30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs
Max speed: 120km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

CORSAC IFV wih 2A42 and Konkurs (8.7)

30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

Rank VII

VYDRA (10.3)

30mm 2A42
4x Spike-LR
Max speed: 100km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 25mm

KBVP Pandur II (10.7)

30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR (another 2 or so stored in hull)
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

KBVP Pandur II Samson MK II turret (10.7) *

30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR (another 2 or so stored in hull)
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

CORSAC IFV with MK44 and Spike-LR (10.7)

30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

KBVP Pandur II PAO (11.0)

30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm
Can protect from HEAT projectiles
Can, to some extent, protect from kinetic projectiles, but fragmenst of destroyed shell still have enough penetration to destroy the vehicle most of the time

Light tanks 2

Rank I

LT. 35 (1.0)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A3
Max speed: 34km/h
Armor: max 25mm

Škoda T-11 (1.3)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A8
Max speed: 34km/h
Armor: max 25mm

Škoda T-12 (1.7)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A9J
Max speed: 33km/h
Armor: max 25mm

Škoda T-13M (1.7)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A7
Max speed: 33km/h
Armor: max 30mm

Rank II

Škoda T-15 (2.3)

37mm Škoda A19
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 30mm

M5A1 Stuart (2.7)

Armament: 37mm M6
Max speed: 58km/h
Armor: max 64mm

Aufklärungspanzer 38(t) mit 7.5 cm KwK 37 L/24 (3.0)

Armament: 75mm KwK 37 L/24
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 60mm

Rank III

OT-62 with vz.52 (4.0)

Armament: 85mm vz.52
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 17mm

OT-62B (5.0)

Armament: 82mm T-21
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 17mm

Rank IV

OT-62 VYDRA-II (6.0)

Armament: 30mm VK-30
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 17mm

OT-90M ZAMROT (7.0)

14.5mm KPVT
4x 9M113 missile
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 19mm

Rank V

BPsV Sněžka (7.3)

Armament: 30mm 2A42
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 33mm

BVP-2M VOP-30 (7.3)

Armament: 30mm 2A42
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: can protect from

BPsV Svatava (7.7)

73mm 2A28
7x 9M14M Maljutka
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 33mm

Compared to regular BMP-1 it has 3 extra ATGMs, ground radar and laser rangefinder

BVP-1MA (8.0)

Armament: 30mm Bushmaster II
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: slightly better than BVP-1

BVP-1MB (8.0) *

Armament: 30mm Bushmaster II

Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: slightly better than BVP-1

Rank VI

BVP-M (8.3)

30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs (more stored in hull)
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: same as regular BVP-2

BPsVI ISTAR (8.3) *

30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs (more stored in hull)
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: same as regular BVP-2

BVP-2M SKCZ (8.3) *

30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs (more stored in hull)
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: can protect from


30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs (more stored in hull)
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: can protect from

Cobra-S (8.7)

30mm 2A42
4x 9M113M Konkurs-M
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 23mm
ERA: Kontakt 1

BVP-M1 CZ (9.3)

30mm 2A42
2x 9M113 Konkurs
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: can protect from 14.5mm MG´s

Rank VII

BVP-2 RCWS-30 (10.3)

30mm Bushmaster mk II
2x Spike-LR (more stored in the hull)
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 19mm

BVP-2M Samson MK II (10.3)

30mm Bushmaster mk II
2x Spike-LR (more stored in the hull)
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: can protect from

CV90 MK.IV CZ (10.7)

30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR (more stored in the hull)
Max speed: 70km/h
Armor: can protect from 30mm APFSDS
APS: Iron Fist

CV90 Mk.IV SK (11.0)

(IRL Slovak CV90s will be equipped with 35mm cannon unlike the one in the picture)

35mm Bushmaster III
2x Spike-LR
Max speed: 70km/h
Armor: can protect from 30mm APFSDS
APS: Iron Fist

Medium tanks

Rank I

Škoda Š-III-6 (1.3)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A9
Max speed: 25km/h
Armor: max 32mm

Škoda Š-III-8 (1.3) *

Armament: 47mm Škoda A9
Max speed: 25km/h
Armor: max 32mm

ST. 39 (1.7)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A11
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: max 32mm

Rank II

Škoda-Praga ŠP-IIb (2.0)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A9
Max speed: 46km/h
Armor: max 32mm

Škoda T-21 (2.0)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A11
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 30mm

Škoda T-23M (2.3)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A11
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: max 50mm

T-34/76 (3.7)

Armament: 76mm F-34
Max speed: 55km/h
Armor: max 60mm

Rank III

T-40/75 (4.0)

Armament: 75mm KwK 40
Max speed: 42km/h
Armor: max 50mm

Sherman Vc Firefly (4.7)

Armament: 76.2 mm
Max speed: 32km/h
Armor: max 89mm

Rank IV

T-34/85CZ (5.7)

Armament: 85mm vz.44
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 90mm

Tiger Škoda A18 (6.0)

75mm Skoda A18
reload rate: 1.5 seconds
magazine size: 5 rounds
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 120mm

IS-2 (6.3)

Armament: 122mm DT-25T
Max speed: 37km/h
Armor: max 120mm

Rank V

IS-3 (7.0)

Armament: 122mm D-25T
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 250mm

T-54AM (8.0)

Armament: 100mm D-10T2S
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 200mm

T-54M (8.0)

Armament: 100mm D-10T2S
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 200mm

Rank VI

T-55AM1 (8.3)

Armament: 100mm D-10T2S
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 200mm

T-55AM2B Kladivo (8.3)

Armament: 100mm D-102S
Max speed: 50km/h
300mm against APFSDS
450mm against HEAT

Version of T-55AM2 Kladivo that could launch 9K116 Bastion

T-55AM2 DYNA (8.7) *

Armament: 100mm D-102S
Max speed: 50km/h
300mm against APFSDS
650mm against HEAT

T-72M1 (9.3)

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 60km/h
490mm against HEAT
380mm against APFSDS

T-72 SCARAB (9.7) *

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 60km/h
slightly better than T-72M4
DYNA ERA can defeat tandem charges

Leopard 2A4 (10.0)

Armament: 120mm Rh120 L/44
Max speed: 72km/h
500mm against APFSDS
1100mm against HEAT

Rank VII

T-72M1-A (10.0)

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 60km/h
520mm against APFSDS
1200mm against HEAT
DYNAS can´t defeat tandem charges

T-72M2 Moderna early (10.0)

125mm 2A46MS
2x 20mm Oerlikon
Max speed: 60km/h
520mm against APFSDS
1200mm against HEAT
DYNAS ERA can´t defeat tandem charges

T-72M2 Moderna late (10.3) *

125mm 2A46MS
30mm 2A42
Max speed: 60km/h
520mm against APFSDS
1200mm against HEAT
DYNAS ERA can´t defeat tandem charges

T-72M4CZ (10.7)

Armament: 125mm 2A46M
Max speed: 61km/h
520mm against APFSDS
1200mm against HEAT
DYNA ERA can defeat tandem charges

T-72M1 with 3rd gen ERA, new 1000hp engine, Turms fire control system with gunner and commander thermals, LWS, new EPpSv-97 which can pen 600-700mm of armor, new transmission with -15km/h reverse speed etc.

in-game, it would start off as an T-72M3, which is basically the exact same tank without the engine and transmission upgrade. the M4 upgrade package will be unlockable later, similiarly to how T-72B3s upgrade package is unlocked in-game

Tank destroyers

Rank I

Škoda 6mtp6 z1 (1.0)

Armament: 40mm Z1
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: none

Škoda PA-II-Děl (1.3)

Armament: 75mm Škoda L28
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: max 6mm

Škoda Š-I-d (1.3)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A3
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 20mm

Škoda Š-I-j (1.7) *

Armament: 47mm Škoda A9
Max speed: 31km/h
Armor: max 30mm

Škoda MU-6 (1.7)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A-2
Max speed: 41km/h
Armor: max 6mm

Rank II

Škoda PÚV-6 (2.3)

Armament: 40mm Škoda Z1
Max speed: 41km/h
Armor: max 10mm

(can be turned into AA vehicle by removing the side armor)

7.5cm StuK auf Panzer 38(t) (2.7)

Armament: 75mm StuK 40 L/43
Max speed: 35km/h
Armor: max 50mm

Marder III Ausf.H (3.0)

Armament: 75mm PaK 40/3
Max speed: 47km/h
Armor: max 50mm

Marder III Ausf.M (3.0) *

Armament: 75mm PaK 40/3
Max speed: 47km/h
Armor: max 50mm

Rank III

15cm S.I.G. 33/2 auf bergepanzer 38(t) (3.3)

Armament: 15cm s.I.G. 33/2
Max speed: 38km/h
Armor: max 60mm

ST-I (4.3)

Armament: 75mm vz.39/44N
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 60mm

Hetzer Starr (4.3)

Armament: 75mm Pak 39
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 60mm

Rank IV

OT-810D (5.7)

Armament: 82mm vz.59
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 15mm

OT-62D (6.3)

82mm vz.59
82mm T-21
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 17mm

DANA (6.7)

Armament: 152mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

ONDAVA (6.7) *

Armament: 152mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

MODAN (6.7) *

Armament: 152mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

ZUZANA (7.0)

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

ZUZANA 2 (7.0) *

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

Rank V

DANA-M1 CZ (7.0)

Armament: 152mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

DANA-M1M (7.0) *

Armament: 152mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

DANA-M2 (7.0) *

Armament: 152mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

SHM vz.85 PRAM-S (7.3)


120mm mortar
Rate of fire: 20 rpm
4x 9K113 Konkurs
Max speed: 63km/h
Armor: max 33mm


Armament: 8x ATGM (probably Maljutka)
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: max 13mm

Rank VI


Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: strong hull, weak turret

DIANA (7.3)

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: quite weak

DITA (7.7)

Amrament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 90km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

Aligator 4x4 Konkurs (8.7)

Armament: Konkurs ATGM
Max speed: 135km/h
Armor: can protect from

Rank VII

Pandur II FSV (9.7)

Armament: 105mm cannon
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

Zetor Gerlach RS6 (10.0)

30mm XM914
unknown ammount of Javelin ATGM´s (probably 4 or more)
Max speed: 110km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

Elbit Sabrah (11.0)

105mm L/52 cannon
Can be fitted with 2x ATGMs (probably Spike)
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

SPAA vehicles

Rank I

Tatra 82 with ZB-60 (1.0)

Armament: 15mm ZB-60
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: none

Tatra 82 with VPLK vz.36 (1.3)

Armament: 20mm VPLK vz.36
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: none

Rank II

OT-62 VYDRA-I (2.3)

Armament: 23mm NS-23
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 17mm

OT-64 VYDRA-I (2.7)

Armament: 23mm NS-23
Max speed: 94km/h
Armor: max 10mm

Rank III

3cm MK 103 auf Grille M (3.0)

Armament: 30mm Mk 103
Max speed: 42km/h
Armor: max 20mm

LV-157 (3.3)

Armament: 4x 12.7mm vz.53 (DŠKM)
Max speed: 55km/h
Armor: max 47mm

MR-2 Viktor (4.0)

Armament: 2x 14.5mm KPVT
Max speed: around 150km/h
Armor: none

Rank IV

T-34/85 R10 (5.7)

Armament: 57mm R10
Max speed: 55km/h
Armor: max 47mm

Rank V

PLDvK vz.53/59 Ještěrka (6.3)

Armament: 30mm PLdvK vz. 53
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

STROP (7.7)

Armament: 30mm vz.53/59
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: same hull as BVP-1, gunner is unprotected

STROP has, unlike Ještěrka, a radar which can search and track targets

Rank VI

AMV 4x4 PL (9.0)

4x 9M39 Igla
4x FIM-92 Stinger
Max speed: 120km/h
Armor: can protect from small arms fire

STROP II (9.0)

30mm 2A38
2x 9K32 Strela-2M
Max speed: 100km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire


30mm 2A38M
4x 9M313 Igla
Max speed: 100km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

Rank VII

MARS 4x4 S-330 (10.3)

Armament: 3x RBS 70 NG (more stored in the hull)
Max speed: 110km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 50cal

9K33 OSA (11.0)

Armament: 6x 9A33BM3 missiles
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: weak

Premium vehicles

Rank I

LKMVP (1.0)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A3/A4/A5
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 12mm

Praga TNH (1.0)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A4
Max speed: 37km/h
Armor: max 15mm

Škoda LTL (1.3)

Armament: 20mm Oerlikon
Max speed: 54km/h
Armor: max 25mm

Praga LTP (1.3)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A3
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 25mm

Škoda Š-I-D (1.3)

Armament: 37mm Škoda A3
Max speed: 41km/h
Armor: max 22mm

Tatra T-III (1.7)

Armament: 47mm Škoda A9
Max speed: 35km/h
Armor: max 32mm

(Turret wasnt fitted during testing)

Praga LTH (1.7)

Armament: 24mm Pzw.Kan.38
Max speed: 45km/h
Armor: max 32mm

Rank II

OT-90 (2.3)

Armament: 14.5mm KPVT
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 19mm

Rank III

G-13 (4.3)

Armament: 75mm StuK 40
Max speed: 42km/h
Armor: max 60mm

vz. 18/47 N Panther (4.3)

Armament: 150mm vz.18/47 N
Max speed: 30km/h
Armor: max 100mm

RM-51 (5.7)

Armament: 130mm rocket launcher
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: none

Rank IV

T-42/75N (5.7)

Armament: 75mm KwK 42
Max speed: 55km/h
Armor: max 100mm

PTBK (5.7)

Armament: 82mm vz.59
Max speed: 53km/h
Armor: poor

RM-70 (6.3)

Armament: 122mm rocket launcher
Max speed: 85km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

RM-70 Vampire 4D (6.7)

Armament: 122mm rocket launcher
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

ZUZANA XA-1 (7.0)

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 90km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

Rank V

EVA (7.0)

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: none

RM-70/85 227mm (7.0)

Armament: 227mm M26 rockets
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can stop small arms fire

BVP-1 KD-V30 (7.3)

Armament: 30mm 2A42
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 19mm

Rank VI

T-55AM2 Kladivo (8.3)

Armament: 100mm D10-T2SA
Max speed: 50km/h
300mm against APFSDS
450mm against HEAT

IFV Cobra (8.3)

Armament: 30mm Bushmaster II
Max speed: 80km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

T-54AM1 (8.3)

Armament: 100mm D-10T2S
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 200mm

T-72M5 (9.7)

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 60km/h
same as the T-72M4
DYNA ERA can defeat tandem charges

Event vehicles

Rank V

EVA 8x8 (7.0)

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 85km/h
Armor: none

OT-64A Malyutka (7.0)

Armament: Malutka ATGM´s
Max speed: 94km/h
Armor: max 10mm

BVP-1 1MT (7.3)

Armament: 30mm 2A42
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 19mm

Rank VI

MORANA (7.3)

Armament: 155mm cannon
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand small arms fire

Rank VII

T-72EA Avenger (10.0)

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: similiar to the T-72AV
Kontakt-1 ERA cannot defeat tandem charges

CV90 CZr (10.7)

30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR
Max speed: 70km/h
Armor: can protect from 30mm APFSDS
APS: Iron Fist

basically a CV9030 with remotely-controlled turret


30mm Bushmaster II
2x Spike-LR
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

Squadron vehicles

Rank VII

T-72MP (10.0)

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 65km/h
comparable to Moderna
Kontakt-5 can´t defeat tandem charges

( * means that the vehicle is foldered with vehicle/s before it )


Most of the information about the vehicles come from the page
Československo (CZK) : Tanky
Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) : Stíhače tanků
Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) : Obrněné transportéry a bojová vozidla pěchoty
Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) : Průzkumná a velitelská vozidla
Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) : Hlavňové prostředky PVO
Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) : Samohybné a mobilní dělostřelectvo
Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) : Raketomety a taktické raketové systémy
(you can also find some unused vehicles on these links, mostly paper designs or artilerry pieces)

Number of vehicles as of now:

Rank I: 18 researchable vehicles + 7 premium vehicles

Rank II: 15 researchable vehicles + 1 premium vehicles

Rank III: 13 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank IV: 16 researchable vehicles + 5 premium vehicles

Rank V: 18 researchable vehicles + 6 premium/event vehicles

Rank VI: 23 researchable vehicles + 5 premium/event vehicles

Rank VII: 18 researchable vehicles + 4 event vehicles

Total vehicle count: 152 vehicles (making it the 2nd largest tt in game, having just 1 vehicle less then the Soviet techtree)

Of that:

99 fully indigenous (I.E. developed and produced in Czech/Slovak factories) (65%)

43 upgrades of foreign vehicles (mainly of licenses) (28%)

10 copy-paste (vehicles that would play same as their in-game counterparts) (7%)

(chart for easier visualisation of the uniqueness of the techtree)

[size=4]As you can see, the tree is very rich and quite unique, with majority of vehicles consisting of indigenous designs and most of the rest being heavily-upgraded licenses.

The tree can also have a big ammount of premium/event vehicles, thank to Czechoslovak export succes and a large ammount of prototypes, MLRs and vehicles that probably wouldnt work in the researchable line.[/size]

Few interesting facts about Czechoslovakia that (atleast IMO) make it a more viable addition into the game:

  • It was the largest arms exporter in the world during 1934 and 1935

  • 2nd largest tank exporter of the interwar period

  • The largest producer of military trainer aircraft in the world

  • Democratic nation with the largest military spening during 1938

  • It was spending almost 20% of its GDP on military during few stages of Cold war

  • 2nd largest arms producer and exporter of the Warsaw pact

  • Czechoslovak goverment in exile fought on most theathers of the WW2 (all exept for pacific AFAIK). Czech pilots are, for example, famous for their participation in the Battle of Britain

  • It has 100% winrate of naval battles (won the only battle it ever participated in - the battle of lake Baikal)

  • Bren and BESA machineguns, used by the British forces during WW2, are licences of Czechoslovak firearms (Bren literally means Brno-Enfield)

  • Czech Hussites were the 1st fighting force to use gunpowder in Europe en-mass. They even invented Howitzers (or atleast the word used to describe that weapon). Word pistol also comes from Hussite ,Píšťala´´

  • Czechoslovakia was the 3rd nation in space

And now for the pools:

Would you like Czechoslovakia to get added into the game?
  • Yes

  • Maybe

  • No

0 voters
When do you want Czechoslovakia to get added?
  • As the next nation

  • in about 2-3 years from now

  • I´ve said no to the 1st question

0 voters

Thank you fo your attention o7.


+1 I fully support this tech tree proposal, except the idea of putting modern MRAP’s to fight pre-war and WW2 vehicles.


I completely understand you. I know that Vehicles like Patriot I/II and Titus would look quite weird on such a low BR, but the reasons why i put them there anyway are:

  1. There would be a preety significant BR gap in the line if i removed those vehicles
  2. I dont know of any vehicle that would be a good replacement of them. The line is meant to be filled with lightly-armored wheeled vehicles. The only good replacement i can think of are Cromwell tanks that Czechoslovak exiled goverment used during WW2, but these are medium, tracked vehicles. Even worse that they are on Rank II in War Thunder, so Rank III would end up completely empty in that ceratin line
  3. I think those vehicles are really cool and it would be a pity to leave them out of the tree. If a more heavily armed variant of them is revealed (with ATGMs for example), ill remove the variants currently found on rank III completely, and replace them with better ones at much higher BR

Ill think about it, but i think ill replace those MRAPs one day with something more adequate (even though those replacements would be copies). I mean, ive already removed 3 or so low-ranking BMP variants armed with only 14.5mm KPVT, leaving just the OT-90 in the tree because its kinda iconic.

Thank you for your support BTW


+1 As a Czech…i may have a big bias here but i would love to see this in game.


Great tree. Kinda similar to what yugoslavia used. I am praying that they will add it.


+1 , also I found this Uruguayan OT-64 with a 106 recoilless rifle , I think it can work as a premium in the tree


+1, Is it possible to add Ottokar Brzoza?

Its based on Waran (Polish version of Patriot II) and is armed with 4 ? Brimstone missiles and a rcws


Could make a interesting TD vehicle.


Looks like a preety interesting vehicle!

Im not really sure if any functioning prototype exists in the moment though (i want to keep my proposal free of any designs that didnt have a prototype build). Czech participation in the project also doesnt seem very high (if even there is any exept for the Patriot chassis). Ballancing it could also be a big problem.
Anyway, if there is ever a working prototype build, i would consider adding it into my tree, most likely as an event vehicle (Making it possible to be at Rank VII)

Thank you for sharing it with me ;)


An upgrade to my techtree


New vehicles

Cromwell IV (rank II, BR 3.3, researchable)


Armament: 75mm OQF
Max speed: 64km/h
Armor: max 76mm

Challanger (rank III, BR 5.3, researchable)


Armament: 76mm OQF 17
Max speed: 52km/h
Armor: max 102mm

Other changes

PATRIOT I: removed from the tree completely


The best armament ever fitted onto it was a machinegun. No way to ballance it. Will re-add it if a version with better armament shows up

PATRIOT II: moved from rank III to V, BR changed from 3.7 to 7.0, designation changed from light tank to SPAA (scouting remains)

TITUS: moved from rank III to V, BR changed from 3.7 to 7.0, designation changed from light tank to SPAA (scouting remains)


Thanks to the change, both vehicles will face more lightly-armored vehicles. On a higher rank, their fully-stabilised guns with thermals and laser rangefinder wouldnt feel that weird (dont even know what i was thinking putting them so low at first bruh). I´ve also heard that their gun can use MK149 APDS (or atleast its chambered in same cartrige), so we could add it to them (some vehicles in-game use ammo they never used anyway, so doubt it would be a problem in this case)

T-34/85CZ and T-72M1: not considered pure copy-pastas anymore, now considered upgrades instead


They are not directly copy-paste. They are licenses of Soviet tanks produced in Czechoslovakia and have some differences from their Soviet counterparts. For example, T-34/85CZ has a commander turret moved slightly more to the left, creating a bulge in the armor and thus giving the tank a slightly different hitbox. It also has IR headlight, paired with regular headlight on the left front side of the hull. Additionally, it has a smoke charges and slightly different ammo. All the changes (too lazy to translate it all, so i used google translate instead :P):

  • assembly of booty lights for driving in the “Notek” column on machines imported from the USSR and the first series produced at ČKD Sokolovo
  • moving the command turret more to the left, on the left side of the turret, a characteristic sickle-shaped weld appears under this turret
  • installation of a searchlight and an infrared searchlight under a common cover structure on the frontal armor
  • moving the horn intended for infantry signals to the left rear corner of the body and protecting it with an armor cover
  • installation of a compressor, for filling pressure cylinders of emergency and winter start, directly in the tank, to the left of the driver
  • “jet heaters” principle “self-igniting” lamp - “flying lamp” were installed in the cooling and lubrication system
  • installed new BTI-3 type air cleaners, with ejector dirt extraction
  • larger coolers with a capacity of 107 l
  • instead of the left oil tank, another fuel tank, because the auxiliary oil cooler, made in the Czech Republic, on the left liquid cooler, was also fully sufficient as an oil tank
  • the fuel supply was secured using a BNK-12 B rotary vane fuel pump and a NK-1 twelve plunger injection pump
  • the main dry multi-disc “steel-to-steel” clutch has a plate arrangement of 11 driving + 11 driven
  • the gearbox has 5 forward and 1 reverse speeds with the possibility of reduction with a demultiplier
  • used cast iron directional brake lining
  • two preparations for fixing the log to the belts fixed on the left side of the body as standard
  • “set for driving under water” enabling to overcome obstacles up to 3.5 m deep and up to 300 m wide by deep wading as standard equipment of the vehicle
  • one-time electrically fired smoke cannons at ČSLA marked as MDŠ, or other additional tanks, or even diesel barrels, could be attached to universal holders on the back of the body.

As you can see, there are just way too many changes for it to be considered copy-paste. Similiar case with the T-72M1.

Number of vehicles after the change

Rank I: 18 researchable vehicles + 7 premium vehicles

Rank II: 16 researchable vehicles + 1 premium vehicles

Rank III: 11 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank IV: 16 researchable vehicles + 5 premium vehicles

Rank V: 20 researchable vehicles + 6 premium/event vehicles

Rank VI: 23 researchable vehicles + 5 premium/event vehicles

Rank VII: 18 researchable vehicles + 4 event vehicles

Total vehicle count: 153 vehicles (making it the largest techtree in game, sharing the place with Soviet techtree)

Of that:

98 fully indigenous (I.E. developed and produced in Czech/Slovak factories) (64%)

45 upgrades of foreign vehicles (mainly of licenses) (29%)

10 copy-paste (vehicles that would play same as their in-game counterparts) (7%)


I think the tree and description is laid out well. My issue with the “when do you want to see it added” poll is the question doesn’t have great answers. I’m sure the devs have a plan as far as tech tree’s go whether they are sub tech trees or tech tree branches (such as the upcoming French Naval TT).

I really like this tech tree but could you perhaps add more slovak tanks/vehicles (such as the 9P148 BRDM-2 which is listed to be used by [1st Mechanized Brigade] (1st Mechanized Brigade (Slovakia) - Wikipedia) , its armament is the 9M113 Konkurs anti-tank missile system )

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The ratio between Czech and Slovak vehicles is actually almost perfect. If im counting correctly, there are like 31 Slovak vehicles, while there are 33 vehicles of the Czech origin (i was also kinda surprised when i found out, as it wasnt intentional). I probably wont add this vehicle into this certain tree (i want to keep it as unique as possible and want to add just domestic or upgraded designs), but i will more than certainly add it into the extended ground tree proposal that ill start working on soon (which will include as many vehicles as possible, including paper and copy-paste designs)


I have to say well done to get the C&P right down to 10 and still keep good line ups.

I’m researching the Bf-109 the Czech and Slovakian used, if you want I can send in the list I have so far.


Plus the S-199 is way to over tiered as it’s struggling now. So I would but this at 2.7 or 2.3.

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It would help me greatly! Right now i have just G-2, Avia S-99 (basically G-10) and S-199 in my air tree, so a list of other variants could help me if i ever do an extended air tree (or if i just wanted to add another variant to fill a gap).

TBH I´ve had some preety good games with S-199. Sure, it ain´t the greatest plane on its BR, but it can get the job done, atleast in downtier (in uptier its terrible). Had a game with it once where i got 6 kills, and few other where i got 3 or more. 3.0 would be perfect for it IMO.

Screenshot from the 6 kill game for non believers :D (went full kamikaze on that Pe-3 as i was out of ammo)


Well done on putting this tree together, i support it but didnt they order the CV 90 MK.IV D-turret? Meaning it is the latest upgraded version of the MK.IV.
Great job!


I’ve always supported the addition of Czechoslovakia. They had an advanced industry during the interwar period, making some of the most modern aircraft and tanks at the time. Then they built some interesting prototypes during the German occupation. After the war, they made some amazing training aircraft and ifvs.


I think your right! Both Czech and Slovak CV-90s should receive the D-series turret with Iron fist APS and Spike missiles, with Slovak version having 35mm and Czech 30mm autocannons.

to quote from the article:

The Slovakian CV90s will be equipped with a new state-of-the-art D-Series turret with a 35mm cannon that provides CV9035 crews with enhanced protection and amplified combat effectiveness through the latest generation of sensors, artificial intelligence and augmented reality software, increasing the CV9035s capabilities in multiple battlefield situations. The Slovak CV9035 will also be equipped with the “Iron Fist” Active Protection System (APS) from Israel’s Elbit Systems and the SPIKE-LR integrated advanced anti-tank guided missile from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.


Also i found another ČSR/ČSFR/ČSSR ground tech tree by another user :

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Dělostřelectvo nedává důstojnost, jinak by to byla hnusná rvačka.
Artillery isn’t polite, otherwise it would be a nasty brawl.

I need Czechoslovakia in this game, most of the vehicles should be fine, except for the CV90s. My country was very important in history and indeed one of the largest military producer in the world, at least in the interwar era and even during the communist times we were producing a lot of military equipment. I think Czechoslovakia deserves to be in the game.