yet somehow Isreal came to the game. I still have hopes for Vysegrad tech tree. Seeing Poland, Czech and Slovakia with Hungary in one tech tree that would be dream come true.
Don’t get your hopes up, it’ll just lead to disappointment
Most of the nations he listed can hold themselves up.
Though it would be fun to have a Czechoslovakian tree with a Hungarian sub tree
What is unique there? Only equipment until the end of the 2nd world and that’s it.
In a way, I’m kind of glad it took this long for me to get TheRussianBadger 's promo code to work - now I can share that the vehicles included w/ it get free backups just like premiums now do !

( yes, I’ve been trying to use it weekly since that video released - it just wouldn’t work idk. skill issue on my part probably )
Might be that the next content creator to get a similar promo pack will have the vehicles get backups too.
Also, the unlockable camoes under the LVT(TRB) 's permanently-applied decals look super grody, yuck. I can’t wait to unlock them !
Why the hell people using PikPikker trees ? His are crap.
Take a look at this one
And not one top OBT. Norm is such a nation.
When new nation releases and its vehicles are in other´s nations tech trees they either make these premiums unavailable for sale and move them to the tree of respective nation as premium or make them tech tree. Again, like French premium Israeli Vautour was put out from sale and is tech tree in Israeli now, or Shot Kal Dalet from British premium to Israeli premium,Strv 81 (Rb52),Magach 3 with ERA,etc. Or if you want example of event vehicle then American Merkava Mk. 2B which is tech tree in Israeli tree. Just like Moderna will be tech tree in Czechoslovakian tree.
I would imagine a F-104 would be leaving us soon
Turkey wont even make standalone tree. Czechoslovakian tree or Central Europe/Visegrad tree have much more tanks/planes they could make a better tech tree than Turkey.
Well this is gaijin we are talking about and the way games are going they would rather see the money flowing than players opinion.
(Looking at you TSW4)
read before you speak
we were talking about the leak list and the posibility of the T90 S of a leak list that is supposedly coming in as a premium
just noticed, that the list did not even mention that T 90
oh no i am aware, just wanted to make every salty person aware again that it will be a squadron vehicle
Who cares? Lol
ohhhh you would be suprised, a lot of people are satly about that one
That’s why I’m looking forward to it lmao
btw 3 J26 left on the market
ehh should i know it? is that a special vehicle?
So long as it’s at least 1.0 BR below top tier an event vehicle is basically fair game, it make more sense for them to go to the country that used them than the country that sold them so an Indian T90 in the British tree at 10.7 or less is completely fair and anyone arguing otherwise is just some weird gatekeeping asshole.
It’s the earliest Mustang variant in the game
Plus I want them gone so I can sell mine at the highest lmao
It’s not about need, it’s about making the game friendlier to players & providing variety in tech trees.
Switzerland is fine in Germany.