Since the other thread was locked since it didn’t discuss that it was specifically for arcade, I opened a new one to talk about it.
Personally, I HATE it. We already got dumbed down version of fire control systems that took away the advantages of ships with better fire control. It also completely erased any skill advantage for experienced players who could fire before getting a solution.
Now we have an absolutely brain dead system that accounts for everything automatically. No more skill needed to adjust for your speed, your targets speed, or relative bearing. No more leading properly to hit the spot you want. Just point the cursor and click.
Play realistic battles then if you didn’t liked the assistance, for me would make the game actual more arcade instead of staring dead the screen until the rangefinder gives the distance and lead.
Few skillful player can’t represent most players, some people just play arcade for the BP mission. And even now, AB already have more effective fire control than RB. Like the ground battle, AB don’t need to recon or use rangefinder. And u say u are skillful player, why not just play in RB?
It seems Gaijin is porting mobile mechanics to the PC version. This update has mixed outcomes: while it narrows the skill gap between players and accelerates combat pacing, dominant battleships now overwhelmingly dominate weaker battleships and cruisers. My proposal: retain the new mechanics for AB (Arcade Battles), keep the current arcade mechanics for RB (Realistic Battles), and introduce SB (Simulator Battles) using the current RB mechanics from the live client.
No reason to insult me. Yes, I would consider myself a skilled player. I’ve become very skilled at calculating firing solutions based on all of the variables. I am asking who advocated for this change. I’m very active on the forums, and I’ve not seen a single person asking for this.
Okay , my bad. But I mean, in ground AB and air AB, Gaijin made it just like a normal FPS game, the only thing which the player need is to aim and attack, but in naval AB, the assisted aiming system only give the player how to hit, not where to hit. For example, with the current mechanism, the ammo will only hit the middle of the hull, and at the same time, enemy don’t repair, then they will not losing more crew. And the only solution is aim enemy turret, force him to repair, then still attack and cause more damage of crew. Just like damage enemy barrel in Ground battles, so assisted aiming system in Ground AB can do that, why can’t do the same thing in Naval AB?
When the enemy moves in Ground Arcade, you still have to make correction by yourself to hit the enemy, just like you currently do in Naval Arcade.
For example, the enemy is moving to the right side at full speed, so I have to aim like this to hit him:
After the aiming change in Naval Arcade, you will have to aim at the enemy to hit him, even when he moves, which is illogical and completely different than in Ground Arcade.
Currently both systems are identical. Only the distance of shooting is different. You usually shoot at longer distances in Naval, so the shell needs more time to reach the target, so the correction has to be bigger than in Ground Arcade. But at least the logic is exactly the same. After this change, the logic will be different in these game modes.
I don’t fully understand this part. I think you are confusing the reserve crew and the crew that occupies specific parts of the vessel. You can’t repair the reserve crew. If you destroy the reserve crew in the middle of the ship, it makes the most sense to attack other area with the reserve crew still intact. Crew that occupies specific parts of the ship is the minority of the crew and if you want to destroy the ship this way it will take ages. This is also why battleships are so durable. They usually have so much armor that you can’t touch the reserve crew inside the ship. And even if you kill 20-30 crew members inside parts with your salvo, that’s nothing compared to 1000-1500 crew members in reserve.
Assuming you have AP or SAP shells, in general you want to kill the reserve crew in Naval. You target the crew inside parts only when the vessel has very low crew already to finish him or when he uses the angle that doesn’t allow you to attack his reserve crew anymore.
It used to work differently, when ships used the same damage model as boats (about 4 years ago). The specific number of crew members was attached to specific sections of the ship. But now you have this reserve crew sitting deep inside sections (beside the first and last sections, which are empty). If the reserve crew is already destroyed in the middle section, shooting that section over and over again won’t do much more damage (you can only kill the crew inside parts in this area, e.g. the engine, but there is no more reserve crew to kill there).
Not repairing doesn’t affect the reserve crew at all (you can always destroy them, if you have enough penetration and proper angle to shoot). Repairing only affects crew inside parts. But if you kill whole the reserve crew, the ship will sink sooner or later anyway. I sometimes don’t even finish the ship, because it can take too much time to kill remaining crew in parts. This ship will sink anyway usually in like 20-30 seconds. And yes, sometimes someone can “steal” this kill, but the damage is much more important in Naval than kills anyway.
RB has some serious disadvantages - why I don’t see the already targetted ship on the minimap? pt boats have to reload their torps on a cap - if this is not possible they are useless vs. destroyers. Ships with KI AA have a big advantage vs. boats with only manual aiming… But in RB there is still a shell gun???
since last year the target acquisition time was drastically decreased so there is a nearly instant target indicator. This was the first change in the wrong direction…
I second that - does the new machanic also applies to boats w/o director - means vessels which prev. doesn’t had a target indicator? I have no access to the dev server to varify this
Imho, I can somewhat understand why they’re trying to further simplify naval AB aiming to attract more players, although I think having the system account for both your movement and the enemy’s ship is a bit too much.
If further simplification of the naval AB aiming system is required, I would very much prefer that aiming at the very least should require the player to make adjustments based on the movement of the enemy ship.
Also having the system do all the aiming for you can potentially make certain ships that have high rate of fire but worse ballistics more annoying, as they only have to lock onto you and spam without having to adjust for a much longer lead time.
But what u say all based on you know where the crew cabin is, and using realistic aiming mode in Acade battle, right? For the new player, they use the basic aiming in AB, and don’t know the detail location of the hull part, even don’t know how to adjust the distance.
Yes, Gaiin not make this function, but also can’t mark on tactical map in ground RB. For the torpedo reloading, what u say just like unlimited ammunition, drop torpedo and hide behind island when reloading , and then come out drop another torpedo is unfair for larger ships.
No, I use Arcade aiming. I don’t like Realistic aiming, where you have to scroll (correct the distance manually) whole the time.
This current aiming system is actually very simple. The main issue is, there are no good tutorials inside the game that will teach players how to aim. They basically have to search for YouTube videos, and most players don’t want to do that.
BTW: The game without any skill element will be just point-and-click. I’m sure most players will find such system boring, so I don’t think this new system will attract more players in the long run. The devs already tried that before, with the lead indicator and then changing it to the instant lead indicator. The result was even less players playing Naval, because for many older players this game mode has become too easy (and therefore boring).
This new system will not only be very boring, but also confusing, because it will be different than other game modes (where you still have to make the correction manually).
When you think about this, this is actually funny. In Naval the camera follows the selected enemy whole the time automatically, and now the whole system will also automatically aim. It will be possible to just put your crosshair at the enemy, then put a heavy book on your left mouse button, then you can do something else and the enemy will eventually die. That’s how entertaining the new naval aiming system is. Especially with the additional mechanics that will allow you to sink the enemy ship if you hit the same area over and over again, you won’t even have to move the mouse left or right. A heavy book on the left mouse button will be just as effective as you pressing the button.
While I’ve always liked how many factors have to go into aiming in Naval (RB), the actual “user experience” / implementation has always been rather janky, so having this cleaned up and streamlined for AB makes a lot of sense.
We definitely need a better way to account for distance in RB, especially considering the current aiming system is so pixel-perfect fiddly that you’re basically locked into bino view (read: boring to look at, can’t see your ship, have no awareness, etc) for the entire length of any fight.
While I wouldn’t want this AB system brought to RB, improving the aiming experience is probably Naval’s biggest issue, especially for bringing in new players and making it more appealing/intuitive.
🤔 Perhaps just a constantly updated lead indicator, like in WoWs, would be a better alternative?
My concern is less about what you have described, and more about it being confusing for a newcomers. You would always expect to lead the ship. Shooting right at it might feel weird.
It might feel weird for ex-WoWs players, who are used to continuous lead indicator, and might be weird for the people coming from other modes, as neither in ground nor air battles you aim your cannons right at the moving target - you always lead it.
So… why no lead for the guns in naval arcade? I don’t understand. (And why just guns? Missiles, rockets, mortars and torpedoes still need the lead, right? 👀 I feel like getting guns on target was waaay easier than hitting anything with mortars 😅)