Rockwell B-1B Lancer, America's heaviest bomber

oh itll be fine against about any missile, the issue is fighter just closing in for guns

I suppose you are right, i just read one of the other comments talking about the flare loadout.

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Sort of, but GPS guided munitions have been in sim for a long time year. No change.

from what i have heard it just got easier to blow the little mini battles up, and faster too

In other words:

The plane is just good playing vs ai ground targets - a PvE plane for a niche mode…how likely is it that gaijin will follow this path?

WT is basically just a plain shooter - if there is no incentive to buy / or grind such a plane for Air RB or AB (as existing aircraft are faster and the payload guarantees a high BR) nobody will at gaijin think about it…

Imho the B-58 would have better chances to get implemented, but iirc they never had conventional payloads and as long we have no nuclear options in the game (imho the nuke in Ground RB is just a joke regarding immersion) it won’t happen…

this would be an easy fix:

Laughs in 2S38, troll-y Russian Armour, KH-38T, Vikhr, Pantsir, etc…

Yeah - and they are still considering😉

Imho balancing has just another meaning for gaijin…

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ikr, they could at least just say; nah, screw you and your ideas

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seriously, especially with how they dealt with bombers the first time (nerf it into oblivion)

Rule #1: Marry rich

Rule #2: Buy know-how

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Mhm - i am not a qualified to assess your level of GDD…and imho this not an adequate place for such discussions…

In case you mean anything else than:

Global Development Disorder

and it is topic-related, I might change my mind…

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once again, your comment does not benefit the discussion at hand

As highlighted in my B-58A Hustler (Project Bullseye) suggestion, the B-58As did use conventional bombs at one point for evaluation, as evidenced by these exceptionally rare photos and excerpts below.

Whatever your takeaway is from these, the B-58A can be flawlessly implemented in the game and equipped with conventional bombs. It would function similarly to the Yak-28B but faster and capable of carrying far more bombs.

As an off-topic aside: While I love the B-1B Lancer and give it +1, I’d prefer to see top-tier (above BR 10.0) jet bomber reworks first before implementing the B-1B in the game.


cant wait for sekrit document leaks on it

No, none of us want to see anything like that.

I want to suggest another option to this aircraft, if added. This aircraft was originally designed with the capability of a very considerable external load which would make its total payload 150% of the heaviest B-52 conventional bombload. This capability was lost as a result of the START treaty as it was negotiated away. Soviet monitors witnessed the structural metal fabrication and sheet metal coverings which replaced any and all external load options for the bombers.

My suggestion is that, through tech tree advancements, the plane can revert to prior to START modifications and truly carpet bomb Mk 82s.