Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1) - #10198 by DevilO6.

Previous discussions:


And here we are

This thread is a WIP, please let me know if I’ve missed anything or made any mistakes.

I wanted to create a central place to discuss the Challenger 2 and to consolidate the bug reports and create a master list of threads/bug reports for it


In 1986, then Vickers Defense Systems began a private venture to update and extensively redesign the pre-existing Challenger 1. By 1988 they had a working prototype and over the next several years it was refined and imrpoved. In 1991 140x Challenger 2s were ordered followed by a further 268 in 1994. The tank entered operational service in 1998 and subsequently replaced the earlier Challenger 1.

It has seen active service in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Iraq.

The only Challenger 2 ever lost during operations was due to a frriendly fire incidient in Basra on 25 March 2003. It was mistakenly hit and destroyed by another Challenger 2.


Technical Specs


4 Crew: Driver, Loader, Gunner and Commander

Length: 8.32m
Height: 2.49m
Width: 3.56m

Weight: 64’000kg
37mph (59kph) on road
25mph (40kph) off-road

Drive Systems

Perkins CV12-6A V12 disesel 26.1L
1,200 BHP
18.7 hp/t at 64 t
16 hp/t at 75 t

Gear Box
TN54E epicyclical transmission
6 Forward Gears
2 Reverse Gears

Horstman Defence Systems second-generation hydrogas suspension units (HSU)

Weapon Systems

Rotation speed 360° in 9 seonds (40°/s)

Main Armament
L30A1 - 120mm (55 Calibre) Rifled barrel

49 Maximum Shells
L27A1 APFSDS (Charm 3)
L34 White Phosphorus Smoke

Secondary Armament
L94A1 Coaxial 7.62mm chain gun
L37A1 7.62mm Loader hatch Machine gun

Leonardo “Enforcer” remote control weapon system, can be fitted with:
L37A2 7.62mm Machine gun
12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
40mm Automatic grenade launcher

Chobham Armour (Dorchester)
Optional NERA plates

Linked Threads


Challenger 2 TES and Challenger 2 (2F) (Dorchester 2F) IED equipment and barracuda

Fixing Challenger 2 ammunition rack locations

Challenger 2 TES vs Challenger 2F

Fixing the TES with all available research

Specs for Challenger 1, 2 & 3


Challenger MBT Technical Data and Discussion

Old Forum Threads


Challenger 2 - The information thread - Medium Vehicles - War Thunder - Official Forum

Legwolf’s detailed breakdown of issues:

Please check it out!

Please let me know if there is any missed items / bug reports for this post

Missing Features

Bug List

Challenger 2 Bugs:

Mobility related


Base Armour

Extneral Armour

Internal Armour

Other components



Weapon Systems


Main gun

Other armament


Challenger 2 Suggestions;

Challenger 3 Bugs (shall live here for now):



2 pages and its still not fixed?


Thats not including the original forum too


But that one went a little, well…

oh yeah my bad

Oh yes…

yea i was mostly addressing the multiple CR3 point.

nowhere does that say anything about the HP being increased, aside from the two things I’ve already mentioned I’ve seen nothing confirming an HP uplift (obviously excluding the mph/kph gaffe on the May 2021 CR3 press release).

I would genuinely love it if we had publicly available confirmation that HAAIP increases hp to 1500 cause then we could get the 2022 CR2 with improved HP and thermals to use in a lineup alongside CR2E


@Morvran as my message is first here, mind if i steal your topic content?


How we got a part two of CR2 thread Imll never know (perhaps link this into Part 1?)

anyway yes, as I was saying, I don’t consider the statement from Baroness of whatsit and whocares relevant and/or useful because chances are, she has little to no idea what Defence is, other than Daddy was a Officer in the Household Cavalry and went to play horsies with all his mates around London. (Funny how you can be a Cabinet Minister, or Secretary of State for x and know nothing about x.)

I’d pay far more attention to the QRH post, on the contrary.

Well, and what would you guys did, if a threw a random HP number, like for example 2000?

With or without NOS?

As I’ve said before, my assumption that HAAIP gives 1500hp comes from the QRH post (infamous now?) where it confirms it outputs “1500hp via HAAIP”

Whether that’s true or not is up for debate, seeing as the MoD don’t actually know (not the first time me thinks)

? Elaborate a little

It’s tough that these are the primary soruces, but they should be held to the same level of scrutiny as other sources.
As you said most Cabinet minister couldnt tell the difference between a Cheiftain and Challenger tank.

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It’s a joke Nitrous Oxide injection

sadly the individual who ran the account at the time doesn’t do so any more, and it seems like there was either no replacement or the replacement doesnt keep on top if it as it seems the last tweet was in 2023, so we cant go and double check.

I think the added context of the first tweet saying that an HP increase would be welcome, separately from the other changes listed, show that the upgrade to 1500hp wasn’t set in stone

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Oh. Well, as i threw a random number, without.

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It’s ok we can just all play the Fox at top tier cap a point kill a light tank and spawn the Harrier…Peak British gameplay

You madlads did it