Just curious.
I know the rafale we have in game is either around 2001 or 2008. Are there any others aircraft we could get?
Just curious.
I know the rafale we have in game is either around 2001 or 2008. Are there any others aircraft we could get?
Yeah, hundreds if you aren’t just asking about top tier…
Top for unique is Rafale M, outside that it’s a lot of filler.
Mirage IV bomber comes to mind for 9.3.
I’m certain I’ve voted on a number of prop suggestions.
ingame rafale is from 2019.
there are more Rafale like Rafale M and F1/2/4 and their variants. probably a couple more mirages too.
We are missing almost the entirety of french aviation from the 1940-50s: SNCASE SE 580, Nord 2200, Arsenal VG 90, SNCAC NC 1080, SO.6020 Espadon, SNCASO SO.4000, SNCAC NC.1070, Nord 1500 Noréclair, Nord 1400 Noroit, etc…
Literally tons still, my personal favorite to be added would be a variable swing wing jet AKA the Mirage G.
mirage F-111?
more like mirage Mig-23
2 engine, so closer to 111
Check out the suggestion page:
And others that have passed already:
Definitely enough to last a couple of years of updates! And the Benelux subtree isn’t even taken into account in that case.
If your referring to eras, the list is massive on how many french aircraft, lend lease etc are missing.
Plus being designed as more of a bomber than a fighter, though it was still intended to carry 30mm and Magics
There was a mirage 2000 cs3 in the files from a while back, so maybe that
I had done a short list some time ago so it might not be complete but those are some planes france can get
(Some of them won’t ever come in game due to a lack of weapons)