Turn off crew lock for certain conditions (another US main woe post)

Dude, your a freaking hero, keep up the good work

I agree with you, they aren’t bad.

GRB and SB should be locked by researched tier meaning if you have a T3 tank unlocked, you can join up to T3 GRB/SB. If you only have one T7 premium, you could only join AB. This would make progression a necessity and weed out GRB of players without experience. It would also help stabilize nation win rates. This wouldn’t hurt Gaijin’s sales since it’s not limiting people from using their premiums but also encouraging competitive play.

Plus this would be a deterrent to people who get caught cheating

Not sure if this is sarcasm, but either way, thanks

This will only move the problem elsewhere.

Just force US to be on both teams and WR is going to improve.

What if people want to use premiums in GRB ?
They will be limited.

This issue is not unique to people that play 10.7-12.0 USA. Most nations recieve a rank VII or rank VIII premium tank to have only one of them in a line-up. The Leopard 2A4 123 spam was (and still is to some extent) an almost game-breaking experience of low-skilled teammates for German players from 9.3/9.7-12.0. The same happened in the first year of the T-72 Turms’ introduction.

Why even leave a match? It’s always worth it to try and turn the battle around in your favour.
Crew lock is there specifically for people that show unsportsmanlike behaviour and don’t try to win a battle by continuing to spawn. However it only impacts people that leave the game before it has started (if they have 1 or more vehicles in their line-up) or especially people that DO bring a line-up.

I have played plenty of games with my slow and cumbersome Challenger tanks, or lately my more decent Leclerc tanks where I was able to turn an early spawncamp situation around into a victory. Don’t give up so fast. The US also has plenty of extremely good CAS vehicles to use to turn the battle around if you don’t feel confident you can achieve that with a ground vehicle.

Decompression is always needed, I agree.

The Clickbait abrams and its Australian squadron vehicle sister are both actually extremely decent tanks when I look at how my Squadronmates play it and what I experience playing against them when they’re driven by experienced players. They just have a higher skillceiling compared to a more straight-forward T-80, T72 or Leopard 2 premium. Even when taking their plenty of armour bugs and the thin turret ring, this tank is still very decent, just not as good as a leopard 2 or T-series (with more easy-to-hit frontal weakspots on the abrams). Just don’t rush head-first into danger.

Although these numbers might just be your personal impression, that isn’t unique to any particular rank. These types of games can be seen everywhere. They are just far more prevalent at BR’s where you can buy yourself into and lots of people do that at the same time (like the extremely popular USA and USSR tech trees, which have sold an exorbitant amount of premiums at rank VII and VIII).

Personally I think it would be better if using line-ups with only 1 vehicle should be punished, instead of rewarded like it currently is (where it’s better to just use 1 vehicle in your line-up if you only want to play that premium vehicle). The crew lock should recognise the fact that you didn’t bring tanks in your other slots and maybe increase the crewlock time should you leave after 1 death without spawning in another vehicle in the first 9 minutes of a match (unless you’ve used a backup maybe).

By the way, this is once-again another woe post of ODL, and you’re by far not the only one to complain about it.:

Turn it off when you’re getting the same map you’ve just played. Map rotation seems to have gotten worse. Had to ban abandoned factory as it was constantly appearing in rotation.

I think newer Maps, probably includes updated ones like abandonded Factory, appear more frequent in the rotation intentionally.

I’d agree with that.

Honestly I don’t know why people even bother to complain about this game anymore. It’s been out for since 2012 and they have yet to even fix the basic problems or even have a halfway decent PVE option.

Why are premiums a problem? CAUSE IT MAKES GAJIN MONEY

Why is the game a broken grind hellish game that’s barely fun? CAUSE IT MAKES GAJIN MONEY

Why will you forever find us low level players flooding to tier and bailing after one death? CAUSE IT MAKES GAJIN MONEY.

Look at the advertisements, the vast majority of it is modern or jet age. Why is it like that? CAUSE IT MAKES GAJIN MONEY.

Gajin will never fix it, cause it does not suit their bottom line. So long as Gajin can get money from the player base through suffering and bait n switch, nothing will change.

Enjoy what you have now, it’s never going to get better, soon enough gajin will make it worse.