Rework of the "Convoy" objective in Air SB

Air simulation battles has long had the same handful of objectives for players to partake in beyond being an EC team deathmatch. These objectives are paramount for a team to have a good chance of winning the battle, but have many glaring issues that are overdue for being corrected.

  1. Objectives have no real impact on the general game-state beyond tickets.
  2. Objectives barely interact with the players, and do so in questionable ways when they do.
  3. Objectives are not roughly period appropriate in the vehicles involved.
  4. Objectives are often poorly optimized

My suggestion is a general rework of objectives, with an emphasis on the top BR brackets (12.0+). With this, I will be making a series of suggestions, which I will link to be accessed easily.

“Convoys” should be given a proper “goal”, such as creating a new “bombing target” or other objectives when they arrive at a location. Destroying the convoys would therefore prevent the enemy team the tactical advantage of those “bombing target” objectives as detailed in another suggestion post. The SIDAM should also be replaced with a radar guided AA system such as the Gepard, as there is currently a major issue with the SIDAM being optically guided, making them significantly deadlier than the ZSU-23-4 seen as its counterpart.

Would you like to see the proposed changes to the “Convoy” objective implemented in-game?
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Link to sister rework posts:


Please! Sim is suffering! In general war thunder needs more of this though. Enduring confrontation should be how the entire game works imo, eventually having combined arms between every type of vehicle on one map. Aside from that though, expanding these objectives is so necessary.