Major Update Concept/Pitch - "Call of Mahabharata" - The Indian Nation & Ground Tree


|—Major Update Concept/Pitch - "Call of—|

|----Mahabharata" - The Indian Nation & ----|

|--------Ground Tree [Updated v.8.5]--------|

(Polls are at the bottom)

(Flag of the Indian Army)

Hello! This has been a topic i’ve long thought about and wanted to see come to fruition ingame!

India Is a large and populous country rich in its culture and history, both civil and military, its Armored Corps really kicking off then it was a British colony post-WW1, and once it had gained its independence in 1947, it began to develop its own tank designs with help from the Germans in the 50’s, however mainly composed of Russian (Then-Soviet) Imports. India truly began developing its own tanks and vehicles in the 80’s, when the concept of “Made in India” became mainstream for military development. Fo a more in-depth explaination of the history of the Indian Armored Corps, check out the tab below!:

(Indian Armor Corps Insignia)

In-Depth History

The history of tanks in the Indian military dates back to the British colonial era. Before independence, British forces stationed in India primarily used armored vehicles for internal

security and colonial policing. During the interwar period, light tanks such as the Vickers Light Tank and armored cars like the Rolls-Royce models were deployed in restive regions. During World War II, Indian troops fought alongside the British in North Africa, Italy, and Burma, operating British tanks like the Matilda, Valentine, and Crusader. The war saw the formal establishment of the Indian Armored Corps, with Indian crews gaining experience in large-scale armored warfare.

At independence in 1947, India inherited around 150 tanks, primarily M4 Shermans and Stuart light tanks. The partition of India and Pakistan led to the division of military assets, with India receiving a larger share of armored units. However, India’s tank forces remained limited, and during the First Kashmir War of 1947-48, armored vehicles played only a minor role due to the mountainous terrain. Throughout the 1950s, India began modernizing its tank fleet by acquiring British Centurion Mk 7 tanks and additional American M4 Shermans. This period also marked the formation of dedicated armored regiments within the Indian Army.

The Sino-Indian War of 1962 saw little to no tank action due to the high-altitude and mountainous environment, but just three years later, the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 saw one of the largest tank battles since World War II. India deployed Centurion Mk 7s, M4 Shermans, AMX-13s, and PT-76 light tanks, while Pakistan fielded M47 and M48 Patton tanks. The Battle of Asal Uttar became particularly famous, as Indian Centurions held defensive positions and decimated Pakistan’s Patton tank forces, destroying nearly 100 enemy tanks. The Battle of Phillora was another major engagement where Indian forces successfully outmaneuvered and overwhelmed Pakistani armored units. These battles highlighted the effectiveness of Indian armored tactics and solidified the need for further modernization.

By the time of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, India’s armored forces had expanded significantly, featuring Centurion tanks, PT-76 amphibious tanks, and the newly introduced T-55s. One of the most significant tank battles of this war was the Battle of Basantar, where Indian forces equipped with Centurions and PT-76s faced off against Pakistani Pattons and Type 59s. Indian tank crews destroyed 46 Pakistani tanks while losing only 10 of their own. These victories played a crucial role in securing India’s dominance in the conflict and directly contributed to the liberation of Bangladesh.

In the 1970s, India embarked on its first indigenous tank development project with the Vijayanta main battle tank, which was based on the British Vickers MBT. Manufactured at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi, the Vijayanta served as a stepping stone for India’s armored self-reliance, though it was eventually phased out in favor of Soviet T-72s. Throughout the Cold War, India shifted heavily towards Soviet tanks, acquiring T-55s and later the T-72M1, which was domestically produced as the Ajeya. The T-72 became the backbone of India’s armored corps, with over 2,500 built and deployed.

During the 1999 Kargil War, tanks were not heavily used due to the high-altitude terrain, but T-72s were deployed in support roles to reinforce defensive positions. Around this time, India

also finalized the development of its first true indigenous main battle tank, the Arjun. Originally conceptualized in the 1970s, the Arjun Mk 1 faced numerous delays and only entered service in the early 2000s. While it boasted superior firepower and armor compared to the T-72, mobility and logistical issues hampered its widespread adoption. In contrast, India acquired the Russian T-90S in 2001, which was later named Bhishma. More cost-effective and easier to integrate into existing infrastructure, the T-90 quickly became India’s main battle tank, with local production ensuring its continued dominance over the Arjun.

Today, India’s armored forces continue to evolve. The Arjun Mk 1A, introduced in 2021, addressed many of its predecessor’s shortcomings with improved sensors, explosive reactive armor (ERA), and more advanced ammunition. Meanwhile, India is upgrading its fleet of T-90s with modern fire control systems, active protection measures, and improved mobility. Looking to the future, India has initiated the Future Ready Combat Vehicle (FRCV) program to replace its aging T-72s and has also begun developing the Zorawar light tank for high-altitude warfare, particularly in response to Chinese border threats.

Politically, India continues to balance its dependence on Russian imports with its push for indigenous defense manufacturing under the “Make in India” initiative. While Russian T-90s dominate the armored fleet, indigenous projects like the Arjun and FRCV aim to make India more self-reliant. The history of tanks in the Indian military reflects a journey from dependency on British and Soviet designs to increasing self-sufficiency, shaped by wars, geopolitical shifts, and technological advancements. As India looks to the future, its tank forces will likely continue evolving to meet both strategic and battlefield challenges.

Currently, India stands as a regional power in southern asia, and is ranked as the 4th most powerful military in the world with the 2nd largest army. From this, its interesting to see how India is has only 4 vehicles in-game, all of which are in the British TT, when they have more than enough vehicles to make a independent nation tree comparable to China.

Below I made a example TT (That is probably unbalanced af), that could be used to start india as a nation in WarThunder. However there are a few things to note:

  1. When Israel was added, they started with 20 ground vehicles, while the total count in the example TT has 126. I understand the difficulty that comes with modeling assets, features, and balancing, especially within a timeframe, so it is likely that if it does ever get added, some vehicles will not be immediately added.

  2. While I play and love WarThunder, I am not perfect, so I will try to create reasonable BRs for the vehicles, estimations based on other ingame TTs and data. Chances are these BRs are wrong, and would be changed, if they are ridiculously wrong, ill say now, im sorry.

  3. IMPORTANT: this TT is a work in progress and is prone to change (More countries may come…)

[Indian Ground Tree v.8]

Tech Tree Comparison:

Tech Tree Statistics
Great Britain
Number of Vehicles
- Copy-Pastes
24 (18% of Tree)
30 (35% of Tree)
5 (0.04% of Tree)
- Tech Tree
- Premium
- Event
- Squadron
- Tournament Prize

List of Vehicles:

Line 1 - Light Tanks, APCs, & IFVs

Renault FT I (Rank I; 0.1 R̶e̶s̶e̶r̶v̶e̶):

A inter-war Renault FT, seeing overall improvements and served in the Indian army through WW2.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm SA 1918 Cannon (AP, HE)
  • Armor:

    • 8mm - 22mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 8 km/h Forward
    • 7 km/h Back

🛞Humber (Rank I; 1.0 Reserve):

Humber Armored Cars used by British India at home and in the North Africa campaigns.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm M6 Cannon (AP, HE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 15mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 80 km/h Forward
    • 19 km/h Back

🛞M3A3 Stuart Mk.V (Rank II; BR 2.3):

Supplied M3A3 Stuart tanks to India, mainly seeing service in the Pacific Theatre.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm M6 Cannon (AP, HE)
    • 3x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Gun (Coax., Hull, Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 9.5 - 50mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 58 km/h Forward
    • 8 km/h Back

🛞PT-76 (Rank III; BR 5.0):

Russian export, serving from 1965-1971 in the Indo-Pakistani War.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 76.2mm D-56TS Cannon (APHE, APCR, HEATFS, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm SGMT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 15mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 45 km/h Forward
    • 8 km/h Back

🛞AMX-13 (Rank IV; BR 6.7):

French export, serving from 1965-1971 in the Indo-Pakistani War.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm SA-50 L/61 Cannon (APBC, APCBC, HE)
    • 1x 7.5mm MAC 31 Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 10mm - 40mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 68 km/h Forward
    • 8 km/h Back

Chakra Rath-BMP (Rank IV; BR 7.0):

A private venture by the OFB (Ordinance Factory Board) to create a wheeled APC based off a BMP-2 chassis.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 73 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

8x8 CBRN (Rank V; BR 7.3):

A APC built by Mahindra as their submission for India’s MIFV competition, to find India’s new APC.


  • Armament:

    • [RCWS Autocannon To Be Determined]
    • 1x 12.7mm NSV Machine Gun (RCWS)
  • Armor:

  • Mobility:


Kestrel WhAP (Rank V; BR 7.3):

Indigenous design TATA’s submission to the MIFV competition to replace India’s BMP-2s, and is currently in service in its WhAP (Wheeled Assault Platform) configuration, however further variants are planned.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

  • Mobility:

    • 100 km/h Forward
    • 10 km/h Forward (in Water)
    • [DATA UNKNOWN] km/h Back

Kestrel UT-30 (Rank V; BR 7.7):

A variant of the Kestrel, now equipped with a UT-30 turret, introducing advanced optics and FCS.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm ATK Mk.44S Autocannon (APDS, APFSDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

  • Mobility:

    • 100 km/h Forward
    • 10 km/h Forward (in Water)
    • [DATA UNKNOWN] km/h Back

BMP-1IP (Rank V; BR 7.7):

The BMP-1 Indian Pattern sees the redesigning of the BMP’s turret, and is now equipped with a roof-mounted Bren Machine Gun.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 73mm 2A28 Autocannon (HEAT, HE)
    • 1x 9M14 ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm Bren Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 33mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 73 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

🛞BMD-1M (Rank VI; BR 8.0)

A Russian Export BMD-1M


  • Armament:

    • 1x 73mm 2A28 Cannon (HEAT, HE)
    • 1x 9M14 ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 33mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 80 km/h Forward
    • 10 km/h Forward (In Water)
    • 12 km/h Back

Sarath (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

A License-Built BMP-2, seeing Indigenous parts and Indian Upgrades. Still in service, however being pushed out by TATA’s Kestrel.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 9M113 ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 73 km/h Forward
    • 7 km/h Forward (In Water)
    • 12 km/h Back

Sarath Impv. (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A Upgraded Sarath Tank, seeing upgraded optics, engine power, etc.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 9M113 ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 73 km/h Forward
    • 7 km/h Forward (In Water)
    • 12 km/h Back

Medak (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A heavily upgraded/modified Sarath BMPs produced by Ordinance Factory Medak, using an improved 30mm gun, better ATGMs, advanced eletronic systems, and a updated and better protected chassis & turret. Created as a current proposal for india’s FICV program, as a new IFV for india’s army.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 2x ATGM Launchers
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~20 km/h Back

Sarath II (Rank VI; BR 9.0)

A heavily upgraded/modified Sarath BMP for india’s FICV program, see new technology/equipment, better armor, gun system, etc.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 9M113 ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~20 km/h Back

Abhay (Rank VII; BR 9.3)

A Tech Demonstrator built by India to prove its capabilities to build a APC. Program saw much success, and the APC had proven itself as a powerful vehicle, but was ultimately never adopted.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 40mm Bofors L/70 Autocannon (APFSDS, HE)
    • 1x 30mm AGS-17 Automatic Grenade Launcher
    • 2x BEL/MILAN ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (MCA, HHA, Titanium, DHSA, AFA, Composites, ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 70 km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Zorawar Mahajan (Rank VIII; BR 10.7)

The Zorawar Light tank under testing, losing the Nag missile launchers and the side pontoons.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Cockerill 3105 cannon (APFSDS, HESH, CLGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm NSV Machine Gun (RCWS)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (Aluminum, Kanchan Composite, STANAG 5)
  • Mobility:

    • [DATA UNKOWN] km/h Forward
    • [DATA UNKOWN] km/h Back

Zorawar LT (Rank VIII; BR 11.0)

India’s newest light tank and response to the Chinese Type 15. While currently in testing, it is stated to enter service later in 2025.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Cockerill 3105 cannon (APFSDS, HESH, CLGM)
    • 2x Nag ATGM Launchers
    • 1x 12.7mm NSV Machine Gun (RCWS)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (Aluminum, Kanchan Composite, STANAG 5)
  • Mobility:

    • [DATA UNKOWN] km/h Forward
    • [DATA UNKOWN] km/h Back

Line 2 - American Tanks, Russian MBTs

🛞M2A4 (Rank I; 1.0 Reserve):

Surplus M2A4s operated by the Indian army during and post-WW2.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm M5 Cannon (AP, HE)
    • 3x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 25mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 58 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

🛞M3A1 Stuart (Rank I; BR 2.0):

India was supplied M3’s through the British for use at home or in N.A.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm M6 Cannon (AP, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns
  • Armor:

    • 9mm - 50mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 58 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

🛞M5A1 Stuart (Rank II; BR 2.3):

India was supplied surplus M5A1’s through the British and US for use largely post-WW2.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm M6 Cannon (AP, SAPHEI, APCBC)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 25mm - 50mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 65 km/h Forward
    • 17 km/h Back

🛞M3 Lee (Rank II; BR 2.3):

India was supplied surplus M3’s through the British and US for use largely during WW2 in North Africa.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm M2 Cannon (AP, APCBC, HE)
    • 1x 37mm M5 Cannon (AP, APCBC)
    • 3x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 51mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 43 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

M4A4 Sherman (Rank II; BR 3.7):

An Imported M4A4 Sherman, Seeing action in the Pacific Theatre.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm M3 Cannon (AP, APCBC, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 76mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 45 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

M4A1E6 Sherman (Rank II; BR 4.0):

An upgraded Indian Sherman tank, using a 17-pounder, upgraded suspension, and improved engine.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 76mm QF 17 Pounder Cannon (AP, APC, APCBC, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 51mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 43 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

M4A4 SA-50 Sherman (Rank III; BR 5.0):

An indigenous mashup, using a M4A4 equipped with a AMX-13’s SA-50 cannon.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm SA-50 L/61 Cannon (APBC, APCBC, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 76mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 45 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

M4A1E6/9 Sherman (Rank III; BR 5.3):

An further upgrade of the E6 Sherman, using improved suspension and engine.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 76mm QF 17 Pounder Cannon (AP, APC, APCBC, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 51mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~50 km/h Forward
    • ~10 km/h Back

🛞M47 (Rank V; BR 7.3):

Pakistani M47 Patton tanks captured by India, largely used for training and tests


  • Armament:

    • 1x 90mm M36 Cannon (APBC, APCBC, APCR, HE, HEATFS, Smoke)
    • 1x 12.7mm M2HB Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 60mm - 121mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 48 km/h Forward
    • 19 km/h Back

🛞M48 (Rank V; BR 7.7):

Pakistani M48 Patton tanks captured by India, largely used for training and tests


  • Armament:

    • 1x 90mm M41 Cannon (APCBC, APCR, HE, HESH, HEATFS, Smoke)
    • 1x 7.62mm M73 Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 35mm - 130mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 45 km/h Forward
    • 8 km/h Back

🛞T-54 (Rank VI; BR 8.0):

A Russian export T-54… thats about it… yep.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 100mm D-10T Cannon (APHE, APCBC, APHEBC, APDS, APCR, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm SGMT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 20mm - 205mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 56 km/h Forward
    • 9 km/h Back

🛞T-55 (Rank VI; BR 8.3):

[See T-54 for context lol]


  • Armament:

    • 1x 100mm D-10T2S Cannon (APDS, APCBC, APFSDS, HEATFS, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm SGMT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 20mm - 205mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 56 km/h Forward
    • 9 km/h Back

T-55 Gulmohar (Rank VI; BR 8.7):

India pursued a modernization program for its aging T-55s by retrofitting them with the 105mm L7 Cannons from their Vijayanta tanks.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APDS, HESH, HEATFS)
    • 1x 7.62mm SGMT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 20mm - 205mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 56 km/h Forward
    • 9 km/h Back

Ajeya Mk.1 (Rank VII; BR 9.3):

A good ol’ Imported T-72M1…


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46 Cannon (APFSDS, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 400mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Ajeya Mk.2 (Rank VII; BR 9.7):

A T-72 with minor improvements and the addition of ERA blocks.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46 Cannon (APFSDS, HE)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 400mm (RHA, CHA), +370mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

CI Ajeya (Rank VII; BR 10.0):

A modernized “Combat Improved” Ajeya tank, seeing a new engine, new FCS, TFS, Radio, Navigation, and Optical systems, and now is also capable of firing CLGMs.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46 Cannon (APFSDS, HE, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 400mm (RHA, CHA), +370mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~10 km/h Back

Atharva (Rank VII; BR 10.3):

A modernization program for the Ajeya tank, essentially just seeing a T-90 Bhishma turret added on top.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE-TF, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 400mm (RHA, CHA), +370mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~10 km/h Back

Bhishma Mk.II (Rank VII; BR 10.7):

The Bhishma Mk.II is a relatively-minor upgrade to the Bhishma series, mainly only seeing the further indigenization of parts used in the tanks and minor improvements to the tank in general, first being built in the early 2010’s.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE-TF, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 30mm - 120mm (RHA), +420mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Bhishma Mk.III (Rank VIII; BR 11.7):

The Bhishma Mk.III is the latest version of the Bhishma to date, first being announced in May 2024, The Bhishma Mk.III sees significant upgrades, seeing a majority of its parts such as its thermals, engine, and LRF being designed and built in India, and now includes technologies and equipment found on India’s Arjun MBT’s such as its FCS, and is reportedly capable of firing the SAMHO ATGM and Mk.II APFSDS. Further technologies such as a APS, loitering munitions, and other upgrades are also planned for later production blocks.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE-TF, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 30mm - 120mm (RHA), +420mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Bhishma II (Rank VIII; BR 12.0):

The Bhishma II is to be locally-produced T-90MS for the Indian military, seeing a majority of its parts to be indigenously designed and built. Funding and a procurement of licenses have been ongoing for the last decade, however have largely been put on hold due to the current Russian war in Ukraine.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm 6P49MT Machine Gun (RCWS)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 400mm (RHA, CHA), +370mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Line 3 - British Tanks, Indian MBTs

Tetrarch Mk.VI (Rank I; BR 1.0)

India was supplied Tetrarchs by the British for use in North Africa and the Pacific Theatre.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 40mm QF 2-Pounder Cannon (AP, HE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 4mm - 16mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 64 km/h Forward
    • 7 km/h Back

🛞Daimler AC (Rank I; BR 1.3)

India was supplied Daimler’s by the British for use in North Africa and the Pacific Theatre.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 40mm QF 2-Pounder Cannon (AP, APCBC, APHE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 4mm - 16mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 89 km/h Forward
    • 41 km/h Back

Valentine VIII IP (Rank II; BR 2.7)

A Valentine VIII that is still equipped with a 40mm cannon.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 40mm QF 2-Pounder Cannon (AP, APCBC, APHE)
  • Armor:

    • 10mm - 65mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 27 km/h Forward
    • 4 km/h Back

🛞Matilda II (Rank II; BR 2.7)

India was supplied Matilda’s by the British for use in North Africa.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 40mm QF 2-Pounder Cannon (AP, APCBC, APHE, HE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 18mm - 75mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 26 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

🛞M3 Grant (Rank II; BR 2.7)

India was supplied M3 Grant’s by the British for use in the North Africa & Burma campaigns.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm M5 Cannon (AP, APCBC)
    • 1x 75mm M2 Cannon (AP, APCBC, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 76mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 39 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Churchill Mk.VI (Rank III; BR 4.3)

India was supplied Churchills by the British for use in North Africa and the Pacific.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm OQF Mk.V Cannon (AP, APCBC, HE)
    • 2x 7.92 BESA Machine Gun (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 16mm - 152mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 22 km/h Forward
    • 3 km/h Back

Churchill Mk.VII CS (Rank III; BR 5.0)

A british india churchill, equipped with a 95mm gun for close infantry support, and are no longer in service being phased out in the 1950’s.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 95mm QF Howitzer (HE, HESH, AP, Smoke)
    • 2x 7.92 BESA Machine Gun (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 16mm - 152mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 22 km/h Forward
    • 3 km/h Back

🛞Centurion Mk.3 (Rank V; BR 7.7)

India recieved Centurion Mk.3s after WW2 and they were used in the 1965 Indo-Pakistan War.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 84mm OQF Mk.I Cannon (APCBC, APDS, HE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 28mm - 152mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 39 km/h Forward
    • 14 km/h Back

🛞Centurion Mk.7 (Rank V; BR 7.7)

India recieved Centurion Mk.7s after WW2 and they were used in the 1965 Indo-Pakistan War.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 84mm OQF Mk.I Cannon (APCBC, APDS, HE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 35mm - 195mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 48 km/h Forward
    • 14 km/h Back

Vijayanta Mk.IA (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

The Vijayanta Mk.IA is a upgrade to the tank, seeing upgrades to its FCS with the indigenous AL 4420 Tank Fire-Control System by Bharat Electronics and improved sight mounts and muzzle reference system, alongside the further indigenization of parts used in the tanks and minor improvements to the tank in general.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APDS, HEATFS, HESH)
    • 1x 12.7mm L21A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L3A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L37A1 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 100mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 54 km/h Forward
    • 13 km/h Back

Vijayanta Mk.IB (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

The Vijayanta Mk.IB is the second mainline-version of the Vijayanta, now seeing the introduction of a Barr & Stroud laser-rangefinder through the upgraded AL 4421 FCS and computer, improving accuracy and hit probability.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APDS, HEATFS, HESH)
    • 1x 12.7mm L21A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L3A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L37A1 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 100mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 54 km/h Forward
    • 13 km/h Back

Vijayanta Mk.IC (Rank VI; BR 9.0)

The Vijayanta Mk.IC was the final variant to enter service, seeing minor general upgrades and would see add-on armor to the turret and hull to compensate for the now-apparent obsolescence of the Vijayanta tank.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APDS, HEATFS, HESH)
    • 1x 12.7mm L21A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L3A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L37A1 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - ~130mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 54 km/h Forward
    • 13 km/h Back

Vijayanta Mk.2 (Rank VI; BR 9.3)

The Vijayanta Mk.2 was the product of the late-80’s “Bison” Upgrade Program, in and effort to fully modernize the Vijayanta tanks, the Mk.2s would borrow technologies from the Arjun program, specifically the newly-developed “Kanchan” composite Armor, being added to the turret and hull; The addition of the Yugoslav SUV-T55A fire control system and thermals; A modern land navigation system; And the engine of a T-72 to counter all the new weight. 4 total prototypes were created and tested in the 1990’s, however issues such as overheating and the breakdown of parts would lead to the abandonment of the program in 1997.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APFSDS, APDS, HEATFS, HESH)
    • 1x 12.7mm L21A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L3A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L37A1 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • 60 km/h Forward
    • 15 km/h Back

Karna (Rank VII; BR 10.0)

The Karna tanks are the parade variants of the Ajeya/Arjun tanks in the Tank-EX program, now seeing the inclusion of rubber tracks, a commander’s sight, and roof MG.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, SAMHO, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • ~65 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.1 (P) (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

The Arjun Mk.1 (P) is one of the first prototypes of the Arjun, being built in 1993, having a more turret closer to the final model now features a raised gunsight, and was key in testing the new 120mm Rifled Cannon, and would lead to the creation of the PPS (Pre-Production Series ) Arjuns, PPS-1 - PPS-14.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.1 Early (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

The Arjun Mk.1 Early refers to the first limited-production run Arjuns based on the PPS-15, the final prototype and basis of the standard Arjun tank, PPS-15 built 1997 and the production run beginning in 1999. The Early Arjuns still used the sight found on the prototypes although now embedded in the turret 2A4-style and now has properly equipped GEN.1 Kanchan Armor, and now sees the inclusion of the commanders sight and roof MG.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.1 (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

The Standard Mk.1 is the regular serial production of the Arjun tanks from 2003-2018, with slightly improved Armor, a much improved gunner sight, and the shifting of the smoke grenades to the rear of the turret, and better electronation of equipment (although this doesn’t really matter in-game), and is now equipped with the SAMHO gun-launched ATGM.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, SAMHO, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.1 VIRCM (Rank VII; BR 11.0)

The Arjun Mk.1 VIRCM is a Arjun Mk.1 equipped with a soft-kill APS system designed by the Israeli-Company Elbit Systems, seeing its smoke launchers replaced with spectral smoke launcher mounted to the front of the turret and now is equipped with a IRCM emitter on the turret as well, similar to the T-90A’s Shtora system or the M1A1 HC.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, SAMHO, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite) + VIRCM Soft-Kill APS
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.2 (P) (Rank VIII; BR 11.7)

The Arjun Mk.2/IA prototype was first seen in 2018, being a Heavily-Upgraded Mk.I tank, seeing the addition of ERA and Composite blocks to the front and sides to the tank, a (TW) mine-plow, a upgraded gun and engine, new electronics, suspension, turret bustle, and GEN.2 Kanchan Armor. However with these additions, the Mk.IA prototype looses the commander’s sight and roof MG.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, SAMHO, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite, ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.1A (Rank VIII; BR 12.0)

The Arjun Mk.IA is the most advanced Arjun tank to date, first seeing production in 2019, and is slowly replacing the Mk.I Arjuns currently in service. The completed tank now features a 12.7mm RCWS, a LWS, upgraded commander’s sights, and over 70 additional upgrades to the tank.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, SAMHO, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (RCWS)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite, ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

Line 4 - Tank Destroyers, SPHs, ATGM Carriers

ACV IP Mk.IIA (Rank I; BR 1.0)

One of the first ever indigenous armored vehicles built by india, the ACV IP was built in the thousands and served in the East Indies and in North Africa.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 14mm Boys Anti-Tank Rifle (AP, AP-T)
    • 1x 7.7mm Bren Machine Gun (Pintle)
  • Armor:

    • 8mm - 14mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 90 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Vickers Mk.VIB (Rank I; BR 1.0)

India was one of the largest users of the Vickers Light tanks, using them heavily for patrols at home and during the North Africa Campaign


  • Armament:

    • 1x 12.7mm Browning M2 Heavy Machine Gun (AP, AP-T)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 4mm - 14mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 56 km/h Forward
    • 4.8 km/h Back

🛞Sexton (Rank II; BR 3.3)

India was supplied the Sexton, using it across multiple theatres in WW2.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 87.6mm QF 25-Pounder Gun-Howitzer (AP, APHE, HE)
    • 2x 7.7mm Browning Machine Gun (Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 32mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 40 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

🛞M7 Priest (Rank II; BR 3.7)

India recieved a handful of M7s, using them across multiple theatres in WW2.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm M2A1 Howitzer (AP, HE)
    • 1x 12.7mm M2 Machine Gun (Pintle)
  • Armor:

    • 12 - 38mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 24 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

Garuda 105 (Rank III; BR 5.0)

A Mobile Light Howitzer System designed by Garuda to operate in mountainous regions


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Garuda 105 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 80 km/h Forward
    • 40 km/h Back

M-46 Catapult (Rank III; BR 5.7)

The Vijayanta Catapult is a Self-Propelled Howitzer that was used by the Indian Army from 1981-2021, being a lengthened Vijayanta hull with the turret replaced by a rearward-facing Soviet 130mm M-46 Howitzer. 100 systems were built and saw deployment in Operation Parakram in 2001 and Operation Zafran. Now-retired, the system has been replaced by the Arjun Catapult System and K-9 Vajra SPHs.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 130mm M-46 Howitzer (AP, HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 100mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~45 km/h Forward
    • ~10 km/h Back

TATA L/52 (Rank III; BR 5.7)

A Light-Weight Howitzer on a TATA truck, designed to operate in the mountains and deserts of India.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 155mm L/42 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~45 km/h Forward
    • ~10 km/h Back

VE Abbot (Rank IV; BR 5.7)

A british export of the SPH variant of the FV430 chassis, first given in the 1960’s, however are no longer in service.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm L13A1 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT, HESH, Smoke)
    • 1x 7.62mm L4A4 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 12mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 47 km/h Forward
    • 20 km/h Back

M-46 ACS (Rank IV; BR 6.7)

The Arjun Catapult System is a Self-Propelled Howitzer that is in service by the Indian Army, replacing the previous Vijayanta Catapult Platform. Using a Arjun MBT hull with the turret replaced by the same rearward-facing Soviet 130mm M-46 Howitzer, the Catapult System sees much improvement in its protection and mobility. 40 systems are currently in service alongside the K-9 Vajra SPH.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 130mm M-46 Howitzer (AP, HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - ???mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~60 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Jonga 106 (Rank V; BR 7.0)

A locally-produced jeep designed by Nissan equipped with a 106 mm recoilless rifle, seeing combat in several wars and border clashes with Pakistan.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 106mm M40A1 Recoilless Rifle (HEATFS)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~80 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Ajeya GCT F1 (Rank V; BR 7.7)

A Ajeya hull with the turret of the AUF1 SPH… Interesting…


  • Armament:

    • 1x 155mm GCT F1 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 130mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~60 km/h Forward
    • ~5 km/h Back

K-9 Vajra-T (Rank V; BR 8.0)

A South-Korean K-9 SPH export, replacing the Abbot.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 155mm CN98 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT, PF)
    • 1x 12.7mm 6P49 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 40mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 73 km/h Forward
    • 42 km/h Back

Jonga SS.11 B1 (Rank VI; BR 8.0)

A locally-produced jeep designed by Nissan equipped with three SS.11 B1 ATGM Launchers.


  • Armament:

    • 3x SS.11 B1 ATGMs
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~4 km/h Back

Gypsy AT (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

A locally-produced jeep equipped with an ATGM Launcher.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 9M113 ATGM Launcher
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Windy 505 (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

A locally-produced jeep equipped with an ATGM Launcher.


  • Armament:

    • 1x ATGM Launcher
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Mahindra Striker (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A locally-produced jeep by Mahindra equipped with an ATGM Launcher.


  • Armament:

    • 1x ATGM Launcher
  • Armor:

    • 10 - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

BRDM-II Striker (Rank VI; BR 9.0)

A Upgraded Imported BRDM-II equipped with ATGM launchers.


  • Armament:

    • 5x ATGM Launchers
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 10mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 100 km/h Forward
    • 10 km/h (In Water)
    • ~40 km/h Back

NAMICA TD (Rank VII; BR 10.0)

The Tech Demonstrator of the NAMICA Anti-Tank Missile Carrier, using a BMP-2 chassis to carry the indigenous F&F, Top-Down, “Nag” ATGM.


  • Armament:

    • 2x “Nag” ATGM Launcher
  • Armor:

    • 6 - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~72 km/h Forward
    • ~12 km/h Back

NAMICA (P) (Rank VII; BR 10.0)

The Displayed Prototype of the NAMICA Anti-Tank Missile Carrier, now using a improved telescopic launcher system to carry the indigenous F&F, Top-Down, “Nag” ATGM.


  • Armament:

    • 4x “Nag” ATGM Launcher
  • Armor:

    • 6 - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~72 km/h Forward
    • ~12 km/h Back

NAMICA (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

A Anti-Tank Missile Carrier using BMP-2 chassis to carry the indigenous F&F, Top-Down, “Nag” ATGM.


  • Armament:

    • 8x “Nag” ATGM Launcher
  • Armor:

    • 6 - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~72 km/h Forward
    • ~12 km/h Back

NAMIS (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

A upgrade to the NAMICA, seeing it now with 6 “Nag” launchers and other minor upgrades.


  • Armament:

    • 6x “Nag” ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm Tk715 Machine Gun (RCWS)
  • Armor:

    • 6 - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~72 km/h Forward
    • ~12 km/h Back

Line 5 - SPAAGs & SAM Carriers

ACV IP Mk.IIC (Rank I; BR 1.0)

One of the first ever indigenous armored vehicles built by india, the ACV IP Mk.IIC now has a speciallized turret with a elevated machine gun.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 14mm Boys Anti-Tank Rifle (AP, AP-T)
    • 1x 7.7mm Bren Machine Gun (Turret)
  • Armor:

    • 8mm - 14mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 90 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Ferret ZPU-2 (Rank I; BR 1.7)

A Nepalese Light AA vehicle, using a british ferret and soviet ZPU-2 gun system.


  • Armament:

    • 2x 14.5mm KPV Machine Guns (AP, AP-T)
  • Armor:

    • 12mm - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 58 km/h Forward
    • ~40 km/h Back

Type 76 Dragon (Rank II; BR 2.3)

A Thai SPAAG, historically one of the first Mass-Produced SPAAGs, seeing action in WW2.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 37mm QF 2-Pounder Mk.II Automatic Cannon (AP, AP-T, HEVT-T)
  • Armor:

    • 4mm - 10mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ? km/h Back

TATRA ZU-23-2 (Rank III; BR 5.0)

A TATRA truck equipped with a ZU-23-2… SHEEEEEEEEEE-


  • Armament:

    • 2x 23mm 2A13 Autocannon (AP, AP-T)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ? km/h Back

🛞ZSU-23-4 (Rank VI; BR 8.0)

Russian Export ZSU-23-4… yurr.


  • Armament:

    • 4x 23mm AZP-23 Autocannons (API-T, HEF-I, HEFI-T)
  • Armor:

    • 8.9mm - 9.4mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 55 km/h Forward
    • 9 km/h Back

Improved ZSU-23-4 (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

Russian Export ZSU-23-4 upgraded a new engine and Israeli radar and targeting system.


  • Armament:

    • 4x 23mm AZP-23 Autocannons (API-T, HEF-I, HEFI-T)
  • Armor:

    • 8.9mm - 9.4mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 55 km/h Forward
    • 9 km/h Back

TATRA AK-630 (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A TATRA Truck equipped with a Russian naval AK-630 on the back, mainly used for training.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm AK-630 Rotary Cannon (API-T, HEF-I, HEFI-T)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ? km/h Back

Sarath M(Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A Sarath equipped with advanced modern optics and 30mm Airburst Rounds.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 73 km/h Forward
    • 7 km/h Forward (In Water)
    • 12 km/h Back

Armado BDL (Rank VI; BR 9.0)

This is a modification of the Mahindra Armado that has a lengthened bed and is equipped with a Thales StarsStreak missile system in the back.


  • Armament:

    • 2x StarsStreak AA Missiles
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ? km/h Back

Trishul CV (Rank VII; BR 9.3)

The Trishul CV was a SAM Carrier for the Trishul SAM, developed in the 1980’s, and seeing limited service in the 2000’s.


  • Armament:

    • 4x Trishul AA Missiles
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 72 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

🛞Strela 10M (Rank VII; BR 9.3)

A Russian Import Strela… whohoo!


  • Armament:

    • 4x 9M37M SAMs
  • Armor:

    • 7mm - 30mm (RHA, Armoured Glass)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

SAMAR I (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

A TATRA truck with two R-70s strapped to the back… wack.


  • Armament:

    • 2x R-70
  • Armor:

    • 7mm - 10mm (RHA, Armoured Glass)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

SAMAR II (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

A TATRA truck with two P-27Ts strapped to the back… somehow more wack.


  • Armament:

    • 2x P-27T Missiles
  • Armor:

    • 7mm - 10mm (RHA, Armoured Glass)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

🛞2K22 (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

You guessed it! A Russian Export!!! :D


  • Armament:

    • 2x 30mm 2A38 Autocannons (AP-T, HEF-I)
    • 8x 9M311 SAMs
  • Armor:

    • 9mm - 15mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 71 km/h Forward
    • 71 km/h Back

9K33M3 (Rank VIII; BR 11.0)

A Russian export… BUT it would be new to the game and would be a new a d fun vehicle to play with.


  • Armament:

    • 6x 9M33M3 SAMs
  • Armor:

    • 9mm - 15mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 80 km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Barak 8 (Rank VIII; BR 12.0)

A Modern Indian-Israeli SAM system used by the Indian army to provide air defense to local airbases.


  • Armament:

    • 8x Python-5 SAM Launchers
  • Armor:

    • 9mm - 15mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Extras - Premium Vehicles

Marmon-Herrington Mk.III (Rank I; BR 1.0)

A South African armored car widely used by the Indian army in WW2 in North Africa and the East Indies.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 14mm Boys Anti-Tank Rifle (AP, AP-T)
    • 2x 7.7mm Vickers Machine Gun (Coax., Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 12mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 88.5 km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

M3 CDL (Rank II; BR 2.0)

Some British M3 CDLs (Canal Defense Lights) did make it to India under the 43rd RTR and were stationed here for the planned invasion of Malaya in February 1946, the war with Japan came to an end before this of course. The CDLs did see a form of action however, by assisting the Calcutta Police in the riots of 1946 with great success.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm M3 Cannon (AP, APCBC, HE)
    • 1x 37mm M5 Cannon (AP, APCBC)
    • 3x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 51mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 43 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

M4A2 Fisher Production (Rank II; BR 4.0)

India received a handful of M4A2s produced by the Fisher Tank Arsenal, seeing minor differences to the standard M4 Tank.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 75mm M3 Cannon (AP, APCBC, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 76mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 45 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

M4 D-58T (Rank III; BR 5.0)

India retrofitted the gun of a PT-76 onto a M4 Sherman. Why? I don’t know, why don’t you ask them?


  • Armament:

    • 1x 76mm D-58T Cannon (APCR, HEATFS, HE)
    • 2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns (Coax., Hull)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 76mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 45 km/h Forward
    • 6 km/h Back

OFB 105 (Rank III; BR 5.3)

India’s Ordinance Factory Board stuck a 105mm cannon onto a BMP, just 'cause… its cool…
or probably for its mobility… yea…


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Garuda v.1 Cannon (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~73 km/h Forward
    • ~12 km/h Back

Bharat ULH (Rank III; BR 5.7)

A 155’ on a truck… Its quite Beautiful, really.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 155mm Bharat ULH Howitzer (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~?? km/h Forward
    • ~?? km/h Back

AVRE CVRDE (Rank IV; BR 5.7)

India experimented with captured Pakistani APC to turn them into SPHs.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm L13A1 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT, HESH, Smoke)
    • 1x 7.62mm L4A4 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 38mm - 44mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~17 km/h Back

Ashok BM-21 (Rank IV; BR 6.0)

An Russian BM-21 MRLS system mounted on a Ashok truck.


  • Armament:

    • 40x 122mm Rockets
  • Armor:

    • 10mm - 25mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~17 km/h Back

Vijayanta GBT (Rank IV; BR 6.0)

The Vijayanta GBT 155 was a Joint-Venture with the Royal Ordinance to create a 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer for the Indian Army, seeing a Vijayanta tank with its turret replaced by a custom-built turret equipped with a 39-Caliber 155mm howitzer by Royal Ordinance. Although being thoroughly tested, the project was abandoned and was never adopted into service.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 155mm 39-Calibre Royal Ordinance Howitzer (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~45 km/h Forward
    • ~10 km/h Back

DRDO 90 (Rank V; BR 7.7)

A private venture by DRDO to create a light tank by equipping a BMP with a 90mm turret, although tested, it did not go anywhere.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 90mm CN-90-F3 Cannon (APBC, APCBC, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 40mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

FamaGusta JX 202 (Rank V; BR 7.7)

A Centurion used by Indian war hero 2nd Lt. Arun Khetarpal.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 84mm OQF Mk.I Cannon (APCBC, APDS, HE)
    • 1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 35mm - 195mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 48 km/h Forward
    • 14 km/h Back

Bhim (Rank V; BR 8.0)

A 155mm SPH that was built by South Africa for the Indian Army, being cleared for production until the manufacturing company, Denel, was blacklisted due to corruption, canceling the production.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 155mm Denel L52-G5 Howitzer (HE, HEVT)
    • 1x 7.62mm FN MAG Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 14.5mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 60 km/h Forward
    • 30 km/h Back

Sarath NBC (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

Reconnaissance variant of the Sarath capable of withstanding NBC attacks.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, HE-T, HEI)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Coaxial MG
    • 1x 9M113 Konkurs ATGM
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 40mm (HHRA, Composites)
  • Mobility:

    • 70 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

Vijayanta (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

Already In the game…


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APDS, HESH, HEATFS)
    • 1x 12.7mm L21A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L3A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L37A1 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 20mm - 100mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 54 km/h Forward
    • 13 km/h Back

Vijayanta Marconi (Rank VI; BR 8.3)

The Vijayanta Mk.1 Marconi would see 70 Mk.I tanks see the retrofitting of the British Marconi SFCS 600 Fire Control System, seeing minor improvements to the firing capability.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Royal Ordinance L7A1 Cannon (APDS, HESH, HEATFS)
    • 1x 12.7mm L21A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L3A1 Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 7.62mm L37A1 Machine Gun (Roof)
  • Armor:

    • 20mm - 100mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 54 km/h Forward
    • 13 km/h Back

DRDO 105 (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A Light Tank prototype developed by the DRDO in the late 70’s, essentially a BMP chassis with a French turret and 105mm cannon.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm TS-90 Cannon (APFSDS, APDS, HESH)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 40mm (HHRA, RHA,)
  • Mobility:

    • 60 km/h Forward
    • 10 km/h Back

L&T FICV (Rank VI; BR 9.0)

The FICV Prototype given to the Indian army by L&T.


  • Armament:

    • 1x AVRE Cannon
  • Armor:

  • Mobility:


Kestrel TD (Rank VII; BR 10.0)

The original tech demonstrator for the Kestrel, using more western technologies and equipment.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm Autocannon (APFSDS, APDS, HE-VT)
    • 1x 12.7mm Machine Gun (RCWS)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 2x Javelin ATGM Launchers
  • Armor:

    • ?mm - ??mm (STANAG I, STANAG IV)
  • Mobility:

    • 100 km/h Forward
    • 10 km/h Forward (in Water)
    • ?? km/h Back

BMP-2M Rafael (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

A modified BMP-2 chassis with a Rafael Sampson Mk.II Turret as a venture and possible proposal for India’s FICV program.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm Orbital ATK Mk.44S (APFSDS, APDS, HE-VT)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 2x Spike ATGM Launchers
  • Armor:

    • ?mm - ??mm (STANAG I, STANAG IV)
  • Mobility:

    • 70 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

BMP-M2 Excalibur (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

A Heavily modernized and uparmored BMP-2 chassis with a Rafael Sampson Mk.II Turret as a venture and possible proposal for India’s FICV program.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm Orbital ATK Mk.44S (APFSDS, APDS, HE-VT)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 2x Spike ATGM Launchers
  • Armor:

    • ?mm - ??mm (STANAG I, STANAG IV)
  • Mobility:

    • ~ 70 km/h Forward
    • ~ 12 km/h Back

Arjun Mk.1 Rajasthan (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

An Arjun Mk.1 tank that participated in the 2011 Sudarshan Shakti Military Exercises in Rajasthan.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HEAT, HESH, SAMHO, TB… and… :)… PCB…)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite, ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~30 km/h Back

T-90MS (Rank VIII; BR 11.7)

The T-90MS is the Russian export-variant of the T-90AM, largely meant for purchase by India, as a result being specialized to better function in environments found in India.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm 6P49MT Machine Gun (RCWS)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 235mm (CHA, RHA, HHRA, Composite, ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Extras - Squadron Vehicles

Sarath BUSK (Rank VI; BR 8.7)

A BMP with the BUSK (*BMP Urban Survival Kit) kit equipped, seeing add-on armor and overall improvments.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, HE-T, HEI)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x 9M113 Konkurs ATGM
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 40mm (HHRA, Composites)
  • Mobility:

    • 70 km/h Forward
    • 12 km/h Back

Ajeya FWMP (Rank VI; BR 9.3)

A Ajeya Tank with the FWMP (Full Width Mine Plow) kit equipped.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - 400mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Bhishma TWMP (Rank VI; BR 10.3)

Also already in the game… :D


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE-TF, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 30mm - 120mm (RHA), +420mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • 67 km/h Forward
    • 5 km/h Back

Extras - Event Vehicles

🛞M2 T30 RL (Rank II; BR 2.7)

A M2 Half-Track with the T-30 MLRS system.


  • Armament:

    • 2x Triple-Barrel T-30 Rocket Launchers
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 13mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • 83 km/h Forward
    • 19 km/h Back

LTPA 713 105 (Rank III; BR 5.0)

A TATA Truck with the Garuda 105 Ultra-Light Cannon on the back… SHEEEE-


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Gaurda v.1 Howitzer (HE, HE-VT)
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 15mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Pinaka Mk.I Heavy (Rank V; BR 7.0)

India’s Heavy MLRS, used for border protection and standoff.


  • Armament:

    • 12x Pinaka Rockets (HE, HEAT)
  • Armor:

    • 6mm - 20mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ?? km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

BMP Abhay (Rank V; BR 8.7)

A BMP chassis equipped with the prototype turret to the Abhay IFV.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 40mm Bofors L/70 Autocannon (APFSDS, HE)
    • 1x 30mm AGS-17 Automatic Grenade Launcher
    • 2x BEL/MILAN ATGM Launcher
    • 1x 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 6 - 30mm (RHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~12 km/h Back

Kestrel 105 (Rank VI; BR 9.0)

A Fire-Support Variant of the Kestrel APC, equipped with a 105mm cannon.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm DRDE Cannon (APFSDS, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • ?mm - ??mm (RHA, STANAG)
  • Mobility:

    • 100 km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Tank-EX (Rank VII; BR 10.0)

Tank-EX refers to the Tank-EX program, a military venture to bring India’s T-72 tanks to the new era by retrofitting modified Arjun turrets onto them. Tested in 2002, the program was cancelled due to being strategically unnecessary, expensive, and would prove difficult to preform maintenance on. Interestingly, The Tank-EX programs would see the testing of Israel’s LAHAT missile, however it was also abandoned, replaced by India’s SAMHO.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HE, CLGM)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

      • 40mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • ~65 km/h Forward
    • ~5 km/h Back

🏆Bhishma Biathlon 2015 (Rank VII; BR 10.0)

*[🏆] - Tournament Champion Prize Vehicle

The Bhishma Biathlon Variant is a Mk.II Bhishma Tank that sees the removal of components such as a its frontal ERA blocks, side skirts, and some internal components, with upgrades to its engine and FCS to compete in the annual Russian Tank Biathlon. As a result, the tank is significantly faster and more nimble than its frontline counterparts, at the loss of significant protection.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 125mm 2A46M-5 Cannon (APFSDS, HEATFS, HE-TF, ATGM)
    • 1x 12.7mm KSV Machine Gun (Roof)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 30mm - 120mm (RHA), +420mm (ERA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ~5 km/h Back

BMP SPIKE (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

A modernized BMP-2 with spike missiles, a improved gun, and upgraded optics.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (AP-T, APDS, HEF-I)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
    • 1x Spike Missile launcher
  • Armor:

    • 5mm - 30mm (RHA, CHA)
  • Mobility:

    • ~73 km/h Forward
    • ~7 km/h Forward (In Water)
    • ~12 km/h Back

Arjun TD (Rank VII; BR 10.3)

One of the earliest photos of Arjun, this shows arjun when it was just a proof-of-concept tech demonstrator in 1989 after consulting with Krauss-Maffei to create a working prototype. The turret looks blocky due to experimentations with composite armor, however the chassis looks near-identical to the production-model Arjun Mk.1.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 120mm ARDE Cannon (APFSDS, HE)
    • 1x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax.)
  • Armor:

    • 40mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, Kanchan Composite)
  • Mobility:

    • ~70 km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Harimau (Rank VII; BR 10.7)

Indonesian Joint-Venture with Turkey to produce a light tank.


  • Armament:

    • 1x 105mm Cockerill 3105 cannon (APFSDS, HESH, CLGM)
    • 2x 7.62mm MAG Machine Gun (Coax., Roof)
  • Armor:

    • ??mm - ???mm (RHA, CHA, STANAG 4569)
  • Mobility:

    • 78 km/h Forward
    • ?? km/h Back

Extras - Drones


Indigenous scout drone used by the Indian Army.

Archer SR-UAV:

Indian light strike drone inspired by the Turkish bayraktar drone.


  • Armament:
    • 2x ATGMs

Heron Mk.II:

Israeli upgraded scout/strike drone used by India.


  • Armament:
    • 2x ATGMs


US scout/strike drone used by India.


  • Armament:
    • 2x ATGMs

A Look at the Top Prize of the tree, compared to other MBTs…

MBT Statistics
Arjun Mk.IA
Black Night
Number of Crew
Armor Type
NERA, ERA, APS, Spall Liner
NERA, ERA, APS, Spall Liner
NERA, APS, Spall Liner
- Composite
Kanchan GEN-II
Chobham (Gen.2)
ALWCS Soft-Kill
“GL5” Hard-Kill
“Trophy” Hard-Kill
Smoke Grenades
16x 81mm AT-AL
12x 65mm General-Purpose
10x 66mm L3A1 GP
68 Tonnes
52 Tonnes
65 Tonnes
DATRAN 1,500hp (1,118 kW) V12 engine
1,200 hp (895 kW) VT/E1 diesel engine
Perkins 1,200 hp (895 kW) CV12 TCA Condor V-12 diesel engine
- Max Speed
58 km/h (36 mph)
70 km/h (43 mph)
59 km/h (37 mph)
- Max Reverse
20 km/h (12 mph)
17 km/h (10 mph)
37 km/h (23 mph)
Main Cannon
120mm ARDE Rifled
125mm ZPT98 Smoothbore
120mm L30A1 Rifled
42 Rounds (12 Ready)
38 Rounds (22 Ready)
50 Rounds (4 Ready)
Kanchan-120 Mk.II
- HE
Human Loader
Carousel Autoloader
Human Loader
Coaxial MG
7.62mm MAG Tk715
7.62mm Type 86
7.62mm L94A1
Pintle MG
12.7mm NSV
12.7mm QJC88A
7.62mm L37A2

Additional Stuffs:

India's Armor

Kanchan Composites:


So while Russia has Texolite, most western nations use Chobham, India has its own composite armor, known as Kanchan. While the current version, Kanchan Mk.2 is classified for obvious reasons, we know the composition of Mk.1 Kanchan, and from it can make relatively safe assumptions to what it is comprised of. Mk.1 Kanchan is made from layers of RHA, Ceramic, Fiberglass, and Aluminum Oxide, with a handful of plastics and minor elements to create it.

The resulting composite, when equiped on the Arjun Mk.1, reported being capable of withstanding a direct front hit from a T-72’s D-10 gun, regardless of ammunition, at point blank, as well as withstanding HESH and APFSDS, even resisting israeli APFSDS rounds. In theory then, the Kanchan Mk.2 armour seen on newer arjuns should be as capable to defend from modern rounds as well.


The Kanchan plates within the Arjuns are estimated to be between 315 and 350mm thick, with inserts on the Arjuns, and thinner add-on and aplique armor on Vijayanta tanks.

Indian APS

India currently operates mainly “Soft-Kill” Active Protection Systems on its Arjun and Bhishma tanks, however has been experimenting with “Hard-Kill” Systems, particularly using Rafael’s Trophy System on its Bhishma Tanks, and is currently developing its own APS, known as Rakshak.


Previously, the indian company TATA and swedish Saab company were collaborating to create a APS system for Arjun and Bhishma known as the LEDS 150, and despite being slated for production, never entered service.

Indian Munitions



The Nag is a Tandem-HEAT, All-Weather, Fire & Forget ATGM indigenous to India, being the first of its kind in their arsenal.




  • 4km - 5km

Angles of Attack:

  • Front/Direct

  • Top-Down



The Semi-Active Mission Homing Missile is a Gun-Launched, Tandem-HEAT ATGM designed to be fired out of the 120mm guns of Arjun tanks.


  • Semi-Active Laser Homing ATGM


  • ~3km

Angles of Attack:

  • Front/Direct

Trishul SAM


The Trishul is a SAM designed by the Indian DRDO as a rapid-response, short-range SAM used in the 2000’s.


  • Command Line-of-Sight SAM


  • ~9km

Angles of Attack:

  • Proximity Fuse

India In Game:

India’s vehicles already in game are mostly well-liked, and thus I believe a tree with completely unique, but competitive vehicles from India would also be a fantastic addition to the game with incredible potential, and would help represent a decent amount of war thunder’s player base. It would be in a similar situation to China, with a solid lineup of top-tier, however would see many copy-pastes from other nations. This can be partially remedied similar to how Israel was done, having copy-pastes being somewhat unique with retextures.

The BIG Issue: Vehicle Transferring.

To my knowledge, vehicles have never been moved from one nation to another, however I believe it should be done to remain consistent, and they should have a automatic unlock to the TT and keep bonuses and such, however if it cant be done… oh well ig ¯\(ツ)


India is a nation with a thriving variety of aircraft, helicopters, and ships that would make fantastic additions should India become a independent nation, such as:


HAL Ajeet Mk.I:

HAL HF-24 Marut:

HAL HJT-16 Tiran:

HAL Tejas:


HAL Chetak:

HAL Rudra:

HAL Prachand:




HMIS Sutlej:

HMIS Assam:



INS Ganga:

INS Rajput:

INS Ranjit:

INS Rana:


Lotta Sources...

Abbot (artillery) - Wikipedia

..: iDEX - Innovation for Defence Excellence :..

Arjun (tank) - Wikipedia

Bhim self-propelled howitzer - Wikipedia


Army Guide

Ground Vehicles | War Thunder Wiki

List of equipment of the Indian Army - Wikipedia

Trishul (missile) - Wikipedia

DRDO Abhay (Fearless) IFV Technology Demonstrator

Kennisgeving voor omleiding

DRDO Arjun Main Battle Tank (2006)

Nag (missile) - Wikipedia

Indian Army (IA): Equipment and News - Page 9

Trishul (missile) | Military Wiki | Fandom

Zorawar: The Mountain Tank

The British Abbot 105mm Self propelled Gun -

K9 Thunder - Wikipedia


Vijayanta Main Battle Tank (1965)

Abhay IFV - Wikipedia

Indian army to receive 100 more South Korean K9 Vajra self propelled h

T-90 - Wikipedia

T-90M Bhishma Main Battle Tank (MBT)

9K35 Strela-10 - Wikipedia

The Indian T-90 Bhishma Tank -

Kennisgeving voor omleiding

The Indian Army is planning to introduce the Made in India K-9 Vajra self-propelled artillery guns in the Eastern Ladakh sector where it has already equipped its troops with Spike missiles.

Vijayanta - Wikipedia

SAMHO - Wikipedia

2K22 Tunguska - Wikipedia

NAG ATGM | Official Website of Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India

T-72M1 Ajeya

T-72 Ajeya Indian main battle tank (1982)

Zorawar (tank) - Wikipedia

Vickers Abbot (FV433) Self-Propelled Artillery

Also some extra stuff I found while researching… pretty cool, no?

Potential Pfps




Potential Loading Screens








I also want to thank all of the people on our discord and here that helped make this come together!


And now for the final question…

Would you like to see India become a Independent Nation?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Updated post:
Not a lot of unique vehicles, but it starts at rank 1 now.
Soft no, but mostly indifferent now.


I like the concept but it’s missing quite a few vehicles, so tentative +1 for now if it was expanded to it’s full potential:

DRDO LT (90mm)


The 105mm one is this one, you’ve mixed up the photos:

BMP-2 Rafael


Tank EX


Arjun Prototype 1


Arjun Prototype 2

T-55 Gulmohar


The Arjun’s also probably are too high in BR, they should be more comparable to the 2A4.

Edit: Your image of the Zorawar is also not of the Zorowar, this is the Sabrah light tank.

Zorawar LT (10.3 Researchable)


The Zorowar will look like this:


Very well done, and plenty more to add! Would love to see this tree implemented in some form.


Honestly with how it’s looking now either as a British sub tree or a combined India/Pakistan tree would be good use for these ok designs.


To be fair, Israel has been in the game for years now and has had time to grow, again it had started with 20 vehicles, now has dozens of vehicles and a variety of trees, and is still missing the majority of its light tanks and APCs, however still struggles with repeat vehicles like the Magachs, Shot Kals, and Merkavas, and I believe that india has a langer unique tree than israel.

The TT in the suggestion is just a example starter TT, at a size that could be added within a major update, and does not show a final size, as India still has dozens of other unique vehicles capable of being added (See post below yours for a handful).

As for Copy-pastes, this will be a problem, however I believe it can be remedied as some vehicles within the tree can be replaced by indegenous designs, however I do fall under the belief that vehicles that saw service or at-least heavy prototyping should enter the reasearch tree, while tech demonstrators and conceptual models should be premiums or event vehicles.

In addition to this, having india as a major nation would allow the better fitting of minor-nation sub trees such as in Indonesia and other tropical nations and other “One-Off” Vehicles, like the Lithuanian Vilkas or Norwegian VIDAR.


Except for the fact that over 80% of the Israel tech tree was added in 2 major updates back to back, and most of it is unique vehicles.
So yeah, this is a no.
It has less than half the unique vehicles Israel started with as well.

This is incomplete, there is not enough vehicles, objectively.


to be quite frankly i don’t know much about Indian vehicles, but there’s barely any line up in this concept, it lacks vehicles, it also doesn’t has 4 minimum lines so yeah it’s quite trash was of right now.

i mean unless for your 6.3 you want to play only AMX-13, PT-76 and abbot it is pretty sad was of right now.

I Dont like to argue about copy-pasting since there’s alot of trees in this game that do it but 8 of the 21 vehicles are bring from another nations, 11 are upgraded which is okay i dont go agaisnt it and finally only 2 are totally national which can be unique in the game, in my perspective it lacks alot more of upgraded vehicles or national vehicles to form a entire new nation.

+1 though this needs a lot of work in fill in the gaps, not only that, a lot of vehicles are missing

I would love to see an Independent Indian Air TT since they have quite the extensive TT and unlike Israel has unique domestic designs that had production runs like the Kiran and Marut for example. Same goes for the Helicopter TT

Edit: Just found this on my pc which was a Indian Air TT would look like, or the very least my interpretation of it looks like. I made this at least 3 years ago. I’m probably going to do a more up to date version of this but i cannot entirely guarantee it


If India ever gets added it should be as another English sub tree


Got your stuff in there plus a few extra!

Hope the fuller tree makes more sense, plus theres still more coming!

If theres anything else just let me know!


I like the clean and concise layout of the tech tree. Given that India has already developed their own equipment, it makes sense that they would deserve a place in WT.

However, as someone already pointed out, the current proposal would needs more unique addition (like Indian-made modification) to make it stand out more and offers something worth playing.

Also, I think you need to separate the SPG/TD branch from the SPAA/SAM branch, because that would not make logical sense otherwise unless some of these are dual-purposes like ADATS.

Other than that, I will give +1 for the potential, and I hope that this will be the starting point for people to looking into the Indian arms industry and find something new.


Just done a bit of digging and found this interesting Indian SPG.


This is the M-46 Catapult, a 130 mm SPG based on a lengthened hull of Vijayanta tanks. The gun is the 130 mm M-46. The SPG has entered service in 1981 and decommissioned recently in 2021.

I think this would make a nice gap filler between the Abbot and the Vajra.


I’d be down for an independent India tree but there’s quite a bit of stuff to recommend changing. I’d remove Rank III and focus on creating a lineup there. Here is a design of mine (that’s outdated right now) that if you want, you can take from. You’re going to need copy and paste in it. It’s inevitable.

India Tree Concept

  • Notes:
    • BMP-2 and BMP-2 Sarath was a error on my part. It’s supposed to be the standard variant and the variant that focuses on the thermal imager modernization.
    • Mine is missing the Atharva and some SPG’s so +1 to you on that.
    • Zorawar could be bumped to 10.7.
    • Disregard T-90MS as the vehicle has not been accepted into service, nor delivered. India procured funds in 2019 for it however, nothing has evolved from the deal since.

Looks better now! Still missing the T-90MS which would bolster the 11.3-11.7 lineup but otherwise it’s a nice suggestion!

Curiously, what is going on with India’s acquisition of the T-90MS? I haven’t heard anything on them receiving any.

I was under the impression they already had them, but I just checked and maybe they haven’t actually… A lot of stuff seems to say they approved the deal a couple years ago and wanted them produced soon but none seem to have appeared. Maybe the war in Ukraine is slowing things down?

That’s what I’m thinking. I think with the other vehicles, both experimental and regular, it will be fine without the T-90MS.

Only issue is that 10.3 is the second highest BR for an MBT after the Arjun Mk 1A, and to my knowledge there aren’t any other options other than the T-90MS. I know that they’re working on a new MBT but who knows when it’ll be revealed.

That’s fair, I agree. I think over time we’ll see options develop for top rank. They have several projects going on. The new hybrid Atharva is a testament to that being a cost effective way to upgrade T-72’s. Maybe they’ll develop the T-90S and Atharva further by incorporating Kachan armor to them or something. New ammo too. I know there T-90S is going through a modernization right now as well. One of them could lead to an indigenous upgrade of the vehicle that could be radically different/better and sit at top instead of the Tagil since the Tagil is MIA for the foreseeable future.