Turn off crew lock for certain conditions (another US main woe post)

US mains who have to deal with premium users with one tank poisoning top tier should not have their crews locked when leaving a match. I’m not wasting my time with a loss that’s already decided from the get go. Either decompress “garbage-baits” or figure out something else. 70% of the matches there are only 5 players with one or more kills. It’s utter insanity playing like this


looks at name

you seem to be part of the problem


US main cope post is an accurate title.
You are part of the problem


You both seem to have no humor as my name is a joke in itself. I guess I can’t expect much from the WT community, especially since one of you flagged my prior comment.

Cope is to deal with something difficult, not impossible. Playing a battle with team mates that have ONE tank of the tier is stupidity. Would you enjoy playing with team mates with one t7 or 8 and the rest t3s? I think not.

It’s especially funny since neither of you play top tier US ground so you don’t get to experience how ridiculous this problem is.


Calling yourself a statement gives an instant thing to perceive you as, especially when its an anti teamwork statement like “I leave uptiers because I hate not being the default best”

Ive done plenty of godmode hunting and still been high on leaderboards. Its still doable with skill

No, I just play the nation with the worse top tier tank who gets lumped with your nations sucky players

*complains about leavers
*has a name insinuating he leaves games before even spawning



“ileaveuptiers” when I’m playing t8. Use some common sense when responding.

Read above response, feel stupid now?


not in the slightest,

I feel you should understand how jokes (especially over text based medium with no prior context) work

Smh… should I rename myself iamtheuptier? Would that make more sense to you?

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you can name yourself a duck for all I care, its irrelevant to me

Apparently it is relevant to you.

what you name yourself is irrelevant to me,

what you complain about while posturing with that name is mildly entertaining, but keep malding bro


he’s not the one being stupid here.

you seem to be void of it from this posts sentiment

My joke of a username completely flew over both your heads, I don’t think either are you are in the position to call anyone stupid. I’ll explain it so you both can understand. I play top tier, therefor is no uptier to leave. A play on words also known as a joke.

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Whilst your pov makes sense i am not sure if your expectations towards gaijin are realistic as they do not really care about your game play related points if sales are good.

Your crew lock issue is a kind of punishment to play not by their rules and won’t go away as it is essential for their strategy to deal with unsatisfied customers:

Refusing to play on the same (unliked) map for 5 times in a row or being accompanied by the brightest and most skilled wt can offer (sarcasm) and to question their mantra “every vehicle has a realistic fighting chance vs an opponent in the same class even in a full uptier” needs to be punished with a crew lock.

The only logical consequence would be to declare one tank owners as “nation-free” and allocate them in equal numbers to both teams. But this won’t happen as they would acknowledge that there might be problem.

Have a good one!

Edit: Grammar…
Edit II: Even more grammar…


I dunno man, maybe a lengthy signature or disclaimer in your posts would help us “stoopids” understand your fantastical and whimsical sense of humour,

Alternatively, you could be self aware of posting about leavers with a name denoting leaving?

Annnyways, yeah 1 death leavers suck, maybe have more “packs” like the tiger pack in germany, thats a line up in 1


Well said, it would be nice if certain tanks were decompressed to battle this issue. It would be nice if there was a different version of RB not nation locked. Thanks, you too.

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Premium ODL problem is a thing for years and isn’t just affecting US or top tier.
I remember when certain premiums were hot just like Click-Bait is now, like L/44, XM-1, TURMS, etc. and let me tell you, they ruined whole tiers for months and Gaijin didn’t care in the slightest.

half the comments in this post are about nicknetsm and sense of humor

in fact, you just need to wait and “wallet warriors” will disappear from the top tier themselves