Bring back old naval aiming with some tweaks

If you feel being attacked, yes. Was it be the same with old system? For me yep it was nothing changed, except now you can doge and shoot.

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Well for a lot of other people things did change


So you would play Counter-Strike if you didn’t have to aim your mouse, just see the opponent on screen and click your mouse before they clicked theirs?
Games used to ban Aimbot hacks, but now it’s a feature in WT.
The only two people on the forum supporting it are a guy that says he likes being Captain and a guy that admits he likes braindead content.


Isn’t War Thunder just CS or maybe even COD with tanks, ships and planes? I don’t feel like battlefield experience here, i’m glad to but i don’t.

I’m talking about having to aim compared to not having to aim.
The change to NAB is basically to allow aimbot in CS.


So you arguing that ships IRL have aimbot?

I’m not talking about IRL. You seem to be justifying the patch on what you think IRL ship combat is like regardless of era.

20 years ago you would get your computer smashed at a tournament if you used cheats to fix your aim.
Now it’s a feature in WT.


Cause if you bring era, old crap will suffer, don’t you think. Btw in WW1 the already got it.

In WW1 they had computers that dialed in the aim of the guns huh?

Imagine Luke Skywalker flying down the trench of the Death Star…

Luke, you turned off your targeting computer. What’s the matter?

I’m alright.

Then Obi-Wan as a ghost says

Use the force, Luke.

And Luke says

R2, take the shot.

Da Na Da Na Da Na Da da da da dat da naaaa da naaa naa na naaaaaaa


They did to a very limited degree, and they were still manually corrected as they were rather inaccurate

Is it my fault that in game damage from one shot is lesser than IRL and accuracy is better?

So WW1 had Dell Computers on Dial-Up radio internet were installed on Navy ships to aim guns huh

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Analog computers mate.

Theres a difference between manual correction which the old system allowed for and literally pressing a button where you want to shoot, the old system was far more accurate to how it would’ve been and you cant deny that


There is still manual correction.

Regardless, there is no point to Naval anymore other than for it to be a mindless Lions pinata regulated by RNG.


When it comes to actual ranging there isnt, i played the new system the past few days, and compared to the old system the new one was literally toning it down because pressing button has to be how it always is,

But pervious system was an “age of sails” type of aiming not near even WW1.

It’s a video game.

Yeah right argument It’s a video game.