Britain needs more Indian vehicles

Check out the forums post titled “call of Mahabharata”

What are you saying here.

India can’t fit in UK. UK already has South Africa, Australia, Canada, and maybe even some Iranian and Jordanian vehicles. India should be a Russian or Israeli subtree maybe even its own independent tree


They are not a sub-tree of GB.

Currently, no Iranian vehicle in GB TT.
Imperial State of Iran collapsed before they got their first batch of new Shir-2 MBT.
Became dead inventory, then with some extra upgrades, sold to the British Army instead as Challenger 1.

Shir 1
Currently, there is only one vehicle from Jordan in the game. GB got Khalid because it is based on Chieftain.
not because Jordan is a subtree of GB. They Aren’t.

Russians don’t need ANY subtree. AT. ALL.

if we get ANZAC or Canada as a subtree of GB, I won’t bother Indians getting their own independent tree.

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The Uk has third gen aircraft like the typhoon

There is some suggestion about ‘makes India as independent TT’ instead. rather than being sub-tree of GB.


Typhoon is the 4.5th gen.
Stop devaluating our best jet ffs.

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I meant that it’s over third gen and I thought that that guy was talking about that gb has no aircraft above 3th gen

Check the original post date.
That Era (Dec 3 2023), We had no other 4th gen jets than Tornado IDS/ADV.

Both were insufficient against F-14, F-16 or MiG-29

  • Tornado IDS was nothing but ridiculous attack aircraft which only can carry 56CM
  • Tornado ADV was fine but still flies like a brick.

This post got necroposted from the tomb.

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India literally is a sub tree for the UK its been confirmed god knows how many times, not that im best pleased about it.


This just isnt true at all, theres a canadian SPAA and a few low BR tanks i think i may be wrong.
Theres the aussie tanks that are based off of the sherman hulls and the F111C pig. which literally goes against gaijins own rules for additions we only got it cause the USA was getting the F111F.

Britian infact does not get canadian, or australian tech which makes absolutely no sense giving them india.

Like the Aussie used american abrams, goes to the US, the canadian used german leopard 2 goes to the germans, But the Indian used T90 goes to britain?
the mig 21 bison?

but the british made, hunter F58 goes to germany. xD

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Id rather see nations that are allied with, and closely connected with britain go to britain,

AND our own fking stuff. theres still lists of british tech not implemented

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Technically one could consider the Tracked Rapier this patch to be Iranian, IIRC it was made for them originally?

Ngl were debating semantics, why are two of the best spaa in the british tree russian for example

Why is our squadron vehicle a damn T90

Top tier premium jet? Mig21


I would say that the T90 we got for India is far more Indian then people make it out to be/give credit for.

Russia was trying to pawn off an arguably, massively inferior T90 design in the initial bid, the Indians put a lot of time, effort and work into developing the system they got and in the end, would also build themselves.

To put it in a more “british” light. Imagine if someone said the UK shouldnt get Ajax because its an ASCOD, obviously people would be outraged because the UK put a lot of time and effort into developing the program to British needs, well, its kinda like that.

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so why is the british hunter F58 that was all done by the british bar i believe the RWR pawned off to germany?

the bigget gripe I have is there is no consistency at all with it.
That T90 Bhishma would of been ideal for USSR for a squadron tank and britain could of get a CR1 model or the trailed leopard 2 or M1 abrams we trialed.

The Indian equipment really doesnt belong in the british tree, there is so many indigenious british pieces of equipment just being left out, they should get that before filling the tree with other stuff.

(also on the topic of the actual T90 Bhishma im aware india was far more involved in it, however in game its near enough a Cn P T90)


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The only Indian stuff I think the UK needs are the vehicles that where British. IE FRS.51 it would have made a better premium that the MIG-21

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Theres a plethora of gear that would of been a smarter addition than the mig21, I also cant say im a fan of the damn Super hind as a squadron vehicle as well.
Seeing as theres a good few variations of the lynx and such.


I am bias however as I am happy South African lol.
I like the engineering and ingenuity of the South African people and it’s cool to play what they came up with.


Certainly enjoy their vehicles and reading about them, real fan of the olifants, TTD and so on.

the SA tree is at least unique the issue ive got is the “Indian” stuff were getting just isnt that unique at all T90 Bhishma IRL is unique, in game its just missing its IRCM and has a dozer, mig21 as well is just that, some minor tweaks to a mig21 but already in game and ported over.

see what I mean? the TDD while missing its roof MG still is a unique design, rooikats, olis, the little wheelied spaa and so on are all actually bloody unique!:

Hell id have prefered a SA airforce jet as a premium over an indian, I just dont feel india makes sense for britain