Join our Discord to Make India a Major Nation Ingame!

We’re Looking for Researchers for our Indian Nation Project!

Hello! Me and a handful of team members have been working on a project to propose making India its own major nation in WarThunder, as they have more than enough vehicles in every case to form their own nation.

We’ve already established a suggestion post for a ground tree for India which can be found here:

Major Update Concept/Pitch - "Call of Mahabharata" - The Indian Nation & Ground Tree

India has a lot more to offer, and we want you to help! Below is our discord for our research project, and if you have anything to add, or just want to join, feel free!

-WT- India Military Research Group

Thank you!

do not redeem


I only support this to have them away from the British tree where they do not fit at all


I hope Gaijin sees the hatred towards India as a UK subtree from everyone aside UK players who want more vehicles

Im a UK main, I want more vehicles but i want them to fit with the identity and vibe of the British tech tree. Indias kit doesn’t, at all.

India has been nothing to the UK tree but a funnel to get soviet scrap into the British tree instead of British unique alternatives. While putting the chance of Canada and Australia, both much closer (in culture and military doctrine) nations to the UK than India, having a permanent home a far less likely outcome.


Fixed the link