Bring back old naval aiming with some tweaks

I finally found some time, to play some naval ab after the update and … man.
First i was very excited about the change because i thought it would be like wows aiming (i played this game since closed beta, the gunplay is a lot of fun there), but i was wrong. removing rangefinder and the aimidicator for your guns makes this the worst expierience ive ever had, id feels even more soulless because you dont have annything to look at or to think about, its really boring.

The new aiming feels even worse if you fight a fast moving target like torpedoboat, if he turns constantly you have almost no chance of hiting him because you cant anticipate his movements anymore, because if you move your mouse over the water then your aiming changes again to a fixed position this feels really bad and annoying.
The new aiming also fucked up the balancing of all the gunboats, because they have now a about 90% hit chance if you dont move loke chased rabbit, so there is a lot of balancing to do for you gaijin if you want to keep it …
Also very funny , i got shot down by 40mm bofors 6,6km away(from a torpedo boat) in my plane, yes i didnt move because i went to desktop after spawning in, but common they dont even have that range …

My proposal: role back to the old system, ceep the rangefinding and the gun aiming indicator , but as wows veteran i would say, let the game calculate your movement and the player calculate the enemy movement for the lead so you still have at least something todo as a player while ceeping it at a easy to learn lvl. The rangefinding system could be expanded in the furture (differend aim speed, accuracy, relyabillity etc)

i hope there are some changes coming, would be sad to see naval dying before yama and iowa and bismark arive, the models in this game are so beautiful :(


Most of us already bought everything we’re going to buy, so they need to cater to a new market to rake in fresh whales.
If you’re not familiar with this business model, stay tuned for the next major update where they make it even more dumbed down.


I wouldn’t call older players “fresh”.
They changed the aiming system to make arcade more appealing than realistic.

You’re the only one pushing this narrative.
Their entire game design has never reflected this backwards ideology. All the incentives in the game are meant to nudge people toward playing the more advanced modes. That’s why there’s more rewards for playing RB and SB than there are AB in any mode. You get double or triple the multipliers. You get simpler Tasks and Achievements progress by playing the harder modes.
If they would have came out and said they have too many RB players, and they want to attract them to AB in the patch notes, ok. I would maybe believe this, but not just because you are somehow tolerant of this new “no-aiming” play mode.


lolwat? Arcade battles have ALWAYS been meant to be more appealing than realistic game modes. That comes from the game design perspective I’m using for all my posts.
Ground arcade tells you where to aim.
Air arcade tells you where to aim.
Naval does most of the leading for you now.

If you don’t aim in naval arcade, you’ll die to players like me that realize that mostly-lead still has flaws against maneuvering targets.

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na they just try to make it more popular and get more new players in.
Naval ab has two problems:

  1. No system that prevents you from beeing shot in the first 10 sekonds after spawn, everyone can see and shoot you instantly
  2. Mixup with coastal makes some games very asymetric , you can spawn in 5bb the other team maybe spawns in 5 LS boats whichs makes the first problem much worse because now you have more enemies shooting at you

but changing the the aiming to this makes both problems even worse, because there is no systemem for you do disengange (the time you pop your smoke and turn your are dead…)
I dont think new players will stay long enough to become whales for naval xD


You’re not looking at this from a game design stand point. You’re looking at it through some narrow personal blinders.
Your theory suggests that there were far too many RB players, and that queue times were too long for Arcade, so they somehow made AB more attractive to draw from the RB pool to reduce queue times for AB because RB had players to spare.
This makes no sense at all. RB has always had longer queue times than AB.

This change is about getting new players into Naval period. The multiplier incentives continue to serve to attract players from AB to RB. This is about getting people that either play WT but only planes and tanks because they didn’t like Naval or new players from other games because it’s so easy to play.

Naval is subtly advertised as a Lions farming game mode, and it’s been made more braindead easy to attract premium purchases for simpler lions farming.


Yeah i think for Naval, arcade is the only mode that has the potential to get enough players in for some action, realistic is to slow to attract more than naval enthusiasts, if arcade would die, whole naval would die


So because I’m looking at it through game design point of view that means what exactly?

My theory doesn’t suggest there are too many of any player.
War Thunder is and has always been primarily balanced around the arcade game modes.
That’s why vehicles are given their ranks in the tech tree based on their arcade aspects.

I do believe that arcade naval should lift the 3 spawn limit to at least 5 spawns [the free crews limit].

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You can’t read.
I said you’re NOT looking at it from a game design perspective.
None of what you said is accurate. The Tier assignments are to distribute players in skill gaps, so noobies are not constantly farmed by good players playing low levels to complete Battlepass Tasks. That’s why Tier 3 for the more popular countries bottom out at around 4.7 or 4.0 with limited compositions. The less popular countries have lower BR bottoms. That’s why the same BR tank is in different tiers in different trees.

WT is not balanced around Arcade. They have different BRs in different modes. Each mode is balanced for itself.


You got immune, dodge, and smoke

No, those are fanboy forum skills.


heres how naval aiming for ships should work it should be like IRL range finders and radar assisted targeting should give you a targeting solution rough lead indicator of were to shoot and rough distance
1945: Acorazado estadounidense clase North Carolina "USS Washington ...

smoke-screen is bugged since years - even if the smoke is full deployed you get targeted quite precixe from the enemy - even if they have no radar or whatever equipment

is that a problem of new aiming system?

no! but you suggested smoke-screen to hide from the laser-precise ai fire

So use smoke and doge maneuver.

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instead of nerfing the now ridicoulos precise ai? really?


Yeah, try to actually play the game in the new reality. Can you?

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So you just spawn in, and immediately you begin spinning in circles in your own smoke while one-shotting the enemy, huh
Sounds like compelling gameplay.