Convair B-36D "Peacemaker"

It’s some of the most delicious irony of the Cold War- a weapon of untold destruction named a maker of peace

Hey man before I start mine and am beaten to the punch again you got a suggestion in the works for non-Featherweight-III B-36J?

As of now i plan to do the D-III, The F, and the J’s.

I havent made any yet so feel free to do whatever.

Aight I’ll leave you to it, and focus on my Soviet bombers. I’ll just let you on this here, there’s manuals and SACs for all 3 of those variants

do u have any info on that bye chance I’m intrigued about that version of the aircraft ?

Basically the same as the B-36D but with 3,800hp WEP R-4360-53s and increade MTOW to 410,000lb (186,000kg). Also some avionics and internal changes that don’t matter much. I’d have to dig a little deeper but may have chaff or even flare dispensers. 33 B-36Js were built, 14 as Featherweight IIIs with all but the tail turret removed to save weight and improve high-alt performance, and the remaining 19 were standard B-36Js with all the guns.

oh ok i got u thx what about the DB-36H-II Peacemaker can tell me what’s the difference between this one and the D/J variant bye chance

Well the B-36H is basically the same as the B-36J except with less fuel and the standard 375,000lb MTOW. The DB-36H-III is based on the B-36H-III which are B-36H Featherweight IIIs with the same gun reduction as B-36J-IIIs. The DB-36H-III itself was a prototype to carry the prototype B-63 supersonic cruise missile.

oh ok thanks for telling me that i got u so the J version is better then the H variant right?

From the F onward they fitted chaff.

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oh ok good to know

is the top speed around 450kn?

B-36F had the highest top speed at 363 knots at 37,100 feet.

oh ok so prob just around 450mph for top speed for the J/h variant right

+1, two turning, two burning, two choking, two smoking, and two more unaccounted for.

Also would be cool to see some jet/prop combinations ingame

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ya know what would the perfect gamemode for it?

Not completely true, I’m assuming that’s the combat speed (based on listed combat speeds of 363 and 364kn for the B-36D depending on load) but the maximum speed for the 36D is 380kn at 30,500ft and for the 36F it’s 375kn at 39,100ft. For the 36J it’s 372kn at 38,500ft.

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Six turning and four burning! This is the Peacemaker I know and love! +1

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two turning, two burning, two choking, two smoking, and two more unaccounted for :p