Yugoslav Ground Tech Tree (Including Bosnia, Croatia, N. Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia!)

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Yugoslav Ground Forces

This post is made by the users Mahiwew, Sire_MacHattansc, thanosaekk and YugoSlav_

Today we will be presenting a popular pick for many people as to what they would like to see as a new nation in War Thunder; Yugoslavia!
This post will be going over the Yugoslav ground forces, but also some other nations that originated from it.
Not all vehicle details are currently present, but these will be edited into the post later down the line.
Some information can be found, however, on Thanosaekk’s link on his realistic tree below.

The topic goes as follows:

  • Large ‘ambitious’ tree
  • Smaller ‘realistic’ tree
  • Important information
  • Vehicles and rough details
  • Potential questions answered

That being said, let’s get into it!

Large Tree

Realistic Tree

Thanosaekks realistic tree link


Yugoslav Ground Forces Tree

This tech tree was generated using WT-Tech-Tree-Maker.

Important Information

  • The used and unused vehicles lists, as well as the BRs in said vehicles lists, are based on the big tree. Information about vehicles from Thanosaekks tree that are missing in the used vehicles list can be found either in the unused vehicles list or in the link that is pasted beneath the realistic tree.
  • The trees presented here are not what the final product will look like if Gaijin were to implement this nation. This is just a general presentation of what the nation could look like. There exist interchangeable vehicles that could make the tree look different than it is now.
  • Battle Ratings presented in this tree are meant to be representative of the Realistic game mode but are not final, these are estimates made by the people who were involved with making these trees.
  • These are NOT ALL VEHICLES, there is a plethora of vehicles that have been left out of the trees in question, but these will have some information on them in the ‘Vehicles and Rough Details’ section.
  • Some vehicles that may fit in a Tank Destroyer line will be found in the Light Vehicles line. This is to prevent bloat in the Tank Destroyer line while also keeping the ability to present a lot of vehicles in the tree.


All vehicles present in the trees.
These vehicles will be categorized by their respective lines.
Unused vehicles will also receive a tab and will be split among several sub-categories.

Light Vehicles


Tier I

  • M8 Greyhound

Year: 1956-1967

The M8 Greyhound is a light armored car, developed by the USA during WW2.
It was received by Yugoslavia in the Informbiro period between 1956 and 1967.
This vehicle is copy paste from the US and Chinese tree.

Primary weapon: 37mm M6

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M2HB, 7.92mm M1919A4

Other info:

Mobility: 91kph, 13.9hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/yugoslavia
  2. Oklopni  automobil  M8 Grejhaund
  • L6/40

Year: 1943

An Italian light tank armed with an autocannon.
With the capitulation of Italy in 1943, the Germans required the Croatians to lift their own weight more when it came to taking on the Yugoslav partisans. For this, the Germans gave them many of their captured Italian tanks.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Italian tree.

Primary weapon: 20mm Breda Mod.35

Secondary weapon: 8mm Breda Mod.38

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to L6/40
Armor: Identical to L6/40
Crew: 2

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/independent-state-of-croatia-1941-1945/
  • Pz.II F


Year: 1941-45

A light German tank that was captured by the Partisans.
This tank would be used for training purposes after the war.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: 20mm KwK38

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to Pz.II F
Armor: Identical to Pz.II F
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 1.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/yugoslavia/

Tier II

  • Stuart V

Year: 1944

A light tank received by the partisans in WW2.
These were among the most numerous armored vehicles employed by the partisans and would see some interesting modifications.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Chinese, Italian and French trees.

Primary weapon: 37mm M6

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.62mm M1919A4

Other info:

Mobility: 58kph, 18.2hp/t
Armor: Approximately 40mm of protection frontally.
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 2.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/light-tank-m3a1-a3-in-yugoslav-service/
  • SO-76 FAP

Year: 1992-99

A strange product from after the Yugoslav wars, specifically Serbia’s war with Bosnia.
This vehicle is an M18 that had its original engine removed and had a FAP 13 engine installed instead, presumebly due to the lack of spare engines or parts for the Hellcat. This modification would lead to a substantial downgrade in mobility. This vehicle would also seemingly lack its 12.7mm machine gun.
This would be a uniquely Serbian product, though based on an American platform.

Primary weapon: 76mm M1

Other info:

Mobility: Approximately 7.3-8.2hp/t, top speed unknown
Armor: Identical to M18 Hellcat
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 3.0


  1. Samohodno oruđe M18

Tier III

  • Stuart (PaK40)


Year: 1944

A Stuart V that had its turret removed by the Yugoslav partisans in favor of a 75mm PaK-40 cannon.
Two of these vehicles were made, with one reportedly taking out a German T-34.
These vehicles would be uniquely Yugoslavian, though based on an American platform.

Primary weapon: 75mm PaK-40

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M3A3 Stuart
Armor: Resistent to 37mm on hull, vulnerable to 12.7mm on turret
Crew: 4-5

Proposed BR: 3.7


  1. Yugoslavian M3A3 «Stuart-PaK» - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • PT-76B

Year: 1967

A Soviet amphibious light tank that was in service with the JNA.
These vehicles were used as scout vehicles for the JNA, though they mainly saw combat during the Yugoslav wars.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet tree, though they could potentially mount Yugoslav rubber armor as an aesthetic and slightly performance altering modification.

Primary weapon: 76.2mm D-56TS

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm SGMT

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to PT-76B
Armor: Identical to PT-76B
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 5.3


  1. PT-76B in Yugoslav Service - Tank Encyclopedia
  2. Plivajući tenk PT-76B
  • SO-76


Year: 1951-57

American tank destroyer received by Yugoslavia during the Informbiro period.
This vehicle would serve would have a very long service with the Yugoslav army, serving until after the Yugoslav Wars, with a total of 240 being delivered.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the US, Chinese and Italian tree.

Primary weapon: 76mm M1

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M18 Hellcat
Armor: Identical to M18 Hellcat
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. Samohodno oruđe M18

Tier IV

  • Hummer (M60)

Year: 1995-97

Civilian Hummer H1 trucks in Serbian military use.
Serbia armed these vehicles with a variety of weapons, including the M60 recoilless rifle.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Serbian product, though based on an American platform.

Primary weapon: 82mm M60

Other info:

Mobility: 134kph, 40hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 5.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/573979-hummer-h1-m60-unusual-backstory/
  • OT M-60PB


Year: 1972-73

A Yugoslavian built APC that mounts two domestic M60 recoilless rifles.
While this vehicle required the gunner to be exposed to fire these weapons in real life, Gaijin could choose to take liberties with this feature and keep the gunner tucked into the vehicle itself.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslavian product.

Primary weapon: 2x 84mm M60

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: 43kph, 12.73hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm from range, vulnerable up close
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/564669-ot-m-60pb-war-beetles/
  • OT M-60PM


Year: 1970-75

A Yugoslav OT M-60P APC that mounts a 9M14 malyutka missile.
This vehicle has a very scarce amount of information on it, so pardon the weird source.
This would be a uniquely Yugoslav vehicle.

Primary weapon: unknown number of 9M14 Malyutka

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M-56,12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: 40kph, 13.08hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4-5

Proposed BR: 6.7


  1. Oklopni transporter M-60
  • TM-170 Hermelin


Year: 1999

A TM-170 that mounts four M80 Zolja launchers.
Very little is known about this vehicle, so sorry about the lack of sourcing.
This vehicle would be uniquely Macedonian, but based on a German chassis.

Primary weapon: 4x M80 Zolja

Secondary weapon: Unknown machine gun

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph, 20.17hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 2-3

Proposed BR: 6.7


  1. Army Guide
  2. M80 Zolja: Similar to M72 LAW but with better accuracy and effective range - Spec Ops Magazine

Tier V

  • BVP M-80


Year: 1971

The first Yugoslav IFV, this vehicle was to completely replace the obsolete OT M-60 from Yugoslav service.
The M-80 variant would quickly be swapped in favor of the M-80A variant.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 20mm M-75

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M-86, 9M14M Malyutka

Other info:

Mobility: 58kph, 18.8hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 7.3


  1. BVP M-80 - Venerable Battle Taxi - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • BVP M-80A

Year: 1979

A further development of the BVP M-80, this variant would completely replace the prior model.
The main improvements were in regards to the engine, which was vastly improved.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 20mm M-55

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 9M14M

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.9hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 7.7


  1. BVP M-80A - Superior Mobility - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • BVP M-80A1


Year: 1988

A further evolution of the BVP M-80A.
The main improvements over the M-80A were in terms of firepower, receiving a new turret and 30mm cannon that substantially improved the vehicles punch.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 30mm M86

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.1hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.0


  1. BVP M-80A1 - Superior Firepower - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • BOV-3 9K11

Year: 1995

A Slovenian BOV-3 that was converted to be a tank destroyer.
This vehicle was meant to be adopted by the JNA, but the Territorial Defence Forces of Slovenia took the vehicles for themselves instead.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Slovenian product, though based on a Yugoslav chassis.

Primary weapon: 9K111 Fagot

Other info:

Mobility: 93.4kph, 16.8hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 2-3

Proposed BR: 8.0


  1. BOV-3 Fagot - Wheeled ATGM Launcher - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • BTR-50S

Year: 2006

A BTR-50 that was modified by Serbia into an IFV standard.
This vehicle was geared towards the export market, but found no interest from any buyers.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Soviet chassis.

Primary weapon: 30mm M86

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 4x 9M14P1/ 9M14-2M/ 9M14-2T/ 9M14-2F

Other info:

Mobility: 55kph, 20.5hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.3


  1. BTR-50S - River Monster - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum

Tier VI

  • Lazar 2


Year: 2013

A further improvement of the BTR-SR-8808.
This vehicle would eventually lead to the diverse Lazar 3 family.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 30mm M86

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph, 30.3
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.7


  1. LAZAR 2 IFV: A Step Further - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • LKOV Valuk


Year: 2003

A Slovenian variant of the Czech Pandur APC.
This variant is stastically very comparable to the Type 87 RCV in game.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Slovenian but based on a Czech chassis.

Primary weapon: 25mm Bushmaster

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm machine gun

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph, 19.2hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. LKOV Valuk Scout - Slovenian Recon Vehicle - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • Lazar 3M

Year: 2021

This is a variant of Lazar 3 that carries the Russian 32V1 combat module.
This vehicle could have an armor module upgrade to increase protection.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Serbian product.

Primary weapon: 30mm 2AP2

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm 6P7K

Other info:

Mobility: 110kph, 17.9hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 14.5mm with no upgrade, resistent to 25mm APFSDS-T with upgrade
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. Lazar 3M | Yugoimport LAZAR 3: Latest in Capability - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • BVP M-80AB1

Year: 2017

The first major modification of the BVP M-80 since the 90s.
This vehicle would trade mobility for a significant increase in armor protection.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 30mm M86

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: <65kph, <23.1hp/t
Armor: Resistent against 30mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.3


  1. https://www.armyrecognition.com/partner_2017_news_online_show_daily_coverage/bvp_m-80ab1_modernized_version_bvp-m80_ifv_yugoimport_serbia_partner_2017_11507173.html

Tier VII

  • BVP M-80AB2


Year: 2020

A further upgrade to the BVP M-80AB1.
This vehicle would trade its original turret for a new one and would see minor changes to the passenger compartment.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian .

Primary weapon: 30mm M86

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 9M14-2T5

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 21.1hp/t
Armor: Resistant to 30mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.7


  1. Serbian Army Modernize Its Fleet Of BVP M-80A - MilitaryLeak.COM
  • BVP Lazanski

Year: 2021

One of the pinnacles of Serbian engineering.
This IFV is a heavily modified Lazar 3 that is meant as a more luxurious pick for the Serbian army.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 57mm 2A90

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm 6P7K

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph,19hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 30mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.0


  1. Lazanski Armored Combat Vehicle: The Swift Dagger - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • CRO 30L


Year: 2010

The current best Croatian IFV.
This is a Patria AMV that has the UT30Mk2CRO module mounted.
This vehicle would be uniquely Croatian, though based on a Finnish hull.

Primary weapon: 30mm Mk.44 Bushmaster

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm machine gun, 2x Spike-LR

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph, 20.8hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 30mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.3


  1. CRO 30L: The 30mm/Spike-LR Combo - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum



Tier I

  • H39


Year: 1943

A French light tank that was captured by the Germans.
This vehicle was donated to the Independent State of Croatia for use against the Yugoslav partisans.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the French tree

Primary weapon: 37mm SA38 L/33

Secondary weapon: 7.5mm MAC 31

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to H39
Armor: Identical to H39
Crew: 2

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/independent-state-of-croatia-1941-1945/

Tier II

  • Pz.IV F1


Year: 1944

A German medium tank that was delivered to Croatia in WW2.
These tanks were brought in when the third grade tanks in the German arsenal weren’t proving powerful enough against the partisans.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: 75mm KwK37

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: 43kph, 11.88hp/t
Armor: 50mm
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 2.0


  1. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969004292193288232/1098671179088277714/image.png
  • M15/Pz.38 (t)


Year: 1944

A strange vehicle that was in Ustaše service, it is an M15/42 hull with a Pz.38(t) F turret.
It is not known who made this vehicle or why, but it ended up in Croatian hands.
This vehicle would be unique to the tree, unless it were added to another tree for it’s foreign components.

Primary weapon: KwK 38(t)

Secondary weapon: ZB-53, 2x Breda M38

Other info:

Max speed: 39kph
Armor: 50mm frontally
Crew: Driver, gunner, commander,

Proposed BR: 2.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/independent-state-of-croatia-1941-1945/
  2. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/560247-m1542-with-pz-38t-turret-croatia/
  • Pz.III N


Year: 1944

A German medium tank from WW2.
It is the most numerous of the heavier tanks that Croatia received.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: 75mm KwK37

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: 53kph, 13hp/t
Armor: 50mm turret, 75mm hull
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 3.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/independent-state-of-croatia-1941-1945/
  • Pz.IV G


Year: 1944

A German medium tank from WW2.
Little is known about the Croatian service of this vehicle, but a document suggests that Croatia did indeed have them.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: KwK40 L43

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to Pz.IV G
Armor: Identical to Pz.IV G
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 3.3


  1. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/969004292193288232/1098671179088277714/image.png?width=684&height=905
  • Pz.IV H


Year: 1944

A German medium tank from WW2.
Arguably the best tank that Croatia received during WW2.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: 75mm KwK40 L48

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to Pz.IV H
Armor: Turret 50mm, hull 80mm
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 3.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/independent-state-of-croatia-1941-1945/

Tier III

  • M4A3E4


Year: 1951-58

An American tank received by Yugoslavia during the Informbiro period.
This vehicle formed a strong basis for the Yugoslav army in the 50’s, though Yugoslavia did wish to pull it from service quickly after its adoption, due to troubles with spare parts.
A few Yugoslav M4A3E4s were used in the movie “Kelly’s Heroes”.
This vehicle would be unique to Yugoslavia in the game, though it was an unmodified American product.

Primary weapon: 76mm M1 cannon

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M1919A4, 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M4A3E8
Armor: Turret identical to 75mm turret, hull identical to M4A3E8
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/580132-m4a3e4-the-movie-star/
  • M4A3E8


Year: 1951-58

An American medium tank, famously known as the “Easy 8”.
While this wasn’t the main variant sent to Yugoslavia during the informbiro period, a single example did make its way to Yugoslavia for unknown reasons.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the USA tree.

Primary weapon: 76mm M1

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.62mm M1919A4, 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M4A3E8
Armor: Identical to M4A3E8
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/yugoslavia
  • M-634


Year: 1956

An M4 Sherman that houses a T-34-85 engine.
This vehicle would have a faster top speed than the M4A3E4 it is based on, but would also have a slower acceleration.
This vehicle would be a unique Yugoslav modification, though based on an American hull.

Primary weapon: 76mm M1A1

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm M1919A5, 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: >42kph, 14hp/t
Armor: Identical to old Sherman turret armor and M4A3 hull armor
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. Tenk Serman M-4
  2. M-634: Modified Yugo Sherman - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum

Tier IV

  • SO-122


Year: 1961

An M-634 modified to have a new turret housing the 122mm A-19 cannon.
Being based on the M-634, it would also house a T-55 engine.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslav vehicle.

Primary weapon: 122mm A19

Secondary weapon: 1x 7.62mm M1919A5, 1x 12.7mm

Other info:

Mobility: 50kph, 14.92hp/t
Armor: Turret 100mm frontally, hull identical to M4A3E4
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. SO-122 M4 - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

Tier V

  • M47

Year: 1951-59

An American medium tank that was sent to Yugoslavia during the Informbiro period.
This tank would be the most powerful in the Yugoslav arsenal until the nation once more started trading with the USSR.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the US tree.

Primary weapon: 90mm M36

Secondary weapon: 2x 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M47
Armor: Identical to M47
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 7.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/yugoslavia
  • AMX-30S

Year: 1997

The export version of the AMX-30, originally used by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Bosnia and Herzegovina received 50 of these vehicle in 1997. The commander’s sight is replaced by a SOPELEM M409 sight, including a laser rangefinder.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from France.

Primary weapon: 105mm Modele F1

Secondary weapon: 20mm F2, 7.62mm AA-NF1

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 18.9hp/t
Armor: Identical to AMX-30
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.0


  1. Army Guide

Tier VI

  • M-55S

Year: 1999

Upgraded T-55A tank by Slovenia.
Super Blazer ERA fitted. Engine upgraded to 600hp. L7A1 105mm cannon replaced the D-10TS, Laser Warning Receiver and Laser Rangefinder fitted.
This vehicle would be uniquely Slovenian.

Primary weapon: 105mm L7A1

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm, 12.7mm DShKM

Other info:

Mobility: 55kph, 15hp/t
Armor: Identical to T-55A + ERA (effective against shaped charge only)
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.7


  1. M-55S: Slovenian Wrath
  • M60A3 TTS


Year: 1996

In 1996, the USA transferred 45 M60A3 TTS tanks to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
These are identical to American service M60A3 TTS (ingame Chinese M60A3 TTS).

Primary weapon: 105mm M68E1

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M240C, 12.7mm M85

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M60A3 (TTS)
Armor: Identical to M60A3 (TTS)
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. Army Guide
  • M-84A4 Snajper


Year: 1996

A joint upgrade between Croatia and Slovenia.
This vehicle mainy upgraded a few electronics that aren’t very significant for the game.
This vehicle would be uniquely Croatian/Slovenian.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 23.8hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.7


  1. M-84A4 Sniper: A Joint Legacy - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum

Tier VII

  • Vihor


Year: 1988-91

A domestic Yugoslav tank project.
This vehicle was meant to replace the M-84s in Yugoslav service while being a similar vehicle, mostly to circumvent the Soviet licence of the M-84. The project was halted due to the Yugoslav wars.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm M87

Other info:

Mobility: 73kph, 27.3hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.0


  1. M-90 Vihor MBT (updated) - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • M-84D

Year: 2003

A project to replace the M-84A4s in Croatian service.
This vehicle offers superior protection, electronics and an improved autoloader.
This vehicle is uniquely Croatian.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46mm

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm M2 Kongsberg

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.2hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T + 120mm kinetic protection from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 11.0


  1. M-84D: Croatia's Anti-Material Sniper - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
  • M-95 (l)


Year: 2003

A further evolution of the Vihor.
This upgrade package is very similar to what the M-84D received, but on the Vihor basis.
This vehicle would be uniquely Croatian, though based on a Yugoslav hull.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm M87

Other info:

Mobility: 70kph, 20.6hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APDSFS-T + 120mm kinetic protection from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 11.3


  1. M-95 Degman: Armored Predator - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum



Tier I

  • R.35


Year: 1940

A French light tank that was purchased by the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Through sheer stubbornness in continually asking the French to deliver them armored vehicles, the French finally decided to export some 54 R.35 tanks to the Kingdom.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the French tree.

Primary weapon: 37mm SA18 L/21

Secondary weapon: 7.5mm MAC 31

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to R.35
Armor: Identical to R.35
Crew: 2

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. Renault R35 in Yugoslav Service - Tank Encyclopedia
  • Š-II

Year: Tested in 1934

This vehicle was made in Czechoslovakia as Škoda’s competitor to the LT Vz.34.
It was trialed by Yugoslavia in 1934, though the final results of the trials are unknown.
It is not known whether the trialed model was presented with the initial 47mm A2 or the later 37mm A3.
This vehicle would be unique in War Thunder, unless Gaijin were to add it to a Czechoslovak tree of some sorts.

Primary weapon: 47mm A2 or 37mm A3

Other info:

Max speed: 30kph
Armor: vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. Škoda S.U. (Š-II) | For the Record
  2. Tank Archives: Czechoslovakian Tank Building: First Steps
  • Š-IIA

Year: 1934-38

This vehicle was tested by the Yugoslavs to modernize their tank fleet.
It was not accepted, as it broke down during trials.

Primary weapon: 37mm A3

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.92mm ZB-53

Other info:

Speed: 32kph
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm at distance, vulnerable up close
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20221022142820/http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/18/skoda-t-12/
  • Š-IIA-J


Year: Tested in 1940

Right before the invasion of their country, the Yugoslavs were interested in increasing their armored capabilities.
The Czechs offered many designs, including the Š-IIa-J. alternatively known as T-12.
The tank burned down while trialed by the Yugoslavs.

Primary weapon: 47mm A9J

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.92mm ZB-53

Other info:

Road speed: 33kph
Armor: Sufficient against .50’s at distance, vulnerable up close.
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 1.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/yugo/yugoslavian-armor-of-ww2
  2. https://www.valka.cz/CZK-DEU-Skoda-T-12-Skoda-S-IIa-j-t37558

Tier II

  • S.35 6pdr


Year: 1944

A captured S.35 tank that had it’s 47mm armament replaced with a 57mm from an AEC Mk.II.
A single such vehicle was made by the partisans, though the reason behind the change is unknown.
This vehicle would be a unique Yugoslav product, but is based on a French platform.

Primary weapon: 57mm OQF Mk.V

Other info:

Mobility: 40kph

Armor: Identical to S.35, bar the mantlet (thickness unknown).
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 2.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/569891-s35-6pdr-actual-firepower/
  • T-34 (1942)

Year: 1944

The weaker of the famous Soviet medium tank in Yugoslav WW2 service.
A few vehicles had been captured by the partisans after defeating some German units, though some were supplied by the Soviets too.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the USSR tree.

Primary weapon: 76.2mm F-34

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm DT

Other info:

Mobility: 49kph, 16.7hp/t
Armor: Identical to T-34 (1942)
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 4.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/t-34-76-and-t-34-85-in-yugoslav-partisan-service/

Tier III

  • T-34-85 D-5T


Year: 1944-48

Received by the Yugoslav Partisans during WW2 or by the Yugoslav state after the fact.
These tanks werent as numerous as the other T-34-85 variant present in the Soviet tree, but photo evidence exists of them being used by the Yugoslav army.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet tree.

Primary weapon: 85mm D-5T

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm DT

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-34-85 D-5T
Armor: Identical to T-34-85 D-5T
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 5.3


  1. http://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/t34ujugoslaviji/opis.html

Tier IV

  • T-34-85


Year: 1944

The venerable and famous Soviet medium tank that saw service in Yugoslavia from 1944 up to the Yugoslav wars.
This vehicle could receive a rubber armor modification in the Yugoslav tree.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet tree.

Primary weapon: 85mm ZiS-S-53

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm DT

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-34-85
Armor: Identical to T-34-85
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/t-34-76-and-t-34-85-in-yugoslav-partisan-service/
  • Vozilo A


Year: 1950

The first domestically produced Yugoslav armored vehicle since WW2.
This vehicle was an extensively modified T-34-85, with a new turret and armor layout.
This would be a Yugoslav modification of a Soviet tank.

Primary weapon: 85mm ZiS-S-53

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.92mm MG-42, 1x M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: 50kph, 14.4hp/t
Armor: Practically identical to T-34-85
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/483387-teški-tenk-vozilo-a/
  • T-34B


Year: 1966-68

A T-34-85 tank that mounts a 12.7mm M2HB, has new HEAT shells and some improvements to its suspension.
This vehicle would be a unique Yugoslav modification, though based on a Soviet tank.

Primary weapon: 85mm ZiS-S-53

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.62mm DT, 1x 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-34-85
Armor: Identical to T-34-85
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 6.0


  1. http://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/t34ujugoslaviji/opis.html

Tier V

  • M-320


Year: 1956

A Yugoslav medium tank project that was meant to reduce the dependency of foreign providers.
This vehicle was an extensively modified T-34.
This vehicle would be an extensive modification of a Soviet tank.

Primary weapon: 90mm M3 cannon

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Likely slower than T-34
Armor: Likely better than T-34
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 6.7


  1. http://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/m636/opis.htm
  • M-636


Year: 1956-63

A Yugoslav T-34 modification that was meant to emulate the T-55.
This prototype was deemed inadequate and Yugoslavia imported T-55s soon after this project.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian

Primary weapon: 90mm M36

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M1919A4, 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: 45kph, 17.14hp/t
Armor: 100mm frontally
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 7.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/563085-m-636-kondor-unknown-unorthodox/

Tier VI

  • T-55A


Year: 1965-68

A Soviet medium tank that was bought by Yugoslavia.
This vehicle would form the backbone of the Yugoslav tank divisions up until the M-84 entered service.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet tree.

Primary weapon: 100mm D-10T2S

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm SGMT, 12.7mm DShK

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-55A
Armor: Identical to T-55A
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/yugoslavia
  • T-55A 9M14


Year: 1993

A Soviet T-55A medium tank that had it’s ammunition, accuracy and firepower improved.
This mainly came in the form of installing 9M14M missiles on the tank.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslavian modfication, though based on a Soviet tank.

Primary weapon: D-10T2S

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm SGMT, 12.7mm DShK, 6x 9M14M

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-55A
Armor: Identical to T-55A
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/t-55a-9m14m/8830
  • T-55N

Year: 2005

A Serbian upgrade for the T-55A tank.
The most important upgrades include the addition of an engine taken from the T-72M and the addition of KAO M99 ERA.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Soviet platform.

Primary weapon: 100mm D-10T2S

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm M87

Other info:

Mobility: 51kph, 21.1hp/t
Armor: Identical to T-55A + 120mm chemical ERA protection
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.7


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/568613-t-55h-old-but-not-obsolete/
  • M-84

Year: 1984

The first MBT to see large scale production in Yugoslavia.
This vehicle was similar to the T-72M, though with some minor modifications.
This vehicle would be a Yugoslav modification of a Soviet tank.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm PKT, 12.7mm NSVT

Other info:

Mobility: 60kph, 18.79hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/m-84/
  • M-84A


Year: 1987

The first major improvement of the M-84.
This vehicle would mainly receive a substantially more powerful engine, but it also saw some improvements to protection and FCS.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm PKT, 12.7mm NSVT

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 24.09hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/m-84/

Tier VII

  • T-72B1MS

Year: 2020

A Russian T-72B modficiation that mounts a lot of K1 ERA and has an advanced 3rd gen thermal.
This vehicle was donated by the Russians in 2020.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from Russia.

Primary weapon: 125mm 2A46

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm PKT, 12.7mm 6P49

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-72B
Armor: Identical to T-72B
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.3


  1. https://www.defensehere.com/en/serbian-army-unveils-its-new-acquisition-of-russian-t-72b1ms-white-eagle-main-battle-tanks
  • M-84AB1

Year: 2004

The first major improvement the Serbians made on the M-84 base.
This vehicle mounts a new engine, new ERA and a fun camera that can go up and down, much like the PLSS.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm PKT, 12.7mm NSVT

Other info:

Mobility: 70kph, 26.7hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T + 120mm additional protection from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.7


  1. https://www.militarytoday.com/tanks/m84ab1.htm
  • M-84AS1 (l)

Year: 2020

The new standard that Serbia plans to improve its M-84 fleet to.
This vehicle has new domestic ERA, an RWS and new electronics, including thermals.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm M02

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.2hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APDSFS-T + 250mm extra protection from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 11.7


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/564724-m-84as1-a-new-horizon/
  • M-84AS2

Year: 2021

The pinnacle of Serbian engineering.
This is a slight improvement over the M-84AS1 (l), but these changes don’t make much of a difference in the game.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm M02

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 21.7hp/t
Armor: Resistent against 105mm APFSDS-T + 250mm extra armor from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 11.7


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/580156-m-84as2-swift-armadillo/



Tier I

  • CCKW 353 (DShK)

Year: 1991

A CCKW 353 truck armed with a Soviet DShK machine gun.
This vehicle was made by the Croatian forces in the Yugoslav wars to specifically assist in the defence of Vitrovica and was quickly dismantled in 1992.
This would be a uniquely Croatian vehicle, though based on an American truck.

Primary weapon: 12.7mm DShK

Other info:

Mobility: 45kph, 26hp/t
Armor: Practically none
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/cckw-353-dshk/9172

Tier II

  • M15 MGMC


Year: 1951-58

During the Informbiro period after the Tito-Stalin split, Yugoslavia received a large amount of Western military equipment.
Among this equipment were 20 M15 anti-aicraft pieces. These would be the main SPAA of Yugoslavia until the adoption of the M53/59 and ZSU-57-2.
This vehicle wouldn’t be copy/paste, but is a purely American product.

Primary weapon: 37mm M1A2

Secondary weapon: 2x 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M15A1
Armor: Identical to M15A1
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 1.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/yugoslavia
  • Pionir M38/50

Year: 1945-1960

A Yugoslav licenced copy of the Czechoslovak Praga RN, armed with a twin MG-151 turret.
This vehicle was made after WW2 to give the Yugoslav army an SPAA capability, which it did not possess.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslav modification, though would be based on a Czechoslovak truck.

Primary weapon: 2x 20mm M38/50

Other info:

Mobility: Top speed 80kph, 24hp/t
Armor: None
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 1.7


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/564881-tam-pionir-m3850-improvised-anti-air/

Tier III

  • Stuart Flakv 38


Year: 1944

A Stuart V tank that the Yugoslav partisans received from the UK that had its turret replaced by a 2cm Flakvierling 38.
There are two vehicles known to have been converted to this configuration and would serve until the end of the war.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslav product, though based on an American platform.

Primary weapon: 2cm Flakvierling 38

Other info:

Mobility: Similar to M3A3
Armor: Hull identical to M3A3, turret vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 4.0


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/569935-light-tank-m3a3-with-2-cm-flakvierling-38-flak-tank-ibenik/
  • Brko


Year: 1993

A very strange conversion made by the Bosnians during the Yugoslav wars.
The vehicle is an M8 Greyhound with a 20/1 turret that was taken from a BVP M-80A.
The vehicle also received a new engine.
This vehicle would be uniquely Bosnian, though is based on an American platform.

Primary weapon: 20mm M-55

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 16.85hp/t (estimated, likely a little less)
Armor: Hull identical to M8 Greyhound, turret resistent to 12.7mm
Crew: Either 2 or 3 members

Proposed BR: 2.7

Justification for Battle Rating placement…


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/m8-20-1-brko/8565

Tier IV

  • AMX-10P


Year: 1992-1999

A French IFV that was delivered to Bosnia.
This vehicle would be a French copy/paste vehicle

Primary weapon: 20mm GIAT M693 F1

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm AA52

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 19.58hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm at distance
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 5.3


  1. https://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/France/AMX-10P.php
  • BOV-3

Year: 1980

A Yugoslav SPAA armed with the M-55A4B1.
Like all other first generation BOV vehicles, it would be based on a heavily modified TAM-150 truck.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 1x M-55A4B1 triple barrel

Other info:

Mobility: 93.4kph, 16.7hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/bov-3/9272
  • M53/59/70


Year: 1973

M53/59 trucks that have an improved engine and a new targetting system.
During trials, this vehicle had a 100% efficiency increase against air targets, halving the amount of shells required to down an aircraft compared to the original vehicle.
This would be a unique Yugoslav modification of a Czechoslovak vehicle.

Primary weapon: 2x 30mm PLDvK vz.53

Other info:

Mobility: 60kph, 14.8hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4-5

Proposed BR: 6.7


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/praga-m53-59-70-j-171/9226

Tier V

  • NTV MTU-4M

Year: 2011

A Serbian light utility truck that has a MANPADS mount on it.
This vehicle has been developed from the Iveco Daily to suit Serbia’s military requirements.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 4x Strela-2MA

Other info:

Mobility: 110kph, 23.77-35.55hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 7.7


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/564300-zastava-ntv-mtu-4m-modular-manpads/
  • BOV-30


Year: 1985

A BOV variant that meant to be a more sophisticated SPAA than the BOV-3.
Very few quantities of these were produced before the breakup of Yugoslavia.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 2x 30mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 93.4kph, 15.7hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/580564-bov-30-elusive-prototype/
  • SPAT 30/02


Year: 1989

A Yugoslav SPAA variant of the BVP M-80.
This vehicle would be very comparable to the Falcon.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 2x 30mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.9hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.3


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/563930-spat-302-anti-air-apc/

Tier VI

  • PASARS-16 (e)

Year: 2018

A Serbian hybrid SPAA system that is based on a local FAP 2226 chassis.
For the sake of simplicity, I have combined all MANPADS this vehicle can carry into a unlockable process for the modification tab. This way you get the choice between three types of missiles.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 40mm Bofors L/70

Secondary weapon: 4x 9K38, 2x Strela-2M or 2x Mistral 3+

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph, 16.5hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/564815-pasars-16jack-of-all-trades/
  • M-90 Sava


Year: 1985-89

A BVP M-80 that was made to carry the same missile system as Strela-10M.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 4x 9M37M

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.1hp/t
Armor: Resistent against 20mm autocannons
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.3


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/575800-strela-10m2j-m-90-sava-sky-defender/\
  • S-10CRO A1


Year: 1991

A domestic Croatian platform that mounts the Strela-10M armaments and a new radar.
This vehicle is the main air defence vehicle of Croatia.
This vehicle would be uniquely Croatian.

Primary weapon: 9K31M, 9K37, 9K37M, 9K333

Other info:

Mobility: 90kph, 15.2hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/565063-slrs-s-10croa1-the-rocket-arrow/

Tier VII

  • PASARS-16 NG

Year: 2023

The PASARS-16 but with more formidable firepower and independently integrated radars.
This would be the most unique SPAA in game, with it having four radars that all scout a certain angle of the vehicle, having several types of MANPADS at once and also having ATGMs.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 40mm L/70

Secondary weapon: 2x Strela-2M, 2x Mistral 3+, 2x 9M14-2T5

Other info:

Mobility: 100kph, 16.5hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 10.3

Links: https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/partner-2023-mti-rolls-out-new-member-of-pasars-16-family


Year: 2023

An M-84 that got modified to carry a SHORAD turret.
This turret is heavily armed and comes with features such as independent search and tracking radar, as well as systems such as a laser rangefinder and gen III thermals.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 2x 40mm L/70 Bofors

Secondary weapon: 2x RLN-IR, 2x RLN-RF

Other info:

Mobility: ~60kph, ~18,79hp/t
Armor: hull identical to M-84, turret resistent to 7.92mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 11.0


  1. https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_september_2023_global_security_army_industry/partner_2023_serbia_unveils_advanced_harpas_mobile_air_defense_system_based_on_m-84_tank_chassis.html
  • Pantsir S2E

Year: 2020

A Russian hybrid SPAA system that was exported to Serbia.
This is the current most sophisticated short ranged air defence system in the Balkans.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet tree.

Primary weapon: 4x 30mm 2A38M

Secondary weapon: 12x 95Ya6

Other info:

Mobility: 70kph, 10.4hp/t
Armor: Unarmored
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 11.7


  1. https://www.armyrecognition.com/russia_russian_missile_system_vehicle_uk/pantsir_pantsyr_s1_sa-22_greyhound_air_defense_missile_gun_system_technical_data_sheet_specification.html

Tank Destroyers


Tier I

  • Š-I-D


Year: 1935

A tankette that was designed for Yugoslavia by Škoda.
Eight of these vehicles would be bought by Yugoslavia and would be fielded during WW2.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian and Czechoslovak, depending on which gets added first.

Primary weapon: 37mm A3-UVJ

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm VZ.33J

Other info:

Mobility: 41kph, 12.5hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm at range, vulnerable up close
Crew: 2

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/563060-t-32-the-little-tankette-that-couldnt/
  • Š-I-j


Year: 1938

This is another tankette designed for Yugoslavia by Škoda.
This vehicle took lessons learned from the Š-I-D, though it was a new hull.
It improved upon armor, firepower and reliability.
This vehicle would be completely unique to Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia.

Primary weapon: 47mm A9J

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm ZB.30J

Other info:

Mobility: 31kph, 10.34hp/t

Proposed BR: 1.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/564330-koda--i-j-too-little-too-late/
  • SU-76M

Year: 1946

A Soviet self propelled gun with a minor machine gun modification.
This vehicle would eventually be made into the infamous OT M-60 APC.
This vehicle would be a very minor modification of a Soviet vehicle.

Primary weapon: 76mm ZiS-3

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm DT

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to SU-76M
Armor: Identical to SU-76M
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 2.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/su-76m-in-yugoslav-service/

Tier II

  • FAP M-56


Year: 2004

A FAP 1117 truck that got married to the M56-2 cannon.
This vehicle would be a very mobile platform, though very vulnerable.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 105mm M-56A1

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M87

Other info:

Mobility: 93kph, 77.64hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to anything
Crew: At least 4

Proposed BR: 2.3

Justification for Battle Rating placement…


  1. http://www.army-guide.com/eng/product2120.html
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20120604003055/http://www.ffbkomerc.co.rs/specveh.htm
  • SOKO M09

Year: 2013

A Serbian SPH meant for rapid deployment.
This vehicle would have the same cannon as the vehicle it is foldered with, but would trade some mobility for armor.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Yugoslav chassis.

Primary weapon: 105mm M56A1

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 85kph, 13hp/t
Armor: Resistent to rifle caliber MGs
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 2.7


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/566318-soko-m09-mobile-howitzer/
  • Sd.Kfz.250 PaK 38


Year: 1943-54

A bit of a mystery vehicle.
This vehicle was gifted to the Belgrade Military Museum in 1954 by a military installation in Kragujevac, but no further documentation exists as to who made the video or what purpose it had.
The most likely theory is that this vehicle was made by the Germans during WW2, but was captured by the Yugoslav partisans.
This vehicle is most likely a potential copy/paste German product.

Primary weapon: 50mm PaK 38

Other info:

Mobility: 76kph, 14.14-16.5hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4-6

Proposed BR: 2.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2-germany-sdkfz250-mit-5cm-pak-38/
  • StuG III G


Year: 1941-45

A German tank destroyer that was captured by the Partisans.
This vehicle would eventually be used for training purposes in Yugoslavia.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: StuK40 L48

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to StuG III G
Armor: Identical to StuG III G
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 4.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/yugoslav-resistance-movements-1941-to-1945/

Tier III

  • SORA 122 early


Year: 2011

A Serbian FAP2026 BS/AB truck that mounts a D-30J howitzer.
This vehicle was made to modernize the Serbian SPH fleet, though failed to attract attention.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 122mm D-30J

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M84

Other info:

Mobility: 80kph, 14hp/t
Armor: None
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 3.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/samohodna-haubica-122-d-30-04-sora/
  • SORA 122 late


Year: 2013

A SORA-122 truck that had an autoloader installed on the cannon, which can hold up to 6 pieces of ammunition.
This vehicle was presented in 2013, but again failed to attract interest from any buyers.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Serbian product.

Primary weapon: D-30J

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M84

Other info:

Mobility: 80kph, 14hp/t
Armor: None
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 4.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/samohodna-haubica-122-d-30-04-sora/
  • Jagdpanzer 38(t)


Year: 1944

A German tank destroyer of which a bunch were captured by the Yugoslav partisans.
After the war, these tanks would be used to equip some battalions while also being used as training tanks.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: 75mm PaK39 L48

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to Jagdpanzer 38(t)
Armor: Identical to Jagdpanzer 38(t)
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 4.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/jagdpanzer-38-in-yugoslav-service/

Tier IV

  • M36 mod


Year: 1963-79

American M36 tank destroyers that were fitted with night vision equipment and T-55 engines.
These vehicles would serve until after the Yugoslav wars.
This vehicle would be a Yugoslav modification on an American hull.

Primary weapon: 90mm M3

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: >46kph, 28.1hp/t
Armor: Identical to M36
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar-yugoslavia-90mm-gmc-m36-jackson-in-yugoslavian-service/
  • M36B1 mod


Year: 1963-79

American M36B1 tank destroyers that were modified by the Yugoslavs.
These tanks would undergo the same modification as the previous presented M36.
This vehicle would be a Yugoslav modification of an American tank.

Primary weapon: 90mm M3

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M1919A4, 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: >41kph, 16.81hp/t

Proposed BR: 6.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar-yugoslavia-90mm-gmc-m36-jackson-in-yugoslavian-service/
  • T-55/M18

Year: 1992-99

A T-55 tank that had its turret removed in favour of an M18 turret.
This vehicle was made by the Bosnian Serbs, most likely to train tank mechanics.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslav modification, though based on a Soviet platform

Primary weapon: 76mm M1

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-55A
Armor: Hull identical to T-55A, turret identical to M18
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 6.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/ussr/soviet_t-55.php
  • SO-100 M-44

Year: 1961

A Soviet SU-100 tank destroyer based on the T-34.
This vehicle was bought by Yugoslavia in 1961 and would be serviced in Yugoslavia as the M-44.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet and Chinese trees.

Primary weapon: 100mm D-10S

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to SU-100
Armor: Identical to SU-100
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 6.0


  1. http://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/su100/opis.html

Tier V

  • B-52 M-15

Year: 2014

The main Serbian service variant of the B-52.
This vehicle is effective in scenarios where it has to rapidly deploy and redeploy.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 155mm /52

Secondary weapon: 20mm M-55, 12.7mm M02

Other info:

Mobility: 90kph, 11.71hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 6

Proposed BR: 6.3


  1. https://www.militaryfactory.com/armor/detail.php?armor_id=701
  • B-52 MGS-25

Year: 2021

The most modern B-52 variant to date.
This vehicle uses a fully automated turret that has a faster loading revolver autoloader.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 155mm /53

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M02

Other info:

Mobility: 95kph
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 6.7


  1. https://www.yugoimport.com/en/products/land-forces/fire-support-systems-and-upgrade-programs/self-propelled-and-towed-artillery/155-mm/aleksandar
  • B-52 NG


Year: 2023

A Nora B-52 with even more levels of automation than the MGS-25.
This vehicle is based on the same MAN chassis that the M-21 is based on.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 155mm /52

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M02

Other info:

Mobility: 95kph
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 6.7


  1. https://www.yugoimport.com/en/products/land-forces/fire-support-systems-and-upgrade-programs/self-propelled-and-towed-artillery/155-mm/nora-b52-ng
  • BVP M-80A LT


Year: 1980

An anti-tank variant of the BVP M-80.
This vehicle was rejected in favor of the POLO M-83.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 6x 9M14P1

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, <22.1hp/t
Armor: Resistent against 20mm autocannons
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 7.7


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/576076-bvp-m-80a-lt-anti-tank-apc/
  • POLO M-83


Year: 1983

Anti-tank variant of the BOV platform.
This vehicle sees service to this day and is in the process of being upgraded as we speak.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 6x 9M14P1

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 93.4kph, 16.8hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/562841-bov-1-polo-m-83-fast-delivery/
  2. http://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/bov/opis.html

Tier VI

  • LT-HPLRG-105


Year: 2021

A tank destroyer based on the 2S1 hull.
This vehicle appeared on the internet one day without explanation, we do not yet know more information than the basics of its hull and who made the turret.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Soviet hull.

Primary weapon: 105mm Low Recoil Gun

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 60kph, 18.75hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.3


  1. https://defence-blog.com/mysterious-light-tank-spotted-in-serbia/
  • JLTV Spike LR2

Year: 2020

A Slovenian JLTV that has an RWS mounted with a Spike-LR2 attached.
This vehicle would be uniquely Slovenian, though based on an American platform.

Primary weapon: Spike-LR2

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: 110kph, 35.5hp/t
Armor: Possibly resistent to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. https://www.milesfiberglass.com/jltv-history-and-specs/
  2. https://militaryleak.com/2022/09/09/slovenia-orders-spike-lr2-long-range-anti-tank-guided-missile-atgm/
  • POLO M-83M

Year: 2016

An upgrade to the old POLO M-83.
This vehicle incorporates new missiles and thermal sights.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Yugoslavian hull.

Primary weapon: 6x 9M14P1B1, 6x 9M14-2T or 6x 9M14-2T5

Other info:

Mobility: 93.4kph, 16.8hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/574771-bov-1-polo-m-83-2016-goofy-upgrade/

Tier VII

  • PZH-2000

Year: 2015

A German modern SPH in service with Croatia.
This vehicle is arguably the most sophisticated weapons system in Croatia to date.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from Germany.

Primary weapon: 155mm Rheinmetall L52

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm MG3

Other info:

Mobility: 67kph, 17.7hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 14.5mm
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 9.7


  1. https://hrvatski-vojnik.hr/pzh-2000-powerful-modern-and-effective/
  • BOV M16 NOVA 2020

Year: 2023

A Serbian BOV M16 Miloš with an ATGM module for the NOVA missile.
This is the most modern iteration of the NOVA carrying Miloš variants.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 4x NOVA

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm NSV

Other info:

Mobility: 110kph, 23.4hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 10.0


  1. https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/574957-bov-m16-milo-nova-homegrown-tank-destroyer/



Tier I

  • P-IIa-J

Year: Tested between 1935-1936

This vehicle was an attempt by Praga to make their P-II tank a successful product abroad.
For the purpose of presenting the vehicle to Yugoslavia, it was to receive a 37mm A3 cannon.
Yugoslavia did not end up buying the tank.
This vehicle would be unique if added to Yugoslavia only, but could become copy paste if added to a Czechoslovak tree of sorts too.

Primary weapon: 37mm A3

Other info:

Max speed: 36kph
Armor: Can resist 12.7mm at distance, vulnerable up close
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 1.0


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20221023021322/http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/19/praga-p-iib-the-almost-lt-35/
  2. Tank Archives: Czechoslovakian Tank Building: First Steps
  3. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/450585-lt-vz-34-the-first-proper-czech-tank/
  • Semovente 47/32mod


Year: 1943

An Italian tank destroyer that was delivered to Croatia and Slovenia.
This vehicle was delivered to Slovenia for much the same reasons as the other tanks they received: the Italian capitulation. In at least one case, the Slovenians added some machine guns to the vehicle.
This vehicle would be a very minor modification of an Italian tank.

Primary weapon: 47mm 47/32 mod.35

Secondary weapon: 1x 8mm Breda Mod.38

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to Semovente 47/32
Armor: Identical to Semovente 47/32
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 1.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/semovente-l40-da-47-32-in-slovene-and-croat-service/
  • Stuart III


Year: 1944

A light tank supplied to the Yugoslav partisans in WW2.
This would be one of the first tanks operated by the partisans, bar those that were captured from the occupying powers.
More than 36 Stuart IIIs were supplied to Yugoslavia, though the actual number is unknown, since documentations mix the Stuart III and Stuart V and refer to them as a single unit.
This vehicle would be copy paste from the US and UK trees.

Primary weapon: 37mm M6

Secondary weapon: 2x 7.62mm M1919A4

Other info:

Mobility: 58kph, 20.3hp/t
Armor: Resistent to some 37mm cannons at range, though not all
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 2.3


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/light-tank-m3a1-a3-in-yugoslav-service/

Tier II

  • AEC Mk.II


Year: 1944

Among the first armored vehicles supplied to the partisans by the allies.
24 of these vehicles of this type made for the First Tank Brigade.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the UK tree.

Primary weapon: 57mm OQF Mk.V

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm BESA

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to the AEC Mk.II
Armor: Identical to the AEC Mk.II
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 3.0


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/yugoslav-resistance-movements-1941-to-1945/
  • Pz.IV J


Year: 1944

A German medium tank from WW2.
This is the latest model of Pz.IV that was supplied to Croatia during WW2.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the German tree.

Primary weapon: KwK40 L48

Secondary weapon: 7.92mm MG34

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to Pz.IV J
Armor: 50mm turret, 80mm hull
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 3.7


  1. https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/independent-state-of-croatia-1941-1945/

Tier III

  • ISU-152


Year: 1944

A Soviet SPG that was found by Yugoslav partisans in an open field.
This vehicle would be tested by the Yugoslavs and subsequently used as target practise.
This vehicle would be copy/paste from the Soviet tree.

Primary weapon: 152mm ML-20S

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm DShK

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to ISU-152
Armor: Identical to ISU-152
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 4.7


  1. http://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/isu152/opis.html


Year: 1992-2015

An M53/59/70 truck that had its armament replaced in favor of the same turret as used on the Soko PR RR.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Yugoslavian variant of a Czechoslovak hull.

Primary weapon: 122mm D-30J

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: <60kph, <14.8hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4-5

Proposed BR: 5.0


  1. https://oklop2.tripod.com/praga/m53.htm
  • M53/59 D-30


Year: 2013

A Serbian artillery truck that was meant to replace the 2S1 Gvozdika in the Serbian arsenal, but ultimately failed.
This vehicle was made on a Serbian FAP 2228 chassis.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 122mm D-30J

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 80kph, 16.4hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 5.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/soko-sp-rr/9313

Tier IV

  • Nora B

Year: 1984-1991

A Yugoslav FAP 2632 truck that mounts the Yugoslav M-84 Acannon.
This would be the predecessor to the Nora B-52 series.
This would be a uniquely Yugoslav vehicle.

Primary weapon: 152mm NORA-A

Other info:

Mobility: <80kph, <24.61hp/t
Armor: Unarmored
Crew: 5-6

Proposed BR: 5.7


  1. http://www.fap.co.rs/fap/2632nam.htm
  2. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/serbia/m-84-nora.htm
  • M18A2


Year: 1990-99

Venezuelan M18s that were modernized by an unknown Yugoslav company.
This vehicle would receive night vision, an enclosed turret, some minor armor improvements and an automated transmission for smoother driving.
This would be a unique Yugoslav modification, but would be based on an American vehicle. Additionaly, this vehicle was made exclusively for Venezuela.

Primary weapon: 76mm M1

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to M18
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm
Crew: 4-5

Proposed BR: 6.0


  1. https://m.facebook.com/TankNutDave/photos/the-modernized-m18-hellcat-gun-motor-carriage-in-venezuelan-service-these-vehicl/1118536384922732/

Tier V

  • B-52 M-21

Year: 2021

A very similar vehicle to the B-52 M-15, but on the basis of a MAN chassis.
This vehicle had firing trials in a US artillery contest on the Yuma proving ground and was well liked by its American operators.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 155mm /52

Secondary weapon: 12.7mm M02

Other info:

Mobility: 95kph
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 5

Proposed BR: 6.3


  1. https://www.yugoimport.com/en/products/land-forces/fire-support-systems-and-upgrade-programs/self-propelled-and-towed-artillery/155-mm/nora-b52-m21
  • Lazar 3 MB2 (TKM)

Year: 2021

A Serbian Lazar 3 vehicle that was fitted with the MB2 combat module by the Serbs for export purposes.
Turkmenistan bought 24 of these vehicles in 2021.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 30mm 2A72

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm PKT

Other info:

Mobility: 110kph, 17.9hp/t
Armor: Vulnerable to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 7.3


  1. https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2021/12/serbian-lazar-3-ifvs-in-service-with.html
  • BVP M-80/98A

Year: 2004

The first attempt since the fall of Yugoslavia to modernize the BVP M-80A.
This vehicle had some minor alterations, though it also received some slightly superior missiles.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian, though based on a Yugoslav hull.

Primary weapon: 30mm M86

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 22.1hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 8.0


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/bvp-m-80a-98/9207

Tier VI

  • T-55A Igman

Year: 1988

A Soviet medium tank that had it’s FCS improved by the Yugoslavs.
Though this modification didn’t get introduces on a wide scale within Yugoslavia, the Yugoslavs did assist foreign nations with installing theirs.
This vehicle would be a uniquely Yugoslav modification, though based on a Soviet tank.

Primary weapon: 100mm D-10T2S

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm SGMT, 12.7mm DShK

Other info:

Mobility: Identical to T-55A
Armor: Identical to T-55A
Crew: 4

Proposed BR: 8.3


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/t-55a-igman/8834
  • AMV MTC-30


Year: 2012

A Croatian project to make IFV variants of the Patria AMV for local use.
The MTC-30 is one of the turrets that was mounted to the AMV, though it would ultimately get beaten out by the Israeli UT30Mk2 turret.
This vehicle would be uniquely Croatian, though would be based on a Finnish chassis.

Primary weapon: 30mm XM813

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm FN MAG, 12.7mm M2HB

Other info:

Mobility: >100kph, 17.4hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 12.7mm
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.7


  1. https://forum.warthunder.com/t/patria-amv-mct-30/8318
  • M-84AB


Year: 1989

The export version of the M-84A, specifically for Kuwait.
This vehicle was used during the Gulf War against and subsequently by the Iraqi forces.
This vehicle would be uniquely Yugoslavian.

Primary weapon: 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm NSVT

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 24.09hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 9.7


  1. http://www.army-guide.com/eng/product2076.html

Tier VII

  • M-84AS1 (e)

Year: 2017

The first iteration of what would eventually become the new service variant of the M-84.
This vehicle adds a layer of KAO M99 ERA, an RWS and new thermals.
This vehicle would be uniquely Serbian.

Primary weapon: 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm NSVT

Other info:

Mobility: 65kph, 24.09hp/t
Armor: Resistent to 105mm APFSDS-T + 120mm additional armor from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.0


  1. https://www.armyrecognition.com/partner_2017_news_online_show_daily_coverage/m-84as1_new_upgarde_m-84_main_battle_tank_serbia_yugoimport_partner_2017_11607172.html
  • M95 Degman (e)


Year: 1995

The first prototype of the famous Degman, based off of the Vihor tank.
This variant had weaker ERA and a different turret.
This vehicle would be uniquely Croatian, though based on a Yugoslav hull.

Primary weapon: 2A46M

Secondary weapon: 7.62mm M86, 12.7mm NSVT

Other info:

Mobility: 70kph, 20.6hp/t
Armor: Resistent against 105mm APFSDS-T + additional armor from ERA
Crew: 3

Proposed BR: 10.3


  1. https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/croatia-hrvatska-kopnena-vojska-croatian-army-hkov.1819684/page-32

Unused Vehicles

Due to a character limit on the forums we can’t write all the information on the unused vehicles in this topic itself. Because of this we have made some external links where you can view the information regarding these potential additions.
If there are any missing vehicles that you wish to inform us about then don’t be shy to share!

Light Vehicles


Medium Vehicles


Heavy Vehicles



  • Link to vehicle information and images:

  • OT M-60 (1.0)

  • OT M-60P (1.0)

  • BOV M16 (1.3)

  • BOV M-86 (1.3)

  • BOV M-86 KPVT (2.0)

  • BOV M16 M134 (2.3)

  • BRDM-2 (2.3)

  • Blitz MG-151/2 (3.0)

  • BRDM-2MS (3.0)

  • BRDM-2 M-75 (3.3)

  • T-55 L/60 (5.3)

  • Kurjak (6.7)

  • Lazar 3 Kerber (7.7)

  • Puch-G Strelets (7.7)

  • TAM-110 (M55AX) (7.7)

  • TAM-110 PVO ZU-23-2 (7.7)

  • BOV-3 AX SP (8.0)

  • BOV M16 Kerber (8.0)

  • Miloš 2 Kerber (8.0)

  • Strela-1 (9.0)

  • SLRS 10CRO (9.0)

  • M53/59 RL-2 (10.0)

  • Roland 2 (10.0)

Tank Destroyers

  • M7 Priest (2.3)
  • M7A1 Priest (2.7)
  • M36 (5.3)
  • M36B1 (5.7)
  • Nora B-52 (5.7)
  • 2S1 (6.0)
  • 2S1 LT-H (6.0)
  • Nora B-52 K0 (6.3)
  • 2S1 SDPR (6.7)
  • MRAP M-20 9M111 (7.0)
  • MRAP M-21 9M111 (7.0)
  • BOV M16 NOVA (8.7)
  • Nimr ALAS (8.7)
  • HMMWV Spike-LR (8.7)
  • HMMWV Kornet-EM (9.0)
  • Wahash DLS-105 (9.7)


  • LRSVM Tamnava
  • M-63 Plamen
  • M-77 Oganj
  • M-87 Orkan
  • M-87 Orkan II


  • TAM-110 M-75 (2.3)
  • 508D ZPU-2 (2.7)
  • OT M-60P ZPU-2 (2.7)
  • Straško HIAV (3.3)
  • TAM-5000 61-K (3.3)
  • TAM-110 ZPU-4 (3.7)
  • UAZ-469 M3 (4.0)
  • GJ-800 (4.3)
  • BTR-50 M60 (4.7)
  • TAM-5000 M-55AB (4.7)
  • OT M-60P UB-32 (5.0)
  • TAM-110 M60 (5.0)
  • BOV-1 M60 (5.3)
  • Scherman (6.7)
  • TAM-150 SOMB 120 (7.0)

Questions Answered

  • Why Yugoslavia?
    • We chose to present Yugoslavia due to its wide variety of vehicles. The nation would have a good aviation and ground tree, while also having local variants of foreign helicopters. The only lacking component would be the bluewater fleet, but even in that tree there would be some stuff to find.
  • What nations are included in this tree?
    • The Yugoslav Kingdom, SFRJ and FR Yugoslavia are the primary components of this tree. The tree does, however, also include all post-Yugoslav nations and the WW2 Independent State of Croatia.
  • Doesn’t this tree have a copy/paste issue?
    • We argue that it doesn’t. Though the early ranks have it rougher than the later ones, there are still some very notable highlights, such as the Flak- and PaK-Stuarts. From rank IV onwards the tree barely contains any copy/paste anymore.
  • Considering that the higher ranks are overall much more unique than the lower ones, wouldn’t it be a better idea to add this tree in an Israeli-style rank 4+?
    • While this does make sense from a ground-only perspective, we think that adding ranks 1-3 is still worth it for this tree. This comes down mainly to the earlier ranks of the aviation tree having a lot of unique Yugoslav aircraft and modifications of foreign vehicles. Considering that no ground tree has been added prior to an aviation tree yet, we think that it would be worth keeping ranks 1-3 for ground in order to allow the aviation tree to prosper in this area

Absolutely! Needs to be in game. Yugoslavia and it’s successor states have fun/unique vehicles that deserve a spot in War Thunder in their own tree. +1


Would love to see this in the game +1


A massive +1

Yugoslavia really needs to be added to WT, sooner rather than later




Yugoslavia (and splinter states) must have their own Tech Tree. There is an incredible potential for conventional tech tree. You did incredible job right there, definitely supporting the project

Back then I’ve ventured to make Yugoslavian Tech Tree, never really completed, you might make same use of it.

Yugoslav Tech Tree


love it +1


There are SO many options when it comes to Yugo/post-Yugo Balkans that the tech tree will undoubtedly be large, and frankly I think every vehicle deserves a spot. This has the potential to be one of the largest trees in the game, and I see no reason why anything needs to be left off, especially if it is unique to Yugoslavia or one of the post-Yugo nations. Great stuff. +1 for everything, even the ones not included.


The 85-III can be placed in both Chinese and Yugoslav tree in same time, it use the power system and fire-control system which from Yugoslav M84A.



Do you perhaps have a source for these systems being taken directly from M-84A rather than them being imported? If so, I could potentially add it to the unused vehicles list.

Unfortunately, as a prototype, its information is scarce :(

I see.
Do you instead maybe have a source on Pakistan/China acquiring an M-84A that they could get the components from?

The Light Vehicles category of the Unused Vehicles has been updated with information and images.


I think you should use your Larger Tree as main project, it is not only better also has a lot more unique stuff in it. Though it might require slight adjustments to make it more refined. I’m a big fan of Yugoslav Tech Tree, definitely want to see it in its fullest

@Mahiwew I have few questions regarding few vehicles. I’ve read that there were several version of M-634, do you planning adding them in to your Tech Tree ? If there were indeed different versions, it would be useful in the tech tree. M3 75mm would increase potential of 3.x - 4.x line-ups, while another 76mm armed one would be quite nice premium.

Also I could not see M-628. I’m not really sure the degree of their completion but remember reading about modified T-34-85 test beds to test both AR and AC. I’ll look into my sources if you wish. I also have source list with few vehicles which are bot in your project, I’ll gladly share them if you like to see them. I’m supporting this project fully

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It would be very nice, also I would like to add some imported aircraft and helicopters, if Yugoslav’s had it.

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The Pantsir-S1 and its image doesn’t add up, the image shows a Pantsir with a two faced SOTs search radar. This looks to be the Pantsir-S2.


Thank you very much for your support! We well appreciate it!

Regarding the M-634, Yugoslavia never received vehicles with the M3 cannon nor did they capture any vehicles armed with said gun. All the Shermans that Yugoslavia received were armed with a 76mm M1.
As for the M-628, we chose to keep it out of the tree due to the complete absence of information regarding the vehicle. If an image were to pop up of the things we’d look into adding it to our trees with the AR variant being of particular interest.

Thank you for your vote!

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Yugoslavia had many domestically designed aircraft and a bunch of foreign imports too.
In our opinion it would make for one of the best air trees of any potential future nation.

User @thanosaekk is currently working on making a bunch of suggestions for the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in particular and we are looking into the possibility of making an air tree ourselves into the future.


I have changed the name in the vehicles list accordingly, I will change it in the tree image once I return home.

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My guess is that these would be the Pantsir-S2E to be exact since they are export, same vehicle minor differences.
