Vickers mk3
Interesting, I’ve never heard of Vickers mk3 being tested in Thailand before. Thanks for informing me, I will edit the post in accordance with this information.
Im sorry but I cannot let this die in a single comment, this bad boy is going to cement Japan as the derp gun nation in WT lol.
They better add that other 105mm SPG as well that was in early service of the JGSDF.
I have this pending proposal for the M113A2 UT25 used by the Philippine Army and is a unique upgrade package. I was thinking this could be a good sidegrade for the DTI AAPC or whatever that AFV with 30mm Turret is being referenced by the original subtree proposal (just checked, I thought it was the ACV-15 but its not). It has the capability to use airburst munitions and could be equipped with SPIKE ATGM and modern thermals but was not fitted to the Philippine upgrade variants iirc. Moar M113 lmao
Let me know what you guys think!
Having Filipino vehicles in the Japanese, especially to compliment the Thai Sub-Tree would be a good idea, they mostly use light tanks in contrast to Thailand’s more balanced tank roster (some light, some medium, a couple bordering on heavy such as the Oplot)
Also here is a Thai GAF Nomad
and a Thai PAC CT-4
if you are wondering if the CT-4 can be armed in any way the answer is:
Yes, what is shown is a CT-4 with rocket pods
Alright, here we go. My seven suggestions for Thailand were approved :D
- AT-6TH
- F-16A Block 15 (e)MLU
- Alpha Jet TH (Phase 2)
- M60A3 TTS (WERA)
- FV101 Scorpion
- Commando Stingray
Added them to a general list of suggestions for Thailand:
Thailand is just collecting every COIN aircraft there is huh lol, anyways I just keep on suggesting SEA vehicles so people could see that if Thailand is indeed chosen as the official subtree for Japan, it has a ton of opportunities beyond it so I dont really expect to see non Thai vehicles before the subtree is really complete.
However what I think with the Philippines is that it formed the backbone with Thailand with the formation of SEATO which was a proper military alliance (unlike ASEAN (not saying that ASEAN has no place but SEATO should take precedence)) so there is precedence to add it together with Thailand. It doesnt have a lot of vehicles anyways so it could just be put in the back burner so we could have more Thai operated vehicles as part of the main tech tree rather than just being premiums.
Doing God’s work my man, thank you. Any chance you would suggest the First Win II? Its just a 7.62 minigun so its probably too weak?
Also that Type 76 SPAAG. Surprised that one doesnt have a suggestion still.
Its probly too weak, even in 1.0 there is better stuff unfortunately.
I might consider suggesting it, but I already have three more in the works.
Anyone is welcome to suggest Thai stuff of course, I don’t have to be the only one doing it XD
While the M134 might be just a bit too weak, there is a variant armed with Starstreak missiles that might be a better fit for the game.
I know it’s a lil off topic, but I’ve made a suggestion for the Malaysian T-84 Oplot variant that was sent as a tender to Malaysia, and since the Thai sub tree might end up being a “southeast Asia” tree, I felt it appropriate to bring up here. Plus it could compliment the Thai T-84
A good sidegrade for the T-84 Oplot, definite +1!
Yeh with the sheer amount of thai stuff being passed… its rather unlikely that a sub tree isnt in the minds of gaijingles
It seems like the possibility is getting bigger and bigger. But I don’t want to get my hope up because everything is subject to change
We all know.
Getting passed give you like a 50% chance of getting added, a d tbh I think a lot of vehicles that were passed have been forgotten because the Meta has left them in the dust.
Considering how Gajjin passed all of the Thai sub trees for Japan, and then added a Thai F-5, and now passed the Thai T-84, personally I take that as a sign.
Thailand AU-23 with 20mm XM-197 cannon mounted on the left side + 4xrocket pods

This one got modernized with Thermal camera, mainly to detect forest fire, not sure if it can use in combat.